2 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, August 25, 1961 4-- Purely Commentary Application of Experience to Current Dangers If statesmen had learned from experience, half of the world's current troubles might have been avoided. A Nasser of today may be a mere replica of the Hitler of Yesterday, and an Ethiopian episored of yesteryears may have been an augury of the Sinai Campaign of 1956 and the East Berlin the Bizerte crises of the present time. But there seems to be falure in applying historic experiences to repeating episodes. Appeasement is the order of the day even in matters involving discrimination against American citizens— as in the instance of our State Department condoning the Arab boycott against American business firms and our merchant marine. It is proper, therefore, that we turn to the past for evidence that The Holocaust could have been avoided. Let us turn to the year 1933, to the months immediately following the betrayal that placed Adolf Hitler in power over Germany, thus commencing the threat to the security of the entire world. Reference already was made earlier this month to your Commenator's experience as the first American reporter to interview Heinz Spanknoebel, who became the leader of the Nazis in this country and later, when he finally was forced to leave this country, became an SS general. Recapitulation of the Spanknoebel story was occasioned by the publication by Thomas Yoseloff of 0. John Rogge's "The Official German Report", in which the author gives the official account of the Nazi's activities as he uncovered them in his capacity as Assistant U. S. Attorney General in charge of the criminal division of the U. S. Department of Justice. There were Jewish leaders at that time, as there have been during all crises in Jewish life, who were blind to realities and who failed to recognize the impending dangers. But some of us recognized the Nazi danger and warned against it. This Corn- mentator's interview with Spanknoebel appeared on the first page of the March 31, 1933, issue of the old Chronicle and is reproduced here in full, for obvious reasons of current interest and as an admonition relating to recurring dangers: From a flat above the Stutz Photo Service at 10860 Shoemaker avenue Heinz Spanknoebel was called for the present interview. As national president of the Friends of the Hitler Movement in America, Spanknoebel is recognized as-Adolf Hitler's personal spokesman in this country, and his views are therefore of.,,,interest. as. reflecting- the sentiments of the man whose dictatorial Powers today threaten' the very lives of the 600,000 Jews in Germany. Herr Spanknoebel is a. lean man of about 38, above medium height, with a mustache trinuned in Hitler fashion. A resident of this country for three and a half years, he visited in Germany a year ago, and while there was active in organizing pro-Nazi sentiment. He returned to this country to sponsor his Friends of the Hitler Movement in America, which now has offices in the large cities of this country, and which today publishes an organ, the Deutscher Boebachter, in New York. NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP OF 1,500. Hitler's American lieutenant does not claim much for his movement. He admits a national membership of only 1,500, and he is careful, as a non-citizen, to emphasize that his party intends to stay out of American politics. The aim of his group, he says, is to educate the Germans in this country regarding the Hitlerite platform and to befriend them for the Nazi program. On the Jewish question Herr Spanknoebel is quite frank. Hitler and his Nazis, he told this interviewer, want a Germany for the Germans, and are determined to drive all Jews from public office and from positions of responsibility. „ Asked how he would classify these positions, he admittted that his .party was determined that no Jews shall' practice law in Germany, that no Jewish physicians should be permitted to stay on the staffs of hospitals, that Jews be expelled from state positions and that they should not be permitted to edit or write for newspapers. "Aren't Jews, whose residence in Germany dates back 800 years, Ger- mans?" Spanknoebel was asked, and he shrugged his shoulders: "Well, they say, they believe, they are Germans. But they are Jews just the same." "Is it your policy to exterminate the 600,000 Jews in Germany, to starve them to death? Else, how can you in the name of reason and justice drive from employment such a mass of people, no matter how small its percentage to the entire population, and thus rob them of the means of a livelihood?" To which we received a rather saintly response. "Hitler," said Spanknoebel, "is providing more work for people than anyone before. Jews can go to work, they can be shoemakers, tailors, bakers, but they can't hold public office." SENT REPORT ON FEUCHTWANGER. Reminded that his statement is inconsistent with fact, that not only Jews but all who may at all be mistaken for Jews are immediately at- tacked and molested, dragged from street cars, trains and automobiles and mercilessly beaten. Spanknoebel had another explanation: No revolution ever passed quietly, without bloodshed. In Germany there is a revolu- tion, and there is .a price to pay. Besides, Hitler is not responsible for the acts of his Storm Troops. 'Whatever is being done in Germany is the act of young followers of Hitler. Hitler would not murder Jews! Spanknoebel would make us believe that Hitler. is °fit to protect all ele- ments in the population. "Chinamen or Jews or all others will be pro- tected," he told us. And he produced a statement made public by the German Consul in Detroit, Fritz Heiler, who said that he had received a cable from Germany denying the campaign of lies about persecution of Jews. Then came an interesting revelation: Spanknoebel told this inter- viewer that he was the one who informed Germany about Lion Feucht- wanger's lecture tour in this country. He it was who told the Hitler gov- ernment that Feuchtwanger called Hitler "lousy" in an address in California! It is important that our readers should know that Hitler's lieutenant had misrepresented truth by sending such a report to his Nazi chief. Herr Feuchtwanger, whose Berlin home was ransacked last week, was doubly careful in his discussion of political events in Germany. In an article syndicated by the North American Newspaper Alliance, which appeared in the New York Times on March 21, Herr Feuchtwanger wrote: "My house in Berlin is a beautiful one, I admit, and I was looking forward to being in it again and enjoying its peace after my hectic journey through America. However, I had been careless. It is true that while in America I had refused absolutely to talk about Chancellor Hitler and had refused unusually high fees to lecture about him, but I had, in reply to urgent questions, uttered a couple of brief sentences about Hitler'S literary style." Thus one of the world's outstanding literary figures is paying a high price for uttering a literary criticism, and Heinz Spanknoebel of Detroit is the official misinterpreter of his statements! Spanknoebel, unusually polite to this interviewer, described his last visit in Germany. He visited his parents in Brugenau, Bavaria, and he found a strong anti-Nazi sentiment. The hotel keeper would not rent to Nazis, fearing reprisals from Jewish salesmen. So reports Spanknoebel! So the fixitor from America rented a room in his own name, and his audience was sold on the Nazi platform. Even the Jews who came to hear him told him that if Hitler would only eliminate the anti-Semitic program from his platform they would join the Nationalist Socialist Party! "We govern better without Jews," said Spanknoebel. "Germany for the Germans," he reiterated. Hitler's lieutenant has spoken. Small in number, the Hitlerites are nevertheless here, and they are disseminating propaganda based on the anti-semitic program of a government which looms far more dangerous than that of the Czars. In their own way they spread their deadly propa- ganda. They meet regularly—and Spanknoebel even invited this inter- viewer to come to his meeting at 8 p.m. this Saturday, April 1, at the Bundesheim, St. Aubin and Gratiot. It is well to take note of this movement. One of a small seed of hate planted in Hitler's heart grew his dangerous Nazi movement. There may be a similar danger to the Jews of this country from the bigoted move- ment of the Friends of the Hitler Movement in America. Our government must know about this! American Jewry, beware! As the then editor of the Chronicle, this Commentator had occasion to append the following note to the above article: "As we go to press we are informed that Heinz Spanknoebel is no longer in the employ of Charles A. Noble of the Stutz Photo Service at 10860 Shoemaker avenue, and that Mr. Noble disavows any affiliations with or sympathies for the Hitler cause. The Spanknoebel residence, we are informed, is now at 16644 Park- side avenue, and the Hitler headquarters here are in the Hitler Early Nazi Incident Emphasizes Urgency of Heeding Warnings By Philip Slomovitz Heim, 11757 Chelsea avenup. An electrically lighted swastika hangs from the porch 01 . 44; freer Heim." It was a period of rising terrorism and it is no wonder that soon after our Spanknoebel article was published children who sought epithets for use in their quarrels were heard to hurl in derision the name "Spanknoebel." This is part of the history of the Nazi movement and the warnings against it when it first emerged as a danger to mankind. Your Commentator especially calls attention to the conclud- ing line in the article: "American Jewry, beware !" The date of the article is important: remember, it was March 31, 1933, exactly two months after Germany collapsed morally by capitulating to Hitler ! - In this Commentator's review of Dr. Martin M. Rosenbluth's "Go Forth and Serve" (Herzl Press) in our last week's issue, an account was given of Dr. Rosenbluth's participation, with a dele- gation of German Jews, in a mission that was ordered by the Nazi leader, Hermann Goering, to London Jews, aimed at putting an end to worldwide Jewish protests against the Nazi terror. In the same issue of the Chronicle—March 31, 1933—in which appeared our interview with Spanknoebel, were reports, on the front page, of countrywide protests against Nazism—in cities throughout the United States. A great rally of Detroit Jews convened on a few days' notice. It was covered in a report in that issue, which also contained the account of the Madison Square Garden meeting in New York, held simultaneously with the one in Detroit and in other cities. The leader in the mass protest movement was the late Dr. Stephen S. Wise. When Rosenbluth was sent with other German Jews to Lon- don, by Goering, he was ordered to demand that Dr. Wise should call a halt to his protests. The wise Dr. Wise refused. His warn- ings were as timely as this writer's "American Jewry, beware !" In the report of the American Jewish Congress meeting in New York, engineered by Dr. Wise and reported in the story referred to, we now're-read this sentence: "Bernard S. Deutsch, president of the American Jewish Congress, who presided, dis- claimed emphatically that the protest meetings were called 'with any feeling of unfriendliness or ill will toward the German action.' " That was the main Jewish approach at the time. When this Commentator, 10 years later, referred back to the Spanknoebel incident, he emphasized the fact that the Ridder Brothers had refused to turn their New Yorker Staats-Zeitung over to Spanknoebel and that they consistently battled against Nazi ideas and Hitlerism. Yet, the German people as a people was responsible for what had happened by permitting it to occur. There also were Jewish leaders who were blind to factutal- ities. It was to them that it was necessary to say at the time: "American Jewry, beware !" Let the lesson of the past sink into the future ! March of Dimes Gives $50,000 to Brandeis University for Research WALTHAM, Mass., (JTA) — An exploratory study on the changing roles of health work- ers in modern medical practice will be launched by the Flor- ence Heller Graduate School for Advance Studies in Social Wel- fare of Brandeis University. The study, to be financed by a $50,000 grant by the National Foundation-March of Dime s, will seek to determine to what extent and how professional education for health personnel should be changed to meet modern conditions. Theodore Shapiro, a promi- nent New York Jewish philan- thropist, has underwritten the cost of building a $150,000 lec- ture hall at Brandeis Univer- sity, it was also announced. The hall, to be known as the Theo- dore Shapiro Forum, will be modeled on the United Nations General Assembly hall. Shapiro, a benefactor of numerous edu- cational and medical institu- tions, is a founder of the Albert Einstein Medical School of Yeshiva University. Management Sc/tools Planned for 700 Israelis (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM — The United States Operations Mission has allocated $90,000 in equipment and the services of five experts to aid three or four schools open- ing next fall for the training of Israeli hotel and tourist person- nel, it was announced here Tues- day. According to the Government Tourist Corporation, the demand for trained personnel in the field has exceeded the number of graduates of the few existing courses of study. El Al Israel National Airlines alone requires 80 additional air stewards and there is a growing demand for guides throughout the country. The schools will offer a two year course in hotel management courses, in catering and hotel trades, and will include a school for tourism. The schools are planned to accommodate 700 students. Israel Will Request Loan from W. Germany JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Israel's Finance Minister Levi Eshkol will discuss the possi- bility of a loan from the West German government, totaling 180,000,000 pounds sterling ($504,000,000), when he attends next month's meeting of the International Bank for Recon- struction and Development at Vienna. He will confer about the pos- sible loan with West German Minister of Economics, Prof. Ludwig Erhard. ■143 ■011.111,41 ■11.04111111 HNIMWD ■414!0■0■0 411 ■ 041MINSi4,01.0-0.1!0 ■ 0 1•1 ■ 01111 ■ 011 ■ 04•11.0 Boris Smolar's `Between You ...and Me' (Copyright 1961, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Arab Poison The Palestine Arab delegation in this country has registered inciting anti-Jewish material with the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents' Registration Act ... This material aims at arousing American Christians against Israel by alleging that the Israeli government is "eradicating" Christianity .. . It con- tains the most brazen lies that "Jews desecrated and profaned" churches by breaking doors, windows, statues of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Saints and Crosses . . . Also, that they tore Holy Books and sacred vestments, looted church belongings, danced and slept and committed sin and obscene acts in churches . . . In many respects this propaganda material—already being dis- seminated through the United States mail—resembles the worst anti-Jewish propaganda ever disseminated on American soil . . . This time the Arab propaganda does no longer limit itself to attack against "Zionists" but its blast is directed against the "Jews" . . . The Talmud is injected into the new wave • of Arab propaganda which can only be compared, in its vulgarity with the notorious "Der Stuermer" issued in Nazi Germany by Julius Streicher who was hanged by the Allies as a war criminal . . . Arab representatives in the United States also are seeking to exploit the Berlin situation for their propaganda against Israel . . . They disseminate material in Washington and among dele- gates of the Western Powers at the United Nations comparing, the present developments in Berlin with the "Palestine situa- tion" . . . The point they are trying to make is that just as the Western Powers are determined not to sacrifice its rights in 24,000 Tourists Went Berlin, they should also "show determination" in helping the to Israel During July Arabs "to liberate Palestine from Zionist alien occupation" JERUSALEM, (JTA)—More . . . Anticipating that their propaganda will not be taken seri- than 24,000 tourists arrived in ously, they indulge at the same time in attacking the Western Israel during July, an increase Powers for "blindly" supporting the State of Israel. of more than 50 per cent over Community Leadership the number of tourists who ar- Much is being talked now about the need of "young leader- rived in the country in July ship" in organized American Jewish life ... The Council of Jewish 1950. Federations and Welfare Funds and the United Jewish Appeal Last month's visitors brought seek to develop such "young leadership" in communities . . . the total number of tourists An impressive analysis on this subject has now been made by since the beginning of the year Melvin Cohen, executive director of the Jewish Federation in to 99,208 as against some 72,000 Worcester, Mass. . . . It establishes that the new American-born for the corresponding period leadership coming into community view today is separated from last year. the cultural patterns and motivations of the immigrant fathers Income from tourism for the of the previous generation . . . The young leader does not reject first five months of this year Israel's need for continuing assistance, but has a strong interest totaled $12,800,000, an increase in the local Jewish community agencies and services . . . In his of 17 per cent over the tourist relationship to the national movements, old ideological antagon- income earned by the State's isms, like Zionism vs. non-Zionism, or Reform vs. Orthodoxy, national carriers, El Al Air- seem to have little importance to him . . . He refuses to panic or lines and the Zim-Israel Naviga- be caught up in the wave of hysteria to which the older genera- tion Company. Some 14,000 tion seems prone . . . He does not become upset about a Rock- Israelis traveled abroad last well and takes a dim view of the emotional outbursts against month as compared with 11,000 anti-Semitic hate peddlers . . . He refuses to be trapped into in July 1960, the figures indi- providing copy for the press which only serves as free publicity for bigots cated.