Eichmann's Fate Now Viewed by Three Judges; Verdict May Not Be Pronounced Until November (Continued from Page 1) and other newspapers in various cities,. including Chicago, De- troit, San Francisco, Washing- ton, Houston, Salt Lake City, Cincinnati, Dayton, St. Louis, Rochester (N.Y.), Los Angeles and Oklahoma City. Correspondents were asked whether they thought Eichmann received a fair trial before the three judges in Jerusalem, which has been hearing the case for four months; what they thought his sentence should be if con- victed; and what type of punish- ment he should receive if found guilty. Summarizing the results of the poll, the Herald Tribune reported: "Almost without a single ex- ception, the men and women in- terviewed believed Eichmann was guilty and that his trial had proved him to be. "The margin was very narrow between those who thought Eichmann should be put to death for his crimes and 'those who thought he should be given life imprisonment. There was a shade more opinion favoring the latter. As to what the court probably will decide: Most per- sons questioned believed Eich- mann would be found guilty but that his life would be spared. Many seem to think he would get life imprisonment." . (Direct JTA The etype Wire ish News) TEL A —Adolf Eichn- s greatly surprise by fair and dece tre me e recei ed • fo m long t a was de ac- ng de- , Dr. s. rvati state- nt T returning his ogne, Ger- said he u like CHEESE KREPLACH many. He is not expected here until November, when the court that tried Eichmann will an- nounce its verdict. On the same plane with Servatius was an official delegation from the West German government, which has been observing the trial on be- half of Bonn. Eichmann is being moved from the cell he has occupied at the Beit Haam, in Jerusalem, during the trial, to a cell in the Jale- meh Prison, in Northern Galilee. Eichmann Trial End; Verdict in November MEATLESS med Chef Boy-Ar-Dee. Tender due maca roni pies ...filled with ngy Italian Cheese...simmered tyith savory tomato sauce and please... seasoned the real Ital- ian way. So much tastier and iaSier than the frozen kind. So ertich thriftier, too—costs only about 15c per serving! prosecution had failed to estab- lish the last two counts in the indictment, which charged Eich- mann with crime by belonging to the SS and the Gestapo. In the early days of the Nazi regime, Servatius de- clared, Eichmann tried actively to help the Jews of Germany. When wartime orders tighten. ed the Nazi actions affecting the Jews, he held, Eichmann simply acted under such or- ders. If crimes were commit- . ted, he insisted, higher authori- ties were to blame. Eichmann was not the man assigned by Hitler to implement the orders for the physical annihilation of the Jews, he said, declarb "There' is' nothing to Hitler assigned termination t JERUSALEM, (JTA) — The trial of Adolf Eichmann con- cluded Monday — four months since it opened, on April 11. Presiding Justice Moshe Lan- dau, in adjourning the- court, in- dicated that the verdict will be issued in November. The trial ended after a sum- mation of the defense by Dr. Robert Servatius, Eichmann's at- torney, who argued that Eich- Eichnian job, as . : ;been by mann had committed no crime against . the Jewish people,. be- Servatius s only to "take care cause there was no Jewish. peo- of any hes that developed in ple at the time Eichmann headed the tr port o ews," the Gestapo's department for did S atius t Jewish affairs. "The Jewish peo- aim tha ple," he said, "did not exist be- his fore the establishment of Israel, no e held p ish hence no crime against the Jew- in ut order y s ann w only a small ish people as such could have Ei Nazi paratus, eld, been committed. This situation in n by the fact he had cannot be changed by any legal is p TO after 1941. fiction. Legally, it isn't even receiv clear what the term 'Jewish Eichmann • i y carried out or- ders, the defense lawyer empha- people' means." His argument provoked con- sized, and "even under the Isra- sternation in the crowded eli criminal code, a person act- courtroom and the public had ing on superior orders bears no to be quieted by the stern po- responsibility for a crime." Eich- lice guards. Servatius, in mann had to carry cut orders advancing this argument, was without questioning the com- referring, in this context, to mands, he said. Concluding his long plea the first count of the 15-point indictment under which Eich- Servatius told the court: " mann is facing the three-man court can only determin panel of judges. The first happened, and serve ing to history. We count, the defense lawyer con- forgiveness and ceded, is the principal charge rather thoug among the 15 enumerated in tance mus the indictment. It charges the indiv . that "the accused, in the pe- A retur riod between 1936 and 1945, restrai committed acts constituting a be a crime against the Jewish peo- seen ple in that, together with Solo t, others, he caused the killing sho s of of millions of Jews." the om • e Jewish e. The fact that. Nazi leaders, on trial during the Nuremberg War Crimes proceedings, had accused Eichmann of committing crimes against Jews, said Servatius, means only that the Nuremberg defendants had succeeded in "misleading" the international military tribunal trying them. If the prosecution's arguments about Eichmann's responsibility were to be accepted, the attorney in- sisted, "this would provoke joy and satisfaction among the Jew- haters of the world." "If what the prosecution says is correct," he continued with sarcasm, "then all the Nazis still being hunted can come out of hiding. According to the prose- cution's version of Eichmann's role, there did not exist any mur- der order by the Fuehrer. It was not Goering or the great Paladins You'll love who were guilty — only Adolf Eichmann. The Jew-hater Himm- ler did not have to commit sui- CHEF BOY-AR-DEE cide, and Martin Bormann (Hit- ler's deputy) can now emerge CHEESE • RAVIOLI from hiding. The great guilty one has been found — Adolf Eich- Near family, guests, cheer for pot real Italian flavor created by ery, he contended, had misused penalty, declaring that all of these organizations. Collective the counts had been proved punishment for membership in against Eichmann in the four the Nazi organization or the months trial. SS, he insisted, is "inconsistent "I ask you, judges of Israel to with international law." render a just and truthful According to Servatius, the diet," Hausn d th • ee- mann." Servatius started by asking the court's permission to submit a list of legal precedents concern- ing the laws of conspiracy. He attempted to demolish each of the counts in the in- dictment. Not one of the counts had been proven, he contend. ed. The prosecution, he said, had not submitted proof of the criminal character of the Nazi Party or of the SS. The Ger- man Reich's political machin - This 1 correct the abduct a n d peace." of the 1 d serve Attorney General Gideon Hausner, the chief prosecutor, - ended his summation without asking for the death penalty because, under Israeli law, a prosecutor cannot demand. a penalty before conviction. He did demand conviction of the former Gestapo colonel on all 15 counts of the indictment, most of which carry the death tx victions of Nazis in West Ger- many, that nine former SS offi- P-3 cers were driven to suicide out PO of fear of impending trials and that for the first time West Ger- any was offering rewards for c., mation leading to the arrest 5. judge co e emph ed that of r criminals all 15 is of th dictment, "hav een prove during the z fo u onth trial. e three jurists — Pre ing 4 APPLICATIONS FOR J ge Moshe La u, ber 0 Israel's I and two au dg , Dr zhak Raveh ARE NOW BEING TAKEN Bi a as On New or Existing Homes evy—n S art th li ations., QUICK SERVICE result impact of Phone Us Today the vial, there has Ca been an increase in the round-up FRANKLIN Ir MORTGAGE CORP. of Nazi war criminals, the Israel 00 Approved FHA Mortgagee Prime Minister's office claimed 915 First National Bldg., Det. 26 - this week. 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