J/WV Commends Peace Corpse Opposition to Bigotry The . Jewish War Veterans of the U. S. A. publicly commended the , stand of. R. Sargent Shriver, Jr., director of the Peace Corps,. im.bis.;-,refusal to send Peace Corps workers to countries which discriminate against America on the basis , of race, creed, or religious affiliation. JWV was the first to expose the fact that our own Government was screening Jewish service personnel from assignment to the Dhahran Air Base in Saudi Arabia. USSR Jewry's Tragic Position Revealed by Two Noted Authors, Commentary By such action, JWV said, the Saudi Arabian government had forced the American Government into the position of carrying out, for the .Saudi Arabians, their policy of discrimination. Other discriminatory practices of the Arab government include the refusal to grant visas to Americans of the Jewish faith to enter Arab countries. Until the announcement by Shriver, no United States governmental agency has countered these practices by refusing to take steps actually enforcing the same. THE JEWISH NEWS 1= CD —i=" INA I A Weekly Review 1-1 r'.1 f Jewish Events Page 2 Michigan's. Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Vol. XXXIX, No. 19 P.yintecl in , a 100% Union Shop 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd, — VE 8-9364 — Detroit 35, July 7, 1961 — $5.00 Per Year; Proposal for a Compromise in the Jewish Center Sabbath Issue Editorial Page 4 Single Copy 15c Senate Asked to Retain Foreign Aid Clause Barring Arab Boycott Brazil Purges Dictionaries of Definitions Offensive to Jews School dictionary definitions offensive to Jews have been banned by the Brazilian government, according to a report received at the World Jewish Congress head- quarters in New York from its Rio de Janeiro office. The Brazilian order was welcomed by Samuel Bronf- man, chairman of the North American Executive of the World Jewish Congress, in a letter to President Janio da Silva Quadros of Brazil. The action of President Quadros follows a three-year campaign initiated by a Rio de Janeiro attorney, Dr. Fernando E._ Levisky, and actively supported by the Con- federation of Jewish Communities of Brazil, and by the World Jewish Congress, with which the Confederation is affiliated. The two Jewish bodies backed Dr. Levisky's con tention that terms and definitions offensive to races, peoples and religions should be eliminated from diction- aries. The campaign aroused a considerable amount of sympathetic interest in • the press, and in cultural, in- tellectual and political circles. Subsequently, national con- ferences of Brazilian publishers and of Lions Clubs of- Brazil adopted resolutions in favor of the proposal and four publishing houses promptly revised their dictionaries. The issue was successfully raised by the World Jew- ish Congress at the conference of Spanish linguists in Bogota last year. The conference recommended that Spanish langdage dictionaries be revised as proposed by the Congress. In his letter—to President Quadros, Bronfman said that such action ; "bearing the authority of the President of the Brazilian Republic, will undoubtedly help eradicate the seeds of prejudice that can be so detrimental to peoples' relationships and equally to a nation's progress." There was no doubt, Bronfman added, "that your swift response to the appeal of Dr. Levisky sets an example that other nations will follow." WASHINGTON (JTA)--Rabbi Philip S. Bernstein, chairman of the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee, issued a statement calling, on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to retain an anti-discrimination clause which Chairman J. W. Fullbright, with State Department agreement, is seek- ing to delete from pending Mutual Security legislation. Rabbi Bernstein said: "This anti-discrimination statement is a temperate reaffirmation of principles adopted by Congress last year, I and was written into the Foreign Aid bill by the Administration itself." The American Jewish Congress appealed to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to retain the provision in the Mutual Security Bill aimed at Arab discrimination against American Jews and against Israel. Sen. Jacob K. Javits, New York Republican, Wednesday made known he will seek retention of an anti-discrimination clause. Javits commented that "the expression of policy contained in the Mutual Security Bill on discrimination against Americans abroad and on the principle Report of Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem on Page 7 Story of Launching of Israel Rocket on Page 6 of free navigation are important and truly represent American policy. I will do to see that a reaffirmation, of• policy along these lines is included in this year's 1Vlutual Security Bill." - Fulbright, Arkansas Democrat, concerned lest the Arab States take offense at the anti-bias expression, raised the matter in recent days with PhilipsTalbot, Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. Stressing the desire for improved Arab - American relations, Ful- bright discussed the clause with Talbot at a closed, "executive session" of the Foreign Relations Committee. Fulbright said he could see no useful purpose in - the anti-bias clause being retained in the bill. He obtained Talbot's agreement on this. Senator Fulbright questioned wh ether the clause was in the true national interest and indicated it might impede current efforts to improve United States relations with the Arab States. Talbot explained that the clause, in Section 102 of the preamble to the aid bill, was not reflective of State Department thinking, but was submitted to Congress by President Kennedy to indicate Administration policy. Talbot agreed that it could be taken out without objection from his Department. my utmost (Continued on Page 11) Kennedy's Position on Arab Refugees: 'Less Than Half a Loaf' By SAUL CARSON JTA Correspondent at the United Nations (Copyright, 1961, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) • UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.—As soon as President Kennedy's recent letter to the Arab rulers, dealing with the Israeli-Arab problems, became known,. there was a rush here for the records dealing with the work of the Palestine Conciliation CoMmission. The PCC, in existence since 1948, meets only once or twice a - year—always in closed session. It issues one or two vague communiques each year. About once a year, it issues a report. These reports have dealt almost exclusively with one phase of the corn - . mission's work—the release of Arab refugee bank accounts previously blocked in Israel, and a long-term project for identifying and evaluating refugee real estate and other property left by the refugees when they fled Israel. It is understandable, therefore, that even diplomats in the know may have lost sight of the PCC's full status and the PCC's complete man- date. The commission was, in fact, entrusted with many vital tasks. By 1952, it was ready to give up the ghost, informing the General Assembly that it has found itself "unable to make substantial . progress." The Assembly, however, insisted that the commission keen trying. The PCC, therefore, decided to concentrate on such tasks as it might be able to fulfill. Two of these jobs dealt with the blocked bank accounts and the identification and evaluation of Arab property. The bank accounts have, since, been released in their entirety by Israel—which never intended to hold on to them but wanted only to make sure the monies and valuables went to the right owners. On the real estate job, the PCC has made substantial progress—with. the complete cooperation of Israel. Who t; then, is left of the commission's original .Man- • . - , ' cOminissiori was instrutted. by the Assembly "to take steps to assist the parties con, cerned - to - a final settlement of all questions."• In other words, the prime task envisaged was the effort to negotiate a final peace between the Arab states and Israel. Peace was the purpose of these armistice agreements. In all four of these pacts — with Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Jordon—that was the No. 1 aim. The preamble to each of those treaties states spe- cifically that the pacts were enacted "in order to facilitate the transition from the present truce to permanent peace in Palestine." Article 1 of each of the four treaties starts with these words: "With a view to promoting the return of permanent peace • in Palestine." The aim was not an armistice lasting for many years. The objective was "permanent peace." What else was the PCC to do? Again, we examine the Assembly mandate of Dec. 11, 1948. The official UN summary of that very long resolution states: "In- structions were given to the Conciliation Commission to facilitate repatriation, resettlement, rehabilitation of refugees, and payment of compensation for darn- aged property." In the new Administration's zeal to show the Arab rulers that it is not being "too pro-Israeli," the Presi- dent's recent letter went to the heads of the four armistice states plus—for good measure—to King Saud of Saudi Arabia and Premier Kassem of Iraq. Two original armistice states, Syria and Egypt, are one now in the United Arab Republic; Iraq, though one of the Arab aggressors in the war of 1948-1949 against Israel, never signed an armistice agreement.) But the President's letter concentrated on • one phase of the total problem. It mentioned the (Continued on Page 3)