THE DETROIT JEW ISH NEWS—Friday, August 4, 1961-22 Sapir Refutes Election Rumors That Report 400 Jewish Israel Plans Devaluation of Pound Immigrants Seeking TEL AVIV, (JTA)—Charges and denials that the Israeli pound might be devalued were voiced • at meetings in the Is- raeli election campaign. Members of the Herut and Liberal parties raised the pos- sibility of currency devaluation a n d warned listeners about other "mistakes of Mapai in economic fields." But Pinhas Sapir, the Mapai Minister for Trade and Commerce, declared at a large Mapai meeting that the government had not dis- cussed the possibility. The Mapai Minister said he personally was opposed to de- valuation on grounds it would n o t solve Israel's economic problems. He cautioned the public against, becoming panicky and hoarding unnecessary com- modities. Another issue raised by Herut involved the pardOn and release from prison of an Arab sheikh's son, El Huzeil, who had been jailed on charges of com- plicity in arms smuggling. He was pardoned two weeks ago, and his release was celebrated at a gathering of Bedouins and representatives of the military governorship. A Herut speaker charged that the pardon was given solely to win Bedouin votes and demand- ed that a special committee in- vestigate the pardon. In general, election speeches were delivered on an already established pattern of Achdut Avodah aganst Mapai, Mapam against Mapai and the Liberal party, Herut against. Mapai and the Liberal party and Mapai sticking to its prograth of stress- ing Israeli achievements under leadership of the Mapai. Homes in Argentina Troth Told Historian Hits Church Silence During Nazi Slaughter of Jews LONDON, (JTA)—An Ameri- NEW YORK, (JTA) — More can church historian told an in- than 400 prospective immigrants ternational conference of church are currently registered with historians now being held in Biel- the United Hias Service for feld, Germany, that the German ultimate resettlement in Argen- Evangelical Church as a whole tina, it was reported by Marek maintained silence at the time of Schindelmann, director of the Nazi persecution of Jews, Reu- United Hias Service for Argen- ter's news agency reported from tina. Most of them are natives Germany. of Eastern European and Middle The historian, Dr. Otto Elias, Eastern countries, he declared. told the second international con- Schindelmann, w h o arrived ference on the history of church here for a series of meetings struggle that when the German at the United Hias headquarters, Evangelical Church did raise its said that more than 1,300 Jew- voice, it was not loud enough. He ish persons have been helped noted that the • Confessional by the United Hias Service to Church, a breakaway group from migrate to Argentina during the MISS BARBARA HALPERN the official Evangelical Church, seven years he has been direc- had done much for Jewish per- Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hal- tor of the agency's operations sons during the period of perse- in that country. "The bread- pern, 20213 Strathmoor, an- cution, and its efforts, he said winners have adjusted quickly nounce the engagement of their were more effective than either and well," he reported, "and a daughter Barbra to Carl Levin, the Vatican or the Red Cross. number of them are making son of Mrs. Saul R. Levin and Elias was particularly critical significant contributions to the the late Mr. Levin, 2055 Boston of church leaders who failed to economic welfare of the gen- Blvd. An Aug. 31 wedding is intervene decisively and oppor- eral population. They have es- planned. tunely on behalf of the Jews. He tablished themselves in retail said there had been no official businesses.and in various manu- 5,000 Attend Laying word of protest when a boycott facturing enterprises." JERUSALEM, (JTA) — With certain nights, while the smalle r In recent years the emphasis of Cornerstone for New of Jewish businesses was begun in 1933 or on the infamous "crys- the national elections in Israel parties will be allocated five - has been on resettling Jewish tal night" pogrom in November, only two weeks away, interest minute -segments each. newcomers in Cordoba, Men- Israel Port at Ashdod 1938. Elias said individual mem- in the election campaign is TEL AVIV, (JTA)—An audi- doza, Rosario and other areas, Premier David Ben-Gurion, bers of the Evangelical Church beginning to mount, and the as leader of dominant rather than in Buenos Aires. ence of 5,000 persons, led by had raised their voices in pro- government-owned radio sta- Mapai Party, w President Ben Zvi, attended the was as the first to This policy was adopted in com- tion Kol Israel is now giving be accorded time by Kol Is- pliance with the wishes of the laying of the cornerstone for test in contrast. time to the competing political rael. In his broadcast he Argentine government authori- Israel's second deepwater • ar- A new oil pipeline,. 16 inches Parties to present their views stressed the plan of the Mapai ties that newcomers should not bor on the Mediter diameter, now connects Eilat over the air. at Ashdod. Party which calls for electoral be concentrated solely in the Beersheba and Haifa. The The first st ruc- Major parties battling for bal- reform, a change in propor- capital city, he said. was built with the aid of tion, which w st 70,000,000 lots will be given a 10-minute tional representation. The 1 Bonds to transport oil pounds ($39 ,000) will make period for electioneering on present election system, he Weizmann Institute tankers berthed at Eilat possible t andling of 1,000,. said, causes fragmentation, e rest of the country. 000 ton f products a n Ily and results in governmental Undertakes Research Non-Admission of U.S. instability. by 196' The second a ird sifted ads bring fast results! for New Science Field stages re schedule. com- Jews to Jordan Affects Speaking for Mapam, Yaacov REHOVOTH, Israel. — Every plete by 1967. Hazan told the electorate that physical object in the world, in- T new po Bethlehem 'Adoption' there are advantages in a SAN FRANCISCO, (JTA) — "neutralist" policy for Israel. cluding the earth, has a charac- Isr i and A plan proposed by the Mayor He said that such a policy would teristic pitch and vibrates in the su vision of ns- of Burlingame that the Cali- enable Israel to obtain aid as same way as the string of_ a vi- pa s, will e .rod- fornia town "adopt" Bethlehem, well as immigrants from both olin. The earth itself vibrates po of potash a' uc from South •1, par- Jordan, as a "sister city" be- the West and the East. Achdut once every hour. and the This conclusion was reached as tic rly the Neg • cause of its Christian signifi- Avodah leader Israel Bar-Ye- midway be- cance was disclosed to have huda urged in his broadcast the result of a new field of re- Dea ea. Ashdo nd Ashkelon. been postponed after a Bur- that Israel should initiate peace search undertaken by Prof. C. L. ween lingame rabbi and members of talks with the Arab states with- Pekeris and his associates of the department of applied mathemat- Classified ads bring fast results! his congregation vigorously op- out any prior .conditions. ics at the Weizmann Institute of posed the idea because Ameri- Peretz Bernstein delivered can Jews are not admitted to the address for the new Liberal Science here. The new science, called Ter- Jordan. Party. He charged that growing restial Spectroscopy, formulates a State control in the economic The Burlingame City Council theory covering all "the tunes the decided to take no action on field is hindering Israel's devel- earth can play," i.e. all of its the proposal until it learned opment. Dr. Zerah Warhaftig, spectral lines. more about such projects in speaking for the Religious The May don seminars to be held during the Party, condemned "excessive weekly Nature 9 ins • PEPPERED BEEF meeting here this fall of Cali- secularism" in Israel, declaring a paps we n by Prof. Pe is, • LIVER SAUSAGE these tendencies have made in- fornia municipalities. Burlin- Dr. por lterman and Dr • FRANKFURTERS game is a town of 20,000 just roads into Sabbath observance. Ja .sch the Institute's de t- • CORNED BEEF south of San Francisco. HERUT SPEAKER nt o Applied Mathem s. • PASTRAMI e fo ula evol se The idea suggested by Mayor On behalf of Herut, Arie Ben- • BOLOGNA esearchers is b Byrd after he became ac- Eliezer denounced the Mapai' Os- • SALAMI ions quainted with Ayoub Mussalam, insistence on the "invincibility tulate that of the e d by Mayor of Bethlehem, when both of Ben-Gurion as the country gravit orces." attended a recent international leader. Ben-Eliezer remind AT LEADING DELICATESSENS, SUPERMARKETS & RESTAURANTS At e Inter- conference in Washington, D.C. the listeners that Ben-Guri nation U. S. odesy and The Bethlehem mayor subse- was chairman of the Jewi INSPECTED Geo AND PASSED BY Helsinki in quently visited Burlingame to Agency during World War DEPARTMENT OF Jul cords of the push the proposal. AGRICULTURE when the Nazi holocaust r SAUSAGE COMPANY OF CHICAGO thquake of May, suited in the loss of 6,000,00 159 South Water Market, Chicago 8, Illinois Among those protesting the lyzed. "This earth- idea. was Rabbi Gerald Raiskin Jewish lives. qu ed the natural oscil- Distributed in Detroit, Mich. By of the Peninsula Temple Sho- Speaking in the ensuing de- lations of the earth," it was af- J. M. LEFKOFSKY lom, who twice preached against bate, Deputy Minister of Edu- firmed. I 4089 ELMHURST AVE. WEbster 3-8816 it in sermons at his synagogue. cation Ami Assaf, said that Ma- The experimental data brought He and members of his congre- pai should stress the party's to Helsinki by a group of U.S. gation presented documentary desire for continued coalition scientists, who studied the Chile- evidence to the city council that government. Miss Esther Her- an earthquake, provides an exact American citizens of the Jewish litz said the demand for direct confirmation of the formula faith were not permitted to Israel-Arab negotiations should evolved by Prof. Pekeris and his enter Jordan. A letter from the also 'find its way into the plat- associates at Rehovoth. • American Express office in San form. According to the Francisco also was cited saying Justice Minister Pinhas Ro- ture, - this inves on was s that the agency could not pro- ported • the . Office of Naval cess for travel in Jordan any-. sen, addressing an election Project VELA- -- ""sig•NIMPIIIPNRra• campaign meeting on behalf of Res one of the Jewish faith. the Liberal Party, charged that of the Advanced e- "Speedy Recovery," "Sympathy" Rabbi Raiskin suggested that the firing of the Shavit rocket s ch ojects Agency. or "Bon Voyage" if the town insisted on adopting has been "ill-timed." He also more important than what you say is a Middle East city, it should charged that "like many other how you say it. Expressions of sym- hevsky-Fi c perhaps choose Nazareth, in important matters" the firing of pathy. test wishes or congratulations are much more effective with a gift .Israel, asserting that Jesus the rocket had not been brough Chess basket that speaks for you . . . in an Christ was better identified before the Cabinet in good tim eye-appealing, taste-tempting and -sat- U. S. Ch s Cha obby isfying manner. with Nazareth than with Bethle- for a considered decision. Fischer was efeate Samuel For your next celebration whatever hem. "We may want Nazareth the occasion, order from our large eshevsky esday t Los AI and it sounds good," one council variety of champagnes, wines and Not all cancers are alike. eles, advance ' to a le in t liquors . . by the bottle or case member commented, "but how They. differ. in' type, rate of 6-game $6,00 series. Fi' er . . . to meet your needs. do we know Nazareth wants growth and response to treat- s trapped by Reshevsk the us?" Call UN 2-6800 ... and CHARGE IT! ment. But, the American Can- h move and resig • from cer Society explains, most can- game. They e played ames, e of which See Page 6 for Coupon cers have one thing in common: sev /Rt. they're most curable when - diag- ende . ach player has .32.05.:V..McNICHOLS RD: ::( at for New Year Greetings nosed and treated early. won two. . DETROIT 21, .MICHIGAN ' ' Rival Parties Air Views in Heat of Election Over Radio Kol Israel • • . KOSHER ZION , (17: 80,0'