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August 11, 1961 - Image 30

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1961-08-11

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THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS—Fri day, August 1 1, 1961-30

Eichmann's 'Lust' for Carnage Is Summarized by Gideon Hausner



(Continued from

4 furnished lake homes! Income
to $150 weekly: Total price
$10,000, $2,500 down. 4;18 weekly.


Call • Dave Goldberg

LOgan 5-4800



PAINTING, decorating, inside, out-
side, free estimates, reasonable.
LI 7-5639, KE 8-1047.

FURS repaired and remodeled.
Latest styles. H. Waldhorn. Estab-
lished 1920. 16561 Ilene. UN 1-5932.

plete painting by experts. Clean,
insured work. Free estimates.
Delta Decorators. UN 2-8331.

exterior. Quality workmanship, in-
sured, reasonable. UN 4-8534.


We specialize in commercial and
domestic coal. Fill your bins up

TE 1-6756



CR. 8-0320 or KE. 8-1064

T.V.'s, Washers, Dryers, Vacu-
ums, and Disposals. All makes
and types. All work guaranteed.
We sell re-conditioned Washers
and Dryers. Nobody can beat our


All Rinds of Alterations
Call for Appointments .

UN 3-8283
17175 . ROSELAWN

CARPENTER WORK of all kinds.
kitchen cabinet doors, wall panel-
ing, steps, railings, cedar closets.
work myself. UN 4-1897.

LOUIE'S Re-upholstering, Repairing
Satisfaction guaranteed. Reason
able. Free estimates. UN 4-3339
VE 5-7453.

ALL REPAIRS, brick, cement, plaster,
pointing, porches, chimney, steps.
UN 2-1017.

FURNITURE repairs and refinishing.
Free estimates. Call UN 4-3547.

FOR BETTER wall washing, call
James Russell. One day service.
TO 6-4005. 526 Belmont.

I. SCHWARTZ. All kinds of carpenter
work, no job too big or small. BR
3-4826. Ll 5-4035.



Also Office. Furniture.
Any time.
TY 44587

PAINTING and decorating, finest
workmanship, free estimates. Sam
Fishman. UN 1-3265.

PAINTING and wall washing, win-
dow washing. Reasonable price.
Quick service. 20 years experi-
ence. TE 4-5864.

GUARANTEED interior, exterior
painting, washing. Special on va-
cancies. LI 8-8831.


necklace.' UN 3-6368.

WANTED TO BUY—Sukkah in good
condition. Call 341-6606.

TURN YOUR OLD suits, topcoats,
and shoes into cash. -TU 3-1872.



prices paid for good used furni-
ture and appliances. Call Nate
Paige, TY 5-6601. Open daily 9-
8:30 p.m., Sun. 11-6. Closed Sat.


1961' DODGE LANCER 770, 2 door
hard top. R. & H., torq drive.
Make offer. Moving to Arizona.
Private. VE 5-5023.

J. A. Lyone Heppner, current-
ly president of the Montreal

Advertising and Sales Execu-
tive Club, is a direct descend-
ant of John Heppner, pioneer
farmer, who in 1886 settled on a
farm near Wapella, approxi-
mately 40 miles northeast of
the previous Moosomin settle-
ment. Subsequently . some 20
Jewish families settled on farms
in t h a t neighborhood. His
mother, Mrs. Max Heppner, of
Winnipeg, has many old letters
from Ussishkin and Schmarya
Levin, and prayer books that
were brought from Russia over
100 years ago.


Page 24)

Meanwhile, roared the prosecu-
tor, Eichmann continued his de-
portations and even devised a
scheme to circumvent any new
orders to ease the deportations,
a plan to speed up deportations
so that the Jews would be in
Auschwitz. before their papers
for emigration could be pro-
cessed. Subsequently, Himmler,
did halt the limited emigration
as Eichmann had demanded, the
prosecutor noted. He said that
when during the testimony which
began in April, Eichmann was
confronted with documents de-
scribing his intervention, he had
"good grounds" to deny knowl-
edge of the documents. One of
them was a letter from . him to
his deputy asking for interven-
tion in the Reichstag for the
more radical policy a total halt
in all Jewish emigration.
During . all this time, the pro-
sedutor said, Eichmann fought a
running battle with the Hungar-
ian Chief of State, Admiral
Nicholas Horthy, who refused to
allow deportations beyond a cer-
tain point so Eichmann sent
trains over the border without
Hungarian approval.
Recalling that one of the trains
was stopped at the border by the
Hungarians and returned to Hun-
gary the prosecutor said this
"small - victory" over the Eich-
mann murder lust did not last
very long. Eichmann dealt with
this problem by summoning Jew-
ish leaders to his office and - kept
them there for talks while he
spoke on the telephone. Later,
Eichmann dismissed the Jewish
leaders and they then learned

Joint Defense Appeal,
ADL Withdraws from
Miami Jewish Appeal

MIAMI, (JTA) •— The Joint
Defense Appeal, the fund-rais-1
ing agency for the American
Jewish Committee, and the
Anti-Defamation League of Bnai I
Brith, has decided to withdraw
from the 1962 Combined Jewish
Appeal of the Greater Miami
Jewish Federation, but both
sides expressed the hope that
means would be found to cancel
the withdrawal.
The reason for the with-
drawal was given in a joint
statement by David Fleeman,
president of the Greater Miami
chapter of the American Jewish
Committee, and Paul Seider-
man, chairman of the Florida
region of the ADL. The state-
ment said:
"The Joint Defense Appeal
made its decision to withdraw
from the Miami Federation
based on the fact that for many
years allocations by the local
Combined. Jewish Appeal have
made it impossible for the
American Jewish Committee
and the Anti-Defamation League
to meet their responsibilities
to the Jewish community. Since
reaching our decision, there
has been evidence that Federa-
tion leaders have indicated a
desire to constructively discuss
possible alternative possibili-
- Sam J: Heiman, president of
the . Greater Miami Jewish
Federation, also indicated a
readiness to meet with JDA
officials to find some solution
for the impasse. He cited a
Federation .executive committee
resolution on the impending
withdrawal in which the Federa-
tion • said that _it "believes in
the central fund-raising and
planning purposes and objec-
tives for which Federation was
organized." •
"Withdrawal of the JDA from
the campaign would not be in
the. best interests of the or-
ganized Jewish community and
its progress in the future," the
Federation resolution said. It
urged that "further meetings
be held with the representa-
tives of the JDA for re-discus-
sion of their action."

that while they were in Eich-
mann's office, Eichmann's men
had loaded all members of the
recalled transport to motor
trucks and the trucks moved
over the border Auschwitz-bound.
Eichmann had kept the leaders
in his office during this opera-
tion so that they would be unable
to intervene with Admiral Horthy
as they had the first time.
The prosecutor said that this
was a typical example of the
tricks Eichmann used to send
Jews to their doom and which
he had also tried to use in his
defense testimony. The real Eich-
mann, said the prosecutor, is the
evasive, tricky deceiver. As a
last trick, when all others fail,
said the prosecutor, Eichmann
claims the documents against him

were forged "but he is known in
this guise as well. This is the
one he used in Hungary for
carrying out deception" against
the doomed Hungarian Jews.
Israel to Aid German
Soldier Who Resisted
Orders to Kill Jews
Prime Minister's Office issued a
call for witnesses to help a Ger-
man war veteran who was intern-
ed in the Dachau concentration
camp by the Nazis for refusing
to obey orders to kill Jews.
The veteran, Franz Preissler,
now living in East Germany,
needs affidavits to obtain a pen-
sion as a war invalid and made
the request for help in a letter
to Prime Minister David Ben-
Gurion. The veteran wrote that

Hasidism and Its Tales

Two Books of Short Stories and
Third Volume, Guide to Movement

he was court martialed for dis-
obeying the order to kill Jews
while in service in Poland. As a
Christian, he conducted himself
as a human being and refused to
obey, he wrote.
In his letter, he enclosed a
letter from Dr. Karl Schimmer,
now living in New York, and one
from Hans Kronoski, now in
Leipzig, both of whom affirmed
that Preissler was in Dachau in
1943 and 1944 and that he help-
ed many Jews escape death. His
request for affidavits from Israeli
survivors was sent to the Yad
Washem, the Israel Center for
Documentation of the Hitler holo-
caust, for dissemination.


Charles Kramer Dies;
Was Reform Leader

NEW YORK, (JTA)—Charles
Kramer, prominent attorney
and active leader of the Jewish
community, died here Aug. 7
of a heart attack at the age
of 70.
He was a founder of the
National Federation of Temple
Brotherhoods and president of
that Reform organization from
1931 to 1933 and from 1941
to 1943. He was a director of
the Union of American Hebrew
Congregations and honor ary
secretary of the - Synagogue
Council of America, national
coordinating body for the Or-
thodox, Conservative and
Reform movements.

Three new books add to the movement, starts his story with
folklore literature 'and to the 'the historic background — the
evaluative works dealing with conditions among Jewry in the
18th century — proceeds to
the Hasidic movement.
David McKay Co. (119 W. evaluate the life and aspira-
40th, N.Y. 18) has issued a tions of the founder •of the
charming work by Jiri Langer, movement, Rabbi Israel Baal
"Nine Gates to the Chassidic Shem ton, and proceeds to de-
Myst e r i e s," translated by scribe Hasidic aims and aspira-
tions and the movement's activ-
Stephen Jolly.
From the pen of Rabbi Harry ities down to the present time.
Of special interest is the
M. Rabinowisz, of London, come
two books—"The Slave Who enlightening chapter on the Abraham Galanta, Noted
Saved the City and Other Hasi- role of women in Hasidism. Jewish Historian, Dies
dic Tales," published by A. S. He points out that "in Hasid- -
(Direct JTA Teletype Wire to
The Jewish News)
Barnes & Co. (11 E. 36th, N.Y. ism the women were neither
16), and "A Guide to Hasid- `voiceless' nor 'suppressed,'
isth," published by T h o m a s that: "Hasidism gave a new Galanta, noted Turkish Jewish
meaning and nobility to the historian, died here Tuesday at
Yoseloff (11 E. 36th, N.Y. 16).
Langer, a friend of Kafka most menial task, to the most the age of 88.
He was the author of some 50
mundane drudgery of day-to-
and Max Brod, has imbibed the
Hasidic s p i r i t and has suc- day life, and granted its books, most of them dealing
ceeded through the "Nine women full equality in this with the history of the Jews of
Gates" to share with his read- world and in the world to Turkey and the Middle East.
He served as a professor of
ers the charm of the great come."
history at Istanbul University
movement of Hasidism. His
Rabbi Rabinowicz describes and as a member of the Turkish
book first was published under the Hasidic way of life. He tells
the title "Devet Bran" in 1937, about their interest in Zionism Parliament.
in Prague. It was ordered de- and the settlements they estab-
Joseph Kahn Dies at 59
stroyed by the Nazis as an "art lished in Israel.
monstrosity." Today only a few
Joseph Kahn, 59, who oper-
He concludes with an inform-
of the Czech copies remain.
ative chapter on Hasidism in ated the Higrade Sand & Gravel
* *
the present century and the Corp. in Romeo for nine years,
Born in Prague, Langer dis- Hasidic activities throughout died Monday.
Mr. Kahn, 17500 Pennington,
played an interest in Jewish the world and in the United
folklore from his early youth. States. He declares, after list- was a Detroit resident for 38
In a foreword to this collection ing the newest creations of years. • He was born in Poland.
of Hasidic tales, his brother, Hasidism — "the - schools they A Labor Zionist, he was also
Frantisek, explains Jiffs inter- established and the inspiration a member of Cong. Adas
est in Jewish mysticism, his they are b r i n g i n g to Jewry Shalom, the Pisgah Lodge of
religious devotion, his general everywhere—that Hasidism has Bnai Brith and the Craftsman
Jewish attitudes, which were a meaning and a message for Lodge '521, F. & A.M.
Surviving are his wife, Ruth;
unlike those of the entire fam- the present and the future."
* * *
two daughters, Mrs. Allen Si-
ily that was assimilating.
Rabbi Rabinowicz's "The pher, and -Mrs. Duane Jerald of
Then came the wars and suf-
ferings. -Jiri finally landed in Slave Who Saved the City is Cincinnati; a brother. Milton of
Tel Aviv. He died there in 1943, one of the numerous stories Miami Beach; and five grand-
after he had c r ea t e d other appearing in the Barnes book. children.
works. Just before his death Here, too, the author has an
Max Brod showed him proofs explanatory introduction tha t Aaron I. (.eselis Dies
Aaron I. Geselis, associated
of poetry he had written in enables the reader to under-
stand the background of the with his father in the Capital
As a young man, Jiri went movement in which there is Department Store in Highland
Park and vice president of the
to Belz, Poland, to join the such a wealth of narratives.
In the first section. of the Highland Park Junior Chamber
flock of the Belzer tzaddik. His
cabbalistic interests developed book there are 24 tales of Rabbi of Commerce, died Aug. 4. He
Israel B a a 1-S h em Tov, the was 32.
from that time on.
* * *
Mr. Geselis, 245 W. Green-.
movement's founder. In the
Supplementing Jiri Langer's second section there are 13 dale, attended the University
Nine Stories in his most inter- stories of other Hasidic sages, of Michigan and was graduated
esting book, in addition to the including some of the best from Wayne State University.
He was a Navy veteran.
biographical account of the known in Hasidism.
He leaves his parents, Mr. and
A glossary will prove helpful
author by his bother, is an
important introduction in which in understanding many of the Mrs. Joseph Geselis; a sister,
Langer assisted the reader in Hebrew terms in Dr. Rabino- Mrs. Aaron Friedman; and his
grandmother, Mrs. R ebe c c a
search of an understanding of wicz's book of short stories.
Ahron Gelles charmingly Mattes.
Hasidism. Similarly informa-
tive is an appended 'additional illustrated "The S l a v e Who
" . . . happily the Government
portion of the book, "The City Saved the City." The stories in
of Wisdom," which further ex- this book are very brief and of the United States, which gives
plains Hasidism, the K o t s k can be read separately. But the to bigotry no sanction, to persecu-
tradition, the devotion of the reader's attention is certain- to tion no assistance, requires only
that 'they who live under its pro-
Hasidic leaders and their fol- be held, and those possessing
the book will return to it to tection, should demean them-
selves as good citizens."
Thus, in "-Nine Gates" are gain knowledge and inspiration.
reflected the mysticism of
In their entirety, the three
Hasidism, the g l o r i o us ap-
Help Keep
proaches to it by its followers, books form an excellent collec-
the inspiration they derived tion on Hasidism. Stories and
Our Economy
from their holy men. "Nine essays, entertaining tales and
Tales" is part of the great folk- informative background mate-
rial, contribute towards a better
lore that spells Hasidism.
- * *
understanding of Hasidism..
The three books enrich the
Dr. Rabinowicz, who has done
Buy U.S. Savings Bonds
much research into the Hasidic Hasidic library.


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