(Continued from Page 12) Eichmann scored slightly in sadists if they had to continue one of the exchanges which to shoot Jews. dealt with a document from the Eichmann admitted at his Lodz ghetto commander who trial Wednesday that as a Ges- wrote to Eichmann on July 16, tapo official he had written a 1941, that there would be no book on "The Final Solution to food or fuel available for the the Jewish Problem" and that Jews in the ghetto in the corn- he had lectured on the topic ing winter and that it would be before a . select audience of "more humane" to shoot them Nazis, but said publication of outright than to let them starve the book was banned by his and freeze. Gestapo bureau chief, G e n. Hausner maintained that this -Heinrich Mueller. suggestion could not have been Besides, said the 55-year-old as shocking as Eichmann had former Gestapo colonel, it only testified it had been to him be- reached galley-proof form and cause, from June 2 to July 16 was not, as Hausner charged, in that year, Eichmann received published in an edition of 50,000 no less than 13 reports from copies. Moreover, he said, it Nazi execution squads of t was not really a book but only wiping out of entire a thin brochure. communities in various Eichmann worked hard, on Eichmann said he do his ,ninth day under cross-exam- had received such re ination, to minimize the lecture, Hausner then offere ► cop Which he said took place after Eichmann examined the the fall of Rome to the allies. ments and asserted that Hausner then cited a statement showed only that three made by Eichmann in his dic- were delivered to D . tation to Willem Sassen, the the Gestapo hat Dutch Nazi journalist, in Ar- there was ation 'tha gentina, that Eichmann had con- his De for Jewish •' cluded the lecture with a state- f 4—received any ment that the Jews, "the th e co s. The first mar e n sand year scourge of mankind, a doc ent showing that ch- -was now removed." mann department did r eive was on a report- • ated Eichmann told the court that a co , one week after the "even if I said this, I would July ly 16 date. Judge have been completely mad to crucia record this before Sassen." He dau ask , or insisted his lecture was confined the sake of brevity, to accept to providing only factual infor- the July 24 report as, the first mation and did not express any which was unquestionably sub- opinions, either his or those of mitted to Eichmann's , Gestapo others, because "Mueller. for- department. bade this." The prosecutor continued to The defendant denied that the bear down on Eichmanni with lecture was attended by Nazi extracts f r o m the memoirs Propaganda Minister Josef printed by Life. When the de- Goebbels. He said that when he fendant was unable to extricate submitted the text of his lec- himself from damaging situa- ture to Mueller "for approval," tions, he would admit making he asked for figures regarding the statement at issue but with the actual number of Jews the qualification that it was not killed, on the assumption that true. He argued that he made his audience could be told, but some of the statements under that Mueller 'advised against Sassen's plying him with wine this. and with suggestions to "puff At one stage in the cross- up" the material so that it examination, Eichmann assert. would have better sales pos- ed that the, prosecution was sibilities. trying to "roast him." This Eichmann argued that when developed when Hausner cited he first started replying to - Sas- material from the Sassen sen's questions, he would say, memoirs conflicting with in some cases that he did not Eichmann's adamant insist. know. However, he said, Sassen ence that he never had au- said that "one cannot write a thority to negotiate directly book this way." The two de- with foreign Cabinet members. cided therefore, Eichmann testi- Eichmann insisted that there fied, that they would "recon- be playbacks in court of con- struct" the events as "they versations on his memoirs, might have happened" with the ' which were partly published main goal to render events of in Life, to prove or disprove the Nazi period in "the spirit the prosecution charges. He of the times," and not each in argued that there were er- detail. Therefore, Eichmann rors and omissions in the Sas- said, he described some events sen material. Finally, he said as though they had happened angrily that he would not to him, although actually, he answer or comment further insisted, he heard it from on any material in the Sassen others. document not admitted as Hausner challenged this with evidence by the court. the query: "You wanted to pub- Presiding Justice Moshe Lan- lish a book whose untruths dau immediately told the de- would have been immediately fendant that "you will continue questioned by persons men- to answer questions until I re- tioned in the book who are still lieve you of the duty to answer alive?" Eichmann replied that t 'h e m." Eichmann answered, "this was not a consideration. 'Yes, your honor, but I have There is a certain liberty ac- a feeling they are roasting me corded to authors." •here until the steak is cooked and this on the basis of inade- Survey of. U. S. Press Indicates Approval of quate documents." put Eichmann on trial was "substantially, more affirmative than negative," as reflected in daily newspaper and magazine editorials. Another finding dis- closed by the survey was that there is "a formidable reserve of good will for Israel among the general press, even on con- troversial issues in which Is- rael's position is not initially appealing." The study found no apparent differences in editorial approach on the basis of geographical re- gion or size of population served. It noted, however, that newspapers in the Middle West tended to devote more space to • ew co erage of the trial *lies. in all sections of untrPiiderscored t ort nce of not akenin nal hatr ld we - ss sury' the n religious press had expressed a variety of 01 . 1 ions about the trial. It hat the "p unmista ne" a i e of " tent f low- eyed ho • y to Is- rael." Th • rt found "a kin erstated animosity to the trial," which ne of m • r n was most pronou n local the few Christian leaders nly diocesan paper ch as the and publicly to defend ael Pittsburgh Ca ic. as the proper forum f the However, l' al Catholic t the magazines America and uhr, Commonwe `editorialized in a theolo- vein far di rent from that in' Chris- the local cesan press, ag. tia reflecting t diversity that be found amo cations," the report said. The Protestant press was "somewhat more receptive to /Almost Everything in Wear, the idea of the trial in Israel, ing Apparel from Size 40 "although much of its interest Extra Long to 66 Stout. in the case had been devoted to - Ijerty BAKER'S UN LIVERHOIS ireraPy 2.210, 1 the problem of capital punish- WWI FOUND . . . AN AUTO DEALER WHO IS INTERESTED IN VICE . . . AS WELL AS SALES ! e in the corn- at afe d—Geller, for 26 years an active part of the Detroit Automobile scene—a combination hard to beat. Sales in their new and used car departments, and service in their modern service, bump and paint shops! The Best Compact Deal on the Best Compact Car HARV GELLER RAMBLER, Inc. WE'RE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR PHONE! 3255 FORT ST., LINCOLN PARK WA 8-6900 .rj.:ass • • Publish New - 34/olume Edition of Sokolow's Work to Mark Yahrzeit TEL AVIV, (JTA)—The 25th anniversary of Dr. Nahum Soko- low's death was marked with the publication of a new three- vol- ume edition—some 1,700 pages —of the author's works. The announcement of the pub- lication by the Zionist Library was made at a press conference by Moshe Sharett, chairman of. the Jewish Agency executive, and Zvi Lurie, member of the Agency executive. Editor of the three volumes was Gershon Kessel. Eichmann Trial Conduct NEW YORK, (JTA)—A sur- vey of American editorial opin- ion on the Eichmann trial indi- cates a "clear t'brisensus of ap- proval" of Israel's conduct of the proceedings. The study was made by the American je w i s'h Congress, which measured attitudes on the trial expressed by daily newspapers and magazines of general interest; the Catholic and Protestant religious press; Negro newspapers; labor union and veterans' publications; and what it described as "the lun- atic right." According to the survey, the impact of Israel's decision to BOAC has a surnmer-full of daily jets to urope's fun! Superb ritish Service along th How easy s to join the merry- ver Europe! In fact, it's easy as AC. There are o seats every week to choose from ...to on, G1 ondon ...with immediate connections to the itals! Oh, how you'll revel in British Service aboard yo . t's rightly called the best in the world all over the world Make a choice...Economy or First Class. You're pampered delight- fully either way. It makes Europe but a few sumptuous hours away from Detroit. However you plan to visit Europe, do it in high style by including BOAC in your plans. 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