GET OUR PROFESSIONAL GUARANTEE Bnai Brith Activities REX LODGE will hold its 12th annual installation of offi- cers at a dinner dance •7 p.m., June 19 in the main ballroom of the Rosemond Hills Inn. Friends are welcome. Reserva- . tions can be made by call- ing Bernard Skully, LI Offi- 8 - 9475. cers to be in- stalled are Marvin Mazur, president; Harry Carris, Milton Gold- in a n, Donald Stern, vice Mazur presidents; Ronald N a f t al y, treasurer; Sandy Eisenberg, Ed Levenberg, secretaries; Maurice Wilson, chaplain; -Bernard Dach, warden; Maurice Smith, guar- dian; and Robert Burke, Ber- nard Skully, Martin Band, Stan- ley Rubin, Herbert Lefkofsky, trustees. The installing officer will be Martin Band, past presi- dent. * * * OAK-WOODS LODGE will new officers at a dinner- dance Saturday night at Sam- my's Avalon Room. Maurice Zeiger, Council vice president; will be installing officer. For information and tickets, call Ronald Ellis, secretary, EL 7-1130. * * * EAST SIDE CHAPTER pre- sented a citation and Menorah Bar to Mrs. Joseph Fogelson, outgoing president, at its recent installation. Those to take office include' Mesdames Sol Robins, president; Irving Beck, Jane Rosenfeld, vice presidents; Jos- eph Radkin, Harry A. Salwin, Sol Maneli, secretaries; Sher- man Ffsher, treasurer; Ike Wink- ler, guide; Harry Deutsch, sen- tinel; Joseph Fogelson, counsel- lor; Samuel Leavitt, Philip Golden, Bernard Shiller, Isear Sandelman and Sam Pack, board members; Barney Aaron, Albert Cooper, Harry Gutentak, Harry Coleman, Joseph Reifman and Sam Elkowitz, trustees; and Robert A. Coggan, honorary • president. * * * MARY COUSENS B. B. Y. W. and YUSTER-ROSENBERG LODGE will hold a semi-formal dance 9 p.m. 'June 24 at Adai Shalom Synagogue. Refreshments ' and prizes will be featured. Tick- ets can be purchased from mem- bers of either group. * * * CENTENNIAL LODGE will install new officers at a dinner- dance June 17 at the Elmwood Casino in Windsor. They in- clude Arthur Schott, president; David Bittker, Sheldon Nach- . man and Gilbert Greenbaum, vice presidents; Irwin Alpern, Sanford Roth and Yale Gealer, Sin has many tools, but a lie is the handle that -fits them all. • SERVICE • QUALITY • DEPENDABILITY The Lab of Detroit Basin on p.m. tod berg Ce , a 50-year, veteran of the organization, has for more than 33 years contributed his services to the Yiddisher Kern- fer, the Yiddish weekly publica- tion of the Labor Zio zation. eads for toni, s Corn onoring Basin and his even Eva, include David Sislin, M. Singer, J. Katz, M. B. earshen, L. Hoffmitz, T. Si osky, E. Ma ie -B. Linderma M. Zweig. aker on Guest gram are orde i Shtr ler, New Yor edito of the Kemfer and Sidney Shevitz. A- soci vited. will follow. The publ . the Kern- A special • fe or Basin on June 23. Those who wish to insert greetings in the Basin issue can call Sislin at DI 1-9646. The man who puts a limit on what he will do, automatically puts a limit on what he can do. JACK GORBACK photography UN. 3-8532 UN. 4-6040 izing in Unique Floral Arrangements Weddings • Showers SW- • Bar Mitzvahs and Parties Estimates Cheerfully Given CALL EL 6-6551 20878 W. 8 MILE ROAD, SOUTHFIELD Near Evergreen Classified Ads Bring Results You and Your Family Are Invited to The 11 Featuring "ROAST BEEF AS YOU LIKE IT" TUESDAY JUNE 13th May Whyte Huber Seeks Con-Con Post _ May Whyte Huber, the first woman in Michigan to declare herself as a candidate for Con- stitutional Convention delegate, has filed petitions bearing 1,250 signatures, to place her name on the July 25 primary ballot. Mrs. Huber, 16876 Robson, will appear on the Democratic ballot in the 10th Representative Dis- trict. Well known in governmental circles through her 13 years membership in the League of Women Voters, including two terms as president, her four terms - on the Wayne County Board of Supervisors, and active membership on such appointive groups as the Governor's recent- ly-appointed Constitutional Con- vention Advisory Committee, Citizens for Schools, and Citizens for Michigan, Mrs. Huber boasts a long record in support of con- stitutional reform. Photographs You Will Admire ! secretaries; Leslie Abramso treasurer; Douglas Schub chaplain; Allen Krass, ward Arthur Weinfeld, guardian; brey Gealer, Eliot Charlip, Lipkitt, Ralph Lipshaw, Ca Slornbvitg, Judge Harvey T nen, Gerold Weisman, Irvin Halpern, Avram B. Charlip and Robert A. Steinberg, trustees. Guests are invited. For reserva- tions, • call Bittker, 474-7327, or Greenbaum, 537-5145. • * *• * TIKVAH LODGE will celebrate its 14th annual installation of of- ficers Tuesday evening with a dinner and dance at Holiday Manor. Newly elected president Lloyd Weingarden will take over the gavel from retiring preside Bernard Whiteman. Other of cers are vice presidents Sam M amud, Dave Gross and Dr. Jose Seltzer; secretaries Albert P lips, Dave Kahn and Abe Ra port; treasurer William Utle guardian, Albert Shapiro; war- den, Louis Kramer; trustees, Len Mason, Al Smith, Lou Gelman, Manny Jacobs and Hy Storchan. Tikvah members who cannot be present for the dinner are invit- ed to attend the installation cere- monies and dancing which will follow at 8 p.m. :•: ••• GRAND OPENING SPECI ENTIRE ME v2 PRICE Hot Beef So ry Roast Chic sing Old Fashi ed Beef ew w and V Swedish e over Green P Onions Moshe otatoes Coffee Other Beverages Tuesday, June 13 11 a.m to 9 p.m. Roll & E BEEF 110 -115325 W. 8 MILE RD. 1 BLOCK EAST OF GREENFIELD 1. & 15c 5c