THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, August 25, 1961 -- 6 Report Ben-Gmion Will Refuse Former Partners in New Coalition Government latest position as secretary gen- Knesset as against the 47 they eral of Histadrut, "be barred held in the last Knesset. The TEL AVIV — Prime Minister from public office" in view of Liberal Party, formed by the Ben-Gurion was reported here his "part" in the 1954 security mew er earlier this year of the General Zionist and Progressive Tuesday to have told other mishap. leaders of the Mapai Party to On the other hand, the 13- parties, won 17 seats compared which he belongs that he would page report also voiced criti- with the 14 held by bo et. Herut refuse to try forming a new cisms of Ben-Gurion for the in the previous K coalition 'government in which manner in which he handled retained its 17 s s. 5 Party • The Nation Mapam and Achdut Avodah the Lavon case and against same seats, would be coalition partners. - Mapai Secretary General was allotted held in the last He is reported to have in- Yosef Almogi "for failing to number th Agudah and Poalei sisted upon that stand as a prior intervene in the early stages" house, wit' t fined their six seats. Agudah condition before attempting to of the Lavon affair. ne seats head a new coalition. Menahem Beigin, leader of Mapam eld on t dut od Among some members of the right-wing Herut Party, of- while it seat Mapai there was anxiety on ficially wrote to leaders of the ted the la Ks s this point. These. circles feel Liberal Party proposing the had Corn T that Mapai should continue plan he had announced for the f its former "labor partner- formation of a Herut-Liberal thei strength ship" with Mapam and Ach- bloc in the next Knesset. He the ree they ha dut Avodah. pointed out that such a bloc ous nesset, whil he Ari ar- Meanwhile there was a report would hold 34 of the Knesset wer allotted four th the five they ha pre- here that Kadash Luz, speaker seats and said it would end ed of the former Knesset, would majority rule of the Knesset by vious M ai secured 43 p cent of decline nomination for election one party, meaning Mapai. the a y vote while erut f ol- as speaker of the Fifth Knesset The Beigin proposal has re- lowed • h 18 pe nt. The re- when the new house is organ- ceived mixed reactions from my vote went maindei ized. In that case, and if the the Liberal leaders. Peretz to the Li erals with 11 per- Liberal Party becomes a part- Bernstein, leader of the Gen- cent; Ahtlut Avodah, 10 per- ner in the next coalition gov- eral Zionist component of the cent; Mapam, 9 percent; and ernment, Mapai may propose Liberal group, was reported the National Religious Party, that the speakership go to Dr. "favorably disposed" to the 5.9 percent. There were almost Pinhas Rosen, Minister of Jus- Herut idea. Minister of Jus- no Communist votes cast by tice in the outgoing government tice Pinhas Rosen, of the Pro- army personnel. and a leader of the Liberals. gressive faction inside the The first official and public However there were also re- Liberal Party, was "dubious." statement about the future coali- ports that Rosen would refuse Political speculation in Israel tion came meanwhile from Agri- to serve as speaker being still inclined to the belief that Mapai "angry" with Ben-Gurion over would make its mos ous culture Minister Moshe Dayan, the latter's refusal to accept a governm effort to form ministerial report made to -the with the Libe and the re- last government last winter ligious gro iberal spokes- clearing former Defense, Minis- men mad , clear, however, ter Pinhas Lavon of responsi- of their partici- that the bility for a security mishap in pation i r the vernment ould 1954. be "a r oper ay" in the It was Ben-Gurion's opposi- MAKE RESERVATIONS and r; a app ernme tion to acceptance of that re- numbe of key p sitions at port that led ultimately to the new Kn set, th fi Isra ElLLY'S HURON HAVEN resignation of the last govern- since t the establis $80 Per Week, Up ment and the subsequent State in be :, is e ON LAKE HURON Knesset elections. Rosen has convened Sep Phone FOrest 2-2626 reportedly said he would "not neeti The Open]. Tawas City, Box 303, Mich. want to be included in any Knesset will b .1. J. REILLY government formed by Ben- monial. Members o 'ent Gurion." will take their oaths. After that, " came to President Izhak Ben-Zvi will The "A e a esday main here the fr call on the party receiving the sion largest number of votes to form mg com when by a government. That means that several months for mg Premier David Ben-Gurion, as ersity students bel U apai made its report hat head of Mapai, will once more eport has been read fo ome be given an opportunity to form the Israel's next governmen time but the commission h hem- The Knesset's onl er si- eport ness, at the openi session, ections. be the election the Speak nded in The Centr so Com who had inittee We night offi from his cially ap tio he 12 anion seats in ne h partic ten o e pas electi in last pat on of fo wing the s cast listing of OPEN icemen rael armed YEAR 'ROUND omen. y was Fifth (Direct JTA Teletype Wire The Jewish News) to own opinions, z,. ects I e views who told a group of "yot wit n Mapai Mapai" members he would e of se ral en Turion on iffer it to see a continuation of th• eft- e en-Gurion ist coalition. He explains. that a renewed be aga it was part of Mapai's esent i sa litt n of th•ftist parties. trend to seek a labor c lition, leaving a right-wing op .ition Regarding the "Lavon a tr," Dayan said the party woulc better not to dwell too long on the past. ANGELUS SUMMER RESORT 510 North Shore The Agriculture Minister's SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. atement, while expressing his I OSELINE OTTAG ES 49 N. Shore Dr. So. Haven, Mich. LABOR DAY SPECIAL Begin Friday, Sept. 1—Dinner Thru Monday, Sept. 4—Lunch From $5 PER DAY ully Furnished • Modern owers • TV • Elec. Refrig. Private Beach • Playground Patio • Fishing • Boating Week, Month or Season • • • • • Anna Davidson, Prop. 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