— A pamphlet issued by the World Federation of Hungarian Jews (Magyar Zsidok Vilgszo- vetsege), with offices in New York and Tel Aviv, presents the horrifying facts about the Nazi campaign that was con- ducted to destroy the Jews of Hungary. Entitled "Eichmann and the Destruction of Hungarian Jewry," the pamphlet, written by Randolph L. Brahart, was published and is being distrib- uted by Twayne Publishers (31 Union Sq., N.Y. 3). Braham's compilation of facts and figures makes this bro- chure a valuable addendum to the accumulating evidence against the - Nazi criminals, and especially against Adolf Eich- mann. In a foreword to the pam- phlet, Frederic Gorog; presi- dent of the World Federation of Hungarian Jews, declares that "Eichmann's design to bring about 'the solution of the Jewish question,' as the Nazi extermination pr o gr am was called, was nowhere as suc- cessful and efficient as in Hun- gary!" • The pamphlet is supple- mented by a map which shows the major ghettos, assembly centers and deportation routes that were used for the de- Spanish Press Raps Eichmann Trial, Hides Hitler Regime Horrors LONDON, (JTA) — Spain is exhibiting "a redurrent• nostal- gia for Nazism," and the con- trolled Spanish ' press is de- nouncing the Adolf EiChmann trial in Jerusalem as "ridiculous and nauseating," according to a Madrid dispatch in the Guar- dian of Manchester. The Guardian quoted Rode- rigo Royo, editor of the S'panish news-weekly, SP, as saying editorially: "The Nazi-FascistS were not as bad as the Jews painted them. If there was some persecution of Jews under Hit- ler, the persecution of the Nazis by the Jews in the past 16 years has been infinitely more fero- cious." The dispatch quoted Royo further as declaring "there were no gas chambers for the extermination of Jews," and the Spanish editor continued: "I have been in the German gas chambers. They were technical installations of the army for testing the soldiers' gas -masks. All that's been said on the sub- ject is sheer fabrication. The Jews invented an Eichmann in Argentina. They caught him the way you get a butterfly, then - they indoctrinated him the way a clown in a second-rate circus is taught his role." On the other hand, the Man- chester newspaper declared, "the Spanish press accounts of the Eichmann trial have been superficial, giving the impres- sion that it is Government pol- icy (since the press is State- controlled) that it does not wish to reveal to Spaniards the full horror of the Hitler era." Eichmann Trial Protest in Germany Is Banned BONN, (JTA)—Police in Duis- berg prohibited a public meeting of the neo-Nazi German Reich Party, called to protest against the trial in Jerusalem of Adolf Eichmann, as a "wholesale. slan- der of the German people." The party polled only about one percent of the vote in the last West German elections. In Munich, anti-Semitic slogans were f6und scrawled on walls of buildings in the Munich Fair Grounds. Unknown persons had painted such slogans as "Jews Get Out" on several of the structures. Police asked witnesses to aid in the search for the culprits. 1 struction of Hungarian Jewry during World War II. Appendices contain repro- ductions of important docu- Tents—a letter from Eichmann to Klingenfuss regarding the deportation of Hungarian Jews, Eichmann's letter to _ Rade- macher regarding deportation of Western Jews, notes from Eichmann to - Gunther and the German Foreign Office expos- ing his attitudes and a tele- gram revealing his plans for Hungarian Jewry's extermina- tion. The losses sustained by Hungarian Jewry are shown in a statistical table, indicat- ing that of the 825,00'7 Hun- garian Jews in 1941, 569,50'7 perished at the hands of the Nazis. Another table shows how the Jews were concen- trated in the major Hun- - garian ghettos prior to their destruction. The catastrophic period • for Hungarian Jewry is depicted briefly but effectively by Braham, whose work assumes special significance through the e x t ended bibliography that points to the vast amount of available periodical and other literature about Eichmann's in- volvement in the Nazi crimes. `Little' Eichmann on Trial in Munich American Jewish Committee Elects Attorney Louis Caplan President (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) Otto Bradfisch, 58, onetime Nazi officer and now a lawyer, goes into court in Munich, Germany, where he is accused in the deaths of 19,037 Jews during World War II. - Brad- fisch takes the same way out Eichmann takes in Jerusalem, that he was following orders from superiors. Said he, "Hit- ler was a superman . . . his orders were law" but he "left us holding the bag." NEW YORK—Louis Caplan, Pittsburgh attorney, chairman of the executive board of the American Jewish Committee, has assumed the presidency of that organization, it was an- nounced Tuesday, succeeding the late Frederick F. Green- man. He became the eleventh president of the organization which was founded in 1906. Greenman, who was elected to the presidency in April, died in New York last month after a brief illness. Caplan was one of the found- ers of the Pittsburgh chapter of the American Jewish Commit- tee and has served the - organiza- tion nationally as vice president, chairman of its community af- fairs and budget evaluations committee, and as chairman of its executive board. He was founder- and first president of the United Jewish Fund of Pittsburgh • and" was the first president of the United Jew- ish Federation. He is a former president of the Allegheny County Bar Association. Caplan served in the U.S. Army in World War I and was a member of the Alien Enemy Hearing Board for Western Pennsylvania in World War IL The Louis Caplan Human Rela- tions Award was established in his honor by the Pittsburgh AJC chapter. 1961 11 Slur 'ABP Eichrnann's Role in Hungarian _Jews' Plight Told in Brochure LOUIS CAPLAN More than $72 billion in U.S. Savings Bonds has been used in the past 19 years to improve or buy new homes, for educa- tion, retirement, and other benefits for the savers and their families. Invest in Savings Bonds regui- larly. of © 1961 P. torillord CC I • ere All Of all the freedoms ent in our American way of lif d guaranteed to us by our Const on—surely freedom of religion is most basic. Yet had it not been onas Philli s—a Je humble n —this Const . ution antee religious freedo • mig s perfect than it .. been J as Phillips came t this country a an dentured servan a young w had bartered his ree labor o pe d of years for a rth in the ho 'grant ship bo nd fo an Fro e ad worked out his indenture, he made his way to Albany, New York, where he married, established himself in business, and even- tually became the father of twenty-one children. Then, as patriotic fervor gripped the thirteen colonies, he moved to Phila- delphia and cast his lot with the cause of dual Footing" American Independence. Thou three years old, an an enormo it h teer hiladelp Jonas Phill' u- do as maw, no d; but n ha ed Independe . Here, as P. LORILLARD COMPANY on-delegat ress this famous assemblage; e his case for the religious of all: efore, if the honorable Convention shall in their Wisdom think fit and alter said oath . . . then the Israelites will think themselves happy to live under a government where all religious societies, are on an Equal footing." Jonas Phillips spoke well. The delegates rewrote their covenant as this outsider had suggested. In our most revered docu- ment the religious freedom of all was guaranteed! SPIRI1,73 • First with the Finest Cigarettes . through Lorillard research