Israel Bond Workers Strike; • Local Campaign Not Affected 64 500 Delegates Attend 15th Fiscal Congress JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The 15th Congress of the Interna- tional Fiscal Association opened this week at the Wise Auditorium of the Hebrew University with more than 500 delegates from 40 lands. Dr. E. W. Kalinowsky, of Is- rael. was chosen president. The opening session was addressed by Levi Eshkol, Israel's Finance Minister. The congress devoted itself primarily to the iscussion of he tax irst w two topics. d. eve be relations countries capital- • capital - import cc devel cou s relationship raises lem of how to eliminate cl , e taxation of the f Nestor, the taxation it income in the co ry is earned and where the ow tax- The se ompa- e ation o nies. Mayor Wagn ails "Hebr w High Week NEW YORK. A) — Mayor and. bel ging to an age group t h gers for identification ner proclain Robert F. s we as presenting a stimu- inning Sept. 1 the week latin challenge to space-age eo e who require demanding "Hebrew igh S In Cit Hall cere tended b city offick as official +f the Jew IS IT TRUE ABOUT finer tion Comm ee, May r ion that LEO KNIGHT noted in his Hebrew High School education PHOTOGRAPHY served to provide "the esprit- See Page 28 de-corps which teen-agers seek. It offers a feeling of well being tary severance pay for clerical workers leaving their jobs after NEW YORK — Some 400 several years' employment and 00 professional and clerical em- increased hospital and dental • ployees of the Development benefits. • r:L3 Corporation . for Israel, which Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, vice conducts - the Israel Bond cam- president of the Israel Bond ▪ tn paign in this country, went. on Organization, said that there strike Wednesday for increased was no justification for the • c, wages and fringe benefits. strike by the union represent- 1.54 The Bond workers who are ing its professional and clerical members of the community and workers. I Social Agency Employees He pointed out that the or- Union, American Federation of ganization had made the most Labor Congress of Industrial liberal and generous conces- • w Organizations, failed to report for sions. Declaring that the strike work in Bond offices throughout action of the union was "totally • In this New Year 5772, the year of the country Wednesday after the incomprehensible," the Israel • union and the Bond Organization Bond leader said: "By any • failed to reach agreement Tues- standards, our employees re- • challenge in the midst of dangers day night. ceive very good salaries an A spokesman for the Bond enjoy the best working con that stem from human frailties, we Organization said that the union tions and benefits of any was considering an offer by ganization in the field. he pray for an abiding peace for all management Tuesday which in- action of the union in c ing cluded an increase in wage this strike is totally inc pre- mankind. We pray that humanity's ceilings at the various salary hensible and the respon ility 1:0 levels, establishments of volun- for any disruption of r ac- aspirations for highest ethical goals arty E-1 apa will Israel' tivities in behalf of Isr nion Part i be solely that of the Liberal ates Israel Turns Down age- should be fulfilled, and that Prophetic leadership and not of Congress Internati • ment." Compulsory Savings Mapai, , (JTA) BR USS (Louis Levitan, manager Ideals should dominate over tyranny. abor Party, was rop- Israel' Loan Aid Measure local Israel Bond office, 1, ed when the 10th con- JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The representing management, is not gress of the Liberal Interna- outgoing Cabinet failed to act affected by the strike, and who tional opened here with 200 . on the request by the Treasury is not prevented from fulfilling delegates present from nine for approval of a 75 million- commitments in behalf of the countries. pound ($42,200,000) compul- Israel Bond campaign, said that Other countries represented sory savings loan to finance ab- all planned functions will be are Belgium, Britain, 'Canada, sorption costs for Israel's in- held as arranged; that the High West Germany, The Nether- Mr. and Mrs. Abe Kasle and Family creased flow of immigration. Holy Day appeals will be held lands, Italy, D en m ark and At a special Cabinet meeting as announced elsewhere in this Sweden. called to consider-the loan rec- issue and that there will be no ommended Sunday by the Minis- halting of current activities. He t e r i al Economic Committee, said that eight employees are Finance Minister Levi Eshkol, affected by the strike locally, that who persided over the Cabinet strikebreakers will not be em- during Premier David Ben- ployed by him to complete High Gurion's vacation, failed to con- Holy Day ftinctions, and that he vince non-Mapai Ministers that will resort to help by volunteer the compulsory loan was the lay readers to fulfill all obliga- only available source of the tions undertaken jointly with the needed funds. Further consid- Detroit synagogues. (Word received on Thursday eration of the issue was de- ferred until the next Cabinet was that an attempt will be made Friday morning at meditation, meeting on Sept. 17. Opposition to the loan, which and hope is expresSed that the would amount to 12 to 15 strike may end before the end of per cent of Israelis' income tax the week).:H - payments, was based on the view that changes in the cur- Expl `Shechinah rent budget, which totals nearly 1migh re • Re 2 billion pounds ($1,120,000,- c aimed that this expres 000), could proVide even larger "is related to the Biblical sums than those required to "Mishkan" which is the house new immigrants. ppellation given to the taber- This attitude was reflected i an editorial in Ha'aretz, in nacle used in the wi MOE LEITER pendent morning newspa the abode of wor which stated that while t re fice; and which was validity in the argt Vent to be the ab that Diaspora Jewry, com tted mighty. to increase aid to Israe 'may Scholars At this time of the year, when the first and second days of expect Israelis to m e a betw greater contribution tow d ab- whic Tishri signal the beginning of yet another chapter in the story of the sorbing newcomers, thi need of d taxa- not take the form of ne Jewish people . . a story that has passed through 5,721 previous kon" tion. rary act chapters . . our feelings of the moment combine pride in our he Other papers also cit claimed t ed the essential expenditures w h the wilde heritage, joy over the accomplishments of the day, and courage to e Immi- could be diverted for wort "Mishkan" purposes, thus eliminating t nence of the Al ghty there look ahead to the challenges of the future. ere in the need for the compulsory loan. s either som or everywhere 'al sphe (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) DETROIT J - rizrzn rivt BEST WISHES FOR YOUR HAPPINESS J.A.C. Brown Analyzes `Freud, Post-Freudians ' "Freud and the Post-Freudi- ans", by J.A.C. Brown, provides the general reader a guide through the last 50 years' morass of psychological theories. Brown explores Freud's theories and surveys within an historical frame the elaboration of his ideas by his supporters and de- tractors. It is a Pelican-Penguin book issued by Atheneum (162 E. 36th, N. Y. 16). The unev en character of Freud's influence emerges from this survey of continental and American psychologists. It also becomes clear that with the ex- ception of Ernest Jones and, to a lesser extent, Melanie Klein and Gem Roheim, there has been no general unquestioning accept- ance of the theory as a whole. Mr. Brown himself freely ad- mits to a Freudian bias, but takes evident pleasure in exploding some logical absurdities of the master and his disciples. In the sense that man comes to know the Almighty only by temporary flashes of His near- ness., it is claimed that the ex- pression "Shechinah" was orig- inally given to H i s Divine Presence. The later use of this term was broadened to include the concept of the Creator in all His manifestations. Zionist Group Leaders Hold Youth Conclave LIBERTY, N. Y., (JTA) — More than 200 youth leaders from all parts of the United States and Canada, affiliated with the , Hashomer Hatzair Zionist group, participated in the National Youth Leaders (Madrichim) conclave held at Camp Shomira, near here. Participating in the conclave, which lasted a full week, was also a delegation of educators and emissaries of the Jewish Agency and of the Hashomer Hatzair in Israel. ", At this time of dedication, my associates and I extend to you and to those dear to you every good wish for a Happy New Year. Our resolve is to continue to make our contribution toward the security and economic well-being of our clients and friends, and their families, through the provision of the finest of insurance coverages. When it conies to insurame's • . 1:140171141telt • for THE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, WATERLOO, ONTARIO MOE LEITER & ASSOCIATES 1766 Penobscot Building, Detroit 26, Michigan