JOHANNESBURG, (JTA) — An anticipated controversy over financing of Jewish education in South Africa was settled amicably by a compromise reso- lution approved at the current conference of the South African Zionist Federation. The conference had before It reports from two commissions named to investigate the fiscal crisis of South African Hebrew education — the Kuper Com- mission in Johannesburg and the Herbstein commission in Capetown. Both commissions agreed on the. urgency of the community finding the needed funds but the sion reco ed pound fr e Israel App ile the other issimeopposed the use of ch funds for local needs. A committee session explored both reports and re he re maintenance of the Jewish day schools, the most costly educa- tion item. Such costs, accord- ing to the compromise, must be met by the Jewish communi- ties in which day schools were located. The Kuper commission pro- posal for an Israel United Appeal loan, which would pave . included day schools as beneficiaries, w a s dropped and the Herbstein commission ended its opposition to eve a limited IUA subsidy. Ju Joseph Herbstein and J Simon Kuper piloted the promise through the ence, stressing points of t in their reports. L Lincus, Jewish treasu who came to Africa f the conference ga provision approval to the com- promise, bject to ratification the J ish Agency in Jeru- lem a with the understand- g th he agreement would utio be r wed in two years and get of th e monies thus funded he Hebre ed ation system, d be repayable to the IUA taking th deficit fro en that was possible. Cher f d sources. The Chairman Edel Horowitz re- romise specified no era- ferred in his keynote address • n fiinds shoul used for to the recent conversion of ARISTOCRATIC ■ ROW11 - RGARETili HAS ITS TASTY PLACE ON YOUR "WANT TO PLEASE" - - MENUS It's Horowitz-Margareten, of course, who brings you this aristocratic delicacy. Gefilte fish made with choice PIKE and WHITE FISH exclusively from cool North- ern lakes...blended tradition- ally with the other wholesome ingredients of home-made gefilte fish. So fluffy . . . so luscious ...with homey thick, shimmering jelled sauce. • Four healthy portions in each full 16-ounce jar ... de luxe ...truly delicious! You'll also enjoy regular Horowitz-Margareten Gefilte Fish ... r . in jumbo or snack-size •portions with clear or jelled sauce... tops in taste! Made by the bakers of "THE MATZOH WITH THE TASTE" and other Kosher foods South Africa to a republic and said: "We Jews, in com- mon with our fellow citizens of this wonderful country, are vitally concerned with its progress and welfare and will continue to work for it with all our hearts." He told the delegates that the South Afri- can Zionist movement "values the friendship which exists between South Africa and Israel and the active sym- pathy displayed by successive South African Governments toward Zionist work." T wo B rot h ers Reunited in Philad elphia after 48-Year Separation PHILADELPHIA, (JTA) — A widower with four sons, he the separation had been long Two brothers, who had last seen lives in Ramat Gan. enough and came to the United each other in Wilun, Poland, After many years, he decided 1 States on a visit. 48 years ago, have been re- united in Philadelphia. The reunion scene was the Philadelphia International Air- port. The two were Morris Mar- cus Of Philadelphia and Shmuel Marcus of Israel. "We couldn't speak," said Mori.' " an imagine yo like." B can speak German, ch, Polish, Russian and ebrew, but Shmuel does not know any English. In a series of multi-lin ual exchanges, the story w ol May all your fondest wishes In 1913 com etrue . . . for you and 74, your dear ones and for all put in of Israel. Russia emigra to ad.e p is his wi e. The brother went Germany with his wif • in him. ess. Hs bum lined by World War S.S. Israel, S.S. Zion sail from Consult your I, Shmuel went to Palestine. New York every third week . . . S.S. Theodor Herzl and travel agent Both brothers had worked for S.S. Jerusalem (in season) sail the Zionist movement in Po- from Mediterranean ports weekly. - land. air-conditioned Unable to establish himself • • Completely Stabilizer-equipped for in Palestine, Shmuel went to smooth sailing France. There he worked for • Strictly kosher food OWNER'S REP.: AMERICAN ISRAELI SHIPPING CO., INC, Cheerful atmosphere of the Zionist movement until the • Israel ,42 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 4, N. Y. DI 4-7600 war broke out and he was sent Chicago Office: 6 N. Michigan Ave. — CE 6.4317 to a camp at St. Denis. Four years later he was liberated and settled once more in Israel. ii:=r1=1-1 nIx M.{ Horowitz was unanimously re- elected chairman. Israel Minis- ter Simcha Pratt brought greet- ings of the Israel Government. Dr. Teddy Schneider, South African Jewish Board of Depu- ties chairman, stressed the fun- damental Zionist character of South African Jewry and unity in assistance to Israel. Study of U.S. Jew r Published by Yal President Kennedy h pre- dieted that within 20 ye a Jew might occupy the Wh . House. I What is._ the make- of the American Jew who uld fill this office? Two you sociolo- gists--Judith R. Krame d Sey- mour Leventman—have let- ed a study to help answer question. The concrusions they reach are presented in their book, "Children of the Gilded Ghetto," to be published by Yale Univer- sity• Press Sept. 27. The city Miss Kramer and Le-' vantman .chose for their study is Minneapolis, identified in the book as North City, U.S.A. In conducOg their research the authoi3 interviewed 200 members of the Jewish community to learn what they thought and did about such questions as anti-Semitism, politics, family We, synagogue attendance, business opportuni- ties, education, philanthropy, club membership, pastimes, and attitudes toward Israel. In addition to gaining the con- fidence of the Minneapolis Jew- ish community at large they were able to glean historical data from Minneapolis archives and from previous surveys conducted by local governmental and social agencies and periodicals. Both born in New York City, the authors received PhD degrees in sociology from the University of Minnesota in 1958. Formerly an instructor at Pennsylvania State University, Miss Kramer is now instructor in sociology at Brooklyn College. Leventman taught for two years at Pennsyl- vania State University and is now assistant professor of sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. :;,;;;;;;;.pi:;:if...:, • Many of the "57" bear Oh th- einabels the © seal - afA5VoVals of THE UNION OF ORTHODOX JEWISH CONGREGATIONS OF AMERICA.. 21 - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Frida y, September 8, 1961 S. African Zionists Settle Dispute on Financing of Hebrew Education