r 40 Ceylon Takes New Pro-Arab Step: Ends Boycott Detroit Group Invests $253,000 in Israel Corp.; Zuckerman on Board Agreement; Won't Send Ambassador to, Israel THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, June Z3, 1961 . - NEW DELHI, India, (JTA) Investments in Israel made —The Minister of Finance in new headway here when a Ceylon issued a directive to group of prominent Detroiters, the treasury that all govern- meeting at the home of Mr. ment requirements of cement and Mrs. Paul Zuckerman, should be obtained from the 27651 Fairway Hills Drive, United Arab Republic and that Birmingham, on June 15, sub- all transfers for the supply of scribed the sum of $253,000 for cement should include a con- shares in the Israel Investors dition that only offers from Corporation. UAR sources will be con- Announcement was made that sidered. night by Samuel Rothberg, of The purpose of this directive Peoria, Ill., president of the is to promote trade between corporation, • that Zuckerman Ceylon and the UAR as en-• had been named a member of visaged in the trade agreement the corporation's board of di- recently entered into between Zuckerman rectors. Rothberg The gathering was ad- `') dressed, in addition to Roth- berg, by Aryeh Eshel, Dep- uty Permanent Representa- tive of Israel to the United Nations whose special field WASHINGTON, (JTA) — The the Kremlin. The possibility of a is the area dealing with State Department reiterated its closer accommodation with UAR Latin American affairs. stand against "coercive tactics" to President Gamal Abdel Nasser Ambassador Eshel described secure Arab compliance with the arises out of current strained re- the progress made in Israel in anti-discrimination clause of the lations between the UAR and the the last decade and declared Mutual Security Act. Soviet Union. American officials that Israel's security is linked - In a communication to Rep. are watching closely as the Cairo- with the • economic advance- Seymour Halpern, N.Y. Republi- Moscow rift widens.") ment. He expressed the hope can, the State Department criti- that American. Jews will con-. cized the resolution adopted by Paris Conference tinue to share in the many ef- the New York State legislature forts for the establishment of calling for American .action Studies Situation new industries and the im-. against Arab blacklisting of U.S. of Jews in Algeria provement of established ones ships carrying cargo to Israel. PARIS, (JTA) — Leaders of in the Jewish State. While recognizing that the the French Federation of the Rothberg, who commended "general purport" of this resolu- World Jewish Congress met Detroit_ Jewry for its leadership tion was "wholly consistent with here for a two-day series of in United Jewish Appeal, Israel U.S. Government attitudes," the conferences to analyze and dis- Bonds and other causes, • oUt: State Department pointed out that cuss the present situation and lined the plans of the Israel In- "certain promises therein are not the future of Algerian Jews. vestors Corporation and ex- wholly accurate." The communi- The principal aim is to plained how this project, in- cation to Halpern was signed by attempt to help Algerian Jewry augurated two years ago, already Brooks Hays, Assistant Secretary in mapping its actions -in the has registered prOfits, for the of State for Congressional rela- near future, as a result of the investors and economic gains tions. negotiations -between Fr an c e for Israel. Hays said it remained the view and leaders of the Algerian Investments have been of the State Department that ef- Mo s l e m independence move- made by Israel Investors Cor- forts to tie U.S. aid to require- ment in regard to the future of poration in Bank Leumi, El ments that Arabs lift discrimina- Algeria. Am on g the participants in Al - Airlines, Fertilizers and tory policies would intensify re- Chemicals, • Dead. Sea Works strictions and "play into the the conferences are Dr. Nahum and other leading Israeli in- hands of. the Soviet bloc by Goldmann, president of the dustries, Rothberg reported exacerbating Middle East ten- World Jewish Congress, and Walter Eytan, Israeli Ambassa- to the local investors. He sions." - _ said he has made three trips . According to Hays, the State dor to France. Jacques Lazarus, World Jew- to Israel this year without Department is convinced "that cost to the corporation, in avoidance of coercive tactics is ish. Congress representative in order to stimulate the eco- more likely to produce an atmos- Algiers, is here to report to the nomic venture, and he empha- phere conducive to a settlement federation about the current sit- sized that the corporation he of the fundamental Arab-Israel uation in Algeria, while other heads -operates at so low an tensions than would unilateral r e p o r t s will deal with the expense that it reflects the economic pressure from the Franco-Algerian negotiations at Evian. After the conference, - it great devotion of its board United States." and all connected with it to (A report from Washington is believe,d,,Goldmann will meet to the New York Herald-Tribune with- Louis Joxe, French Minis- the cause advanced. Zuckerman explained that said: "The United States is cau- ter for Algerian Affairs, who is Israel Investors Corporation is tiously wooing. the United Arab this country's chief negotiator an American company regis- Republic in surplus food negotia- at the Evian talks, to review the tered with the S. E. C.; that it tions as that Middle East country future prospects of the Algerian was created at the request of seems to be slipping its ties with Jewish community. the Israel government which is encouraging pr iv at e invest- ments in Israel; that among the JEWISH NATIONAL FUND principal aims of the corpora- SUMMER OFFICE HOURS . tion is to buy from the Israel government its interest in For July and August proven existing enterprises. Monday thru Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mortimer Amster of Miami is Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. — Closed Sunday here for a few days in behalf of the corporation to facilitate the enlisting of local investors. . State Dept. Against 'Coercive' Line to Force Arabs to Abandon Boycott Moslems Kill Jew in Morocco Attack PARIS, (JTA)—The murder by strangulation in Casablanca of a 50-year-old Jewish taxicab_ driver, Maklouf Dhriqui, by two Moslems, was reported here. He was strangled by a leather belt. The general view among Jewish leaders in Casablanca was that the murder was the work of anti-Semites. The vic- tim was a friend of the vice- president of the Em Habonim Fund, which helps needy Jewish children. No trace has been reported of the killers. The m u r d e r followed the earlier killing of a young Jew in a Moslem cinema. He re ceived two knife wounds and in that case too, there were no arrests. Last week a Jewish tradesman in Casablanca was stabbed by a M o s 1 e,m from whom he sought payment of a debt. the two countries. The treasury has raised a query whether such a condition would not be an infringement of other inter- national commitments. Circles interested in both Ceylon and Israel -affairs are puzzled and disappointed by the continued misunderstand- ing in Ceylon-Israel relations caused by the unilateral steps taken last year by the Govern- ment of Ceylon. While main- taining diplomatic r e l a ti on s with Israel and professing in- terest in continued friendly ties, the government last year canceled the accreditation of its minister to Israel. While the reason for the step —unprecedented between coun- tries not divided by any con flict—have never been fully and frankly explained, it seems to have been motivated mainly by Ceylon's desire to avoid anta- gonizing the Arab states and jeopardizing its considerable tea exports to those states. It had been hinted, however, that the accreditation of the Ceylon diplomat had been ef- fected in an irregular manner by a previous government and Gift of trees Coins in blue & white box Contributions to JEWISH NATIONAL FUND has accomplished all this .. ion Owner Tyler ing PURE RVICE STATION PARKLAWN & 9 MILE OAK PARK • Road Service, Complete Auto Service and Repairs . .. AND THROUGH YOUR O GIFT OF TREES On Jewish National. Fund land now live almost half a million people. 450,000 dunams of this land now provide about 3/4 of Israel's food products. And -- giving life and protection to land and people are almost 50,000,000 trees planted by you. ■ • Redeemed over 4 million dunams of land MORRIS HLUSSEL Form @@r Shel at in Between 6 & 7 Mile Rd. IT'S A FACT YOUR YOUR YOUR that his recall was designed only to ,remedy that administra- tive flaw and was not to be construed as a concession to Arab boycott threats. It had therefore been hoped that a new Ceylon envoy would soon be accredited to Israel in a regular fashion. As many months have passed since the recall and such a remedial step has not been taken by Ceylon, the feeling is gaining ground that, after all, the recall was motivated by Ceylon's desire to appease Arab boycott threats. This -impression damages Cey- lon's international standing and prestige, it is believed here. ME NE- MN ME NM BM NM ME ME ME BM ME El Phone UN 4-2767 For your TREE ORDERS • Established over 600 settlements • Planted more than 50,000,000 trees JEWISH NATIONAL FUND 18414. WYOMING, DETROIT 21, MICHIGAN IE ME MI ME MN ME ME ME UM OM ME ME ME ME • GIVE TREES FOR ALL OCCASIONS