Baseball Memories '1 IC Aids Bolivian Jewish Library Does Day of Birth Aff ect A Child's Destiny? By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX (Copyright, 1961,•Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) that the hour of birth was more effective than the day of birth, or claiming that the - time had no effect whatsoever since the des- tiny of Israel is not governed by time. Even of the aforementioned days there are varied versions in the Zohar Chadash and the Tik- kune Zohar. The *Talmud (Bavli, Sabbath 156a) records a description of By HAROLD U. RIBALOW how the various days of the week The sparkling success of might affect a person's destiny. Sandy Koufax this year calls to A rabbi, of the Third Century mind the various Jewish base- is quoted as saying that a child ball players who have been .up born on Sunday will be either in the major leagues, some with all good or all bad; one born a dazzling year and then ob- , Monday will be guar , e scurity, and others who have born on Tu e rich; Want The Best? provided me with memories one born will be k the Folks Who've Had which are pleasant and persis- ' a schol on • sday tent. will gene AM BARN ETT or Frid will b • ne ho and His Orchestra Koufax himself has been up was orn on the Sabbath wil seven years and until this sea- LI 1-2563 grea nd pious, etc. son did little worthy of notice. Oth eed with Who knows, he may be a one- the contention, either claiming season flash. Or he may become one of the truly fine players of I his generation. Blauste* Fine Photography Meanwhile, he serves to re- Disc dids Professionally Finished call other Jewish players who With books provided by the World Jewish Congress' U For Appointment Phone made the big time, but slipped cultural office in New York, the Jewish community of Cocha- (JT into the shadows. S. LEIBICK KE 1-0104 bamba, Bolivia, recently established a Jewish library. Guest of Ha honor at the opening of the library was Israeli Ambassador ste -re- There was a lad from Brook- Michael Simon, shown (left) • discussing books with Cocha- gar f United lyn named Harry Eisenstat, who r the Finest in Music had been a high school star and bamba community leader Gunther Nattowitz. The Cochabamba Nations matt community numbers about 1000. dle East who later played with the Brooklyn Dodgers and then in the American League. He was, and His Orchestra like Koufax, a left-hander. He had his moments of glory and By MARIANNE ZEITLIN 0 2-4814 lorganizational work, first on the of UN 4-4346 he pitched some brilliant games. (Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) ;regional level, and then nation- tine conomic Commi • But he became a journeyman When the historic discussions ally. He in 1924 pitcher and left no mark on the on the Palestine Resolution took and has been a pioneer worker She has lectured internation- game. place at the United Nations in ally for the NCJW and AAUW as in its behalf ever Phil Weintraub was a hard- 1948 and speaker after speaker well as made speeches on behalf The e as pra - hitting outfielder who, however, from the Arab bloc came to the of the United Nations for the ti ome an extensio couldn't field. He was with the rostrum spouting hatred, distort- U. S. Mission to the UN. t ommunity Center good Giant team of the mid- ing history, threatening annihila- sey. - For many years her UN and fine color movies 1930s, but couldn't break into tion, Mrs. Adolf Robison, an d practically the whole m- World Affairs reports were the of your wedding an outfield which featured accredited observer at the UN ean converse Lefty O'Doul and Jo Moore and for the National Council of Jew- highlight of the newsletters of °bison claims t tlidy f Call Mel Ott. He always could hit, ish Women and the American both the NCJW and AAUW. new dime - In 1952, while attending the ebrew had a when he came to the Giants he Association of University Women, on to her life—a link wit continued batting well, then his knew she could never again be General Assembly in Paris, she p and present. Re a was guest of General Clay in flaws showed—at a time when casual about her heredity. Berlin during the air lift in Ger- rece al Binya- runs were hard to come by and It was only natufal, therefore, mib Eliav o srael spent a half- when fielding lapses were more when two years later • her eldest many. She broad talking with her in Hebrew. periences in costly than they are today. And son went to Israel to live, that States. back to the minors he went. she should start learning Hebrew y after , rs. Robison, There, too, he broke down the and a few years later emerge at Music by to her other' ions fences, and returned to the the head of her class at the ess, to • • ted nited Giants, this time to play first Women's Institute of the .Thwish ations ace • d base. But Bill Terry and Sam Theological Seminary of Amer- o her f . ORCHESTRA Leslie were too good for him, ica. . J. and he never really made it. I Natural, that it for Aim Robi- LI 5-5618 LI 6-8519 recall, however, his powerful son, the pert, ultra-feminine r. Robison president drives and the early time of and dynamic woman who packs of extile Co year when he would hit .400. a wallop completely dispropor- - of W. N nteriors Cal Abrams, a comparative tionate to her barely five-foot for fo Tea late-corner, was the lead-off man physical frame. for the Brooklyn Dodgers and This vivacious woman, \ born in is own inte N.A.D.A. Registered Decorator Consultant seemed to be a good, 'solid, con- Oldtown, Maine and educated at es that of h Lincoln 8-0611 sistent hitter. But he sort of the University of Maine, became ce-president Residence a- 14520 Rosemary Lincoln 7-8858 froze up at the beginning of the accredited observer at the United' rael Cultural on, a Oak Park, Mich. year, was booed heartily by the Nations after long experience in ember of onal Board Dodger fans, never was able to apply the best of his abilities after that in Brooklyn, and was traded away. Students of politics and those human a c c o u n t. Michener's harry Latman of the 'Cleveland who are interested- in the man- wife began as a Stevenson sup- Indians used to play with the Chi- ner in which the Presidential porter. But the energies of the 19358 LIVERNOIS DI 1-1483 cago 'White Sox and then he was campaign developed in • 1960 1VIicheners were traded to Cleveland when the will find "Report of the County beginning ed to. MARK OF PROGRESS Indians gave up on Herb Score. Chairman," by James A. Mich- nedy aign, a the epi- He was being used in a deal for REMODELING SALE recorded .re of great Score. In 1961, he seems to have ener, just published by Ran- sod dom House, a very stimulating est. attained a peak hitherto beyond him. He was a most effective re- volume. There is a Michener, the distinguished he early p lief pitcher for about half the season, saving many games and novelist and essayist, undertoo which sta getting credit for six in succes- to campaign for John F. Ken tainly _do t sion without being hit for a- loss nedy in Bucks County, Penn- ould have be oven in himself. Then he was given a sylvania — an overwhelmingly e text, as Mich- starting assignment, his first of Republican area. The Catholic ener certainly could not prove issue was evident, and there the year, against the Boston Red it even at the outset.. After all, Sox, and scored his seventh vic- were deep - rooted prejudices. some very distinguished men 19358 LIVERNOIS But when it was all over, while backed the President — among tory in a row. (ENTRANCE AT MAXINE SHELDON) Morrie Arnovich is another the county went Republican, them Lehman, Ribicoff, Gold- ball player who hung around the margin was cut so drastic- berg and many others. *******************************************4* for nearly a decade and gave ally that Michener has cause The Michener report does * the fans plenty of thrills. But to feel elated. show the extent of anti-Catholic His book is a sociological and propaganda during the cam- because he was a spring hitter Tailors, Clothiers & —a 'guy who could make out in paign. That in itself lends spe- • Cleaners April and May but who couldn't cial significance to his book. * Jewish Body Cites Pope get on base later on in the sea- 22155 Coolidge, Oak Park Michener tells a story about * son—he offered his best per- for Social Justice Tract LI 7-1511 an intermarriage a * formances in spurts and only at NEW YORK, (JTA) — Pope a given time of the year. He John XXIII's encyclical on social Polish Catholic TUXEDO m played with the Giants, Phillies justice was praised by the Amer- Lithuanian J became U rians. Not that it and Reds. Then he was drafted, LS FOR thing, ut the story came back older and worn out, ican Jewish Committee as a docu- proves ment which in "spirit and ex- appar y is in ASIONS and a few years later died pre- pression" was "profoundly im- c olo a poli al o maturely in the Midwest. bued with the ancient Biblical evalua n ese Of course, there were the few and prophetic zeal for social ions of e two political Jewish super - stars — Hank justice." To OFF ON OUR ties and the outlook for the 0% TO Greenberg and Buddy Myer and Dr. John Slawson, executive f ure is of more than pass - Harry Danning. They were the SUITS • SPORT COATS • SLACKS vice-president, also said there in t and top men. DUMONT, LESLIE LLOYDS, FASHION BUILT were many teachings "in this i m p udents of and far-visioned en- polical trends—thus adding to * EXPERT ALTERATIONS & REMODELING See Page 6 for coupon courageous cyclical" of interest to members the value of Michener's "Re- LADIES' & MEN'S CLOTHING for New Year greetings of the Jewish community. port of the County Chairman." ********************************************4 MEDAH STUDIO ye Diamond Mrs. Ann Robison,'s 13-Year Love Aff WHAT EVERY BRIDE OM KNOW .. . ! SIEFER-WELLS By PHIL MORGANROTH — MURRAY & Co. JEWELERS Michener Discusses '60 Campaign Entire Stock of FINE JEWELRY at Action Prices!! Murray & Co. Jewelers RADOM SO * *