ri Vita Herring Good I for Summer Meals People Make News One of the foremost scientific associations in the world, the American Society of Biological Chemists of New York, elected PROF. EPHRAIM KATCHAL- SKI of the Weizmann Institute of Science as an honorary mem- ber. SIDNEY "DUKE" SINGER has joined Morrison & Frumin, Inc., members of the Detroit Stock Exchange, as a registered representative. Singer, a resident of Oak Park, was formerly in the wholesale food business. * A HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Way to woo heat-weary appe- :. Cites is with Vita herring in Cream or wine sauce. The tangy goodness of herring adds a refreshing touch served as an appetizer, in a main dish, salad or in a sand- wich. The traditional home- style herring is ready to serve just as it comes from the glass jar. ,I The American Conference of Cantors, at its eighth annual con- vention, at the Raleigh Hotel, S. Fallsburg, N.Y., elected CAN- TOR ARTHUR M. WOLFSON as president for a two year term. * * * WILLIAM HORDES, of the Hordes Insurance Agency, is at- tending a four-day Columbua Mu- tual Life Insurance Co. conven- tion at Stanley Hotel, Estes Park, Colo., having earned the right to attend the convention by being named as one of the leading agency heads in the company in 1960. Mrs. Hordes and their New. York Times reporter daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and IRVING SPIEGEL was honor- ed by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations, for dis- tinguished reporting of Jewish news during the past fifteen years at a special luncheon at the UAHC House of. Living Judaism, New York. The lunch- eon marked. the first time that the synagogue body of Reform Judaism had chosen a member of the profeSsion of journalism for a special citation. made up of representatives of the UAHC, Central Conference of American Rabbis and Jewish Chautaugua Society. Harold Du- binsky of St. Louis is chairman of the interfaith commission. * * Mrs. CHARLES HYMES •of Minneapolis, president of the Na- tional Council of Jewish Women, received the University of Minne- sota's Outstanding Achievement Award at the University's annual 'College of Education Alumni As- 1 sociation Meeting for "national leadership in lay religious work." * * * Former New York State Su- preme Court Justice SAMUEL I. ROSENMAN was named by Presi- dent Kennedy as a member of the fact-finding board, under pro- visions of the Taft-Hartley law, in the seamen's strike. * * * HOWARD H. FINSILVER, Business Men's Assurance, AUSTIN A. KANTER, National Life of Vermont, and GORDON R. MEIS'NER, Indianapolis Life, are among the Detroit members attending the annual meeting of the 1961 Million Dollar Round Table, organization of top life insurance salesmen, at Ameri- cana Hotel, Bal Harbour, Fla. * Max M. Fisher, 1961 Torch Drive general chairman, named NORMAN MATTHEWS to a sec- , ond term as labor co-chairman. Matthews, vice -president Inter- national UAW, director of UAW's Chrysler department, and a mem- !ben of the United Foundatio board of directors, also is servi Mrs. Edward Wishnetsky, accom- panied him to the convention. * * Rabbi BALFOUR BRICKNER, who formerly held the Temple Sinai pulpit in Washington, has been named as the first director of the commission on interfaith activities of Reform Judaism it was announced by Rabbi Maurice N. Eisendrath, president of the his second year as chairma Union of American Hebrew Con- the labor participation comm * * gregatioris: The commission is NORMAN ROTTE Schaefer, a recent gradu Wayne State University School, will intern at Fo pital, Detroit. He was na the Alpha Omega . Alph orary medidal society. g: * * JUSTICE PHILIP HAL of the New York State Sup Court and DR. HERBERT WE SLER, professor of law at Colu bia Law School, have been ap- pointed to serve on the nine- member Temporary State Com- mission on Revision of the Penal Law and Criminal Code. *. * * DR. ARTHUR J. HELFET of Capetown, president-of the South African Orthopedic Association, and DR. STANLEY M. LEVEN- SON, chief of the department of surgical metabolism and physiol- ogy of the Walter Reed Army Hospital, will join the faculty of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. , , ohowels tkkaININNIMP911600, A vivid of the W to the Jewish Community Center that it close its facilities on the Sabbath. We also urge the board of the Jewish Welfare Federation to exert its influence in behalf of this request. Last Sabbath, over the overwhelming opposition of congregational and corn- munal religious and lay leadership, the Jewish Communit • :• g account rising . this compel! ovel by the author of Battle odus claims as Its hero—the le as represented by a handfu doomed men and wo- men. Since de -mination and heroism such as theirs le • to the creation of the state of Israel—it is fitting- that Leon Uris should have brought this proud moment to life for all to remember. A must in your own library . . . get your copy of Mila 18 now in Hudson's Book Shop ; Downtown, North- land or Eastland. 4.95 T.3" MSOW'a Friedmann, Kalmanoff View Entrepreneurship in New Columbia Book During the postwar period, the economic cooperation of private enterprises from the. United States and other advanced cowl- tries with local private interests and government agencies in the Jess developed countries has be- come an important means for relating the resources of in- dustrially developed nations to the needs of less developed coun- tries. How this joint investment system has worked in practi6e is the subject of a book published by Columbia University. Press, entitled "Joint International Business Ventures." Edited by Wolfgang G. Fried- mann and George Kalmanoff, it details the pros and cons of joint ventures and assess • their global significance among direct foreign investments. It is based on data gathered from studies conducted in 12 countries and from inter- views conducted with government officials, economists, business- men, and lawyers concerned with this aspect of foreign investment. Buy United States Savings Bonds. •enecl its health cl time. ete dis- ter has of our inviting ath on its . Yw "." WE AGAIN RENEW OUR OPEN REQUEST are that we will with our efforts ter to revoke its re- I icy of Sabbath opening. e now turn to the men and women of the Jewish Community who look with disfavor upon the Center's opening on the Sabbath to mobilize themselves in sup- port of our program. Give us your moral aid now by join- ing the Committee of the Thousand — a committee of laymen and rabbis who protest the Center's action ! Send in your letters of protest to the boards of the Jewish Community Center and . the Jewish Welfare Federation! We will not desist from our deter- mined effort to restore proper Sabbath observance in a Jewish communal in- stitution. Members of the Detroit Rabbinate and Synagogue Presidents