ZOA Urges U.S. Lead Israel and Arabs to Peace Table humanity, will make possible Edward N e u f e I d of Grand NEW YORK, (JTA) — The re-elected president of the ZOA fostering of Hebrew speaking the reunion of families by Rapids. clubs, forums on Jewish his- four-day annual convention of for a second term. Dr. Emanuel tory, Hebrew lore and litera- An honorary membership in permitting Soviet Jews,to emi- the Zionist Organization of Neumann and Dr. Attba Hillel ture and widest possible dis- ZOA was awarded to Gen- grate and join th America concluded here Sun- Silver were re-elected honorary tribution of Zionist literature. L. A. Marshall, who was era in Israel." day with. a resolution calling presidents. on the print al speaker at the JNF res In anoth Dr. Silver, who recently ''re- Dr. Max Nussbaum was re- upon President Kennedy and e govern- sessi ' of the convention. upo ZOA call the United States Government to elected chairman of the nation- turned from a visit to the ment o • fulfill the will rael Dr manuel Neumann, world make "a full-scale effort to al executive council; Jacques Soviet Union, told the conven- of th ate reat Jewish nd Zio leader, paid tribute to tion of the "unfavorable posi- bring Israel and the Arab Torczyner, associate chairman, wor d leade and thi er the Zio emory of Leon Kay, a tion in which the Jewish peo- states into direct negotiations and Dr. Morton J. Robbins, vice- Jabotinsky • tra fe his fo sr er national vice president Ze with the aim of averting the chairman • of the council. Dr. ple, as a nationality group, finds y's 0 ains to Isr e ZOA, at a. special session. danger of war and opening the Sidney Marks was re-elected itself in the Soviet Union to- ew ains are way to peace and political sta- national se c r et a r y; Charles day." He said that "as individ- ork. Wolf, treasurer; • Jacob Good- uals, Jews fare no better and Convention H ors Detroiter bility in the Middle East." MR. & MRS. no worse than all other Sovie The convent* n took co The U.S. Government was also man and Benjamin J. Doft, as- citizens," but emphasized th a rk sociate treasurers. ignificant zance of the MARTIN LATTIN urged to pursue "an equivocal igan wish all their customers and n the i carried ,o Other resolutions adopted "cultural and religious discri and resolute policy on the nations are undoubtedly bei al and Zionist Region in Middle East which will serve called for a halt to the arms practiced against the Jew friends a year of hea/th ion of De- the Zionist Orga race in the Middle East with to deter aggression, promote and happiness minority." by naming troit ih parti assurances by the U. S. and her the construc- The situation of the Jews seven Michigan the follow allies "of the maintenance of tive pursuits QUALITY National Executive men to an arms balance as the best "eased soinewhat" since Stali of peace and JEWELERS • death, he reported, but note the ZOA: Judge Ira of guarantee against an outbreak strengthen that "many of the obnoxious G. Kaufman, president of the 129-131 W. NINE MILE ROAD of hostilities"; termination of the freedom." The FERNDALE 20, MICHIGAN Arab boycott against Israel and practices still remain" and ZOD, Milton S. Marwil, regional U. S. Govern- LI 2-2110 American firms dealing with much still remains to be cor- president; Morris M. Jacobs, M. ment was ask- Open Thurs., Fri., Sat. to 9 Israel; resettlement of Arab rected." He felt that "progress Ben Lewis, Philip Slomovitz, ed to reaffirm refugees in Arab countries to in the direction of granting the Dr. Bernard Weston and -Dr. its commit- . come as part of a general peace Jewish minority in the Soviet ment "to act settlement in the Middle ,East; Union the same cultural and promptly and and extension of U. S. economic religious considerations which decisively assistance, but with insistence are accorded all other national- against any by the U. S. that "nations re- ity and religious groups can nation in the ceiving such aid will refrain - still be made, given a friendly Middle. East from boycott, blockade and and insistent world Jewish which attacks opinion." acts of war." its neighbor" "I do not believe that Rus- The convention, in a resolu- and to enforce sian Jewry should be written the pribciple Bressler tion on Aliyah, urged that off," Dr. Silver continued. of free passage through the "all steps necessary to bring "Many have undoubtedly been Suez Canal for all nations, in- to Israel American Jewish assimilated in the past 40 ideals, American standards cluding Israel. One of the wonderful things about the Jewish' years, having been denied Max Bressler of Chicago was and American know-how in ge "An act of faith... a ritual of jog." by Ruth Jacobs capital in order to assist Israel, but in full realization that those who participate also will find in answering that need, a new sense of purpose and gratification which inevitably must flow from contri ting personal ival in the o to Jewish of the Jewi new home o the devel people namic Ian ment of ha end t ort ter t el an 1 capi p and pr Israe su 0 or trai ate abou to re uil Israel, to join allin In resolut economic aid •r ISia el d upon i convention c tionwide c • tituenc for s tinue and tensify - and f Israel b on beh xim m to to contri Appeal to d Je the sacred to and cart ettlement.' and of Sc of also r firm its supp ation of soil rec the ca n Israel evelopme and lan ewish Na- undertak tional Fun The c • MR. MELVIN WEISZ We congratulate Mr. Melvin Weisz of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany who placed over $1,- 000,000 of individual life in- surance for his clients in his first full year as a life under- writer. We also congratulate the large number of individuals and bus- iness firms who have availed themselves of Mr. Weitsz's ex- pert services and advice. RUBEN GOLD, CU. General Agent 18930 Greenfield Road Detroit 35, Michigan BR 2-0100 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company Springfield, Massachusetts The convention also called upon all its Regions and Chapters to enlarge their edu- cational efforts -through the encouragement of Hebrew study and discussion groups, the encouragement of the establishment of day schools, the enrollment of childr', for Hebrew courses in s, the and senior high sc -LET'S MOVE A AD in the 15th Co . Dist. For DELEGATES to ON-CON WARDS 1012-14 Ernest Richards Robert L Jordan Robert J. Robbins Markus S. Simon (70) (71) (72) (58) WARD 16 Loui M. Hopping Alfr A. Kiunover Primrose John Josep ell, Jr Progressive — Qualified — Dedicated VOTE G.O.P. Tuesday, September 12, 1961 6 8) (59) During the High Holy Days, way of life is that the preparation and enjoy. Jewish cultural and religious education, and having been cut off from contact with world Jewry. In some in- stances this assimilation was eager and • self-willed. But many have retained an un- ken racial loyalty and an istoric attachment, which, thou of vocal, are strong an' 'stakable." , ment of food is a part of our Faith. That is why the observance of Kashruth is so rewarding—to the housewife as she makes the meals, and to the family as they partake of them. And this is why the very act of koshering meat and fowl at home is an act of faith and a ritual of joy in preserving " this enduring grace of the Jewish heritage. Neumann, president of World Confederation of eneral Zionists, addressing the convention, reaffirmed "as the defi ite and . settled policy ederation to func- ly as a Zionist exclu rouping w in the frainwork Zionist Organiza- 0 he Wo n in . pu it of Zionist objec- stressed that it is s." pose and function to its in the internal politi- erve cat. a irs of Israel but at the sam ime asserted that to deny sraeli group the. right to affiliated in the Confedera- on would be "a mockery of Zionism.!' Other speakers Included Gov- ernor Nelson A. Rockefeller Rabbi Irving Miller, chairm of the American Zionist C n, cil; Rabbi Herbert A. Frie ael; executive vice-chairman 1, a General S. L. A. Mar and leading military anal commentator who was e •U. S. Israel Government observer mpaign; during the Sinai of Bos- Rabbi Joseph S. Shub ton, a vice-president o he ZOA and Dr. Joseph Tene aum, a m of ember of the pres ers. istadrut Ivrith, an ZOA president; Bres r warned that the imilation was as great ace o to American Jewry as a ael's enemies to the as e te. For this reason, J • , American Zionists had responsibility—"to the a re of Israel but no less to future of Jewish life in the ited States." A resolution "deploring the continued denial to the Jews in the Soviet Union of the elementary rights to free re- ligious and cultural expres- sion, community organization, and contact with Jewish com- munities in other lands," was adopted at the convention. The resolution expressed hope that the Soviet Union "will put an early end to this op- pressive discriMination and, on the grounds of common for the Sabbath and every day, kosher your meat and fowl with Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt Three generations of Jewish housewives have put their fullest confidence in this famous sal and e qualit come y La s absolut D• coarse nor too Aber easy to sprinkle ne, i and wash off. Perfect Makes Crispier Salads Ordinary salt melts fast, wilts greens. Not so with Dia.., mond Crystal Kosher Salt. It's coarse. So it doesn't melt] readily. Just sprinkle on crisp greens. Then shake off,..1 Greens are perfectly seasoned and stay crisp for your, favorite dressing. H Build Your Reputation from Cook to Chef ! H Do all your seasoning with DIAMOND CRYSTAL COARSE KOSHER SALT - Crystal Salt Company- 4:>.■ Diamond -