t; ) State Dept. Against Strong Action on Arab Boycott (Continued from Page 1) the United States contribution to UNRWA are to be used for this vocational training program. Nevertheless, progress toward a final solution remains regret- tably slow." The Committee stressed that the only favorable developments during the past year were 1) real progress in the rectification of U.N.R.W.A. relief rolls and 2) the expanded program of vocational training. "While the Committee continues to support the program, it is of the opinion that more vigorous action is needed to bring the refugee problem to an acceptable and early solution," the report said. "The Committee believes that the vast majority of the refugees will eventually have to be re- settled on land where there is room and opportunity for them." The House Foreign Affairs Committee report displayed an understanding of the Middle East situation in sharp contrast to the anti-Israel and pro-Arab stand of chairman J. W. Fill- bright of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The House Committee is headed by Rep. Thomas E. Morgan, Pennsylvania Democrat. Chairman Morgan and his committee, including both Democratic and Republican members, previously registered a strong stand against U. S. aid to Arab nations that practice discriminatory boycott and block- ade tactics and manifest religious bias. U.S. Opposes Strong Government Pressure on Nasser to Ease Boycott NEW YORK, (JTA) — The United States is against apply- ing strong pressure by indi- vidual governments upon the United Arab Republic to ease its boycott against Israeli ships and ships trading with Israel, it was revealed by the State De- partment in a statement. to the National Maritime Union made public here by Joseph Curran, president of the Union. The statement was sent by the State Department in reply to a plea made by the National Mari- time Union last month to Presi- dent Kennedy urging him to initiate action in the United Na- tions to stop "continued United Arab Republic violations of the principle of freedom of the seas with respect to Israeli ships and other ships trading with Israel." Curran said that he directed the plea to the White House with a warning that continuation of the Arab restrictions • could result in a boycott by members of the 6,500.000 member Inter- national Transnort Workers Federation. In his request to President Kennedy, Curran com- plained specifically about denials of free passage through the Suez Canal to Israeli Shins or vessels with cargo destined to or from Israel. He also charged that American merchant seamen were subject to indignities and abuses in Arab countries. Curran in his reply that the State and ships trading with Israel synagogue, where he is even af-ipersonal im. Often, Department had "long been con- from using the Suez Canal. forded police protection against I howeve ,0 more cerned" by the Arab boycott. Invariahly he Observers here stressed that any possible incidents. Else- I tha Explaining the Arab contention the approach revealed by where, he is a fourth class citi- any that the denial of the Suez Canal Johnson's statement, which was zen. As long as his business ha passage was justified by the contained in a letter to Joseph some useful part to play in existence of a state of war be- Curran, president of the U. S. machinery of the country, tween Israel and the UAR, John- National Maritime Union, seems tolerated. When he is no 1 son said: to accept U.A.R. non-compliance needed, he is encourag "It is clear from the forego- with a specific resolution of the even forced to leave, the ing that the undesirable restric- United Nations Security Council said. When a Jewish family d tions to which your telegram which called upon that country refers are an outgrowth of the to lift her blockade of the Suez to leave Egypt—and more a deep political problem created Canal against Israeli shipping more Jews are forced to take by the unresolved Arab-Israel and to comply with the provi- this way out—his name is en- situation. While we have re- sions of international law. Ob- tered in the "black book" of the peatedly made clear our willing- servers here also pointed out customs authorities with a nota- ANGELUS SUMMER RESORT ness to assist the parties in that Johnson's statement ig- tion beside it: "Jew—not to 510 North Shore return." He is then allowed to nored the basic fact of Arab achieving a solution of the prob- SOUTH HAVEN, MICH. take only 20 Egyptian pounds refusal to discuss a peace settle- lem between them, we have also out of the country and, if he felt that the United Nations is ment with Israel. lucky, he may take all his Political source the appropriate agency for the ver settlement and that strong pressed surpr• eply to he pressure applied unilaterally by Curran o ockade Begin Friday, Sept. 1—Dinner a government or by private issue by N. dersecretary Thru Monday, Sept. 4—Lunch groups would not only , cause Ralph the • which. Bunche ed sharp resentment but would d e c 1 PER From $ could also complicate quiet efforts to Nati DAY que by s achieve progress." • Including 3 Delicious Meals Johnson added: "The United and hat no MAKE RESERVATIONS • Midnight Snacks • Prizes uez bl at States Government has given full bee eceive • Dancing • Entertainment ue fro any gover • Private Beach support to the efforts of the ade REILLY'S HURON HAVEN gov- ven from the Is • Modern Rooms United Nations Secretary Gen- —not $80 Per Week, Up t w d here eral to work towards a solution ernmen Phone: South Haven 837 ON LAKE HURON egation to the of the transit problem." As for that the Israe Chicago AM 2-6268 or RA 6-6306 Phone FOrest 2-2626 alleged indignities and threats of U. N. has repeatedly raised the Tawas City; Box 303, Mich. violence to seamen, Johnson issue at meetings with Secretary J. J. REILLY Classified ads bring fast results! General Dag Hammarskjold, con- said the State Department had tinuously urging action in the received no recent complaints. He said that the State Depart- direction of implementation by SOUTH ment would extend every ap- the U.A.R. of the resolutions on HAVEN propriate assistance to American the Suez blockade against Israel. MICH. seamen who may encounter dif- California ICTLY KOSHER Supervision Chicago Rabbinical Council ficulties abroad. Asks U OPEN FROM SHEVOUTH THRU LABOR DAY on Lake Michigan, 500 feet of private beach on the PREMISES Ara gue Be U. S. Italians May ous Grounds • All Activities • Professional Entertainment Retaliate Against Tobacco CRA Calif. (JTA) Dancing Nightly • 130 Modern Airy Rooms, including Newly cted Deluxe Rooms • Tiled Private Baths • Delicious Kosher Firm Boycotting Israel he C. ma Legisla ure Children's Activities Supervised by Counsel- prove Gin esol ti ew Playground • Governess. An American boycott w on e epa may be expanded world NORTH SHORE DRIVE t e oyco of against cigarettes manufa ed EL. 120 erica 4 M th wish • by the Brown and Will' on er hearing anti- Tobacco Co. of Louisvill Ky., son Arab spokes • for recognizing the Ara oy- sl One of the cott against shipments to el, a student at Sac was threatened by Congress y College, told Alfred E. Santangelo. He said akers that American the Brown and Williamson To- Jews "controlled" the wealth of bacco Co. was following "an un- the United States. William American trade policy abhorrent Becker, San Francisco repre- to the American way of life." sentative of the Jewish Labor South Haven's Finest Resort! O UR Congressman Santangelo, New Committee, told the legislators Open to Sept. 0th that it was inconceivable that York Democrat, revealed that he had written to W. S. Cutchins, a foreign government should president of the Brown and Wil- have the right to YEAR liamson Tobacco Co., giving the fluence state I 'd that fo firm a deadline of Aug. 14 country. H ould not be per- to offer satisfactory assurances eign s . o make public hate- the boycott against shipments of mitte 14a ike Prow dam ha° ing attacks on American Brown and Williamson cigarettes m to Israel will be lifted. Cong. 80 acres of happiness. Luxury at Santangelo advised C u t c h i n s modest rates. Dream SWIMMING POOL. that he had scheduled an eme Rooms and bath . • . Superb Food . . Planned Activities—Orchestra (FREE gency meeting of the Federal' DANCING Lessons) Midnight Snacks, of the Italian-American De Tennis,. Shuffleboard, Golf, lm cratic Organizations of the S Horse-back Riding, Top Talent men- of New York for Aug. Floor Show, Children's Supervisor. en were formally calling for the la AIR-CONDITIONED ROOMS States bases ing of a boycott against ci ettes produced by the firm. FREE GOLF SEPT. 5 - 10 The Congressman recalled to Precarious Position of FIDELMANI the Brown and Williamson presi- Jews in Egypt Reported; Write for Folder Telephone 789 South Haven, Mich. dent that this will be the second Emigration Permitted time this year that the Federa- LONDON, (JTA) — An ac- tion spearheaded a fight through count of the precarious situa- boycott means. On March 9, a of the Jews in the United boycott began against Liggett tion and Myers, producers of Ches- Arab Republic was given by a terfield, Oasis, L&M and Duke Jewish refugee from Egypt who drlving to for sponsoring the A.B.C.-TV recently arrived here. While de- that there was no official show "The Untouchables" for de- claring WHITCOMB.Sulphur Springs faming Italians and Americans persecution of the Jews, the of Italian extraction. The boycott refugee, who was not identified, —3 h lasted only 48 hours when the said that Egyptian Jews are dis- T via McCann-Erickson Adver t i s i n g criminated against and that such prejudice was officially encour- e 94 Agency for Liggett prime ged. announced termin The Jew is allowed to practice "Untouch- sponsorship of religion undisturbed in the ables" this f NUDELMAN'S 2 and 3 BEDROOM COTTAGES LABOR DAY SPECIAL savErt BEACH HOTEL 50th , In making the State Depart- ment reply nub/ie. the leader of the National Maritime Union said that the delegates to the International Transnort Workers' Seafarers Section executive council meeting last week in Rotterdam has prom- ised to address similar pleas for action to their govern- ments. The section meeting Clarity on was attended by delegates Israel See from 13 maritime nations," he State Statement stated. de 1 on Ar Curran also noted that he had JE • ALE (J turned to the White House after Forei i true Minis being informed by Dr. Ralnh Israe Embass • in Was Bunche, Undersecretary of the to s k clarifi ti .fr the United Nations, that the UN Depa erning en.t of ate could act only on the basis of a sta Assistant ent iss complaints brought by govern- Secret lexis John- ments and that there had been son which, Cording to political no complaints before it—even observers here, apparently ac- from Israel. cepts the position of the United U. Alexis Johnson, deputy Arab Republic in maintaining Undersecretary of State, told the blockade of Israel shipping . ROSELINE COTTAGES 349 N. Shore Dr. So. Haven, Mich. Fully Furnished • Modern Showers • TV • Elec. Refrig. Private Beach • Playground Patio • Fishing • Boating Week, Month or Season Anna Davidson, Prop. Phone 1479 COME AS Y FIREPROOF fe. a U 3-2501 BROCHURE cak