Plight of Tunisian Jewry Among Moslems By EDWIN EYTAN JTA•Correspondent in Paris (Copyright, 1961, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) made "non-essential" products; middlemen tend to disappear, and many Jews in the clerical professions have lost their jobs in the government's campaign to cut waste and increase effi- ciency. Following the national- ization and- the reunification of the country's five largest banks, many Jewish bank officials have been discharged. Again som say that the proportion of fired Jews is higher than that of their Moslem co-workers. Although no open anti-Jewish incidents have occurred, this economic situation, combined with the country's political re- alignment with the Arab world, resumption of diplomatic rela- tions with the UAR, member- ship ,in the Arab League, and lukewarm attitude toward the Western world, has driven a few hundred Jews to emigra- tion, and has worried countless more. The Neo Destours "Young Turks" have stepped up in recent weeks their pressure for Tunisian realignent with "sister Arab nations" and some Jews fear that Bour- guiba may be obliged to pay the price of his liberal Jewish policy for the sake of uncon- ditional Arab support in his fight with France. The Jews, mainly members of the commercial and middle classes, have suffered much more than the rest of the pop- ulation from the stringent eco- nomic measures adopted by the government. Imp or t licenses must be obtained and are rarely granted (some Jews say that they are discriminated against Keep America strong—Buy U. in this field) for all foreign- S. Savings Bonds. - Mrs. Golda Meir Listed Hartford F • in JNF Golden Book Gives $50,000 for JERUSALEM—"Israel ospital possession more Diaspora Je st as the Jews of the ..spora have nothing mor- 'recious than the State of I T." This was said by I ael's reign Minister, Mrs. eir, during a cere hich she was prese e certificate of her the Golden Book ional Fund by CO NOW LOS ANGELE -- A grant of $52,346 was gi to the M o unt Sinai Division, Cedars of Lebanon-Mount Sinai Hospitals, by the John A. Hart- oundation, In nt will port t into de- cy of the e blood of dia- 1•entical with the non- diabetic. ... MORE THAN EVER I can offer you a real savings. PLUS extra good service — prompt delivery!! IS FABER SHORE CHEVROLET CO., Inc. TW 1-0600 12240 Jos. Campau Ave. UN 4-9039 By tl e Make s of Fie scl mann s Yeast chmann's weet (UNSALTED) Margarine ade from 100% Corn Oil New Fleischmann's Sweet (Unsalted) Margarine is wonderful for everyone who prefers the sweet flavor of an unsalted spread and for people on salt-free diets. It's the first and only unsalted margarine made from 100% natural corn oil. This new sweet margarine tastes delicious . . . just like the sweet, high-price spread. And, because it con- r, tains no salt, a natural preservative, it's Fresh - Frozen as soon as it's made, for flavor protection. So, if you prefer the flavor of an unsalted,spread, or want less salt in your diet; get new Fleischmann's! Look for the green foil package in your grocer's frozen food case. Remember, Fleischmann's is the only sweet (unsalted) margarine made from 100% golden corn oi.l. CERTIFIED KOSHER IcZg z--- A • IN YOUR GROCER'S FROZEN FOOD CASE c ON PURCHASE OF 1 LB. Fleischmann's Unsalted Margarine . To The Dealer: For each coupon you accept as our authorized agent, we will pay you the face value plus usual handling charges, provided you and your customer have complied with the te rm's ' of this offer; any other application constitutes fraud. Invoices showing your pur- chase of sufficient stock to cover all coupons redeemed must be shown upon request. Void if prohibited, taxed or restricted. Your customer must pay any sales tax. Cash value 1/20th of 1 cent. Redeem only through our representative or by mailing to Standard Brands In- corporated at: P. 0. Box 29084, Cincinnati, Ohio. Offer good only in United States. This coupon expires on December 31, 1961. C LIMIT: ONE COUPON TO A FAMILY S ‘W, IffEiRhmannsi -5251 MT.. MIMEO JEWISH NEWS — Friday, September 8, 1961 PARIS — The shots which rang out across the calm waters of Bizerte . Bay last m o n t h e of an era. With- marked the end in a few days of the start of the battle, Tunisia — the only country in North Africa which had not been the scene of fighting in recent years — as- sumed a war-scarred face. On "Black Saturday," July 22, over 1,000 dead and wounded lit- tered the streets of the once lines of refugees streamed out of the stricken city. Among the 10,000 Europeans who disembarked in Metropoli- tan France, within the fortnight following the start of the hos- tilities, were several hundred French and Tunsian Jews. The first had left as Frenchmen, but why the others? Although the number of departing Tu- nisian Jews was practically in- significant, compared to the 55,000 strong community left behind, all t h o s e acquainted with Bourguiba's liberal policy could not help but ask them- selves "Why?" What was the connection between the tragic incidents which involved two formerly allied and friendly na- tions, and the well-being and security of the country's Jews? I asked . Mr. Nahor this question. He arrived aboard one of the first refugee planes to reach Paris. A small, anxi- ous man, he waited with a lost look in the airport's huge hall. -His wife carried in her arms the youngest child, a baby; he himself was over- loaded with winter coats, bags and parcels. The two older children, a 10-year-old girl and an eight-year-old boy, were doing their share of carrying the family posses- sions. Mr. Nahor had been a middle- man in The cosmetics trade in his hometown, Tunis. He had no capital abroad, and little chance to resume his former occupa- tion. Why had he left? He re- plied: "I could not stay a day longer. I have my children to think of. The government stopped granting imp or t li- censes for cosmetics. Financi- ally we were hard hit, and now we were asked to contribute to the 'Bizerte Fund.' A Jew who was unable to pay his officially imposed contribution was taken to the Neo Destour headquart- ers and severely questioned." A short pause. "We are sur- rounded by Arabs. • I think many of them hate us. I have nothing definite abroad, but I could not stay another day in Tunisia." Mr. Nahor was the only one among' the 10 Jewish families aboard the plane not to be met by relatives or friends. He was ,untypical of the rest of the arrivals. It appears from the refu- gees' stories and the reports received by Jewish organiza- tions that no incident of anti- Jewish character has occurred since the beginning of the crisis. Some Jews felt, how- e v e r , that the authorities have asked Jews to contribute more than their share to the fund in aid of the Bizerte victims. Several hundred Jews left. The reason for this must, how- ever, be looked for in depth. It is linked to the comunity's relations with independent Tunisia and the government's new political orientation. Tunisia is a Moslem Arab country — the constitution's Paragraph six clearly asserts the will of the Tunisian people "to remain faithful to the teachings of Islam, to the unity of the Grand Maghreb, to its belong- ing to the Arab family." Many Jews fell that their security is 'assured for only as long as President Bourguiba will rule the country. Since the Bizerte crisis some Jews have started doubting whether even the "Su- preme Fighter's" (as the Pres- dent is known) rule will be sufficient to ensure their safety and well being.