Seek Action by Federal Agencies Against Firms Boycott' WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Rep. "Our action should set a Alfred Santangelo, New York standard of morality for busi- weakens its anti-bias stand, the Democrat, asked . Attorney Gen- nessmen who seem to be more Arabs will interpret this as eral Robert Kennedy and the interested in the crass dollar weakness and increase t State Department to rule on than in maintaining friendship bigotry, boycott and bloc whether Federal authorities of democratic nations, the Con- tactics. Halpern said that the tate under existing interstate and gressman said. He explained foreign commerce statutes and that this stand was an out- Department requested ai unds Government anti-bias laws could growth of complaints charging from Congress and shou heed delete from invitations to sub- that Brown & Williamson To- the sense of Congress b with- mit bids those firms that dis- bacco Corp. of Louisville, Ky., holding assistance from tions criminate against the right of and the British-American To- that discriminate. He d iled free commerce with Israel. bacco Co., Ltd. "are involved in Arab discrimination aff •ng Rep. Santangelo pointed out intricate international tactics himself and Arab tactics ge that the Government in effect which ban major cigarette ally that led to the stronger "permits companies producing brand shipments to Israel in wording for which he com- goods in America to deny these order to hold the Arab market." mended the House Foreign Affairs Committee. American-made products to our * * * He said that without regard friend and ally, Israel.' He to Administration or party, charged that the Department of Congress DiscusseS Congress should insist on the Defense wtth hundreds of bases State Department's implementa- in the United States and around Arab Bias Clause tion of foreign aid programs in the world does business with in Foreign Aid Bill consonance with the expressed companies that practice a dis- WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Rep. sense of Congress. criminatory selling policy. Seymour Halpern, whose bar- Rep. William F. Ryan, New "Other federal agencies with- ring from Saudi Arabia resulted in the Department of Justice in . a strong anti-bias clause in York Democrat, told the House itself, -the Federal institutions the House foreign aid bill, as that the State Department within the Bureau of Prisons, contrasted with the weaker should act on the anti-bias and hospitals under the Veterans Senate • version, said on the freedom of the seas provisions. Administration, the Department House floor in a debate on the Ryan said that the House of Health, Education, and Wel- pending aid bill that if Congress insist upon strong the present Hou fare permit products of these prejudiced companies to mer- chandise in their facilities," he continued. "The Federal mari- time commission extends bene- fits to these firms under our American Merchant 0- e steam arran • , and ev nder our for WASHINGTON (JTA) — Sec- p. Rooney repli :n aid p ram, these om- etary of State Dean Rusk re- di not see how a anies pr er. erated an Administration view e ct Israel to re If the Ittor y in hat Israel must offer an option stantial number Ara terpretations of repatriation or compensa-' a State Depa m F er tion to the Palestinian Arab H ance of a peace settle said that the UN r ion agenci d I n o effec e refugees. 'eh is always • in this powe t I a ban on He simultaneously justified the con y intended pan' s i m ating inst termination this year of United that re a ion should come in Israel her democra coun- States aid to Israel by citing trie commended rslation Israel's annual economic growth the context of peace negotia- s h d b e fo oming, he rate and "ability to administer tions, and as long as the Arab leaders refuse to negotiate with urge a technical assistance program" Israel and persist in threat of benefitting African and Asian war, it is most unlikely that MO ME NM MI • nations. He made .his views Israel would open its doors to known in a letter to Rep. John potential enemies." J. Rooney, New York Demo- crat. The Congressman added that He wrote that the United it is wrong to foster the illusion States continued to support in the minds of the Arab refu- "some reasonable interpretation" gees that we really belkve that of the United Nations resolu- the primary and initial burden tion providing for the Arab rests on Israel and that we are refugees "the option of repa- indifferent to her security and triation as law-abiding citizens survival. If we persist in this I 1 of Israel or of compensation for line, the Arabs will never be when you give Barton's who do not wish to re- willing to accept any resettle- I chocolates, candies, " those turn." ment. This would prove a dis- pastries. Choo se from- 1 He added that any repatria- service to the best interes our big, new selection. tion would have "to be so im- the refugees themsel and 1 This week's feature: • plemented as to take fully into would make it nee • y for us to continue the account Israel's legitimate se- .R.W.A. ap- nitely—a bur- curity and economic require- propriations n° right to im- ments. Contrary to press re- den we ha taxpayers wit •ut ports, the Administration has pose on progress." • made no suggestion either to promise Israel or to the Arab states of any specific number of refugees Nee of Resettle who should be repatriated. Nor 1 does the Department have a Pla for Arab Re specific plan in mind, but be- Str sed to Pres' lieves that, consistent with the W INGTON, (JTA)'- he UN General Assembly resolu- impo tion mentioned . . . and the Palest' ce of resettlement of rab . refugees in Arab sentiments of Congress, the . problem deserves our earnest lands — tion and corn rael Americana Assortment I study at this time." He added —was stressed by leaders of the that reports that "we expect I Chunky, chewy, nut-crunchy Jewish War Veterans in a 20- • chocolates. Pecan caramels, II Israel to receive Arabs in a 'N date and nut, marshmallows, manner or in numbers to minute talk with President Ken- nedy in the White House. butter-nut crunch, cherries, I threaten her security are with- almond clusters and lots II out foundation." National Commander of the Rusk suggested that the grant JWV, I. L. Feuer, urged the I more. All chocolate-covered. 1 Lb. $1.89 2 Lbs. $3.79 I aid component in the U. S. as- President to consider resettle- sistance program for Israel ment of the Arabs as a vital part should be shifted to the loan of any just and practical solution category under the new "aid for of the refugee problem. National international development" pro- Executive Director Joseph Barr gram. said that President Kennedy's He noted that Israel had attention was drawn to reports "an- annual growth rate of that he had omitted mention of Exclusively at eight percent, a per capita in- resettlement in his letters to the come of something more than Arab rulers, referring only to $1,000 per annum, and an repatriation and compensation of 1 ability to administer a tech- the Arab refugees. I nical assistance program of its , White House spokesman An- own." He said these develop- drew Hatcher, commenting on At 10 Mile Rd. Across from ments supported the views the JWV meeting with the Presi- I Dexter Davison Mkt. •I that U. S. aid to Israel should dent, said that Mr. Kennedy con- I 18309 Wyoming nr. Curti! I now be provided on the basis curred in hopes for peace in the „„ Barton's Confections one I of loans and surplus com- Middle East. Hatcher did not modities "rather than grants." amplify this statement. • Baked Delicacies Are Also • Option on Refugee Re Urged by Rusk; Prop U.S. Grants to Israe I • You do the sweetest things to "the watered-down ovision in the Se to version." Ryan called partment t the right, abroad,- r He cited ut Britis the Ar League boycott and said t United States could not to do less in resi • rab threats. He s • e must be is issue or fail to live up to our ideals." 24711 Coolidge I Hwy. I I Available at Crowly's • Street Floor. I Open Sundays and Eves. I NMI MN MN INK 11•1 In NM He said exact programs had not yet been determined but he gave assurance "this Ad- ministration has no intention of reducing the volume." 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