Compile Record of Ex-Residents of Bobruisk Area The National Jewish Welfare Board has announced that Bar- bara A. Schram, 200 E.," 79th St., Manhattan, and Melvin Gold- stein, 42 E. 95th St., Brooklyn, are the winners of JWB's 1961 National Merit Fellowships in the field of social work. They were selected from among 44 young men and wo- men from all parts of the U.S. and Canada who competed for the fellowships. The fiel narrowed down to to sts. The two winners selected after all ten been inter- viewed and t school records and referen checked. The fell w s 'h p s, in the amount of $ each w• used for Miss an MISS NANCY FALK Goldstein's graduate education Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Falk of in social work, preparatory to career as professional social Quincy Ave. announce the e TO orkers in a Jewish Corn- gagement of their dau nter or YM-YWHA. Nancy, to Barry Stepha chif- munity rin of New Rochelle, Y. People it easy—they can Miss Falk is a r of Michigan size up ever ne but themselves. the Universi s affiliated with where sh Delta psilon sorority. Her fian s a graduate of Colum- bi niversity and is presently nding the C • 1 is Orchestra Ask About ()di, where h• i- em f the Phi Delt fra- EW TRIO or Afternoon Parties ernity. ST. LOUIS, (JTA) — The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri is contributing $2,500 to the building fund of Temple Israel, a Reform congregation. Bishop George L. Cadigan said it was a gesture of thank- fulness for the "Judeo-Christian heritage hat kindness p w is • ms from is Temple." not bear t • iniqu ther, ne' sha the at ini- bear q of he son " zekiel. WIDENBAUM & SON DIAMONDS Designers and Manufacturers of Fine Jewelry We carry a very large selec- tion of Diamond Rings and Wedding Bands at SPECIAL PRICES FOR JULY! 35 W. GRAND RIVER DI 1-1609 0. (8th Floor) WO 3-5301 cGill U. Alterna oards for ewish Students MONTREAL, (JTA) —McGill University authorities were dis- closed to have agreed to a re- quest that • additional dates be arranged for Jewish students to take college board tests which usually are given on Saturdays. The National Joint Public Re- lations Committee of the Ca- nadian Jewish Congress and Bnai Brith reported the r had been submitted • ebru- ary and that an affirmative reply had been received from W. K. Mol princi • the university. university official in- med the committee that the officers of e college board "have de • to authorize day a lege bo s a, e Canal Zone, xico t Indies in itio • i . 1 United ates. is be ef- fective with the December 1961 and following test adminis tionS." The official at the change would eluded in the 1961-62 ge board bulletin rmation so that, -starting next December, any student or school wishing to apply for Sun- day testing would have instruc- tions on how to do so. Drive carefully—try to_remem- ber that pedestrians carry no spare parts. 3 Off 50% ORAbikk IALS off CHILDREN'S APPAREL NEW ORLEANS MALL 10 MILE at GREENFIELD EL 6-6302 Open Daily 9 to 9 DOROTHY FARBER (Goldberg) ANNOUNCES HER ASSOCIATION WITH MABEL'S TEA ROOM 13031 W. 7 Mile Road, nr. Outer Drive It Will Now Be Known As the MAY- DOT RESTAURANT Featuring: Businessmen's Lunches, Full Course Dinners, Evening Snacks OUR PASTRIES ARE BAKED ON THE PREMISES OUR COFFEE IS THE BEST! Tell Your Friends, and Meet Me at May Dot, 13031 W. 7 Mile near Outer Dr. - PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 'HI 12 Midnight: Friday, Saturday, Sunday 'tiI 2:30 A.M. TRY OUR SMORG-A-STYLE BRUNCH SUNDAYS, SERVED FROM 10:30 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M. mar iimai,aa TZ DR. IRVING GREENBERG, sity, where he earned a B.S. de- assistant professor of history of gree in 1956. A native of De- Yeshiva College in New York, troit, he is also a graduate of has been awarded a Fulbright Mumford High School. He belongs to the Schoolmen's grant by the U.S. State Depart- ment to lecture in American Club and Kappa Nu fraternity. history at Tel Aviv University He and Mrs. Madvin (the former during the coming academic Beverly Seyburn) have a one- year-old daughter. year. * * * * * DANIEL J. VanANTWERP, IVIANDELL of San SUSAN Juan Dr., a junior at the Uni son of Detroit Councilman and former Mayor Eugene I. Van- versity of Antwerp, is hoping to follow his on July 7 t father's footsteps as a public southern E gram of the United States Na- servant, by seeking the Demo- tional Stude nt Association, Edu- cratic nomination as a Constitu- tional -Convention delegate from cational Tra vel, Inc. * * * the 6th Representative District. Mrs. DANTID W. KLAU of He is a northwest Detroit home- New York has been elected a owner, residing with his wife member of the board of gov- and daughter at 16904 Lilac. ernors of Hebrew Union Col- lege-Jewish Institute of Reli- gion, Dr. Nelson Glueck, Col- lege-Institut e president, t, an- nounced. Sh e is a past president of the S unshine Nurseries which spon sors and operates • Former residents of Bobruisk New York day care centers. and vicinity in Russia are being * * * CAROLE KISHNER, daugh- asked to submit their names to committee that has been or- ter of Mr s. Aaron Kishner, a 24751 Suss ex, sophomore at ganized to plan the publication Wayne St ate University, is of a memorial volume "to corn- '' -IPP.P9777- .-- among the 49 students who sailed for Israel on June 30 to spend a ye ar of study at the ' •'• • Hebrew Uni versity of Jerusalem under the American Student Program, it was announced by the Americ an Friends of the Hebrew Uni versity, which spon- sors the pr ogram. * * * MRS. HE TRY KORENTHAL (GLORIA R ODIN), daughter of former Detroiters Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg Hordes Herman L. Rodin, of Los Ange- les, Calif., was named a dele gate to the Bnai Brith conven- memorate the former glory of tion in Las Vegas. She is the the area," William Hordes and newly:electe d president of the Mrs. Saul- Share, Detroit com- Bnai Brith Chapter of Burbank, mittee members, announced this week. Calif. The world committee, under * * * WALTER S. COHN has been the name Irgun Yotzei Bob- appointed advertising director ruisk u'brotheho, has been or- and district sales manager for ganized in Israel under the the states of Michigan, Ohio, chairmanship of Kadish Luz Illinois and Indiana for the (Luzinsky), Speaker of Maryland Match Company, a di- Knesset, Israel's Parliame U. S. Navy Chaplain vision of Maryland Cup Corpora- tion of Baltimore. Cohn, a na- L. Goldberg is chairma tive of Detroit, will return here American committee. In addition- to Bob sk, the from Buffalo, New York, where he has been branch sales man- communities whose fd er corn- ager for a paper products com- dents' names are b piled in the world c ittee's pany. record include: Liuba h, Swis- * * * Isipo- lovich, Lapich, Chol EDISON MARSHALL h a s vich, Starii Dorogii, Da onova, just completed work on "West _Hlusk, Azarich, Parich, he- With the Vikings," his new drin, Berezina. novel recreating the saga - of Former residents of these Leif Ericson and the discovery communities are urged to sub- of America 500 years before mit their names to Mrs. .Saul Columbus. The book will be Share, 13310 Rosemary, published by Doubleday in . Park, telephone LI 2-5985. Oak September.. Marshall is begin- ning research on another major historical novel, to feature the Organized Jewish great Jewish hero,, Bar Kochba, Communities Operate who led a revolt against the in Red Chinese Cities Romans and drove them out of LONDON, (JTA) — Jewish the Holy Land in 130 C. E. * * * communities are still being SAMUEL WEINGARTEN, for- maintained in arbin merly of Schenectady, has been and Tient • , as well a or • ort r appointed regional director of the Peking, from the Jewish East and West Central regions ceive y of Shanghai. of the Council of Jewish Federa- co communication, wi- tions and Welfare Funds. * * * d sed to the world executive the Agudas Israel Organiza- KALIL S. ROSENBERG, son of Mr. and Mrs. Baruch Rosen ion, disclosed that the Chinese Government had lot 'd flour berg of Wisconsin Ave., stude for the b ng ot. Last of the Rabbinical Department year ,83 gr the Academy for Higher Je f uper- Learning in New. York, has visio mer Jewish appointed rabbi of the S cemeter city limi County Jewish Center in to a w cemetery outs' Jersey. * • * Shang , the report said. The community provi 538 GARY F. MADVIN, 2043 A p- certifi- poline, has been named a r re- death certificates a to appli- sentative of National Life I ur- cates of interme of the world ante Company of Vermont. e cants in many p and it maint • complete files is associated with the firm's of the ds of the nearly troit general agency headed ews who found sanc- Austin A. Kanter, one of tw National- Life offices in Detroit. tuary in Shanghai at the time of Madvin previously taught at Cody the Nazi persecutions in Europe. High School. He majored in eco- nomics at Wayne State Univer- Want ads bring fast results! Jewish Welfare Board Episcopal Diocese Grants in Social Work Gives $2,500 to Help Go to New Yorkers Build Missouri Temple 1961 `L, AInf 'anti People Make News Nancy Falk to Wed Barry Schifrin