omen's Cluhs The IOTA ALPHA PI MOTH- H 0 M E RELIEF SOCIETY ERS' CLUB installation dinner wil hold a board meeting 12:30 will be held 6:30 p.m. Tuesday p.m. Friday at the home of Mrs. Abe Sinaberg, 18000 Ilene. Mrs. at Scotch a eidan is chairman of 20521 •enfield. A er a • e installati mes will be ayed and priz s awarded. e SHOMREY EMUNAH SIS- man Zelickman, social; Walter BEREZNITZER AID SOCI- TERHOOD will hold its fourth Epstein, culture; Sylvia Lecht- ETY will hold a games party annual "Garden Supper" 5-8 zin, Histadrut; Walter Epstein, Thursday night at the Sholem p.m. June 18 at the • home of darlings; Irving Plotnick, Sylvia Aleichem Institute. Guests are Mrs. G. E. Miller, treasurer, Lechtzin, Moetzet Hapoalot; invited. For tickets and info erfect Affair . . . 18927 Hartwell, announces Pres- Sam Lupovich, bulletin; Hy GOOD mation, call Mrs. Nathan Ro ident Mrs. I. Levin. Prizes will Sabotta, JNF; Charles Glen, chairman, BR 3-1625, or M MEN'S AU highlight the affair. Proceeds Israel Bonds; Jack Gans, sun- its annu J. Koss, UN 3-5547. Tickets w will be used for the sisterhood's shine; Zelick Kowaisky, mem- and His Orchestra p.m. W esday at be sold at the door, also. R synagogue building projec t. bership; Milton Harrison, Bar- s. J. Gor UN 3-3737 freshments and prizes will be Guests are invited. For informa- ney Woronoff, Rebecca Sand- featured. tion, call UN 4-4355. - berg, telephone; Ann Mondrow, * * * invited. _ * * * Sylvia Lechtzin, Community * * * HEBREW LADIES AID - EQUALITY CLUB will hold Council; Irving Plotnick, con- CIETY will hold its a al A meeting of the SCOTIANS installation of officers Saturday tributing organization; Jack paid-up- membership lu Tue the ho eon will be Fine Photography night at the Club Alamo. Those Simmons, - publicity; Morris Wednesday at Holiday D a n aovre, of Mrs. andids Professionally Finished to take office include Mesdames Fealk, Habonim; Irving Stepak announces 'President M enne. For Appointment Phone S. Lerman, president; Dora and Max Stern, rummage. Weiss. Games will be tured. inter S. LEIBICK * * *' Berkowitz, vice president; Sadie KE 1-0104 Officers will be instal at a UN Fisher and S. Peck, secretaries; CLUB I, Pioneer Women, in- luncheon on June 21. Ida Glassrnan, treasurer; and vites members and friends to its * * * Anne Trachtenberg,- publicity. annual installation luncheon A fashion shoal will high The next meeting will be held noon Thursday at the Hayim the annual installation luncheon June 17 at the home of Mrs. J. Greenberg Center, 19161 Schae- of INFANTS SERVICE GROUP Wolfson, 18280 Santa - Rosa. fer. fer. Annual reports will be pre- noon Tuesday at Tam O'Shanter * * * sented by Mes- Country Club, announces Mrs. AESCULAPIAN LADIES dames Mildred Merle Bronstein, vice president AUXILIARY will hold its paid- Kramer, presi- in charge of the event. Mem- up membership luncheon 12:30 dent; B e s e bers will serve as models. RUBEL KOZIN p.m. Wednesday at the Town Baron, "record- Guests are invited. Those to and Country Club, announces ing secretary; take office include Mesdames Mrs. Mary Katzman, chairman. Sophie Sislin, Jack King, president; George Co-chairmen of the event are - vice - president Schwartz, Edward Levitt, War- Mrs. Sam Kaplan and Mrs. Mi- of funds; and ren Greenstone, vice presidents; chael Wainer. For information, Anna Alpert, Allen Fisher, Bernard Davis, call Mrs. Katzman. financial secre- case chairmen; Nathan Weis- * • * . Chairman berg, treasurer; Sam Rosenberg, GOLDIE MYER the after- Mrs. Kramer CHAP- Leonard Baron and Nathan TER, Pioneer n, 1 hold will be Chana Michlin, na- Silvers, secretaries; Abner installatio icers 7:15 p.m. board member, and install- Baker, community relations; Wednes . at Mabel's Tea ficer will be Goldie Wasser- Jerry Baker, memorial fund; Room hose to take offi in- , past president of Detroit Frank Shook, happy day fund; dud esdames Max a tone, ncil of Pioneer Women. OM- William Schwartz and Samuel pr dent; Irving S s for the coming year will be Pianen, sunshine committee; Ti Fealk, ildred Kramer, president; Rose and Bert Kratze and Alfred kow, Naimark, Executive Board chair- Wolf, delegates. - abotta, - * * * be man; Clara . Greenberg, honorary arker, ond- vice preSident; Chana Michlin, CHANNA CZENESH CHAP- ow, tr Green, advisory; Sophie Sislin and Adele TER, Pioneer Women, will hold dues; berg, Nor- Mondry, vice presidents; Bessie its final meeting and luncheon Baron, Anna Alpert, Bertha Fish- of the season noon Monday at kin, Rose Drachler, Sara DeRoven the home of Mrs. Bertha Rosen- and Chanche Kawa, secretaries; thal, 3800 W. Outer Dr. Newly and Ida Kutnick, treasurer. Stand- elected -officers will be installed Leave Everything to Us ing 'committee chairmen to be in a candlelight ceremony con- installed that afternoon are Eva ducted by Mrs. Ann Ehrman. Heinick, Sima Liepah, Sarah Jac- Chairman of the event is Mrs. obs, Sara Garvin, Sara Wiener, Esther LaMed. Hostesses are Hannah Jacobs, Dora Kurnitz, Ida Mesdames Esther Mendelson, Katz, Faigel Agranoff, Ida Ber- Eva Pohl, .Ray Garfinkel, Ethel man, Rose Taback, Anna Gold- Epel, Mildred Gelfand and berg and . Mary Garnick. A musical Bertha Rosenthal. program has been arranged. * * * * * * TEMPLE BETH AM SISTER- BRANDEIS CHAPTER, Pio- HOOD, Livonia, will install new neer Women, will hold its final officers following services to be meeting of the season 12:30 conducted by sisterhood . mem- p.m. Monday at the home of bers 9 p.m. today at the YWCA, Mrs. Ray Stall-er. Luncheon will Beech Daly . Rd. and Grand be served. President Mrs. Hy River. Guests are invited. Re- Ross will give , her annual re- freshments will be served. Mrs. WYN and HAROLD LANDIS port. Mrs. Norman Cottler will Sylvia Danto, past president of report on her recent trip to the State Federation of Temple Israel. Sisterhoods, will be guest * * * speaker at the next meeting, GEMILUTH CHASSODIM SIS- open to all women interested in • STYLE TERHOOD will hold it annual the sisterhood, 8:30 p.m. Tues- installation luncheon at the syna- day at Merri-Bowl Lanes. Mem- • ELEGANCE gogue 12:30 p.m., Tuesday. The berships for the new fiscal year • BEAUTY Bagley Mother Singers will en- are now open, according to WYN-HAROLD CATERING tertain. For reservations call KE President Mrs. Bertha David- 5-4090 or UN 4-9443. son. A games party is slated for June 26. * * * CITY OF HOPE CANCER FIGHTERS will hold a board meeting 12:30 p.m. Monday at Holiday Manor. Hostesses for the One look at the enchanting beauty of these fabulous coots afternoon will be Mesdames Les- THE FINE CAMP tells you the price should be many dollars more. But, because ter Rosenberg, Charles Young, of our foresight and buying these endearing skins at an early THE FUN CAMP Louis Alpert and Joseph Jackson. date we are able to bring you these Natural Autumn Haze Mink coats of Wrubel & Kozin quality and standards at far The organization recently honor- less than you'd expect to pay. You must see them . . ed Mrs. Harold Kozloff as out- you must try them on . . . they're beautiful. standing woman of the year. Mrs. Kozloff is fund-raising secretary and was chairman of the dinner- ance. She is now completing SEE OUR COMPLETE COLLECTION OF 'FINE FURS • r the victory dinner. * * * RODI CLUB will hold . its annual hi eon and installation of office 1 p.m. Monday at Jerri's R aurant. Mrs. Nathan Fishman ill install -the follow- ing: ames Rose Grossman, honor president; Herbert Laz- ant Emanuel (Mu president; Irving Burke, Ma v. president; Milton Fishman 1916 19330 LIVERNOIS AVENUE CHA d Richard Deutsch, secretar- ies; Harry Milgrom, treasurer; On the Avenue of Fashion DI 1-06 or UN o 730 David Grossman, case chairman; v Open Thursday Evenings to 9 p.m. 'Susan Wold, chaplain; and Jack or Sophie Sisli UN 4-2275 Registr. DI 1- Moss, publicity. • •Imported furs labeled to show country of oriel! (More Clubs Page .18) Mickey Woolf DAH STUDIO • now in progress . FULL LENGTH MINK COAT SALE WORRY I . HOME CATERING Phone EL 6-8411 GIRLS! BOYS! ARBAND AM REGISTER NO 2, 4 or EEK $1995 t rRUBEL KOZIN . 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