11112APJA The world has inherited from our nation the sacred democratic idea of government of the people, by the people and for the people, which- emerged as the most sacred American principle on July 4, 1776. On the 185th anniversary of the birth of this ideal, we proudly join. in saluting the Founding Fathers of this nation—with a firm iesalUtion that our. heritage of freedom shall never be sacrificed, that it shall be maintained with dignity and honor, and that it shall be protected with our devotion. THE JEWISH NE S History of Pontiac Jewish f=") Community F=2 Col 7' A Weekly Review Story on Page 32 1007,MtilnsPiop Vanishing? New Trend of Kindness to Germans of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper—Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Vol. XXXIX, No. 18 Is Swastika Commentary Page 2 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd.—VE 8-9364—Detroit 35, June 30, 1961—$5.00 per Year; Single Copy 15c Planned Kennedy-Nasser Meeting, Refugee Rumors Mark N ei in U. S. Policies on Middle East 'est Suffers, Over Berlin Problem' as Former Nazis Receive U. S. Recognition By MILTON FR I EDMAN (Copyright, 1961, -Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) WASHINGTON—Israel's trial of Adolf Eichmann is secretly deplored by some State Department officials on grounds that elements in the Western democracies seem less responsive to the Berlin crisis than desired. These officials blame the "untimely" revival of the Nazi issue. Eichmann's guilt is not questioned. It is agreed that he obviously performed a particularly notorious job under Hitler. But other Ger- mans, who played far more important roles in the Third Reich, are now our partners and allies. The other Germans gassed no Jews and commanded no con- centration camps. They merely built the Nazi economy, industry and war machine that made possible aggression against many countries and the functioning of the Gestapo and S.S. The Communist bloc is now attacking West Germany through propaganda. Moscow harbors aggressive designs on Bonn's independ- ence. Bonn's generals are seeking atomic warheads from the United States for German use although the NATO commitments already guarantee U.S. military support. There is concern in the West over whether Bonn is as –devoted to free world ideals as it is to German nationalist ambitions. Is Bonn the tail that will wag the NATO dog? NATO, watchdog of freedom, finds Bonn a growing problem. Who watches the watchman? The German generals who would control atomic arms are the same officers who served Hitler in important capacities. They hold ribbons and decorations for various invasions. They shot no Jewish civilians. But they subjugated nation after nation, enabling the Eich- manns to do their dirty work. General Friedrich Foertsch, new Chief of Staff of the Bundes- wehr, led Nazi military attacks along with other "new" German mili- tary leaders—Generals Heusinger and Speidel. Do such men have the integrity and morality to 'entrust them with atomic weapons that could unleash global carnage? Chancellor' Adenauer, while personally beyond reproach, sees fit to retain Hans Globke as his State Secretary. Eichmann testi- fied in Jerusalem that Globke, who headed a Nazi Interior Minis- try subsection during the war, helped establish machinery to legalize anti-Jewish actions. Globke was previously charged by more reliable sources. As a Nazi attorney, he wrote commentaries on the Nuremberg laws and helped enforce those laws! Today he claims some of his best friends were Jews and that he was really helping the Jews all along. • In Washington, West German Ambassador Grewe assures news- men that Globke was O.K., only a government worker doing his job. Ambassador Grewe adds that the Communists are trying to discredit Bonn through denunciation of Globke. In this observation, he is abso- lutely corect. Soviet cynicism is apparent in the number of ex-Nazis high in East German Communist officialdom. Yet, Ambassador Grewe was himself a Nazi party member. - William L. Shirer recently reported that the Bonn diplomatic corps included many who were, in the old days, young Nazis on the -make. The West Germans have an answer for American Jews. Today Bonn is backing Israel through reparations payments and trade. Prime Minister Ben-Gurion is quoted on the "New Germany." The Berliners are on the firing line in defense of American freedom. Jews, according to the Germans, should forget the past and support Bonn because the Sino-Soviet bloc threatens all humanity. It is one thing to accept political realities. But it is something else to honor individuals who built Nazi power. Hermann J. Abs, (Continued on Page 3) Conflicting rumors regarding a new American policy regarding the Arab refugees, the series of letters written by President Kennedy to heads of five Arab states and the report that the President is to meet with Nasser in the fall were interpreted this week as indicating new trends in American policies on the Middle East. The talks \ between President Kennedy and Israel Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, during the latter's recent visit in this country, are believed to have helped bring the issue to a head, although it has been said that President Kennedy's simultaneous letters to the Arab chieftains were intended to offset strenuous Arab protests. WASHINGTON, (JTA)—A spokesman for the State Department said the United States Government recognized the "mutual advantages" that might be gained by a visit of President Nasser of the United Arab Republic to Wash- ington, but added that "a visit by President Nasser is not at present under active consideration." The statement was made in response to reports that plans were under way for a meeting here between President Nasser and Presi- dent Kennedy. Pierre Salinger, news secretary for President Kennedy, said he knew of no present plan to invite President Nasser to the United States for a formal State visit. At the same time, - Salinger confirmed that President Kennedy wrote Arab leaders on Arab-American relations, but pointed out that the text of the letter as published was incomplete. Salinger said that President Kennedy sent different letters to five Arab Heads of State, and that the White House is now deciding whether to make their, contents public. While a published text to King Hussein of Jordan was termed "gen- erally accurate," perhaps with some omission, Salinger said he wanted to correct the impression that President Kennedy had sent identical letters to President Nasser of the United Arab Republic, President Chehab of Leba- non, King Saud of Saudi Arabia and Premier Kassem of Iraq. The letters to each of the Arab rulers differed, Salinger said, and it Was up to each recipient to decide whether to publish his letter. However, (Continued on Page 5 Eichmann Bleats Innocence in Own Marathon :Testimony (Direct JTA Teletype Wires to:J`hg, JeWish News) JERUSALEM—Adolf Eichmann on TueAlay went into a - marathon de, scription of the Nazi genocide organization chart in an effort to prove that he. was consistently by-passed in the chain of command ending in the mass murders of Etiropean Jews. Five •charts, submitted by Eichmann's attorney, Dr. Robert Servatius, at the 80th session of the trial, depicted those departments concerned with killing Jews. Servatius contended that despite Eichmann's post as chief of Jewish affairs in Bureau IV of the Gestapo, he never operated in any field except transportation. Haggling over documentary evidence also marked Eichmann's sixth _ day of testimony in his own defense. As on each previous day, his state- ments were keyed to the twin themes of his inability to do anything but follow the orders of his superiors in his anti-Jewish activities and his alleged solicitude for the deportees in general and the Jewish expellees in particular. The haggling Tuesday was about an affadavit purporting to prove that 30 Czech children believed to have been murdered by the Nazis were alive near the end of World War II. The prosecution contends that Eichmann was responsible for the murder of some 80 children left orphans when the Nazis razed the village of Lidice, in retaliation for the Czech assassination of Rein- hardt Ileydrich, the SS chief who had been made boss of Czechoslovakia. The affadavit was made by a Mrs. Eliza Freiberg who said she lived from 1941 to 1945 near Posen, Czechoslovakia, where She saw 30 children "from Lidice well cared for every day. I was told the children were orphans from Lidice." (Continued on Pages 10 and 11)