( • WASHINGTON — Mary E. Switzer, director of the Federal Office of Vocational Rehabili- tation, has been named "Wo- man of the Year" by the National Ladies Auxiliary of Jewish War Veterans • of the United States. Bertha W. Krause, president of the service organization, an- nouncing Miss Switzer's selec- tion, said she was named for unstinting and outstanding serv- ice to disabled persons the world over: Miss Switzer was honored Wednesday at a banquet in Baltimore during the JWV Aux- iliary's 34th. National Conven- tion. She received a silver-faced plaque bearing this inscription: "A forceful champion of those having physical and mental handicaps, to gain the right to live in- dignity." Eleanor Roosevelt and Sen- ator Margaret Chase Smith, are among previous recipients of the Auxiliary's "Woman of the Year" Award. Miss Switzer has headed the Office of Vocational Rehabilita- tion since 1950. During her ten- ure, the number of handicapped persons who returned to useful employment jumped from 55,000 in 1954 to 88,000 in 1960. Last year Miss Switzer be- came the first woman to win the coveted Albert Lasker Award for her international work in rehabilitating the dis- abled. • amages SHAW-ROBINER: The mar- riage of Carole Marlene Robiner to Rodney Shaw was herd Aug. 15 at Temple Israel. The newly- weds are ..the -children of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robiner of San Juan Dr. and "Dr. and Mrs. S. Irwin Shaw of Cherrylawn Ave. A family dinner at Topinka's Country House followed the cere- mony. The couple departed for a northern Michigan honeymoon. They will reside in Des Moines, Iowa, where the bridegroom is a sophomore at the Des Moines Col- lege of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery. Cornell Dance Students Win National Contest Six students of the Cornell Dance Studio, 18049 Wyoming, won honors in the nationwide ballroom dancing contest for pre- teens and teen-agers sponsored by the Dance Masters of America at Philadelphia. The winners were Carol Rose and Mark Rosen who won first place for the fifth and sixth grade division, making this their 11th win since starting their lessons; Marcy Rose and Donald Schon who won first place for the sev- enth a •e division, bri their total o trophies laine Zom er and Davison, third place in the high schoo divi- `Was o•—shrin Ameri- can P m' s the tray- eloo eing offered by t Chil- Division of the wish er 1:30 p.m. today the aron DeRoy The The film sho stone and s nic po est as the Mount Vern onument, Bota the White Hous er where. Lin. coin e Capitol, and man ildings and monu- eli as documents of lean heritage. On account of Labor Day ; deadline for copy sub- mitted to The Jewish News of Sept. B- which is to be our a ill have to be in our h ore noon on Fri 1. Since • ashanah occurs on Monday d ues- day, co r the Sept. 15 issue must reach us b fore noo riday, S t. 8. ere will b i n e • •• e fo Sep 22 e, due to the cur ce of on Sep 20. Deadline fo 11 Class • • d ye g for the pt. issue will be noon T sd Sept. 19. ER-DA tAm. %OA MEAT POULTRY p "In AND MARKET WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR Our SPECIALS OF THE WEEK! 1 MISS SUSAN JACOB Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ja Robson Ave. announce gagement of their d Susan Phyllis, to Daniel der, son of Dr. and Mrs. M.CSnyder of Oak Dr. Miss Jacobs attended the versity of Michigan and is junior in the Wayne State versity College Education. is affiliated withp e lta Phi Epsi- lon sorority. Her fiance also at- tends Wayne State University and is a pre-medical senior ma- joring in pSychology. He is affili- ated with the Sigma Alph Mu fraternity. A Dec. 16 wedding is planned. usly ichi.. hila- 1117D Prime & Choice BEEF - WE NOW CARRY OVEN 'READY POULTRY a WE WRAP MEAT FOR FREEZER FREE! SWEETER THAN SUGAR YET NO FOOD VALUE O WE KF . Latitni0 CootizIge at 10 Mile—Oak Park WE DELIVER L CALL OWNERS: Saul Cohen, Ben Zager, Harry Reznick I 8-6800 Recommended by doctors to diabetics, overweight, and to-cal- orie diets. Use for beverages, 'desserts, cooking. Pure. Corn. pletely harmless. 4 oz. — 75: SATISFACTION GUARANTEED GUARANTEED NON-FATTENING . •- AT FOOD STORES EVERYWHERE Classified Ads Bring Results We Sell, Nationally Advertised Brands -That You Know You Can Trust AT OUR OAK PARK MARKET TRY OUR STRICTLY n BAR-B-0'd CHICKEN FINEST SELECTION IN THE CITY ! BEST YOU EVER TASTED! $ 1 29 ea. EXTRA SUPER SPECIAL ! STRICTLY AND WE MEAN KOSHER FRESH FISH & SEA FOOD We Skin, Bone & Grind Fish Free of Charge! SUPER SPECIAL ! Extra Fancy EXTRA SPECIAL ! SEALTEST ICE Delicious, Large Lean, Tasty Nations Capital Is Topic of Lates r Film Early Deadlines for Issues of Septein.ber 8,-15 and 22 PASTRAMI FOR YOUR PARTY ... OR OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS TRY OUR STRICTLY TRAY SERVICE DAIRY or MEAT! KOSHER-PARVE ALCOA MAR PARV O ALUMINUM WRAP All Flavors PILLAR DEXTE K or AVISON CHASE & SANBORN HILLS BROS AR'ROCK EXTRA SUPER SPECIAL ! CHARCOAL BRIQUETS 89 1-lb. Pkgs. P OLAND cy Chinook ret": SMUCK PRE Grap .' ES Orange MADE our Choice Lge. 20-oz. Jar FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS FROSTY A C,ROSSE BLACKWELL 'Table Tested' inkle Cut EXTRA SPECI LEMONADE Plain or Pink c 1 PEPPERIDGE FARM PUFF PASTRIES c pkg. DOLE DOLE HAWAIIAN Unsweetened PINEAPPLE JUICE SLICED PINEAPPLE BIFF'S FAMOUS HAMBURGERS 1-lb. 2-lb. 75c '1.49 Cans $100 "PRODUCE GREENFIELD'S NOODLES IN YOUR FUTVRE DAISY BRAND Rich, Creamy COTTAGE CHEESE 1-lb. Carton Best Anywhere—Anytime 1 7 - THE DETR OIT JEWIS H NEWS — Fri day, August 18, 1961 Mary E. Switzer Jacobs-Snyder Titled 'Woman of Troth Announced the Year' by JWV 2ic SOUR CREAM DAISY BRAND WHIPPED BUTTER Sweet or Salt 8-oz. Cup Sweet RED ONIONS 3 39c lbs. They Eat Like An Applet Extra Fancy Jurnba NIBLETS Whole Kemal SPECIALS* Horne Grown Long, Thin 1st of Season Italian , BLUE PRUNE BERRIES Cucumbers PLUMS Crispy qt. 49c 4 for 19C 2 49c lbs. *While Supply Lasts We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities