A Mrs. Ehrlich on `Profile' Program Saturday, Sunday Rufus Learsi's "Filled with Laughter" Wealth of Stories From All Ages and Climes in Noted Writer's Book Reva Usher to hied Charles N. Rosen Red Army Paper Slams Israel Rocket Research LONDON (JTA)—The Soviet armed forces newspaper "Red Star" denounced Israeli rocket research, stating tbat Israel's test rocket firing was part of a campaign of intimidation against the Arabs. The Red Army newspaper, published in Moscow, charged the rocket firing was designed also "to raise the flagging spirits of the Israeli population which is disillusioned with the policy of Ben-Gurion's govern- ment." A Soviet allegation was that the rocket fired in as timed to coincide campaigning for the Israeli elections. Few other Jewish writers of died and befuddling world we our time are as • qualified as all live in . . . The Chelmites Rufus Learsi to write on the are not just absurd, they are subject of 'Jewish humor as pathetic, and our laughter is authoritatively as he does. laced with affection . . . " "Filled with Laughter," his There is value also in latest work, sub-titled "A Fiesta Learsi's evaluation of the role of Jewish Folk Humor," pub- of Hershele Ostropoler, who lished by Thomas Yoseloff (11 was "the foremost of a goodly E. 36th, N.Y. 16), is without company of wags and prank- doubt the best book published sters . • ." on the subject. The beggars, rabbiS, marriage Others have compiled Jewish brokers, melamdim and others stories and have evaluated the in the comedy pageant are Jewish art of punning, or laugh- offered as "a sort of Purim ing at th _ emselves and of en- parade," and the march is ac- MRS. JOSEPH H. EHRLICH joying a good joke. But Rufus companied by many elements MISS R A USHER Learsi's rises to new heights humor collected by Learsi. Mrs. Joseph H. (Dora B.) and will be measured as being * * * Fine Photography Ehrlich, Detroit's most prominent among the most impressive on Candids Professionally Finished Israel's humor reflec Jewish woman, will be interview- the art of humor. For Appointment Phone g modern state, "born ed on TV, Channel 4, at 10 p.m. arles N. . LEIBICK Rufus Learsi is the pen name battle and anguish." I KE 1-0104 Saturday night, on the "Profile" of Israel Goldberg. He has writ- humor of the n _ ew state, r. an • Mrs. program. o s e n of Appoline ten under both name s, and states, "there is little The one-hour program will be under his pseudonym he grimness that might have bee e. conducted by William Fyffe, who already had gained fame 40 expected. It is the huxnor The Miss Usher attended the Uni- will do the interviewing. versity of Mich' years ago. His record of crea- people schooled in suffe This program will be repeated tive writing has remained un- but without bitterness or is a grad to again at 3 p.m. on Sunday, on broken through the years. Univers' pity. Its laughter, in f ORCHESTRA Channel 4. public He is the author of such out- wholesome and sponta This will be the first time that standing works as "Israel: A ated Music and Entertainment a woman will be interviewed on History of the Jewish People," The pakid, or bureau fraternity an yeke, or immigrant fro At Its Finest , the "Profile" program. The se- "Fulfillment: The Epic Story of ' honor many, Jews of all descrip lection of Mrs. Ehrlich is a trib- Zionism," UN 3 5730 UN 3 8982 "The History of the are delineated in the last sec- ute to her leadership in the Jew- Jews in AMeric a," a three- tion of his book, proving ish community and in her numer- volume "Outline of Jewish His- Learsi's point. Italian ed ous civic activities. • tory" written in collaboration "Filled with • Laughter" is for EET TABLES in Country's with the late Dr. Samson Ben- just what the title offers. What SPECIALTY Morocco Sei ewes derly, several books of Jewish a pity that, the stories can not cation in 1861 I cater your sweet umor — "Kasriel the Watch-, be incorporated hi the review Paper Bias , for any occasion. RIN, Italy (J an," "Shimele" and others— to prove the correctness of the itzvahs, Showers, tributions C CA, (JT The a d Jewish plays. er Parties, Luncheons, title and the points made by la e Risorgim issikof "L'Arche," a Jew- and * * * . Beautiful- and de- Learsi in his explanatory essays. • unificat . periodical published at Paris, icious pastries, schnecken, ppropriately, the frontis- Let the book be read— and th red years ag n French, was ordered seized and coffeecakes. ce of "Filled with Laughter" reader will refer to it again and ighly at a special re here by the Moroccan nistry on CALL: r r i e s the quotation from again* for genuine enjoyment, 'ven by the May of Information The con- in for MAE or RITA salms 162:2: "Then was our to acquire stories he'll be happy Council e Union of lained an arti by EL 7-0318 El. 7-0447 mouth filled with laughter, and to pass on _to his friends. Ita ish Communities. ical's our tounge with singing." reporti t He gives due credit for some Only Three Eichmann Jews in M of the stories to earlier writers Jewish humor = Druyahov, Aides Executed for e- 6 for oupon on See Olsvanger, Ausubel, and - others. for w Ye reetings • In this work, Learsi has col- Crimes, WJC Notes Only three of Eichmann's lected the stories of noted humorists and story-tellers, in- principal aides have paid the cluding IIershele Ostropoler, supreme penalty for their part and others, and has included in the mass murder of Euro- the best' Chelm stories, hiniaor pean Jews, according to the of present-day Israel and others. World Jewish Congress. . There are five sections in the Siegfried Seidl, member of book—"The Valiant Rooster," Eichmann's Hungaria i m- wry, droll and merry tales; the mando, and A Chelm stories; the Ostropoler Eichmann's a, y in quips and pranks; "Pageant of were bot stria. ecuted i the Human Comedy" and the Dieter iceny war- executed modern Israeli stories. Each in Si is where he had been nn's assistant. section is preceded by an ex- Eic me distinc e nutty flavor. Great new convenience. ublication, new W planatory preface in which the Knight® Cheese Spread in slice mann's Co an author and compiler explains vidually foiled for freshness: Third Reich the background of the era and t for cheeseburgers,- toasted the environment covered in the n es 54 mem n's key staff stories he relates. ndwiChes, canapes! Try it! " ■ * * • t 100. Is laughter, as Henri Bergson and Still available said, primarily a social func- waitin , four in West . in wedge form. t tion? Learsi refers to other Germany and two in Austria. authorities. Spencer and Freud They are: Erich Deppner and said it was a release of pent-up Wilhelm Zoepf, who served emotions and 'a liberation from in The Hague; Otto Hunche inhibitions. "In the teeming and Hermann Krumey, who communities of Eastern Europe, served in Hungary, all held in where Jewish• folk humor West Germany; Franz Slavik attained its richest efflores- and Kurt Franz Novak, Eich- cence, it was the only weapon mann's transportation chief, with which he could avenge arrested in Austria. himself against his enemies, One of the 5,i, Theodor Learsi contends. necker, committed e in You'll love While he grants that some prison; four are n to be of the characters in the human free: Walter ff, chief RE BEEF comedy who are presented in mobile gas tubers, b__ the first section of the book to be in t iddle East; Alfred mp, Juicy CHEF BOYAR- DEE may be unfamiliar to the Amer- Hartl, two others, Barbier g with Flavor and S ican Jew, Learsi says that "they idtsiefe • als ort- y Superior CHEESE RAVIOLI are not, however, unfamiliar as edly e in G osher Salami Near family, guests, cheer for human types for their adven- Brunn Bologna too! tures and misadventures to be re sentati that real Italian flavor created by At Leading a lovak' jamed Chef Boy-Ar-Dee. Tender understood and relished." Delicatessens, In his description of Chelm, 111 iding i la. o tittle macaroni pies ...filled with Supermarkets and "not a figment but a real b- of the Hungarian tangy Italian Cheese... simmered Restaurants. town in. Poland, Learsi re-' ma o, Slotke and d with savory tomato sauce and fers to the social structure Slav re kno ye gone of this shtetl and he points undergr theaSe...aeasoned the real Rai- out that the absurdities Three others are in prison: ten way. $o much tastier' and to this town is not Franz Fisvher and Ferdinand sailer than the frozen kind. So ascribed limited to it,- that "there are aus der Fuenten, both serving Much thriftier, _too—costs only Chelmites swarming all life sentences in Holland, and -SALAMI • 'FRANKFURTERS • CORNED BEEF • BOLOGNA about 15c per serving! around us . . . Their helpless- a man named Bauer, who re- ness is not too far removed ceived a 10-year term in Ger- Distributed in Detroit & Michigan by from our own in this befud- manST. JULIUS POLLAK, 7522 Fenkell, Detroit Tel: UN 2-582 EDAH STUDIO , AL GORDON - - . by the makers of Swiss Knight . If u like CHEESE KREPLACH CHEESE IN SLICES! Empose4s4 POE 8E/Teiva ILNO KOSHER FRANKFURTERS MEATLESS WILN 0 KOSHER