THE JEWISH NEWS 1961 Salute to Uncle Sam Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle comniencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspaper, Michigan Press Association, torial Association. National Edi- Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich.. VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March e, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Business Manager Advertising Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the nineteenth day of Sivan, 5721, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Nehaalotekha, Num. 8:1-12:16. Prophetical portion, Zechariah 2:14-4:7. Licht Benshen, Friday, June 2, 7:44 p.m. VOL. XXXIX. No. 14 Page Four June 2, 1961 10th Anniversary of Israel Bond Campaigns A major role in Israel's economic Israel has just commenced the 14th year of its existence with a feeling of growth is ascribable to the funds that confidence in the future and with hopes were provided by the Israel Bond cam- for the disappearance of tensions, in order paigns. Ten years ago, the inauguration of the that peace may rule in the entire Middle Israel Bond drives created new thrills in East. The 13 years of Israel's autonomy Jewish ranks. For the first time in our have been -marked by many conflicting history, it had become possible for Jews occurrences. There were border clashes to assist their kinsmen, in the indepen- and Israel waged a minor war which dent State of Israel, with loans, and the become known as the Sinai Campaign— hope was advanced at that time that an a military action that was necessitated by end would soon come to charity drives. the constant invasions ,into Israeli terri- It was anticipated that investment dollars tory by terrorizing forces from the Arab would replace the need for relief funds. In the interim, new crises arose, neces- states. There were economic crises, the vast sitating the continuation of charity gifts. numbers of refugees who flocked to From present indications, this state of Israel accounted for great demands upon affairs may continue for years to come. Meanwhile, however, the investment the new State, and there were diplomatic dollars had begun to play vital roles in controversies that challenged Israel. Now, after the crucial challenging Israel. The Israel Bond investments have years, Israel has emerged as a sovereign aided in the tremendous developments in state that is able to place on trial the Israel. A large portion of the Bonds first guilty elements who were responsible for sold in 1951 has been redeemed, and the the most- cruel occurrences in world his- new ones that are being purchased are tory. The Eichmann case is more than the soundly backed up by a well established trial of an individual: it is the case of the government. Jewish people against the arch criminals The second decade in investments in who had felt free to think in terms of Israel, through Israel Bond sales, is now applying genocide to the Jewish people. commencing. The event scheduled in De- During the 13 years of Israel's exist- troit for June 8 marks the beginning of a ence, world Jewry had come to 'the aid of new era in Bond-selling. It also represents the struggling young nation. Israel also a reaffirmation of faith in Israel's sound Was helped materially by the reparations economic. position. It is to be hoped that agreement with Germany. United Jewish the response to the Israel Bond appeals Appeal funds had made it possible for will be as spontaneous and as enthusiastic hundreds- of thousands of new immigrants at the start of the second decade in Israel to be integrated into the country that has Bond history as it was in its beginning shown much progress. ' ten years ago. Rome Described as Jewish Community Enjoying Longest Existence Span in Europe Dr. Harry J. Leon, professor of classical languages at the University of Texas, now also president of the Classical Society of the American Academy in Rome, conducted studies of Jewish sepulchral inscriptions while he was on a Sheldon Fel- lowship from Harvard in Rome. As a specialist on such inscriptions, he has written with authority, in his book "The Jews of Ancient Rome," published by the Jewish Publication Society of America. This interesting volume deals with "the social life of the Jews of ancient Rome, gleaned from the catacomb inscriptions." Prof. Leon, whose book is supplemented with many illustra- tions and a lengthy appendix on the inscriptions, offers an historical account of the Jewish catacombs, describing them in their historical background and explaining the inscriptions. He outlines the sepulchral formulas and epithets and pro- vides a factual evaluation of the organization of the Roman Jewish community. The vital data offered by Prof. Leon makes fascinating reading and provides valuable information regarding the Jews of Rome, their national origin, occupations, religious practices, etc. We learn that references to God are almost entirely absent from the inscriptions, that "belief in the Hereafter, though doubtless a part of the religious faith of the .Roman Jews, as of other Jews, rarely finds expression in their sepulchral in- scriptions beyond an implication of some sort of continued existence in the stereotyped formula, "In peace be his _ (her) sleep'." While the bigots in many countries be no yielding to tyranny. The longest epitaph he found was a sorrowing husband's are being put to shame as a result of the No matter where there is evidence of that his beloved wife, Regina, will be rewarded with revelations in the Jerusalem courtroom, indecency, it must be exposed. Regardless confidence eternal life. It is reproduced in full, and a portion reads: Nazi Echoes in Cuba and the Deep South during the Eichmann, trial, and while of the extent of injustice, it should be con- Germans are conceding collective shame demned. Had the democracies acted in over what had occurred, there are heart- 1938, thare would have been no holocaust less men' who seem unable to learn the and there would not have six million lesson that was taught during 12 years silent witnesses against Eichmann. Had of Hitlerite bestialities. there been a spark of humanity in the In Cuba, a dictator offers an "ex- hearts of many of the British officials in change" deal that has the ugly reflection those tragic years, Palestine's doors would of an Eichmann deal. The dictator insisted have been open and hundreds of thou- that it is "indemnification," but even that sands of Jews would have been rescued. smacks of pressure that has the likeness There would have been no sinking of of bigotry. ships with human cargo, and the good In Alabama, during the ugly occur- name of Great Britain as represented by rences of the past two weeks, there were Lord Balfour and David Lloyd George heard cries of "Heil Hitler" and "Sieg would have been protected. Heil," and the Rockwellites had no Now it is necessary to protect the good hesitation in injecting themselves into the name of other free lands, including our disgusting scene with a "hate bus." own. Therefore, anything akin to what In other words, the lowest instincts of has happened in Alabama, every manifes- men still are being_ aroused by hatreds. tation of Nazism, should be condemned In other words, the dangers that in no uncertain terms. lurked just before the second world war There is never a time for silence again are menacing mankind. against injustice. Let all men who cherish All of which means that people must their own liberties 'keep that in view when not be complacent, that they must speak liberty is involved for men anywhere, up against inhumanities, that there can regardless of their color or creed. Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center Next Tuesday will be an historic day for Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Or- ganization of America, marking the of- ficial opening of the Hadassah - Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem. The largest health center in the entire Middle East, Mused in the most impres- sive building complex in that entire area, the new medical center represents one of Jerwy's most significant contributions to Israel. Its 500-bed teaching hospital equipped with service laboratories, its outpatient department that is prepared to serve 200,000 yearly, the medical school func- tioning as part of the Hebrew University and the numerous associated hospital and university facilities attached to the center, combine to make it one of the most proud Israeli accomplishments. Detroit women", through the local Hadassah chapters, and Zionist women in other lands, have participated in establish- ing this medical center. They can be justly proud of their attainments, and the enormity of the project and the signifi- cance of their goals should encourage them in their future work for Israel. "Here lies Regina, covered by this tomb, Which, to reveal his love, her husband raised. A score of years plus one, four months, and eight Days more she spent in wedlock by his side. Again she'll live, again will be the light; For she may hope that she will rise aloft To that eternal life which is ordained, As our true faith doth teach, for all the worthy And all the pious. She has merited To find a home in that most hallowed land . ." Dr. Leon points out that the Jewish community of Rome in the first century BCE was important and had reached a total of 50,000 in Augustus' era. Owing to Julius Caesar's favor, Jews enjoyed full protection. The community existed continually through the centuries to the present time, but did not play a great role and is not mentioned by historians. Their language was Greek, but they preferred Latin names, especially for their daughters, and Hebrew names were not uncommon. The motifs in the tombs were derived from Jewish ritual, the menorah having been used most frequently. Proselytes were accepted as full members of the community, "in contrast with those who followed only such Jewish customs as appealed to them." Dr. Leon reaches this interesting con- clusion: - "Thanks to the data from the catacombs, we have more information about the Jews of ancient Rome than about any other community of the Diaspora in ancient times. Dating as it does from the first century before the Common Era, the Jewish community of Rome is now more than 2,000 years old and may well claim to have enjoyed a longer continuous existence than any other Jewish community of Europe and possibly of the world." Kafka's 'The Penal Colony Newest Schocken Paperback Thanks to the trend toward paperbacks, some of the great classics are being made available to a large reading public, many of whom might otherwise never have been exposed to works that are being made available at greatly reduced prices. . One such work is Franz Kafka's "The Penal Colony;" which has been published by Schocken Books (67 Park, N. Y. 16). This new paperback contains two score stories and short essays by Kafka. They are the works that Kafka himself had published, the others not having been intended for publication, many of them having appeared in print after his death. .