THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, July 14, 1 96 1 Purely Commentary By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Rembrandt's Life Depicted in Gladys Schmitt's Novel and Prof. Landsberger's Analysis of His Deep Interest in Jews' and in Holy Scriptures The Iraq-Kuwait Controversy: Who Are the Imperialists? The Hebrew Union College I but it adds emphasis to Rem- Rembrandt's genius, as one of the. world's greatest artists, professor's interesting account brandt's concern in Jewish gets renewed attention in two of Rembrandt and his interest matters. Menasseh ben Israel is por- excellent works — in a novel in Jews and the Bible con- trayed as "one of the Ashkena- cludes with this paragraph: about his life by Gladys Schmitt, "In the autumn of 1669 death zim." He is mentioned as op- published by Random House, and an historical analysis of overtook the painter himself, posing the making of graven the artist's interest in Jews and mourned by only a few of his images. But Rembrandt is de- the Bible by Prof. Franz Lands- contemporaries. Among his per- picted as insisting upon por- berger of Hebrew Union Col- sonal possessions at the time traying the misery of down- lege, re-issued by the Jewish of his death but one book is trodden Jews. He insisted upon Publication Society of America: mentioned — the Bible. This painting Biblical objects and Landsberger's "Rembrandt — Book had accompanied him characters, and Jews were l'URKEY the Jews and the Bible" first from the days of his childhood linked too closely to the Bible KIRKUK I 0 Tehran ..,'-...".1-..- was published 15 years ago. It until the very end. It had con- for him to ignore them. SYRIA & 1 Miss Schmitt's "Rembrandt" has been out of print since, but tinually stirred his imagination ► ) LEBANON , R A N is a truly great novel. It de- to the creation of a series of L---CYPRUS there has been such a great demand for it that the JPS pictures, and he possessed the serves a place next to the best BAGHDAD MEDITERRANEAN has decided to issue another gift of bringing into visual form biographies. It also deals with SEA HAIFA edition which now is available the fancies that it stimulated the history of Rembrandt's time. A Q ISRAELI/ gain - ABADAN typographically improved, with in his mind. Never before or Its excellence is certain to 7 BASRA \ rie the many art reproductions ap- since Rembrandt wrought his for it a very high place among JORDAN pearing in vastly improved great work has there appeared the best sellers. Cairo * * * - fashion because of the improved upon the stage of life an artist E G Y Essence of Jewish whose works provided sueh in- paper used in this text. spiring testimony to the con- Art ' by Namenyi The JPS book is truly a SAUDI RED work of art. It includes 66 tent and power of the narra- PIPE LINES ARABIA BAHRAIN In 1957 there appeared, in SEA SUEZ illustrations, amon g them tives of Holy Writ." French, as part of the Bibliothe- It is a most welcome coinci- ICANAL Rembrandt's paintings of Jew- RIDYAH 0 dence that the novel "Rem- que Juive series of the World ish personalities as well as immense numerous brandt" by Gladys Schmitt Jewish Congress an interesting Israel is a mere particle among the of Biblical scenes. should appear simultaneously book, "The Essence of Jewish Arab countries. It is hardly noticeable among the vast areas of Among those who appear as with the republication of Art," by Ernest Namenyi. the Moslem lands. having been befriended by This important and well-illus- The comparative position of • Israel in this rich Arab area Rembrandt is Ephraim Bonus, Prof. Landsberger's JPS trated book of 92 pages is now volume. Miss Schmitt has can best be understood by the following figures indicating the thd well known Jewish physi- created a truly great literary available in an English transla- areas and populations of the various countries: cian and poet, and it is con- product. Her novel holds the tion by Edouart Roditi. It has Population Per Sq. Mile Population jectured that Rabbi Menasseh reader's attention from first been published by Thomas Yose- Square Miles 3'7.6 6,590,000 (1958) 1'75,000 ben Israel, who conferred with to last pages. It seems to loff (11 E. 36th, N. Y. 16). IRAQ 43.6 3'7,500 1,636,000 (1959) Cromwell for the - readmission follow very closely the fac- The author's preface charges JORDAN 4,000 1,550,000 (1958) 387 of Jews to England, was be- tual data about Rembrandt's that "those who, during the 19th LEBANON 1.6 6'79,350 1,153,000 (1958) friended by Rembrandt and sat life, it portrays his devotion century, concerned themselves LIBYA 60 1'72,100 10,330,000 (1958) for him. MOROCCO to art, his love , affairs, his with the study of Judaism, delib- 6.9 8'70,000 6,036,000 (1957) erately ignored the existence of Landsberger's book is of spe- humanitarianisni. SAUDI ARABIA 967,500 11,390,000 (1959) 11.8 Jewish art." The author proceeds cial value for its review of the SUDAN Miss Schmitt does not empha- 80 48,300 3,880,000 (1959) TUNISIA history of the period, of the size the Jewish angle, but like to state: "It had been admitted irre- story of European Jewry in Dr. Landsberger she gives UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC Holland, the freedom they ac- credence to the Rembrandt- vocably that the creative genius 386,200 25,032,000 (1959) 65 EGYPT quired there after the Spanish Menasseh ben Israel friendship. of the Jews limits itself to 61 72,230 4,421,000 (1959) SYRIA Inquisition and the persecu- She makes Dr. Bonus one of poetry and perhaps also to 60 . _ 75,000 - 4,500,000 (1953) tions in Portugal. . YEMEN the characters who played an music, but eschews the plastic It is explained that Rem- important role in Rembrandt's arts. As the Bible had been written without any illustra- ARAB LEAGUE '74.0 (Aver.) brandt was not the first life. 3,487,180 76,518,000 tions, Israel _remained a na- TOTAL Christian artist to depict She tells the story of Rem- 264 2,200,000 8,000 ISRAEL synagogues and Biblical brandt having been shown the tion that has no images, so that The United Nations Statistical Office is the source for this themes. But there seemed to rare Hebrew Bible possessed it traditions were commonly be a special devotion to Jew- by Pastor Sylvius and confirms opposed to those of Greek and information. While statistical data is, as a rule, unavailable for Libya, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, the above figures are con- ish themes by Rembrandt, Prof. Landsberger's contention. Roman civilization . . The dis- who began to study Hebrew that scholars at that time in- covery of the existence of Jew- sidered fairly accurate. The map and the quoted figures point to the injustice of in his brief university career cluded Hebrew in their univer- ish art occurred scarcely 60 Arab attacks upon Israel. They disprove the charges of im- and who showed a special in- sity curricula. Rembrandt was years ago. David Kaufmann and perialism which promptly bounce back upon the Arabs them- terest in the Bible and in_ told that the Pastor must have Julius von Schlosser were the Bible characters, been taken with him if he first to reveal the treasures of selves. * * * Prof. Landsberger states that showed him his favorite He- medieval Jewish art that are preserved in European libra- Rembrandt's "artistic output of brew Bible. Judge Them by Their Form of Government Miss Schmitt has several in- ries and museums. David Gunz- Since we are studying the comparative positions of Israel Old Testament incidents" nu- and her neighbors, let us take a look at their types of govern- merically represent the most teresting references to the good burg and W. W. Strassof subse- ment. It is by the form of government that a nation can best important portion of the paint- attitudes towards Jews in Am- quently published in 190'7 re- sterdam in Rembrandt's time. It productions of 10th century be judged. Using as our sources the Political Handbook of the er's artistic output. is emphasized in the friendship manuscripts discovered in the World and the Statesman's Year-Book, we learn the following: 0, No. of Cabinet between the artist and Dr. Cairo Geniza." Date of Changes Suffrage* The author then proceeds to Independence Form of Government Bonus. 21 (1942-58)** no female suffrage 1931 • Republic (one-man control) IRAQ 21 (1949-59) Rembrandt is quoted to in- tell about the archaeological no female suffrage Constitutional Monarchy 1946 JORDAN 23 (1943-59) universal Republic 1941 dicate his desire to work on findings by the late Prof. E. E. LEBANON 4 (1951-59) no female suffrage Constitutional Monarchy 1951 LIBYA Sukenik. He deals at length 3 (1956-59) Biblical subjects. no female suffrage Absolute Monarchy 1956 MOROCCO no elected gov't none with art findings in the Dura Absolute Monarchy 1916 There also is a conversation SAUDI ARABIA 3 (1956-59) men must qualify; no female suffrage Republic (army control) 1956 SUDAN Europeas Synagogue. with a rabbi, who speaks about no female suffrage Republic 1956 TUNISIA Art works in Passover Hag- the Polish Jews who settled in 21 (1942-54)** male suffrage; women must qualify UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC Republic (one-man control) 1922 EGYPT Holland, their adherence to gadahs, the Menorah as a symbol male suffrage; women must qualify 29 (1945-58)** Republic (one-man control) 1941 SYRIA no elected gov't dietary laws, the differences of Jewish art and art works in none Absolute Monarchy 1918 • YEMEN 4 (1948-59) universal Republic 1948 ISRAEL that existed between the Polish synagogues of olden times are Jews and the Sephardim. It is described by Namenyi to prove *Polygamy is authorized in all Arab League countries. - **In Iraq, Kassem's one-man control took over in • July, 1958; in Egypt, Nasser's one-man control took over in 1954 not a vital aspect in the story, his point. Arab leaders, searching for an excuse for their antagonism to Israel, have resorted to many fantastic charges, not least among them being the claim that Israel is imperialistic, that the Israelis are aiming at acquiring Arab territory, that the Jews are dispossessing them. While these accusations were being hurled, Arab countries have constantly sought to rob each other of possessions. One of the most blatant acts is the latest attempt by Iraq to acquire oil-enriched Kuwait. It would do well for those who often fall prey to Arab charges against Israel to study this map: , .k. __.. . . 1 OIL . and in Syria in February, 1958. These facts are self-explanatory. But there are other factors that need to be taken into _consideration. In Arab lands today, propagandists are applaudirig Adolph Eichmann who is being given editorial encouragement in the Arab press. It is by no means a surprising phenomenon, because the Nazis had the former Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, as a col- laborator, and because, with the exception only of Jordan, Arabs either supported the Germans in the last war or saw fit to de- clare war upon Germany when it suited their purpose—when the war was just about over. Here are the facts: Declared War on Allies IRAQ September 1941; Joined Allies in 1943. Declared War on Germany 1939. JORDAN Joined Allies February 1945. LEBANON Italian Colony During War. LIBYA Joined Allies March 1945. SAUDIA ARABIA UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC Joined Allies February 1945. EGYPT Joined Allies February 1945. SYRIA Neutral During War. YEMEN 43,000 Palestinian Jews served ISRAEL with British forces 1939-1945. (Israel established 1-948). It is most deporable that it should even be necessary to refer to these oppressive facts. In a peaceful atmosphere, all peoples could benefit from mutual cooperation in the Middle East. The illiteracy, poverty and disease that dominates in most of the Arab countries could be eliminated. The status of the Brazil Invokes Anti-Racist Law for Hate Peddler RIO DE JANEIRO, (JTA)-- was announced by Prosecutor A 20-year-old student held re- Sabastio Barreto. The law was enacted two sponsible for dissemination of anti-Semitic leaflets, last Spring, years ago, after it had been in- at the time the Adolf Eichmann troduced in Parliament by the trial got under way in Jerusa- then Sen. Alfonso Arinos, now lem, will be prosecuted under Brazilian Minister of Justice. It a law calling for five years' im- forbids the dissemination of prisonment upon conviction, it race-hatred materials, on pen- Arabs could be improved, and Israel and her neighbors can and should live peacefully, side by side, in a spirit of amity. We wonder, however, whether the Arabs themselves are aware of the facts just quoted. There is reason to believe that if the people in the countries antagonistic to Israel were fully informed about the basic truths in the existing situation, there might be an end to the state of war. But it evidently suits the purpose of their leaders to perpetuate the animosities, else they might be,out of power. That is why peace in the area remains so retnote: The facts and figures quoted here should serve also to refute the biased arguments of Prof. Arnold Toynbee, whose position is tantamount to that of the anti-Semites. The learned historian would do well to study the facts so that he may know how harmful he has been to Israel by spreading his prejudiced views against the Jewish state; alty of five years' imprisonment. Last spring, police arrested two Brazilian students who had tossed anti-Semitic leaflets into the garden adjoining the Jewish Center at Sao Paulo. The stu- dents said their action was "just a prank," and told police the leaflets had been given to them by another student, Walter Piepke, 20. The two students were released with reprimands, but Piepke was arrested. In announcing that Piepke will be proSecuted under the two - year - old anti - racist law Prosecutor Barreto said: "Piep- ke is of German extraction. Had he been of Brazilian extraction, I would have believed him, as I believed the two other students, that he was engaged in 'a prank.' But since he is a Ger- man and used Brazilian stu- dents to spread the leaflets, I shall prosecute him."