(Continued from Page 8) •The witness, Kalman Teig- man, said the uprising was or- ganized by inmates working as servants for the SS guards, and by others in camp service who were able to move about tlie camp. The children, who had access to the *barracks as shoe-shiners, managed to bring guns, amunition and hand gre- nades to the plotters. He said the original plan was to lure as many SS men as possible to the various work= shops, kill them individually and then make a break for freedom. When two of the or- ganizers were found • out 30 minutes before the revolt had been scheduled, the plans were put into effect immediately. SS men were shot down, the fuel stores ignited and the barracks and wire fences engulfed in th flames, as the prisoners ma their bid for freedom. Teigman told the court t Ukrainians in German unifor participated in all of the m ders. _He said he was assign to sorting out the personal b longings of the victims which were • sometimes piled "50 stories high." He said each transport to the camp averaged 60 freight cars with 80 to 100 victims in each car. Two of the transports contained gypsies and all the rest were made . up of Jews. Yechiel Dinur, who wrote un- der the pseudonym "Ka-Tzetnik 135633," was scheduled as first witness. Taken to the hospital, he regained consciousness but his re-appearance was post- poned. The pseudonym is abbreviation for. concen on camp inmate and the n er is the camp number t ooed by the nazis on the ms of in- mates. Other two w esses were Yosef Kleinman a 31-year-old Jerusalem carpe er, who testi- fied about the s ection for the Auschwitz gas ambers made by Dr. Josef Me ele huda Bakon, a Je who told al, by the isch' itz offici to cam 1 age the purposes of the er factory. D-inur , began by reply- ng a que ion fr m the prosecution chosen the p than using replied: "I believe perfect faith"—he said n the He brew of Mai es used fre- uently rthodox Jews at of daily prayer—"that I have to carry on .under this pseudonym as long as the world fails to react to the crucifixion of our nation to eradicate this evil. Just as in astrology, the stars influence :our destiny, so does the dark planet named Auschwitz stand vis-a-vis the He said prisoners in the planet earth and influences it. first transports displayed no If I stand before you and relate 'resistance, believing they what happened on this planet, were going to a bathhouse. . if I could. be heard now, then The Jews in one transport, I believe, with perfect faith, who had somehow learned that this is due to a solemn oath their fate, resisted and the that gave me this strength. SS opened fire on them. The This oath was my armor. It survivors were •forcibly girded me with superhuman shoved into the gas chambers. strength during the two years The witness described how at Auschwitz. This oath to the Nazis camouflaged the na- chronicle s sh o u l d I survive." ture of the camp. The place At this point the -witness, who of arrival of the trains_ was set is in his forties, collapsed. up like a railroad station, with Court proceedings . were flowers, a big clock, -a time- suspended for 15 _minutes. table and a big sign, in Polish The ProSecutor, Attorney and in German: "Jews, after a General Gideon Hausner, bath and a change of clothes, then called Kleinmann after you will be sent to work camps." announcing that Dinur was The victims were asked to unable to . continue. deposit documents and ' valu- Kleinmann told the court that ables in a special office located- Mengele, who fled to South on the path to the gas cham- America - after the collapse of bers which the SS in their spe- the Hitler Regiine, had been cial humor, called "The Road nicknamed "The Angel of to Heaven (Himmelweg)," the Death" by the prisoners. He witness said. regularly chose boys for the gas Another witness, E lI a h u chambers, with the younger ones Rosenberg, who was a member usually chosen to die. He said of a detail which carried bodies that the method used on one from the gas chambers, testi- Yom Kippur eve was particu- fied that, 400 Jews were pushed larly grim: He said 2,000 boys at bayonet point into each were ordered to assembly, on a 'chamber. At dne time, when all field. Mengele selected a taller chambers were working, 10,000 boy and nailed .a strip of wood victims were gassed simul- to . a post to indicate his height. taneously within 45 minutes. The other boys then were or- The gas was emitted from spe- dered to measure themselves cial diesel engines operated by , by the marker and everyone two Ukrainians whose names understood that boys shorter the witness knew only as Ivan than the marker would be sent immediately to death. and Nikolai. The witneSs described his He testified that at first hor- rible cries were heard which futile efforts to make himself died into moans and finally taller by filling oversized shoes silence. After that, the SS men with stones and rags: When he would call out "all are sl eep- realized this would, not be effec- ing," and the •re then tive, he managed to sneak over to the tall boys' group who had taken to ,,raves. I already passed inspection. Thre urvivors of the Half of the 2.000 boys were schw . murder fa re gassed, and the general feeling call Wednesd fy in, the camp, the witness Said, ab their f h re was that ,the Nazis chose Yom one has Kippur for the murder of the ieved e as boys with knowledge of the chronic itz in- Yom Kippur prayer, "Unetaneh my, su oke and Tokef," w'h i c h describes all 'lapsed w minutes mankind as passing under God's testimony. rod, and with Mengele demon- strating that he was the one who decided who should live OU TURN THE and who Should die. Kleinmann described a sav- age whipping of a 14-year-old UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T boy who took 50 lashes without FIND A FINER WINE THAN a whimper. Asked by other in- mates what his offense had been, he replied, "I smuggled some prayerbooks to the boys." The witness added that there Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. was half of a set of phylacteries - - - A T 'S".1 1 WE'VE MOVED TO 13211 DEXTER in his barrack and that it was in constant use. Bak o n , who was sent to Auschwitz when he was 14, testifie r , ey were fo n statement th •y came v untarily a ere being pro- tected om "the peoples' wrath.' He told how the in- mates were forced to write post- cards to f r i e n another ca 'ng t all wa es' si of too, were d for i schwitz. •He' sai rganized a group ho risked torture by ding the Hebrew word for th in the postcards which written in German. ERVICE STATION COLOR,k.--• ACK 8. 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