- Brandwine Heads Community Committee to Oppose Center Sabbath Programming Campaign of Rh C FURNITURE SERVICE re P e aced S'BURY, So. Rhodesia, A) — Campaign posters of Dr. Aharon Pally ho is seek- in re-e ecti the Sout ent from a tutency, a -Semi ed in " ew" wa ters call- ck paint o ction. ing for , a well-known mem- of the Jewish community, is a leader of the Rhodesian Dominion Party. Refinishing - Restoring Furniture Repaired & Refinished in no Roman Catholic instit Any Color of A "Committee for Center preserving rather than destroy- will serve it.") Your Choice. ing .basic Jewish principles. Sabbath Closing" was organized Antiques - Old 18684 Furniture Made (William S h o s t (A well known Detroit at- at a second meeting of the Like New. Cig- PIANO at the group held on Monday evening torney who signs himself Greenlawn, a stud arette Burns Re- FINISHING ollege of paired. All work at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "Health Club Member" and pre- Hebrew Theologica v:Ws PEC ALTY :?(:ORS TO CH 00St guaranteed. .- ate a stor fers that his name not be used, Chicago, writes to Abe Kasle. City Wide & The more than 30 people in a lengthy communication about a group of Je who were Suburban Larry Paul concen- Free Estimates who attended the Me et in g states that not more than 10 being transported t ab- to 25 members of the Center tration camp and elected Morris UN.4-8440 Health Club were affected by bath spirit was bolstere J. Brandwine 13223 W. Mc NICHOL the unavailability of services on an elderly, frail woman pro- as chairman; duced two' candlesticks on that Saturdays; that the Health Club Tom Borman, contributed a profit of $40,000 Sabbath eve and two Challot- Joseph Holtz- FOUN D. . . . AN AUTO DEALER to $50,000 to the Center's gen- the only things she thought im- man and Abe portant to take along. eral fund; that there is general Kasle, honor- WHO IS INTERESTED IN SERVICE . . satisfaction with the Health the spirit, Scho ary chairmen; e of LL AS SALES ! A Club as it functioned until now; "illusrates David J. o the ish that it would be best to pro- the Cohen, David .:- Rambler, he progressive name in the com- e therefore pleads for vide Health Club facilities for Goldberg and elier, for 26 years an active pact fiel tam ing Jewish identity on all members rather than "tear- Max Gold- e Detroit Automobile scene—a e Sabbath in the Cent • r and part' of ing the community apart," smith, vice- Cen- e declares at unles t n hard to beat. Sales in their new that "the membership combi chairmen; Max ith ter's de o Men's Health Club if f car departments, and service in and 3iber, secretary Brandwirie their The J odern service, bump and paint shops! th Rabbi Chaskel Grubner, execu- the alternative of h rday or made facilities closed on tive secretary. on re Health a Co The Best Compact Deal on the Best Compact Car Conducted under the chair- closing down the ction • y of a Sabbat to the gen- manship of David J. Cohen, the Club and opening ould quick- int of oon cultural progra group heard reports on the past eral membership, he facilities adopted, the Center -ly choose to hav three weeks' activities and was in its and would to amend the t WE'RE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR PHONE! told that the Jewish Center on closed on Saturda ut clos- name cease their protest WA 8-6900 3255 FORT ST., LINCOLN PARK Meyers has been open for the e longest of the- series last three Saturdays. The re- ing one day a week." port said that the Center "ig- respondent proceeds to say t a of letters thus far received by nored protests. It was there- "while Roman Catholics may The Jewish News, Mrs. Morris •••=1111MANIE111•111•1•1=111•11MMIMIE 1111••• U fore felt by those present at privately eat meat on Friday, (Louba) Lupiloff, of 18105 Hub- APPLICATION FOR ABSENT VOTER'S BALLOTS bell, who addresses protests to the meeting that a program of For the Primary to be held July 25, 1961 Center and community. leaders, action must be drawn up to You Cannot Vote Unless You Are Registered in Detroit addresses a series of "Shame make the Center leadership and on You" arguments in which the Federation aware that they she states: YM and YWCAs are trampling and ignoring the (Give Name) close on Sundays, the Bormans' will of the organized Jewish markets close on Sundays, Jew- community for acceptance of ce — street and number) ish War Veter the sacred principle of the (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to PCT. WARD pa 1 ticipate sanctity of the Sabbath," Rabbi The Jewish News) Wayne, State of Michigan, Detroit, County efore, City s; a the Grubner said. He added: JERUSALEM—Prime Minis- an official ballot, or ballots 1 e appkeation f hereby • ay will the s on w "The committee is confident ter David Ben Gurion has ad- I to be vote y me at su election. if there is to nter be :.'e that the Center and the Fed- vised President John F. K Absen from Detr ❑ t. She demands be a d eratiOn leadership will ulti- nedy to try methods deve Physica ly disabl ❑ ish d e that mately realize that they are -in by an Israeli physician a Other reasons ❑ os- the drOf)Ped fr t to me at: t voter's error and will repair the sible cure for the A ican's breach created in the commu- chronic back-ache, as re- Communit ter action • o th nity, and will decide to reverse ported here by the rusal ect ittle it h means the foregoing statements to be true. I I hereby the action and c l o s e the Post. anctity of Jewish tra- for, th Date Center." _ (Signature) According to the ,Ospaper, this application to: Thomas Leadbetter, City Clerk, Grubner reported that the Ben-Gurion recentl 'Called in dition m 202, City-County Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. (Kurt Bauer, 18016 Sorrento f oll o wing resolutions were U.S. Ambassador \fa Must be postmarked by Sat., July 22, 1961. th Bar- adopted at Monday's meeting: bour, and told the env MI ION Ns ■ • ■ IIII NM Int Mil III III MI MI INN the takes issue with one c ews ent wh 1. "That a delegation of 50 method developed by Be • SPONSORED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY: s valid today communal leaders—a cross-sec- ion's per§onal physician, Dr. WOODWARD as it was 3,000 years ago and he tion of the community—be se- Moshe Feldenkrais. Barbour re- 2nd Attorney and Veteran Representative lected to meet with the Fed- portedly sent on the suggestions declares that "if we were to District follow the rabbis, we would have Con Con Candidate committee." eration executive to Mr. Kennedy through State to abstain from any recreational No. 74 on your ballot LIVE RNOIS The committee of 50 is in the Department channels. activity.") process of formation. Ben-Gurion has been study- "A letter signed by the 2. ing for four years coordina- members of the committee of tion and - physical 50 to be circulated to thousands methods worke elden- of families in the community, krais. The -known asking them to express their habit ding on his head opposition to the opening of for iod each day was re- the Center on the Sabbath." y developed as proof that 3. "The tone of the commit- • ack was strengthened as a tee to be on a high and de a i s n result of th • F e 1 sated plane with a deter meth tion to continue an activ FOR AN HONEST DEAL, BETTER THAN BEFORE, Fel gram of education a hat is met plus SERVICE AT YOUR DOOR, see or call me vis have dedication of a cli ung A personally at be tri awareness among th esi- oximately icon nity through the per hysi- dent en y's age and pulpit, as well e system cal c dition, befo media, to convince a I'm as near as your phone ent of Mr. RED STOTSKY is ad ted for the populace to unde HARRY ABRAM condition. 12240 JOS. CAMPAU, 8 blocks South of Davison Kennedy' Res. LI. 5.5860 sacredness of the Sab Res. LI. 8-4119 Am mimmunimmimmism•••• ■■ the responsibility that a ant ads bring fast results! institution inherently carries in ale HARI/ GELLER RAMBLER, Inc. Ben-Gurion Has Cure for JFICs Aching Back - ELIOT CHARLIP 114, - ttention: Chevrolet Buyers! SHORE • CHEVROLET — TW 1-0600 Help Us Compile the Record of Former Residents of BOBRUISK and Communities in Its Vicinity ... SWISLOVICH LAPICH CHOLUI OSIPOVICH STAR! I DOROG I I DAVOGONOVA HLUSK AZARICH PARICH SHCHEDRIN BEREZINA LIUBAVICH rid committee, Irgun We are acting in Detroit in chairmanship of sized un• e Yotzei Bobruisk u'Brotheho re I Parliament and et, the .Isr KADISH LUZ (Luzinsk VY CHAPLAIN f U.S. nder the chairmanshi the American Co to help compile the record in prep tion for plans to JOSHUA L. of Bobruisk and volume • commemorate , the former gI publish , therefore, to all We would be grat munities the u s their names and y for submittin er th ey are acquainted. area with w e y, Oak Park, tele- semar hare, 1331 Say e to M d the Please on: in and mail this filli 12-598 or pho UL S RE I M osemary, Oak Park 37 1331 I PLE E ADD THESE NAM RESIDENTS: ST OF FORMER BOBRUISK AREA 1 Name(s) I Former resident(s) of WILLIAM HORDES MRS. SAUL SHARE Detroit Committee Members, Organization of Former Residents of Bobruisk and Vicinity