THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, August 11, 1961 2 Purely Commentary By PH I SLOMOVITZ The Sabbath Issue—Where It Is Flagrantly Violated Our community's current problem, involving the contro- versy over Sabbath programming at the Jewish Center, is mild, compared with what appears to be almost total abandonment of Sabbath principles in other cities, noticeably in the South. A typical example is the election that was held on Saturday, July 22, in Houston, Tex. The public spirited editor of the Houston Jewish Herald-Voice, a national Bnai Brith leader, one of his community's outstanding Jewish personalities, made this editorial appeal for a "get out and vote on Saturday" on a civic issue: "The citizens of Houston will decide Saturday what is to be done with the Old City Hall block. The verbiage has been coining thick and fast. Most everyone should know by now that the decision to sell or not to sell to private interests is to be decided by the electorate We believe it will be more beneficial to all citizens to decide to sell to private interests. The majority of the City Council, the Mayor and a great number of citizens are for the sale. Your vote should be FOR THE CITY ORDINANCE. Be a good citizen. Get out and vote on Saturday." We have much less to • complain about here. In anticipation of the Primary Election on Rosh Hashanah, a campaign already has been launched to encourage Jewish voters to apply for absentee ballots, and the City of Detroit is actively cooperating in this effort to protect Jewish voters and to assist them in their participation in a statewide election. On similar previous occasions, on a Rosh Hashanah and on a Passover, Jewish voters were enabled to vote by absentee balloting. Had a Saturday inflicted a similar hardship, there is no doubt that the state and city governments would have cooperated in enabling Jews not to desecrate a sacred day while performing their civic duties. But in Texas it is "get out and vote on Saturday." 'Soviet Jews Must Register as Jews' In a letter addressed to the New York Times on the question of the position of the Jews in the Soviet Union, Moshe Decter wrote: In a recent dispatch Seymour Topping wrote that "at the age of 16, when Soviet citizens are issued their internal pass- ports, Jewish youngsters have the option of entering their nationality as Jews or that of the republic in which they live." The facts are otherwise. In the U.S.S.R. a person's citizenship, pride and dignity are molded by his nationality, which largely defines his self- awareness, language, history, literature, mores and customs, The internal "passport," which lists his nationality, is actually his personal identity card, required for work, education, resi- dence and travel. To obtain it, the youth must produce papers which specify the nationality of each of his parents. If both parents are of the same nationality, he has no option; this applies to Jews as to others. He has an option only if his parents are of different nationalities; but this is marginal for Soviet Jews. The Soviet Jews are required to register as Jews. But, alorie among the many recognized nationalities, they are de- prived of major cultural institutions, subjected to harassment in the press, faced with educational and employment discrimi- nation (subtly exercised through the identity card), and iso- lated religiously, culturally and familially from other Jewish communities inside and outside the U.S.S.R. This tragic problem is touched upon by the eminent foreign correspondent, Maurice Hindus, in his "House Without a Roof," the story of Russia 43 years after the revolution—his 14th book to be published by Doubleday. Hindus presents the views of the apologists for the USSR as well as those who revealed to him the tragic position of the Jewish people. He, quotes "a celebrated philologist" who was con- strained to say: "What a misfortune it is for my children that they have to bear my Jewish name and that the fifth point in their passports stamps them as Jews." Hindus proceeds to explain: - "The fifth point! The bane of Soviet Jewry, the ever present reminder to them and to others that they cannot escape their Jewish origin, however non-Jewish they may have become in their thinking, and however deep their resentment at being officially classified as Jews. Soviet law does not allow change of name or nationality, though a child born_ of a mixed marriage may be registered by the nationality of either parent. "The fifth point on passports applies to all Soviet citizens and was never intended as a discriminatory measure against Jews. Now Jews _regard it as particularly oppressive to them as a minority because it results in one discrimination after another. Cynically some Jews speak of it as a certificate of 'fifth-class invalidism.' " With an improvement in conditions since Stalin's death, Hindus says, Russian Jewry's "hope is that it- will not worsen." Russian Jewry's tragedy is akin to the horrors suffered under Czarism. It is no wonder, as Hindus indicates, that so many believe that Soviet nationalism is merely a rebirth of Czarist nationalism. 'Why is a Sputnik a Jew?' — Russian Galgenhumor Maurice. Hindus tells of a conversation he had with a man who spoke with anger about Soviet discrimination against Arme- nians and Jews. It is explained in the course of Hindus' "House Without a Roof" that the Armenians at least have an escape— they have their own Armenian Soviet Republic. His new acquaint- ance, whose name he does not reveal, said to Hindus: "Armenians and Jews are among the brainiest people in the country, and Russians have the gall to call us Armenians and the Jews ugly names. I hear it all the time, even among university students. Think of it—the Armenians and the Jews were highly civilized peoples when the Russians were still barbarians, and yet they dare to insult Armenians and Jews with slimy epithets. That's the kind of 'internationalists' they are. Have you heard the anec- dote about the sputnik being a .Jew?" Hindus' Armenian acquaintance then told him the following: ' " 'Why is the sputnik a Jew?' one Soviet citizen asks another. 'Because it wanders around the earth and has no place to stop' is the answer. I don't know who originated the anecdote. It must have been a Jew. Only a Jew could speak of himself as having no place here, and the reason he does is because Russians make him feel that way. But Armenians don't. Indeed, we don't. Jews in Erevan (capital of Soviet Armenia) feel at home as they don't in Moscow." The Jewish Sputnik story is typical galgenhumor—Jews jesting over their own tragedies. It is humor on the gallows, and it reveals the sadness of their status and exposes the inhumanity Of the Rus- sian officials, whose new nationalism is such a threat to the peace of the entire world. Bank Leumi 'Warns Next Government Must Act to Combat Inflation Danger TES; (JT.A)—Israel's 'largest' bank, the Bank Leumi, Warned in a special report that trends "exerting powerful infla- tionary pressure" on Israel's economy had accelerated in the first half of 1961 and were likely to continue to increase during the second half. "In spite of substantial prog- ress in the spheres of produc- tion, exports and foreign cur- rency reserves, 1960 showed de- velopments less favorable than 1959, due to the widening of the gap in the balance of payments on current account and a rise in the general level of prices," the report said. The report said that currently "prices and wages are rising and the deficit in the balance of trade also continues to rise." It predicted that since 1961 was an election year, "there is little likelihood that basic changes in economic and financial policy will take priority to the forma- tion of a new government to- ward the end of the year." The bank emphasized that once a new government is formed, "the authorities will have to face up to the urgent task of deciding on a policy to combat inflationary trends, raise the level of savings and improve the balance of trade." The 1960 "monetary expan- sion" has reached the point of jeopardizing Israel's monetary stability, the report noted, cit- ing the fact that the money supply rose in 1960 by 21 per- cent, compared with increases of 10 percent in 1959 and 14.5 percent in 1958. In all three years, the bank reported, the accumuluation of foreign cur- rency reserves and the expan sion in credit to the public were the principal reasons for the expansion in the money supply. Asserting that the single most important factor in the rise was the foreign currency reserve ac- cumulation, the bank reported that personal restitution pay- ments from West Germany alone "reached a total of some $101,- 000,000 in 1960." A large share of this "was converted into local currency, causing a marked ex- pansion in the money supply." The report said that the index of consumer prices rose to 105.2 in 1960, which was four percent higher than the figure at the end of 1959. What was especially noteworthy, the bank asserted, was that "all the price increases took place in the second half of 1960, while the first half of that year showed a continua- tion of the 1959 trend of stability." The price rise was attributed mainly to "a rise in demand resulting from a higher level of disposable income and an in- creased rate of restitution pay- ments, in addition, prices were affected by the general rise in demand in money terms due to an expansion of the money sup- ply which was not wholly offset by the increased supply of goods and services available from local production and imports." Prices were also boosted by the im- position of new or additional government taxes and duties on a number of products. "On the whole the 1960-61 esti- mates for the Israel develop- 3.000 Israeli - Students Attend • Foreign Colleges (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM -- Three thou sand Israeli students-are attend ing colleges in other countries two-thirds of them in the United States, a survey by the Prime Minister's office disclosed Tues day. The data showed that 250 are in British colleges, 200 in Aus tria, 150 each in France and Permany, 120 in Swiss schools and smaller. .numbers in Turkey, Japan, Yugoslavia and Poland. 1 ment budget indicated a 25 per- lateral transfers of foreign cur- cent increase in comparison with rency to Israel jumped nearly the figures of the previous year," 20 percent to $300,000,000 and the report said. "This occurred that this increase was due mainly in spite of the fact that the to "the net increment to resti- revenue from the United States tution payments which reached counterpart funds declined by the net figure of $98,000,000 40,000,000 Israel pounds (about in 1960." $2,000,000) to a total of 100,- The bank added that this 000,000 pounds and that from "stream of personal restitution the counterpart funds deriving payments from Germany was from reparations payments" de- likely to continue for several clined by another 5,000,000 years, since it includes both non, pounds. recurrent payments and pension The banks said that the which will continue to be paid main sources to finance the de- for some years to come." The velopment budget had been report noted that reparations expected to be the sale of payments from West Germany debentures to Israeli investors to t h e Israel Government, but a very large proportion though they increased slightly of investment funds went during 1960 to $80,000,000, "are into the purchase of common expected to contract drastically stock. during the next few years and The bank reported that uni- are due to cease in 1964-65." lai.o ■n■ aiwooms,.... m.pow ■ oem•fi .mmemo•siss uismalg Boris Smolar's `Between You ... and Me' (Copyright 1961, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Jewish Bombshell When Zionist bodies in this country charge the State De- partment with yielding to the Arab boycott at the expense of the rights of American citizens, it causes no surprise in Washing- ton . . It is taken for granted that American Zionists should fight the Arab boycott against Israel and against any American aiding Israel . . . But when the American Jewish Committee, a non-Zionist group, comes out publicly with strong accusations against the Government of the United States, the reaction in Wash- ington is quite different . . . The American Jewish Committee is highly respected in GoVernment circles and any official worth his position knows that the Committee would hardly ever do anything that could be considered an attack against the Government . . . It sounded, therefore, like a bombshell for many in Washington when the leaders of the American Jewish Committee came out with a "White Paper" accusing not only the State Department but also the Defense Department and the Department of Agricul- ture . .. What attracted even more attention in Washington was the fact that the charges are strongly worded and documented to a point that there can be no doubt about their validity . . . The American Jewish Committee, in its "White Paper," pulls no punches and charges the United States Government with "degrad- ing the dignity of the United States" by giving in to the Arab boycott against Americans. Washington's Submissiveness The first sharp step taken by the American Jewish Committee against Washington's yielding to the Arab boycott is, by all indi- cations, not the last . . . This is why the AJC's public attack— which will have reverberations in Congress—is being studied se- riously in Washington . . . The documentary evidence produced by the American Jewish Committee about the traditional protection of the rights of American Jewish citizens in Czarist Russia, in Nazi. Germany and in other countries stands in accusing contrast to the present departure by the United States from this tradition. The American Jewish Committee considers Washington's sub- missiveness to the Arab affronts a "loss of integrity and prestige" which no self-respecting Government can afford . . . It therefore urges "close scrutiny" by the American people of the present course of our Government in tolerating the Arab invasion of elementary American rights . . . It charges the U. S. Government with accommodating itself to the Arab indignities even to the extent of yielding to Arab bias in contracts for foreign aid ship- ping, not to mention the surrender of basic American principles by acceptance of the exclusion of American Jewish servicemen from U. S. military units in Arab countries and by tolerating restric- tions there on Christian worship by American soldiers . . . The State Department and other government departments cannot lightly dismiss the American Jewish Committee's charges because of the prestige which this Jewish organization carries . . .Nor can Arab diplomats in Washington dismiss the AJC document as "Zionist propaganda" because the AJC is definitely known as a non-Zionist group. Jewish Witticism I was never enthusiastic about Harry Golden's writing, al- though his books are best sellers .. To me they smelled of a kind of "nostalgic Judaism" presented in a way which often left a certain taste . Completely different is David Schwartz' "Hanukah, Latkes and Rothschild's Millions," published by Twayne . . . David Schwartz possesses the gift of presenting East Side episodes as well as other "nostaglic" Jewish stories with a witticism which has a philosophical undertone . . . His whimsical accounts of Jewish life and personalities are not only amusing but also thought- provoking . .. They show that the author has a solid background of Jewish knowledge and American history . . . Schwartz, who was born in Georgia, is an expert in American history and has done much writing in this field . . . He studied for the rabbinate before he actually decided to make a living by writing .. . He worked on a number of American newspapers and for years he has been conducting a column for many English-Jewish newspapers including The Detroit Jewish News, syndicated by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Thus you have a person of erudition plus writing ability . . . A book by any author who has these qualities should be inter- esting enough for American readers . The collection of stories presented by David Schwartz in his "Hanukah, Latices and Roths- child's Millions" is characteristic of Jewish wit and humor and sb is the author's style of writing.