Judith Wasser Weds Ira Samuels FBI Asked to Induce Interpol End Bella Stalrit ITjill Evasion of Capture of Former Nazis Wed Alan Stotsky Nazi officials accused of `political character' within the crimes against Jews during the meaning of Art. VI of the above- Hitler period have been helped mentioned treaty." to escape prosecution and find The American Jewish Con- haven outside Germany by the gress letter cited a provision in refusal of the International Po- the Universal Declaration of lice Organization (Interpol) to Human Rights that the right to cooperate in their capture and seek and enjoy asylum. "may arrest, the American Jewish not be invoked in the case of Congress charged in a letter to prosecutions genuinely arising J. Edgar Hoover, director of the from non-political crimes or Federal Bureau of Investigation, from acts contrary to the pur- urging that U. S. representa- poses and principles of the tives at the international police United Nations." body's General Assembly seek a change in Interpol policy on the issue. The Interpol Assembly was . held in Copenhagen, Denmark, Sept. 4-9. Heading the Ameri- MRS. IRA SAMUELS can delegation was Arnold Sag- Judith Wasser and Ira Gerald alyn, director of Law Enforce- Fact, Fiction, Fable, Fooling, Samuels were united in marriage ment Coordination of the Treas- Fantasy and Farce are the titles ury Department. Aug. 6 at Rainbow Terrace. Rabbi In his letter, Will Maslow, of subdivisions under which ex- Segal officiated, assisted by Can- executive director of the Amer- cerpts from classic writings have tor Fenakel. ican Jewish Congress, deplored been incorporated into a book Parents of the couple are Mr. as "unthinkable" the fact that that will delight readers of all and Mrs. Ben Wasser of Wood- Nazi officials have been "aided ages. ingham Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. in their escape from justice" by "The Comic Looking Glass, Morris Samuels of Roslyn Rd. the unwillingness of Interpol to the over-all title of this wonder The bride chose a gown of remove the "gratuitous and ful book, published by Looki ivory peau de soie with a round- needless restrictions" which it Glass Library (127 E. 69th, N. ed neckline and elbow - length hay placed upon itself in the 21) and distributed by Rando sleeves. A pearl tiara was at- apprehension of Nazi criminals. House, contains the humorous tached to a veil of ivory silk In urging that Interpol dif- Works of some of America's' best illusion. She carried a bouquet ferentiate between political known writers. of phdelenopsis. crimes and acts of genocide Included in the collection is Mrs. Laurence Wasser, sister- such as perpetrated by the Nazis an excerpt from "The Educa- in-law of the bride, was matron against the Jews, Maslow cited tion of H*Y*M*A*N K*A*P- of honor. Diane Samuels, sister a State Department memoran- L*A*N" by Leonard Q. Ross, of the bridegroom, was maid of dum to the U. S. Supreme Court under the title "Mr. Kaplan honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. during the extradition proceed- and Shakespeare." Belden Carroll, sister of the ings brought against Andrija Hart Day Leavitt, editor of bridegroom; Roberta Klegon and Artukovic, former Minister of the Interior in the puppet "The Comic Looking Glass," has Peggy Ann Gordon. selections from the works Best man was Laurence Was- Croatian government e s t a b- taken James Thurber, Cornelia Otis ser. Ushers were Louis Spitzer, lished by Hitler. In the memo- of Belden Carroll, Leonard Frish- randum, the State Department Skinner, Joseph Wechsberg, expressed the view "that the George and Helen Papashvily, man and Larry Wasser. offense of murder, even though Robert Benchley, 0. Henry, The newlyweds honeymooned committed or predom- Henry A. Shute, Ruth McKen- at the Concord and are now re- inantly with solely the intent to de- ney, Sally Benson, Saki, H. • F. siding at Votrebeck Ct. stroy, in whole or in part, a Ellis, S. J. Perelman, Stephen national, ethnical or religious Leacock, Ring Lardner, Nathan- Rev. Forsberg Tells group, is none the- less murder iel Hawthorne, H. C. Bunner, within the meaning of the Ex- Aesop, Sylvia Townsend War- Local Hadassah of tradition Treaty here involved ner, William March, H. L. Chace, (U.S.-Serbian) and is not there- Josh Billings, Arthur Kober, Fears in Middle East by rendered an offense of a Munro Leaf, Frank' Sullivan, W. Rev. Nancy Elizabeth Fors- C. Sellar, R. J. Yeatman, Eric berg of the Congregational Knight and Frank R. Stockton. Christian Ministry last Wednes- Bnai Brith Council "Boggains in the Bronx" by day told Detroit Chapter of Kober is a story with special Hadassah members of her ex- Holds 17th Annual merit about an immigrant fam- periences as a ily. Seminar-Workshops member of a Many of the tales narrated Ben Z. Nudelman, a promi- study tour nent Chicago attorney and as- here already have retained a through Is- sistant corporation counsel for measure of permanency in the City of Chicago, will be the American literature. rael. guest speaker The eminence of the listed Her address, at the 17th authors speaks volumes for this entitled "Peo- Annual Semi- collection, which includes pathos p 1 e of the nar-Workshops mingled with humor, farce and Present, With of the Metro- fantasy combined with facts. A Past—What politan Detroit • * * Future?" cen- Bnai Brith tered on the Rev. Forsberg Council 8 a.m. "The Comic Looking Glass" fears and tensions in the Middle Sunday at the has a special appeal for young East. readers. H e n r o s e Rev. Forsberg, minister, so- Hotel. Another exceptionally fine cial worker and teacher, is ex- children's book, issued by Look- Nudelm a n ecutive secretary of the New is a past-presi- ing Glass Library and Random Jersey Chapter of American dent of Jack- House, published by Epstein & Christian Palestine Committee. son Park Bnai Carroll, is "The Phantom Toll- booth," by Norton -Juster, ably Wednesday's event, in cele- Brith Lodge, a and attractively illustrated by bration of Hadassah's golden past-president Jules Feiffer. anniversary, also launched the of the Greater • Nudelman organization's Honor Roll Cam- Chicago Bnai Brith Council, a "The Phantom Tollbooth" is paign. past member of the District a fantasy about a youngster who Board of Governors, and is did not know what to do with himself. The resultant adven- Good News for Patient now third. vice-president. Over 500 local lodge chair- tures schemed by the author are Is Fatal for Doctor men are expected to participate certain to hold the redder's at- Yosel, who had a heart condi; in the 17 Workshops. All Bnai tention. It is a book full of en- tion, always bought the sweep- Brith members are invited to ticing characters. stakes, but never won. One morn- attend the breakfast at 9 a.m. The book's cast of characters, ing when Yosel went to work, and the workshops which will its plot, its elements of good his wife received a telegram follow. humor, its adventurous activi- reading that Yosel won the big ties, make excellent reading and pot ($100,000). She knew not to Hold Formal Opening provide wholesome entertain- tell her husband because he ment for young readers. could die from excitement, so she for 'Civic Center Motel called the doctor. The doctor said, Mayor Louis C. Miriani will of- "Tell him that I want to see him ficiate from 4-7 p.m. Sept. 21 at Club Two, LZOA, Meet for a check-up and I will let him the formal opening of the Civic Club Two of the Labor Zionist know slowly but surely." The Center Motel, 111 E. Lamed, Organization will hold its first next day, Yosel went to the doc- across from the City-County Bldg. meeting of the season 8:30 p.m. tor. The doctor checked him and The motel is the second private Sunday at the home of Mr. and asked him what he would do if redevelopment project in the Mrs. Harry Mondry, 22902 S. he won the sweepstakes. Yosel civic center. Its owners are Her- Bellwood, Southfield. answered disgustingly, "I would bert Charfoos, Irving Topper, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kutnick give you half," so the doctor David Shubow, Irwin Buchalter will report on their recent trip to fainted and died. and . Morris Brenner. Israel. Detroit Socialites will hold their annual Yom Kippur Night Dance 9 p.m. Wednesday at Cong. Beth Abraham, featuring Sam Emmer and his orchestra. The organization, for single men and women over 30 years of age, invites the public to at- tend. For information, call LI 8-8430. Twenty - nine major concert performances were presented last ear by the University of Michi- g. Musical Society. Lots of Humor in 2 Looking Glass Library Volumes . Detroit Socialites Hold Yom Kippur Dance and His Orchestra Ask About NEW TRIO For Afternoon Parties rris Stalrit of Monica Ave. announce the engagement of their daughter, Bena, to A of Mr. rs. of orough . e bride- t is Wayne iance is State Univ Pharmac ith ho Pi nal phar- 1 y. A June wed- ding is planned. DI 1-1609 AVE DOMBEY ASSOCIATES PHOTOGRAPHERS "The Best Need Cost No More" LI 8-2266 LI 8-1116 SCOOP OF SAVINGS ON EVERY FLOOR 1--ITYIDS01 ■ T'S GREAT HOME S AL E Are you looking for a particular piece of furniture? Do you want to recarpet your home? Have you been thinking of a new washer . . . refrigerator . . . TV set? Well now's the time — and Hudson's is the place to do your picking. For hundreds of values await you in this feature-filled Home Sale. Everything from broadloom by-the-yard to bedroom suites, sofa pillows to space heaters — and all at savings. Shop now at Hudson's Downtown, Northland, Eastland. I-I tT iD s c• 1■ 1" '