---mummumnima U.S. Passport: Special Edition THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. swp"F iAe/ SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Advertising Manager Editor and Publisher City Editor Business Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the second day of Ab, 5721, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuch& portion. Mattot-Mase. Num. 30:2-36:13. Prophetical portion, Jere?niah 2:4-28; 3:4. Licht Benshen, Friday; July 14, 7.48 p.m. VOL. XXXIX. No. 20 July 14, 1961 Page Four • `Eternal Hostility Against Tyranny' Bias Against Americans in Foreign Lands The only ray of light in the entire In order not to be accused of Jew- situation is the assurance that was given baiting—since they are themselves our by R. Sargent Shriver, Jr., director of Semitic cousins — Arab leaders have the Peace Corps, to the national corn- made it a point to speak of "Zionists" mander of the Jewish War Veterans that whenever they launched attacks on Jews he will refuse to assign Peace Corps generally. workers to countries that discriminate A State Department spokesman, re- against Americans because of their race plying to Rep. Seymour Halpern, (R., or religion. N. Y.), who protested that there was Now the battle looms anew for the discrimination against Jews because of extention of this principle to the for- their religion by Arab nations receiving The position taken eign aid programs. U. S. foreign aid, fell into the trap of by the State Department is most deplor- using the same argument that was re- able. The battle in the Senate is being sorted to by the Arabs—that the objec- renewed by the group of liberals who tion of the latter was against -"persons secured passage of the anti-discrimina- who have strongly supported Zionism tion clause, with the aid, last year, of or Israel." Vice President Lyndon Johnson, who Congressman Halpern promptly re- at the time was the Majority Leader in pudiated this claim, proving that the Senate. discrimination was against -all Jews, _re- the Those who condone prejudice against gardless of their Zionist or pro-Israel Americans of the Jewish faith — and . sentiments. that is what is being practiced by Saudi Nevertheless the State Department Arabia at the Dhahran Base—would do spokesman saw fit to deplore "pressure well to walk a short distance from the or coercion," thus abusively negating a State Department and Senate Office basic American principle: the right of buildings and read the inscription on our citizens to use the protest as a the Thomas Jefferson Memorial. It weapon in defense of their beliefs and quotes Jefferson as follows: "I have in opposition to discrimination. sworn upon the altar of God Eternal hostility against every form of tyranny • The determination of our State De- over the mind of man." Jefferson would partment to condone the Saudi Arabian have included in his hostility any at- discriminatory acts, its collaboration tempt to single out a group of Ameri- - with Senator J. W. Fulbright, chairman cans for discrimination in foreign lands. of the Senate Foreign Relations Com- So would all the Founding Fathers of eliminate from to b mittee, in attempts our Republic. So did President Taft the Mutual Security Bill clauses barring when he broke relations with Czarist discrimination against American Jews Russia in 1911 for discriminating against and Israel, and a general continuing American Jews. So should every Ameri- policy of appeasement by responsible can who does not measure justice in leaders in our Government, are causes oil cans. for serious concern. . Ben Halpern's Noteworthy Study: 'The Idea of the Jewish State' Of the numerous books that have appeared about the State of Israel, "The Idea of the Jewish State," by Ben Halpern, pub- lished by Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., is among the most authoritative. - Dr. Halpern, as Research Associate in Israelian Studies at Harvard, has made a deep study of all spects of the issues involving Israel. He has acquainted himself thoroughly with the Zionist idea and his analyses and conclusions are worthy of the most serious considerations. For students of Israeli problems, his book assumes the role of compulsory reading. Dr. Halpern arrives at some very interesting conclusions, among them, the very final one, is especially important. In it he states: "The creation of a stabler balance and of a legal rela- tionship of peace would require recognizing the customary restrictions on sovereignty which make possible the modicum of order that exists in normal' relations between peoples. To accept this kind of restriction upon sovereignty—even in un- usual degree—has always been compatible with the idea of the Jewish state. To accept a reciprocal relationship of the Jewish state and the Arab states respecting these limits on sovereignty would obviously be welcomed by Israel as a crowning recogni- tion of its sovereign existence." Nevertheless, reviewing United Nations decisions, Dr. Hal- pern points out that, against Arab designs, "Israel relied for defense more and more upon the exercise of its sovereignty and less and less upon the international consensus," and that, assessing its position in the global power struggle, "Israel's primary reliance had to be on its own sovereignty and will to survive." He shows how in friendly relations with new African and Accompanying the sensational news of educational and other problems that be- East Asian countries "determined Israeli efforts demonstrated the launching of Israel's space rocket set most of Israel's neighbors. Instead, the latter are engaged in a concrete advantages." I were the annotated comments that the senseless Dr. Halpern bluntly points to the obstacles that were placed game of war, constantly threat- latest Israeli scientific success caused ening to destroy Israel. That, in turn, in Israel's path by Great Britain and the United States, and the consternation among the Arabs. forces Israel to remain on the defensiye. latter even "from time to time expressed a vague sympathy, if The significant event also was inter- Instead of benefitting from Israel's prog- not support, for plans to cut back Israel's territory in vital . . ." preted as a source of new encouragement ress, we hear only messages of despair. areas Dr. Halpern describes how "the gravest challenges to to Israel's military leaders. An anonymous spokesman for our State Israel's sovereign existence arose from the clash between the Bolstering the Israelis also was the Department supposedly commented that global powers, East and West, and the measures each took to Israel would do better to concentrate on strengthen its position in the Middle East. "Reviewing the statement made in Washington by Maur- struggle, he shows how "since 1953, the Soviet Union had ice Dubin, rocket specialist associated solving the refugee problem rather than followed a course of increasingly obvious pro-Arab partisanship with the National Aeronautical and Space creating rockets. Such comments come in the Security Council." Administration, that Israel did "a won- with ill grace from people who them- Russia's arming of Nasser increased the tension. Dr. Halpern derful job" and that any country that can selves often create peace. obstacles in who the path of an Israel-Arab Those sin- tells how this led to the Sinai Campaign and the involvement produce rockets for scientific purposes cerely seek a solution to the Arab refu in it of France and Great Britain. He exposes the position of the also will be able to utilize them for mili- gee problem need not speak "unofficially" latter two countries, stating - that they claimed to be acting also under the Tripartite Declaration, "that their intervention was a tary action. or anonymously. It is an established fact response not to the internationalization of the Suez Canal but to It is no wonder that Arab leaders that Israelis willing to assist in solving the Israeli campaign into Sinai." He adds: showed concern over Israel's latest scien- the Arab problem. The State Depart- "It was a legal attitude which not only betrayed_ its un- tific triumph. Every technical advance in ment's advice-giver would do even better reality to the most superficial observer but recoiled against the Jewish state helps to strengthen its for himself and the cause of justice if the Anglo-French planners with disastrous effect. For, the third people's position. Every forward move he would speak the truth—that the Arabs party to the Tripartite Declaration, the United States, came assists the embattled young state eco- themselves are perpetuating the refugee out in flat opposition to the Franco-British intervention, as nomically and militarily, and serves to problem in order to be able to have a to the Israeli offensive which had served ..as its pretext." Dr. Halpern's book has its merits for students of history weaken the nations surrounding Israel club over Israel's head in their attempts and international affairs, and also for Zionists who desire to who constantly threaten her with de- to destroy little Israel. struction. To counteract Israel's creativeness, the have a total acquaintance with the movement they support. The of Jewish history that led to the formation of the These factors that accompany the Is- United Arab Republic now is being given background. Zionist movement, Zionist conceptions, world Jewry's responses raelis' scientific triumph add another an opportunity to "buy" rockets from the and the Jewish attachments to the idea, the formation of the cause for deep regret that it should have United States. In a • peaceful mood, such Jewish Agency and the emergence of the Jewish State are ably come to such a state of affairs in the rockets would have been available to reviewed and thoroughly analyzed. Middle East. The natural hopes and in- Israel's neighbors automatically — and Then there are scholarly chapters dealing with Israel and clinations of all the nations in that they would have been rockets created in its relations with the Diaspora, and the many other related troubled area should have been for the the Middle East, not imported articles. subjects. numerous states to work together, for When will the deluded Arab potentates This is the first in a series of two volumes—the second Arabs and Jews, who enjoy a Semitic kin- realize that their embarrassments come to deal with the developing social structure and domestic ship, to strive to serve the needs of all the from their war threats and that they can problems of Israel. Dr. Halpern is rendering a valuable service peoples involved and to aim to raise their provide so many benefits to their, peoples with his first book, which paves the way for anticipated interest in the forthcoming volume. standard of living and to solve the health, in peace? , . - In Peace, Israel's' Rocket Could Benefit Arabs ------- - _.........___. . ..,..so.at*IS:A.M, 1L at *Alia Si 1.4. 4. e. .., ;z.: ,. :.:-:. 141. . : - . - ';'.?" 15."Y 5.e',i," 2. '. t-, - "T "t. T.: r et-e ,. ,