By Special Jewish News is the State of Israel itself which constituted two per cent of the Jerusalem Correspondent at the time the State was estab- population of India. Even if we In an interview granted by lished had a population of about should admit that the number King Hussein of Jordan to an Associated Press correspondent on Jan. 17, 1960, he said in a sudden spurt of frankness: "Since 1948 Arab leaders have approached the Palestine problem in an irresponsible manner. They have not looked into the future. They have no plan or approach. They have used the Palestine people for selfish political . . . purposes. This is ridiculous and, I could say, even criminal." He has thus confirmed a situ- ation that was clear and well- known. Numerous independent observers who delved into the refugee problem arrived at one and only conclusion: As far as the Arab rulers are concerned, the refugees are but a political pawn. Investigations conducted on behalf of the Research Group for European Migration Problems summed up impressions as fol- lows: "The official attitude of the host countries is well-known. It is one of seeking to prevent any sort of adaptation and inte- gration, because the refugees are seen . as a political means of pressure to get the greatest possible number of conces- sions."—(REMP Bulletin, The Hague, 195'7, page 26) three quarters of a million Jews. Since then, more than a million immigrants have been absorbed in the country, about half their number being refugees from Arab countries. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants who arrived desti- tute from the Yemen, Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Moslem North African countries, have become fully integrated in Israel's eco- nomic and cultural life simply because the government of Is- rael and its people have evinced a desire to absorb them and to rehabilitate them as citizens enjoying equal rights and duties. A second and no less - striking example, may be found in the absorption of nine million Pakis- tani refugees in India. In an offi- cial publication of the Indian Government that appeared- in London on May 13 (Indian News), we read of absorption and reconstruction plans carried out in India, of housing schemes and vocational training plans, of 130 hospitals, over 1,000 schools and 500 new settlements that were established for the refu- gees. 2,120,000 acres of land were placed at the disposal of the agricultural settlers among them. Within a matter of ten years, the problem of nine mil- lion displaced • persons was solved. It may be claimed that the so- lution is much easier for a vast country as India than for the Arab states. Let us, however, quote a number of parallels. The nine million Pakistani refugees of Arab refugees reaches t million mark (and in truth t figure is highly exaggerat they would constitute less < n two per cent of the ge al population of the Arab st -s. On the absorption of these u- gees India spent the sum if pounds 287.25 million, which $804.3 million. The investme per capita was thus about $90.—, whereas UNWRA spent. the sum of about $350,000,000 on Arab refugee aid, that is about $350 per capita (here, too, assuming that there are 1,000,000 refu- gees). Absorption in India which is not among the richest countries in the world, was affected with- out international aid. Various in- ternational funds have offered their assistance for the absorp- tion of the Arab refugees, while Israel, too, has announced its readiness to pay compensation. By their absorption in the state economy, the refugees in India contributed their know-how, their abilities and their efforts towards the development of the country. Once more it was proved that proper absorption does not con- stitute an economic burden but, on the contrary, is an incentive to further development. Neither land nor -. '"fer sources nor fin al m nor internation ssistan re lack- ing for Aololution the Arab refuge, roblem ich the ag- gres ' eness of the Arab states ag,. st Israel brought into b ing: 0,t.ffy one factor is lack' th ncere desire leaders. Dr. Bir srael Anti ities Department J. LEM, (JTA) — Dr. sul gen al in Los Angeles be- am Biran has resigned as fore taki up the Foreign Min- ector of Armistice Affairs istry pos n the Israel Foreign Ministry to become director of the De- N TO DRIVE partment of Anti les. Hour $36 6 Full Lessons A aeli, Biran is as f Britis M a n nistratio whit served as ass' "s- trict commissioner. as con- al Controls Professional Instructors SAFEWAY DRIVER TRAINING TO 9-7600 — LI 2-6742 very gewish, gami Iy .. . Should Be Affiliated With a Synagogue PLE ISRAEL It is ill will on the part of the gue of Liberal Judaism Arab rulers that prevents the re- settlement and rehabilitation of r Family to Become Part of the refugees. The shrewd and cunning Arab r Family! rulers had hoped that as the years went by, the fact would be and to forgotten that it was they who had demanded of the Palestinian s on the High Holy Days in Arabs to abandon their homes in order to make it easier for the Toned Sanctuary. Arab invasion to take place, and to enable them to blame Israel r Children in Our Religious (Sun- for the constant existence of the chool and Weekday Hebrew School. Arab problem. The evidence that thwarts these claims is weighty UNITED NATIONS, N. Y., citizens of his nationality if "h e. and abounding. Here is but one (JTA)—An amendment to embership in TEMPLE ISRAEL Entitles You to:' has been knoWn at a time as extract from a statement on the proposed international agreek a Zionist." According to 1 High Holy Day seating for every member of your family fate of the Haifa Arabs: ment concerning the legal C, "it is rather °by' at from the age of 13. (Separate Services for children under 13) "During subsequent days the status of stateless persons, out- rovis directed Jewish authorities, who were lawing any country's depriva- again 2. Religious School Enrollment for ALL children of the family ewish minority as from pre-kindergarten (age 4) through High School gradua- now in complete' control of tion of nationality to any per- such." tion. School opens Sunday, Sept. 17. Haifa, urged all Arabs to re- son on the basis of racial or The draft convention on state- main in Haifa . . . and guar- religious discrimination, was .3. Confirmation, Bar Mitzvah and Bas Mitzvah. lessness, adopted by the. Inter- anteed them protection and suggested here by the World national Law Commission in 4. Social and educational activities for our young people, with security . . . However, of the Jewish Congress. 1954 has, to date, been ratified emphasis on High School Youth program. 62,000 Arabs who formerly liv- The WJC made its suggestion by only eight countries. Israel, ed in Haifa, not more than 5. The services and counsel of. our Rabbis—DR. LEON FRAM in a memorandum to the sec- Britain and France are among 5,000. 6,000 remained. Various and RABBI M. ROBERT SYME ond United Nations Conference the states that have ratified the factors influenced . their deci- on Statelessness. The purpose convention, but the United sion to seek safety in flight. There is but little . . . doubt of the conference, being attend- States has so far not • adhered You and Your Family that the most potent of these ed by representatives of 29 to the proposed international Office Hours: factors were the announce- states, including Israel, is to instrument. The U.S.A., like Are Welcome At Our attempt to complete work on Israel, is represented 'at the Daily: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ments made over the air by the SABBATH EVE SERVICES Arab Higher Executive, urging an international agreement conference that opened today. 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m. drawn up by the International all Arabs in Haifa to quit ... " Every Friday Night Law Commission in 1954. Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. —The Economist, London, Oct. at 8:30 The WJC pointed out in its Israel's Revenue 2, 1948. ■••■ The refugee problem which memorandum that some coun- Director Resigns Arab political considerations cre- tries deprive persons of their JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Zeev Telephone, Write or Visit ated and which continues to exist nationality on racial or religi- Sheref, director of State Reve- ous grounds, proposing that as an instrument of political nue since 1954, a position that blackmail, can be solved if only such practices be termed "not made him chief tax collector in the Arab rulers evinced a desire permissible" in the draft agree- the country, has submitted his ment. The Congress cited the resignation to take effect on 17400 Manderson Road, at Merton to do so. There are merous_ exa •les United Arab Republic as one Oct. 1. (One block north of McNichols, one block. east of Pontchartrain) country practicing such dis- throughout world of solut Sheref, who was reportedly crimination, pointing out that close to Prime Minister Ben- of refugee roblems. Follow" UN 3-7769 U.A.R. law provides for the pos- Gurion was the first govern- the r war, 40 milli sibility of depriving any UAR ment secretary in Israel, as- pe e were displaced from the f er places of resid Th suming that office when state- erwhelming maj a ity_ bu . hood was proclaimed. 3 Named to American eir lives hich they d Bar Association Posts d their er ST. LOUIS, (JTA) — Samuel quic ral J. Kanner, of Miami, Fla., was n they ong installed as chairman of the Na- pe e of th e, reli- tional Conference of Bar Ex- gio d cult 79 Elizab Lake Road aminers here during the 84th Pontiac, Mic igan An tstand ple of this annual meeting of the Amer- Res' is of Detroit's northern suburbs SOUTHFIELD, BLO RMmF I it% LGD. ican Bar Association. HILLS, B INGHAM, HUNTINGT WO DS, FRANKLIN, Mrs. Julia Goldberg, of Mil- TON, w are unaffiliated, are invit to wo hi waukee, was elected president ith us in o beautiful, modern of the Lawyers' Wives of the mple, and to partic' r s r al 1 and ial program. United States. eligious School cla s e Kind arten through Aaron Tilton, of Milwaukee, high 001, Hebrew classe , p 'a Bar zva d Confirmation. f was named chairman of the For membership ' ileas call or e Temple office. ABA's practicing lawyers' divi- FEde I 2-3212 or FEder '806. sion of the family law section. e World Jewish Ccingress Pre Plan to UN on Stateless rsons ,M11• TEMPLE ISRAEL Classified Ads Bring Results • TEMP , “Toward Peace," a series of 13 radio programs produced by the 'University of Michigan Broadcasting Service (WUOM) is scheduled for international re- SEPT. 1-10, DETROIT lease by the Voice of America. gem et acoh Nathan Hershfield, Rabbi 79 Elizabeth Lake Road — Pontiac, Michigan 9 - THE DETROI T JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, Augu st 25, 1961 Arab Refugee Pr oblem Solvable b y Goodwill Alone