THE JEWISH Reversal of Stalinism: Yiddish Again in Print in Soviet Russia A Weekly Review Commentary Page 2 MICHIGAN f Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle 10Prin ted o Union Shop Vol. XL, No. 1 Serious Efforts in Direction of Elevating Jewish Educational Standards Editorials Page 4 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd. — VE 8-9364 — Detroit 35, Sept. 1 1961 — $5.00 Per Year; Single Copy 15c Post Office Dept. Plans Action Against Hate Mailing by Nazis; Justice Dept. Renews Inquiries KKK Barred, Butt Nazis Retained on U.S. Payroll By MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright. 1961, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) WASHINGTON—Why are the Nazis permitted to hold U.S. Government jobs when Ku Klux Klansmen are barred from the Federal payroll? The K.K.K. is listed by the Attorney General as sub- versive. But the Attorney General, Robert F. Kennedy, has decided not to add the Nazis to the list. Consternation and confusion followed the Attorney General's recent conclusion on the issue of the so-called American Nazi party. By failing to list the group, the Justice Department inadvertently facilitated a claim by the Nazis to "clearance." Federal personnel officials were asked if they would employ an admitted Nazi. Some officials said they definitely would not. Others were not so sure; "a man is not required to be either a Republican or Democrat." Most hiring officials concluded that they would consult the Attorney General's list of subversive organizations for guidance. • One admitted that he could not grasp how "ex-Nazis are being trained in America by the U.S. Air Force for the new Luftwaffe when the same men killed Americans . . . so I guess it would be consistent to permit a neo-Nazi or whatever you want to call him to work in the Government here. What's the difference so long as they are strong anti- Communists?" A month ago, Rep. Seymour Halpern, New York Re- publican, opened a Congressional attack on'the retention of an individual who admitted belonging to a Nazi front group of the Rockwell movement. Charges were made that the U.S. Army retained a civilian employee after possessing evidence that he provided the "hate bus" to the Nazis and personally participated in some anti-Semitic picketing. The Defense Department is still "studying . . . the technicalities involved . . . with respect to his rights." De- partmental sources said it would be easier to dispose of the matter "if only the Justice Department listed the Nazis along with the other subversives." However, Kennedy has pointed out that it is not neces- sary to place the Nazis on the subversive list. He explained that "the name 'American Nazi Party' would seem to be adequate identification of this group." The purpose of the ' list was only to "alert Government hiring officials and applicants for Government employment to the fact that stated groups have subversive character." Kennedy ruled: "In the present circumstances there is ample reason to doubt the advisability of instituting pro- longed designation procedures against such a group, thus affording its leader and members a public forum for the further dissemination of its obnoxious doctrines and giving it considerable publicity." Rep. Halpern commented: "I do not understand how the U.S. Government can justify continued employment of an individual so unstable politically that he facilitates totali- tarian extremism and propaganda activities, whether Nazi, -Fascist, or Communist. He is hardly the man to have access to our strategid maps." Senator Kenneth Keating, New York Republican, felt similarly. He said: "We can no longer pretend that this is an unknown, unpublicized organization which can be ignored out of existence. Its operations have become notorious . . ." JWV is fighting a battle opened last year, pertaining to the retention on the U.S. Army civilian payroll of an ex-Nazi general despite the German's remarks deprecating victims of Dachau. Nazis apparently are viewed differently than the two similar groups listed as subversive, the Ku Klux Klan and the long-dormant "Silver Shirt Legion." Rep. Halpern made known he will continue to seek action against domestic Nazis. He added: "Communist propaganda seeks to undermine N.A.T.O. with charges of `Nazism' and ',— '-'ism' while applying pressure on Berlin. This is har' for Defense Department employees to •roups and even provide a swastika- . . exploited by Communist propa- ision. . , Direct JTA Teletype Wire to the Jewish News WASHINGTON—The U. S. Post Office Department ruled that Nazi post cards mailed to defame and threaten Jews were in violation of statutes and announced that "the Chief Inspector is currently investigating the activities of the American Nazi party with a view to determining those responsible for the mailings. Deputy Postmaster General Bill Brawley announced this rulin g a letter to Rep. Seymour Halpern.' The Congressman, who received, a barrage of Nazi phone calls and mail, turned over a newly mailed Nazi piece stating "the Jews are going up the smokestack . . . Rockwell to power." Brawley said criminal proceedings are considered and "you may be sure that everything feasible under the law will be done to bring the perpetrators to justice." The Chief Postal Inspector and General Counsel of the Department joined Brawley in initiating action against the Nazis after examining the material mailed to Rep. Halpern. Brawley said "the Chief Postal Inspector and the General Counsel feel as I do that these insidious missives should not be afforded the privilege of being transported in the United States mails. Preliminary analysis indicates the General, Counsel will find the mailings violative of the scurrilous and defamatory statute (18 United States code 1718). Accordingly the Chief Inspector has commenced action against the Nazi Party to apprehend those responsible for the mailings and presentation to the Depart- ment of Justice for "instituting criminal proceedings." The decision of U. S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy not to list George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party as "subversive" was not intended to be "irrevocable," Acting Attorney General Byron R. White said Tuesday in a letter to the Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. White told the JWV: "I am sure the Attorney General did not intend his decision at this _ time not to designate the subject organization pursuant to Executive Order No. 10450 relating to the Federal Employee Security Program to be irrevocable." White said the Justice Department was interested in the Nazi issue and informed the JWV that "it would be appreciated if you would furnish the names of the Federal employees referred to in your letter and any details you may have concerning their activities to the FBI Washington Field Offide." Danger for Israel in Khrushchev's Doctrine By SAUL CARSON JTA Correspondent at the United Nations (Copyright. 1961, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) UNITED NATIONS, N.Y.—A document of tremendous importance to the entire world was issued by Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold. It is the introduction to his annual report to the General Assembly. The body of that annual report is always prepared and issued earlier in the summer. The introduction is usually held up for issuance just before the Assembly convenes. Since this year's regular Assembly, the 16th session of this body, is scheduled for Sept. 19, Hammarskjold has now issued his introduction, so as to give all members and delegations an opportunity to study it. A 20-page statement of the Secretary-General's concept of the methods along which the United Nations should fUnction, the introduction is of particular importance to the small nations of the world, and one of the nations that will find the paper of greatest importance is Israel. Briefly, Haitnmarskjold, in this introduction, juxtaposes two UN principles. Without naming Khrushchev or Russia, he sets forth the Khrushchev doctrine, which holds that the Secretariat should be composed of a "troika"—three, co-equal secretaries-general, one representing the West, one from the "Socialist" bloc, a third from the so-called "neutral" world. Against that concept, the UN chief posits another, deeper philosophy. The Khrushchev doctrine, in Hammarskjold's view, embraces what he calls the "conference" approach. Under that doctrine, the UN, he holds, can be only a forum for conferences among nations. • Too polite to call the Russian notion One that seeks to lock the UN into the form of a mere debating society, that is' exactly what the "conference" approach means. On the other hand, Mr. H. proclaims the validity of his approach, which he calls the "executive" approach. The significance to Israel of these two approaches is apparent at once. Krushchev wants the Secretariat to be run by power blocs—the West, the East and the so-called "neutral" or "unaligned" countries. Now all know there are no real neutral or unaligned nations. The majority of the "unaligned" often form their own blocs—either' on a permanent basis or on specific, ad hoc issues. One need only recall the fact that Israel is a "loner" here, being a member of no bloc at all, to realize how dangerous the Khrushchey doctrine is for the Jewish State. It is well known that, when blocs compete, the strongest or more persuasive wins. Furthermore, when a "neutral" ..policy is adopted, it is usually a compromise; in that event, the "compromise" is loaded in favoi of the "lesser evil." Too often, it could be found, any issue involving the Arab states against Israel could result in a finding that appeasement of the Arabs is the "lesser evil." There have been many occasions here in the past when Israel, and its friends, were dissatisfied with the implementation of UN decisions or recommendations by the Secretary-General. But the situa- tion would be worse confounded if there were three heads of the Secretariat. Even if the Western head were to favor fairness toward Israel, the Eastern representative would always team up with the "neutrals" against Israel. Those "neutrals" would be sure to contain elements influenced by, if not representing, the Arab League. Examined in the light of these realities, there is no doubt whatever where Israel's interests lie. In fact, all small nations must be weary of 'adoption by the UN of the Khrushchev doctrine. But Israel specifically would be in an extremely hazardous position if Mr. K.'s notions should prevail. These views, if valid, impose a triple duty on Americans who are Jews and friends of Israel. They must support Hammarskjold against Khrushchev (1) as Americans; (2) as Jews interested in a world of ' law and justice, for which, after all, the UN stands, with all its faults; (3) as friends of Israel. -