- omen's Chi's Madelon Klunover, Dr. Weber to Wed CLUB TWO, Pioneer Women, will hold its annual picnic 11 a.m. Wednesday at Palmer Park A fiscal year-end report of (near the swimming pool), an- American Savings and Loan As so- nounces President Bessie- Zaran- ciation was put in the hands of kin. Friends are invited. Those its more than 50,000 shareholde rs who attend are requested to this week, at the same time th at bring their lunches and watch it was deliver- for signs to the location. In the ed to the Sav- event of rain, the affair will be ings and Loan held at the Hayim Greenberg Division of the Center. * * * Michigan Sec- retary of State, NORTH WOODWARD. as required by BRANCH, Jewish Women's Eur- Law. opean Welfare Organization, will Extensive ef- hold a luncheon noon Monday fort is put into at the Jericho Temple, 18495 the prepara- Wyoming. Hostesses will be Mrs. tion of these L. Lebove and Mrs. J. Silber- reports so that stein. Friends are invited. Pro- few vital facts ceeds will be used for orphans MISS MADELON KLUNOVER are overlooked and widows. At a family dinner at the in the aim of * * * keeping share- ZEDAKAH CLUB will hold Sheraton Cadillac Hotel, Mr. holders ac- its annual garden party noon and Mrs. Alfred A. Klunover of quainted with July 24 at the home of Mrs. Santa Barbara Dr. announced the engagement of their dau h- its growth and Sam Baker, 14444 Vassar, an- ter, Madelon Joan, character, ac- nounces Presiden- Mrs. Mau- and Elden Deutsch cording to rice Knopper. In charge of the and Mr Adolph Deutsch, president of event are Mrs. Leonard Shapiro, Meye American Savings. chairman, and co-chairmen :Mrs. "The public is being increa s- Joseph Staub and Mrs. Norman bride-el ingly made aware of the safet y Adilman. Friends are invited. U 'ersity of factors in this type of saving, a S liated with * * * compared to others," Deutsc h d Alph a honor BRANDEIS CHAPTER, Pio- said. rority. flee attended t neer Women, will hold a pre- As an example, he pointed t 0 season smorgasbord luncheon iversity of Michigan a the fact that American Saving noon Monday at Rotunda Inn. g • uate of W e Uni- has over $50,000,000 invested i n of Medicine call DI 1-8811. verse Federal Housing Administrati on For information, * * * where he was a member of a n d Veterans Administratio n WOMEN'S DIVISION, Sho- Sigma Alpha Mu- and Phi Delta government-insured mortgages. lem Aleichem Institute, will Epsilon medical fraternity. He "We currently offer three and hold a garden luncheon and is presently interning at Sinai one-half per cent earnings on games party 12:30 p.m. Wed- Hospital. savings accounts," he said. "And nesday at the home of Mrs. A December wedding is all accounts are insured to Charles Driker, 20210 Faust. planned. $10,000 by. - an instrumentalit Y Mrs. Ruth Gosman is co-hostess. Of the United States Government * * Every six months we shore up YOUNG WOMEN'S BICUR - Our reserves, an additional safety CHOLEM ORGANIZATION will factor for shareholders." hold a luncheon. • and games He pointed out that a high party Wednesday at the Rain- percentage of shareholders in bow Terrace, announces Mrs.. American Savings are people Abner Baker, chairman. Pro- whose long-range plans call for ceeds will be used for service Random House has just Maximum protection for their to the needy sick. For tickets, fished the texts of *savings. This is one of the rea- call Mrs. Baker, LI. 6-6191. far plays, " sons for the rapid growth of the "Critic's institution he heads. tion to He pointed to the increase in Maimonides Women Ge e Abb reserves to $7,018,909. He also wit erome•eid referred, as in the annual report, Aids 30 Medical in he book f to assets of $115,004,472, a gain Students in Israel play's music Of $11,666,406 over last year. Thirty medical students in and the Savings accounts listed in the Israel were able to pursue their B ar • year-end report rose to $100,255,- studies through the aid of a She 811, making a gain of $10,876,576 loan fund established at the The corn e a year ago. At the helm of Hebrew. University - of Jerusa- is by Ira Levin, author of "No over troit's third largest savings and lem by Detroit women, accord- Time for Sergeants" and other loan association are Deutsch, ing to a report issued by the plays. with a background of 55 years American Friends of the He- Arthur Laurents, of "West in the investment field, and his brew University.. Side Story" fame, is the author son, Alfred L. Deutsch, executive They are the members of the of the witty "Invitation to a vice-president. Women's Auxiliary of the Mai- March." monides Medical Society, headed by Mrs. Paul F. Gross- Handler's Hobbies man. The report states that of from Opera to Fights - the 30 .students who received Not many people, unless they help from the Detroit group, The traditional mid-summer know him well, would be able a dozen are already serving as to guess the identity of the qualified physicians in Israel, appeal in behalf of the Jewish with seven additional new National Fund and its land prominent Detroit businessman graduates slated to take up reclamation and soil develop- who added boxing to his list of their medical practice soon. ment projects in Israel will be hobbies, which includes, also, The fund, set up in 1950 and conducted in congregations in grand opera. frequently by later Michigan on the occasion of Max C. Handler, financier, augmented contributions by the Detroit Tisha b'Ab which occurs on coal dealer,. banker and real es- women, has assisted medical Saturday, July 22, but will be tate magnate, always had a love students in many fields. Among observed Sunday, July 23, it was of the sport and was a fight manager 28 years ago. He is the those recently benefitted was announced Phillip Stollman Dr. Joseph Stein, a student and Norm fellow who brought the Henry later appointed as lecturer on of e igious grou Hank-Joe Giardello bout to De- radiology at the Hebrew U • ittee. troit's Cabo Hall Arena Monday versity - Hadassah M e. d night. An appeal issued by Stollman School, who spent a f ship and Allan urges rabbis and Handler's interest in reviving year in Chicago; D homas lay leaders ugh- the sport as a hobby for him- Gestesh, now in ch e of the to to carr • the self and for Detroit area fans Department of An thetics at t - - appe JNF was such that he was committed the Beersheba H ital, and is b'A eve to pay more than $10,000 to Avner Shargil, gra ted last wors h- tunit bring the middleweight contest year, who received award onstrate his 'tion to here, the first in the new civic for his outstanding M.D. S. the land and people of Israel. center. More than -half of the Hebre eal points out that Handler feels that good bouts University's 7,500 students re- vir in clean surroundings will add quire some form of financial to Detroit's prestige as a sports aid, even though tuition fees with the government of Israel, city that has produced cham- are moderate by western stand- the JNF has been charged with the sole responsibilty for the pionship baseball, 'football and ards, according to- the report. rehabilitation and development hockey teams and boxers, such of Israel's land owned by .the as Joe Louis and Sugar Ray Dried ,beans are an ineiipen- State, as well as the JNF's own Robinson. sive source of phosphorous, Handler is a director of the iron, calcium, and thiamin and great holdings. Stollman and Allan urge that Metropolitan Opera Association. riboflavin ; two of the B vita- He is the brother of local box- mins. Also, they are more than Shabbat Chazon (July 22) and Shabbat Nachamu be devoted to ing referee Lou Handler. 20% protein. Keren Kayerneth. • •••••,,,,,,, Publishes Plays by Laurents, Weidman, Levin JNF Makes Tisha b'Ab Plea a Dr. Melvin Nord Is Con-Con Candidate Dr. Melvin Nord is a candidate and over 150 technical legal for delegate to the Constitutional articles. Convention from the Sixth Rep resentative District. Nord is currently president of the Business and Professional Chapter of the American- Jewish Congress. He holds three degree in chemical engineering (iriclu ing the doctorate), a law de and worked on the atomic project as a chemical during World War II. He was formerly a ssociate professor of chemical ineerin and of law, also, at ne Sta University for a perio of ni e years. He presently is a part- • of member of the law faculty at the Gold and Gold Filled University of Detroit. He is a Jewelry. registered engineer and is en- gaged in patent law practice as a The Above Ring is Carved partner in the firm of Colman, Imperial Jade at ... $65 Nord & Krass. He is chairman of the Patents Subcommittee of the Visit With the Lattin's Anti-Trust Section of the State AT ar. He has written two textbooks he feet Affair . . . QUALITY JEWELERS ckey Woolf 129-131 W. NINE MILE ROAD FERNDALE 20, MICHIGAN and His Orchestra LI 2 - 2110 UN 3-3737 Open: Thurs., Fri. to 9 EMILE'S FRENCH BAKERY IN NEW ORLEANS SHOPPING CENTER 15600 W. 10 MILE RD. Greenfield BAKED GOODS WITH GOOD JEWISH FLAVOR Bread and Pastries of Every Description SPECIALS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY JULY 14, 15 & 16 COFFEE CHEESE CAKE ONLY 19 E • CHALE RUSSIAN EL • FRENCH ..-. C 1-1b. & 1/4 Loaf ROLLS • PARTY ROLLS • BAGEL ORIGINALLY DESIGNED CAKES FOR WEDDINGS • BAR MITZVAHS SPECIAL OCCASIONS MID-SUMMER SALE tilE PRINCETON SHOP FOR YOUNG MEN 6 to 60 DACRON & WOOL SLACKS VACATION SPECIALS . Reg. $9.95 - $16.95 Bermuda Shorts Swim Wear Boat Neck Shirts Q 1 .87 from Ire Stock of SUMMER & UND SUITS from mmonto 4 1 Madras Sport Coats Reg. $3230 OFF 1 All Boys, Students! & Men's Values to $45, from $21 We Rent Tuxedos and - Formal Wear For ALL Occasions 40% Botany '500', etc. Ivy Cord and Poplin T"ff Boys Clothing to rom Cellar Shop SUITS ft Now $25 FURNISHINGS 20% OFF Charge It? Of Course ! RINCETON 20072 WEST SEVEN MILE ROAD Near Ever. reen - KE 3-431 1 961 AInf `AelYRI Deutsch Reports Steady Growth of American Loan