Ban Kennedy's Book in Iraq as 'Zionist Propaiianda' • JERUSALEM, (JTA)—President John F. Kennedy's book, "Strategy for Peace"—written before his election to the Presidency—has been banned by Iraq, according to the Baghdad Radio monitored here. Baghdad Radio said the book was banned "because 't contains Israeli and Zionist propaganda." Case of Cigarette Distributors' Boycott of Israel Read Smolar's Column, Page 2 E JEWISH NEWS [~~ TROI - r A Weekly Review I Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Vol. XXX IX, No. 22 Prin ted in a 100% Union Shop Jewish Humor Must Remain On High Level, Without Vulgarity Commeniary Page 4 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd. — VE 8-9364 --Detroit 35,July 28, 1961 — $5.00 Per Year; Single Copy 15c Virginia's 'Citizens Concerned,' Arlington's County Board, Seek Measures to End Domestic Nazism Weak Foreign Aid Clause Nullifies Effort to Stop Arabs' Boycott of Jewry WASHINGTON, (JTA)—Chairman J. W. Fulbright, 'of the Senate" Foreign Relations Committee, waged a bitter last-ditch fight against a foreign aid clause pertaining to Arab bias and blockade tactics, and succeeded in adding language to nullify the effect of the anti-discrimination measure. The Senate committee defeated by a vote of 8 to 6 a last- minute move by Senator Fulbright, Senator Bourke Hickenlooper, Iowa Republican, and others to delete the so-called "Kennedy clause." The clause was a policy statement aimed at the Arab League's anti-Israel and anti-Jewish discriminations. A motion to strike the clause was introduced by Senator Ilickenlooper and vigorously backed by the chairman. After the Hickenlooper motion was defeated, the chairman won adoption of an offsetting paragraph to nullify the effect of the "Kennedy clause." It was passed by 14 to 0. The nullifying paragraph said: "These principles shall be supported in such a way as to avoid taking sides in any controversy between countries having friendly relations with the United States, while urging both sides to adjudicate the issues involved by means of proce- dures available to the parties." (Continued on Page 3) Eichmann's Own 'Witness Gives Damning Testimony: Summations to Start Aug. 3 JERUSALEM—The trial of Adolf Eichmann was adjourned Tuesday until Aug. 3 upon completion by Dr. Robert Servatius, Eichmann's ehief defense counsel, of- his defense of the former Gestapo colonel charged with engineering the annihilation of 6,000,000 Jews in Europe. - The three-justice court then ordered the adjournment at the request of Prosecutor Gideon Hausner, so that the prosecutor and Servatius will have, time to prepare their summations. The end of the marathon proceedings came exactly 15 weeks after the trial opened last April 11. The prosecution brought 112 witnesses to the stand and submitted some 1,500 documents. The prosecution also ended its presentation Tuesday. After Hausner and Servatius present their summations, a procedure likely to last a week, the court will adjourn to study the mountain of evidence and to prepare a verdict. This is not expected until after the High Holy Days, in mid-October. - The only defense witness was the defendant. Servatius also introduced affidavits from 10 former Nazi associates of Eich- mann. who testified in European courts because they either could (Continued on Page 1) By MILTON FRIEDMAN ARLINGTON, Va., (JTA)—Shocked by the kidnapping and molesting of a 13-year-old Jewish boy by George Lincoln Rockwell's Nazi "stormtroopers," and stirred to action by the imposition, by an Arlington, Va., judge of sentences of a year each upon two of Rockwell's gangsters who were convicted on .charges of assault and battery on the Jewish boy, the Arlington County Board this week in- dicated that it will seek special legislation aimed at disarming the American Nazi force. It was reported to the board that the Nazi arsenal includes military rifles, carbines, shotguns, automatic pistols and other weapons, and in seeking legislation against the domestic-Nazis one aim is to abolish their private arsenal. Commonwealth attorney William Hassan told the board that the present Virginia law "allows anyone ,who wants to, to wear a sidearm. The only place firearms are prohibited in Virginia is in churches." County board member Ralph Kaul said: "Our laws need to be strengthened before somebody is killed by this group." Kaul proposed to the board that Arlington try to persuade the state Gen- eral Assembly when it meets next January to adopt legislation authorizing coun- ties to enact their own statutes governibg firearms. Mrs. Kathryn Stone of Arlington, a member of the State House of Del- egates representing her county, said: "I will certainly introduce legislation for tighter control of firearms." Delegate Stone voiced abhorrence at Nazi activities in Arlington. She said that studies have begun to determine what type of new statutes would be most effective. A County. Board source said Arlington could longer tolerate- :"vara- military force or kind of private army like that nfailitairie:Tby tre.iiiiiitNa zi-gang here." This source said it was well known to 'pollee - that the Nazis main- tain military discipline, and conduct training in use of weapons and tactics. At another meeting, 60 community leaders, including some from adjacent - Fairfax County, formed an organization called . "Citizens Concerned" to combat the Nazis. Chosen as co-chairmen were Clarence Salisbury, vice-president of the Arlington Civic Federation, and Mrs. Charles E._ Planck, a leader of the local chapter of the League of Women Voters. The sentences imposed upon Rockwell's "stormtroopers" are the stiffest in the lengthy record of. the Rockwellites' frequent brushes with.. the law. It was the first case in which the Nazis went beyond their claims of exercising their rights of free speech by provocative threats to send American Jews to the gas chambers and actually carried out a physical assault. Juvenile Court Judge Hugh Creeger imposed the sentences on Robert Garber, 31, and Richard Braun, 26, the maximum permissible on an assault and battery conviction. The victim was Ricky Farber. Garber and Braun were arrested July 11 after the boy's father swore out warrants against them. It was a week of - several conflicts involving Rockwellites in street alter- cations and arrests, as well as the sentencing of a third Nazi and the formation of an Arlington Emergency Citizens Committee with the avowed intention of finding legal ways to rid the Virginia city of Rockwell, his headquarters, his "stormtroopers" and their -"barracks." _ Judge Creeger declined to hold Garber and Braun for grand jury action which would require a wait until next 0 ctober. He ruled there was sufficient evi- dence to press immediate simple assault charges. He also held that the case did not constitute a felony so that immediate action could be started on misdemea- nor action and sentence could be imposed on conviction. (Continued on Page 32) President of Brazil Bans Dictionary Israel's - Voters La-ck -Enthusiasm; Containing Anti Jewish Definitions Court Gives Liberals Lamed Symbol - TEL AVIV, (ITA)—Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion declared in an RIO DE JANEIRO, (JTA)—Brazil's President Janio .Quadros banned from the country's public schools the use of a Portuguese - larigu4ge e didionary .election speech- to an aniKence of 10,000 at Herzliah that the people of Israel had more liberty. than,Iiiise.: of any other country in the world and that human which is offensive to Jews because of many anti-Semitic definitions', rights in Israel'Aver :secure as those of the most advanced ,countries. President Quadros ordered the appointment of a special commission to Campaigners sought to whip up a still lacking puhlie prepare a new dictionary for use in the public schools. He acted in response to campaign for the national election on Aug. 15 to select a new , Itneiseti,-, demands by the Federation of Jewish Communities of Brazil. Parliament. The pattern of the addresses was for Mapai speakers to praise :stbo • The dictionary dispute here, under way for several years, came to a head achievements of their party and for speakers of other parties to assail "Mapai. several weeks ago when the compiler of the old dictionary, the well-known lexi- The Liberal Party was granted by the Supreme Court the right to use cographer, Prof. Silviera Bueno, refused to amend his old dictionary as requested the Hebrew letter Lamed as its ballot symbol. Previously, the Central Elections by the President. In the old dictionary, - the word "Jew" is defined as "swindler," Committee had vetoed the Liberals' application for use of the Lamed symbol, a synagogue is defined as a place where shady business is transacted. and there holding that the symbol had been pre-empted in an earlier election by a small are numerous other anti-Semitic definitions. party of Yemenite immigrants.