THE JEWISH NEWS OUT Gilt Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspaper, Michigan Press Association, National Edi- torial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Pub lishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Po st Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Business Manager Advertising Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the fifth day of Sivan, 5721, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Bamidnu-n., Num. 1:1-4:20. Prophetical portion, Hosea 2:1-22. Shavuot Scriptural Selections Pentateuchal portions: Sunday, Ex. 19:1-20:23, Num. 28:26-31; Monday, Deut. 15:19-16:17, NUM. 28:26-31. Prophetical portions: Sunday, Ezekiel 1:1-28, 3:12: Monday, Habakkuk 3:1-19. Licht Benshen, Friday, May 19, 7:31 p.m. VOL. XXXIX. No. 12 Page Four May 19, 1961 Shavuot Links Israel with Torah When God was about to give the Torah to Israel, He asked them, "Will you accept My Torah?", and they answered, "We will." God said, "Give me surety that you will fulfill its ordinances." They said, "Let Abraham, Isaac and Jacob be our pledge.". God answered, "But the Patriarchs themselves need sureties. Did not Abraham show lack of faith (Gen. 15:8), Isaac a love for My foe Esau (Mal. 1:3), and Jacob a want of belief in My protection" (Is. 40:27)? Then Israel said, "Let the prophets be our sureties." He replied, "The prophets have sinned against Me" (Jer. 2:8). Then Israel said, "Our children shall be our sureties." God said, "Such pledges will I indeed accept." Straightway the Israelites brought their wives with their children, even infants at the breast, even babes yet unborn. He said to the children, "I am about to give the Torah to your parents; will you pledge your- selves that they will fulfill it?" They said, "We pledge ourselves. Then God rehearsed command after command, and to each in succession the children promised obedience. _ How do we know that it was on the sucklings and babes yet unborn that the giving of the Torah was based? The Bible says, "Out of the mouths of babes and suck- lings- has strength been based" (Ps. 8:3), and the "strength" which God gives his people- is yorah (Ps. 29:11). So it is that when Israel neglects the Torah, God de- mands the penalty from those who have been given as sureties, as it is said, "You forgot the Torah of your God; I, also I, will forget your children" (Hos. 4:6). Why does the Biblical text say "also I,? God says, "Also I am grieved for them, the children to whom the parents have not taught Torah, who say daily, 'Blessed be the Lord who is blessed for all eternity.'" Shavuot, as the Festival of the Giving of the Law and its acceptance by Israel, is the time for re-dedication to learning, to the strengthening of our spiritual values, to stock-taking relevant to the duties we owe our children in preparing them for a wholesome and creative life. This is the season of the year when many of our children are graduated from their elementary schools and are prepar- ing for higher studies. This is when the great task arises of seeking to encourage as many of the young people as possible to aspire to higher studies Jewishly as well as in the civic and public areas. It is only the minority of our youth that pursues higher Jewish studies, yet we must give serious consideration to the importance of that minority in Jewish life. Many of them, upon entering college, tend to abandon Jewish interests. There remains the serious problem of how to retain their Jewish interests or how to inject such interests where they do not already exist, among young men and women in our universities. - Too often, Jews who have attained high status in life become indifferent to Jewish needs. All-too-often, such indiffer- ent men and women return to - our fold in time of tragedy, during calainitous happenings. We must strive to introduce the positive in Jewish inducements for our sons and daughters, rather than to await their devotion under negative cir- cumstances. * * On Shavuot these problems should be re-examined, in the interest of attaining the best results in our quest for highest standards in educational programming. We must keep in view the links that have been forged between Jewry and its des- tinies as a spiritual entity. In his splendidly edited Siddur, the traditional prayer book, Dr. David deSola Pool has inserted the following English translation from Tanhuma, Vayiggash 2, relevant to the unity of God, Israel and the Torah: , This is more than legend. This is the reality of Jewish tradition, which expects perpetuation of Jewish learning by the children. That calls for encouragement from and guidance by parents. It is the way of linking Israel with Torah. Shavuot reminds us of these links. It is a time for re-evaluation of our duties to our children's spiritual and cultural needs. It is a time for re-dedication—and the way to mark the festival is through such dedication. A Cry of Anguish from Jerusalem's Beth Ha-Am In the crowded Jerusalem court room ; on May Day, a cry of anguish_was heard for the first time, after three weeks of submission of testimony against Adolf Eichmann. It had been expected. It was believed that many people would break down as their wounds were being reopened in the telling of the story of Eichmann's crime. At last it happened. It is not permit- ted in the dignified Israeli court room, but a Hungarian Jew who had suffered in the Belsen concentration camp shouted "murderer" at Eichmann and demanded that he be hanged. In the hearts of hundreds of thousands of survivors that cry of anguish has been uttered many thousands of times, as the story of the cruelties is being recounted. And as the tales of cruelties and degradations are being retold, the tragedy that is acknowledged is that Hitler, through Eichmann and his other hench- - men, has really accomplished his aim. He- destroyed German Jewry, he came near to attaining the goal of eradicating all Of European Jewry, had he won the war he. might have stretched his arms out to us. Now Israel is attaining a goal set for the historic trial in the Beth Ha-Am. In the hearings against Eichmann, the Israeli court, is giving a complete account of the 12 years of brutalities and indig- nities imposed upon our people. It is in the course of these procedures that anguish is heard, that the bleeding hearts are crying out for justice — the sort of justice that demands an end to genocide, a cessation of brutalities, an assurance that inhumanities of men to men shall never again be repeated. The attainment of these aims will redound to the benefit of all humanity which must be served honorably through the historic Eichmann trial. The Wise Men of Helm'--Real Delight in Its Hebrew Text Two factors splendid narration and fine illustrations — com- bine to make the Hebrew stories of Helm, "Hakhmey Helm," ("The Wise Men of Helm"), published by the United Synagogue Commission on Jewish Education (3080 B'way, N. Y. 27), an outstanding work for children. Told in Hebrew, by Ben Aronin, and illustrated by Gabe Josephson, this attractive book has great fascination. Gimpel ben Mendel, Berel Ha-Shamas, Motel, Yosel, Pinhas Ha-Pikeakh (the shrewd Pinhas) and other characters made famous in the Helm stores appear here in all their glory. The caricatures of them make them emerge in their proper setting. It is, of course, a most humorous account. Ben Aronin tells the tales well. He has caught the spirit of the Helm-men and he narrates the tales with the same power of entertainment that they contained in Yiddish. The ,special value in this Hebrew set of Helm stories is that the difficult words are explained at the bottom of each page in English translation. Thus, in addition to being a work of entertainment, it also serves the purpose of a textbook for those desiring to perfect their Hebrew. The reader of "Hakhmey Helm" will find great delight in the description of how the Helmites paid respect to the Torah. They'll get many laughs in reading "Questions and Rid- dles," "No Sooner Said Than Done," "Every Wall Faces the East," and the other tales. Indeed, "Hakhmey Helm," in Hebrew, deserves the rating of being a true delight—as entertaining as their Yiddish originals. New Novel:' 'At Jericho Walls ' In "At the Walls of Jericho," published by Bloch, Israel I. Taslitt resorts to fiction in describing the Biblical story of the fall of the ancient city to the Hebrew army led by Joshua. Taslitt draws upon the book of . Joshua. He describes the experiences of the two Hebrew spies, Caleb and Hur, and the role that was played by the Egyptian woman, Rahab, who hid the spies. Rahab also played her role during the Hebrew assault on Jericho. The march around the city by the Hebrew army caused confusion, and there were some who . advocated tearing down the walls and thereby appeasing the invaders. The walls fell due to the attack and the Hebrews captured Jericho. The Ethiopian prince Malou was the hero of the strug- gle. He also was the martyr. The brilliant leadership of Joshua is emphasized in this novel. The Book of Joshua 'is, of course, the source for the novel's background. The author concludes his tale on a patriotic note: "Thus did Jericho, the City of Palms, fall before the people of Israel . . a city proud and wealthy, trusting in gods created by men and in walls that human hands had .fashioned. It fell before a people with a mission to perform, a mission that was to bring to the world a way of life based on the word of God at Sinai, to make the idols vanish from the earth, and to :bring about a better world through the kingdom of God." Wouk's 'This Is My God' Out as a Doubleday Paperback The controversial book by Herman Wouk, "This Is •lNly God," has been issued as a paperback 'by Doubleday. This best-seller, which has been under discussion in religious ranks in Jewry for many months, appears in its entirety in the paperback. The title is derived from The Song of Moses (Ex; 15:2): "This is my God, and I will praise Him; The God of my father, and I will exalt "This Is My God" is Wouk's faith—his explanation of his adherence to Orthodox Jewish tenets. But it does outline also all of the other religious Jewish 'tendencies and therefore serves as a textbook on Jewish religious practices.