Dr. Allen Bagdade Weds N.Y. Miss Linda Aaron Is Wed to Herbert Bez writ g3fiat • • • ctivities THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS KEID AN CHAPTER will present a fashion show 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Jewish Center. Original fashions will be flown from New York for this event. The show is being presented through the efforts of Mrs. Morris (Mildred) Diren- feld and coordinator Mrs. Rob- ert (Pat) Lewiston. * * 4: ALBERT D. TUCKER CHAP- TER will present "Show Stop- pers," a fashion show with a Broadway background, 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the. Oak Park Com- munity Center. A reception will MRS. HERBERT BEZ follow the program.. Guests are MRS. ALLEN BAGDADE welcome. Linda Aaron and Herbert Bez * Susian Diane Ingber, daughter were united in marriage Aug. 20 of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ingber of LOUIS MARSHALL LODGE in a candlelight ceremony per- New York, was wed to Dr. Allen and CHAPTER will hold . a formed by Rabbi Morris Adler Bagdade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cabaret Night 8:30 p.m. Tues- at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. Michael Bagdade, on July 30. day at the Mayfair Room, 19161 Parents of the newlyweds are The wedding took place at the Schaefer. Aaron Rosenberg, De- Mr. and Mrs. Irving Aaron and troit attorney, humorist and Esplanade Hotel in New York. Mr. and Mrs. David Bez. The bride wore a floor-length story teller will headline the The bride wore a gow gbwn of embroidered organdy, show. Mayme Lamison, Lois Ack ite fashioned with a jeweled neck- and Doris Gantz will sing in white silk organza over taffeta, with •a fitted bo English, - Hebrew and Yiddish. line and short sleeves. She car- front ried a Bible- topped with white Dancing will follow the floor rose pointe chantilly la e on a show. The program has been panel of matching roses and stephanotis. ing into a Marcia Ingber attended her arranged by Dave Pacernick dome-shaped skirt bride's veil chapel train. T and Mrs. David Freedmna, pres- sister as maid of honor. Charles irloom orange Bagdad e, the bridegroom's idents of the Lodge and Chapter was a crown of two-tier finger- brother, was best man: Ushers and Charles Fink and Mrs. blossoms with silk illusion. chwartzberg, Herman Kaufman, program tip veil of wh were Dr. chairmen. Members may invite Aaron w Mrs. Richa ida, John ith, Pa Arnold atron sister-in-law's itz and their friends. - Lei Bagd * * * ride w e Attending th Rubin o • Ne York. Ste d, Sh n Michael Rose EAST SIDE CHAPTER will Canada ter a honeymoon Be Dr. and Nancy Ap hold its first luncheon meeting Northern - Mich an, the •st ma w' Chicago 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at Don Lee's was his brother' side ple n, 's junior at Golden Nugget, 15921 W. Eight Richard Aaron, e is ere the senfeld, ve ty and the Mile, announces Mrs. Sol Robert Appel, Michae oing gradu- Robins, president. A social hour Phillip Cohen and Norman Ro- tics at North- will follow. For information, tenberg seating the guests. call Mrs. -Joseph Reifman, pro- After their honeymoon, the gram chairman, LI 3 3548. newlyweds will live in Des * * * Moines, Iowa, where the bride- BUSINESS AND PROFES- groom is a junior in the College TABLIGHTERS" SIONAL CHAPTER will honor of Osteopathic Medicine and ORCHESTRA past presidents at a general Surgery. meeting, open to prospective members, 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Jewish Center. - Area Bridge Clubs Re The Point Counters Club and the Gra Bridge Club have tivities for the The Point ing to Bert Northland with the fi Sept. 6. M held the fi also each month. nights, run a series ga . 13 Point beginning be pre- rizes awards an the conclusion o sented. this ser , another and The Grainge and o J ohen ee 8 p. as direc s, will e Ins at Wednesd the enfield Hall, 19350 masterpoints TEMPLE BETH EL WOODWARD AT GLADSTONE ANNOUNCES THAT SUPPLEMENTARY HIGH HOLY D SERVIC IN THE BROWN ME will be con Rho Pi Phi Alumnai Begin New Season C of the He Jewish mns lege- eligion SERVICES WILL BE HELD: The alumnai of Rho Pi Phi Pharmaceutical Fraternity and Ladies Auxiliary will hold their first meeting of the new season Wednesday at the home of Pepe and Julius Markman, 2184 Church, Oak Park. The Auxiliary will meet at 9 p.m. and the men will hold their meeting at 11 p.m. esday. Cohen will conduct ure and discussion on venings. USIC tastefully done Y H ERMAN Formerly with the Mickey Woolf Orchestra BR 2-5447 EDAH STUDIO Fine Photography andids Professionally Finished For Appointment Phone KE 1-0104 S. LEIBICK The L GORDON Center Fil e Worl "Aroun arine" is Merchant in th color fil program eing s Children's ivisio Communit 3 p.m. in Theater, 181 ORCHESTRA Music and Entertainment At Its Finest UN 3-5730 UN 3-8982 TH ABRAHAM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Announces Registration 2 noon a.m. 0:30 a.m. Ages 4 - 17 S ays' Sept. 3rd Classes begin 0 meeting on Classes available rank Leiderman Director of Religious School and Youth Activities Harry Ribiat Chairman of Religious School Board Con.gre tion Beth Moses d 7 Mile Rd. nces UN 3-6485 UN 4-3607 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sarnoff, 2276 Manchester, Ann Arbor, a nounce the Bar Mitzvah of th son, Leslie Alan, will be obsery Saturday at Beth Israel C munity Center, 1429 Hill, Arbor. A cocktail-buffet affair his honor will be held 8:30 p. the same day at the Center. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Morris H. Kaner, 20127 Wakefield, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jay, will be observed Saturday at Cong. Shaarey Zedek. A dinner in his honor will be held that evening at Rainbow Terrace. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Cohen, 18715 Kentucky, announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Stuart Lloyd, will be observed Satur- day at Adas Shalom Synagogue. me Activities . SCHOOL RATION of Jewish studies from o consecration for all chil- hwest area. d and Experienced Staff panded Hebrew Program For Information ALL KE 5-4470 or KE 1-6038 CONGREGATION S Scha UNAH or. Clarita Holy Day Services a Air-Conditioned Synag Annou In The ue OFFIC TE OLtM FLAM WI RABB he held Aux ary Services will els ER HWY. CH UDIT4RIIA 19 1 SCHAVE LA , RA s, N.Y., er, Qu o Park orah f ICIAT LL Sel Reserve All Day Sun Servic This Saturd eats fo both lo at Midnight ons are available nd Every Ev ng from 7:30 to 9 p.m. ogue Office FOR MORE ORMATION PLEASE CALL: UN 4-4355 or DI 1-9061 CONGREGATION BETH JOSEPH (Rishiner Shul) Sunday, September 10, at 7 :00 p.m. Monday, September 11, at 10 :00 a.m. Tuesday, September 19, at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, September 20, All Day Beginning at 10:00 a.m. Wishes the RISHINER Landsleit, Members and the Entire Community a Happy and Prosperous New Year The Temple Office is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and on Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon HYMAN KARP, President 18518 Wyoming, Detroit, Michigan AND AS EVERY YEAR, THOSE THAT ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN TICKETS FOR THE HIGH HOLIDAYS MAY COME IN TO WORSHIP WITH US FREE. . . .