Nasser Is Reported Seeking Press Neutrality on Middle East Ask UN Aid to Restore Annual Hillel Institute for Students Convenes STARLIGHT, Pa., (JTA) — terwoven in a system of law and Postal Communications More than 200 selected Jew custom." Between Israel-Tunisia student leaders from rio the oun try JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The versities throug Nati al Hillel The New York Times re- - Asked pointblank whether his assembled at Main Branch ported that President Gamal aim was "that Israel be re- Tunisian Immigrants Associa- Summer Ins • to at mp B tion of Israel cabled an appeal moved from the map," the Abdel Nasser of the United ek's s ssion urniture and Carpeting to United Nations Secretary— Brith for Arab Republic had "challenged" Egyptian dictator replied: The op ng me ing General D a g Hammarskj old, "We feel and we think that President Kennedy's views on dressed the Arab-Israeli situation by the rights of the Arabs of asking him to intervene with Pekarsky calling on the U.S. Administra- Palestine must be regained be- Tunisian authorities toward Chicago. S tion to show that American cause more than one million restoration of postal communi- "The Sabb "policy in the Middle East was Arabs were expelled out • of cations between Israel and Tu- perience," that inspired solely by United States their territory. They must re- nisia. 8810 — 12th at Gladstone this basic "through the s Tunisia last week ordered turn baOk to their land. What interests, and not by world institution, the Sabbath, students those postal ties severed, basing is the point of view of the Is- Zionism." are helped to see more concrete- The • dispatch, from Beirut, raeli government? The Israeli its step on the fact that the ly how the theological, social, and asserted that Col. Nasser's al- government refused. They said Arab League's postal union for- ethical ideas of Judaism are in- leged challenge was contained that they will • not permit any bids mail contact between in a reply to Mr. Kennedy's of these Arabs to return back League member states a n d letter of last May to the Arab and they want immigration, Israel. The association termed the leaders on the Arab refugee Jewish immigration, from the Tunisian move outside." question. r tonal He likewise avoided direct contrary to President Nasser himself, in ANNOUNCES a television interview with Eric answer to a question whether According o t • associati , Sevareid and Howard K. Smith, he believed no solution of the the Tuni n ruli g has brought to thousands of fo carried this week by the Colum- Arab-Israeli issue was possible "distre nisian Jews wh i bia Broadcasting System net- without conflict and insisted mer Israel, i erru work, carefully avoided any the conflict existed and an Is- now ong faini indication of how he believed raeli threat to the Arabs as tact settlement of the Arab refugee well. He, called on the United 4 1 /2 Years Old and Up a e er problem could be achieved States government and press Son of. Jew short of the settlement of all to take a "neutral view" in Giv North esterli U the refugees on the territory this conflict. of Israel. $2.5 illio Gift At The School Office The (JTA) CHICA For Information Call UN 4-7474 rown, in- en three sons dustrialist an. •rominent Jew- ish communal leader, have given Northwestern University NEW YORK, (JTA)—Major Labor Committee, Jewish War more than $2,500,000 for the national Jewish religious and Veterans of the U.S.A., Union construction of a new admin- civic organizations joined in of American Hebrew Congrega- istration building, Dr. J. Roscoe calling upon Congress to in- tions, Union of Orthodox Jew- Miller, university president, an- 14601 W. Lincoln elude in pending foreign aid ish • Congregations of America nounced. The gift by John, Lester and legislation a provision safe- and United Synagogue of Robert Crown will facilitate guarding -freedom of navigation America. The text of the telegrams the construction of a building of international waterways and protecting American citizens was released in New York by to house the university's execu- against discrimination by for- the National Community Rela- tive and business offices. eign states. tions Advisory Council, coor nal Identical telegrams addressed hating body for the six n to members of the joint confer- organizations and fo oughout7 ence committee seeking to rec- councils in citi oncile differences in Senate and the United Sta said that House versions of the legisla- The organi tio Park's rmat n in t language of for membership tion were signed by the Ameri- they conside rsion-,as "the best agogue serva e can Jewish Congress, Jewish the House IUD & UNDEVELOPED outstandin and most ffective means Own Land or Real U nte assuring t t the Act f e in Israel We Can Buy Mrs. Kalin is Head velopmerit i pr national Mordecai S. Halpe rom You Here and Pay lity in t mote sta Rabbi of Patrons' Committee East and hance an pres ry ou in American Dollars. for Fine Arts Exhibit the dignit f American cit en- Please Reply Giving Details urn R uben North- ship." ntor Mrs. Albert Ka nt appoi vine has ac Synagogue office a . an of the as local 31 SHDEROT CHEN Israeli Ta Officia ttee for the Fi trons' TEL AVIV, ISRAEL LI 7-7970 ages End Strike • t to be 'sponsor Arts OR CALL: DI 1-1530 chigan Federation by t JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Israeli De ocr is Women. income tax officials, engaged in e Me Arts assessing the incomes of self- b hel. Sept. 2 employed persons, held a two- ght Guard A day warning strike following e their demands for salary in- ight Mil W to creases of up to 50 per cent of its Exhib un- their basic pay. For the school year 1961-62 beginning September 6th he public view ay, a specia Patrc The 300 assessors involved in ening, the walkout, who threatened to in the ill be held o Fric ept. 22. renew the strike if their de- mands were not met, had earlier rejected a pay offer by the tech- nical committee of the. Civil er to Servants Association on the our Many grounds that it was inadequate. The tax officials_ claimed that D HEBREW SCHOOLS Requests AN AFFILIATE OF TH their section of the Israel.. rev- enue service had to bear the oad 1935 heaviest work load .since they had to deal with merchants, pro- fessionals and other. • self- employed persons whose tax returns required careful check- ing. The striking officials said that ernoon session, 1 - 3:30 Offers an integr their investigations made heavy will be accepting hensive progra demands on their time and tion of Jewish nerves and often resulted in appointments rogram follows latest de- their being socially ostracised Attendance an for because of their type of work. velopments in Nursery in- according to ag The secretary of the Civil Ser- struction vants Association described the HAIRSTYLING & 5-6 years - o strike as "unauthorized." TR 3-9440 The Adas Shalom Religious School Ct• REGISTRATION OPEN TO MEMBER AND NON-MEMBER CHILDREN ENROLLMENT DAILY FROM 10 a.m. `to 4 p.m. Ask Congress to Protect Citizens of U.S. from Arab Bias Practices CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM ordially g , es ISRAELI LAND D REAL ESTATE ANTED HARRY BOOKBINDER you to call Mr. lryi L 48 • Enroll Your Child Now SHOLEM ALEICHEM SCHOOL AND NURSERY YES ... EDWARD MAKE-UP ON • SUNDAYS for your Holidays, Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs or Any Special Occasion KE 5-6976 African Statesman Arrives in Israel JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Phili- bert Tziranana, president of the new African Republic of Mala- gasy (formerly Madagascar), ar- rived here for a six-day state visit, and was received with great pomp and ceremony by all lead- ers of the Israel government. Want ads bring fast results! GRADE S NURSERY hours 7-8 years - hours 9-13 years - th weekly - 6 hours Children exposed to Jewish atmosphere Hebrew and Yiddish songs, Stories and Holidays Qualified Staff, Ut-iler the Direction of Moishe Haar Transportation provided for both Grade School and Nursery For further information and literature, call VE 8-7440.