• • where the martyrs were onors I huts packed prior to their deaths. Dedicate Two Israel Forests to Detroiter letill1S BERLIN, (JTA) — East G press' ica any Certified Master Watchmaker at azi to and Jeweler sen the Special to The Je wire (Direct JTA Teletype neral of David Rosilio, a civil THE FINEST JEWELRY, ere at ion to The Jewish News) once JERUSALEM, Isr service commissioner who was WATCHES AND SERVICE and other 00,00 a JERUSALEM •— The prose- a relative of Judge Benjamin Jewish National Fu on the sm perished dur- cution in the trial of Adolf Halevi, one of the three jus- planted in Israel with "Avenue of Fashions" , e war. A simple structure Eichmann introduced Wednes- tices trying Eichmann. tribuated by Detroiters, 18963 LIVERNOIS marks the place where the cre- day a mound of documents dedicated last week. The Nazi system outlined in matoria were located, and a tri- UN 1-8184 demonstrating that the former the documents began with the At Biria, near Safed, an im- Gestapo colonel was the prime listing of a Jew for deporta- pressive ceremony took place, angular obelisk rises above the mover in • the Nazi confiscation tion. Sent - to an "assembly" in the presence of Mrs. Laura of some $3,000,000,000 worth center, the victim on Eich- Nusbau fam- of property from Jews destined mann's orders would be de- il o icials and a for extermination. - etroiters, fo scribed by a Nazi judge as The charge against Eichmann an "enemy of the Reich." established in of the Fo of a basic role in the enormous would then be told t d in e Mrs. Nusb urn's honor ' Nazi looting is a secondary one could keep from hi he osses- memory er hush to the key accusation of prime sions only his ide y card, late Ab w N au responsibility for the extermi- a watch and his we ing ring. was on SEE g nation of 6,000,000 European Later even these ms were Mizra s. Jews. It was documented to stolen from him. e present • A show that the spoilation indi- . - • Mrs. Harry J. Those sent to Easter cated that the Gestapo and the berg, Mr. and Mrs. Ben 0 SS knew that the victims were were declared stateless as soo HANLEY DAWSON CHEVROLET as their transport train left the Jacobs, C. Gellman, the, Gold- intended for death. UN 4-2300 14501 W. 7 Mile Rd. borders of Germany and as such enberg and Golan families, Dr. Bik. West of Jas. Couzens Deputy Attorney General they had no rights whatever. Tuvia Bar-Ilan of Bar-Ilan Uni- Yaakov Baror introduced the The documents showed that the versity, and others. documents which he said victims were even forced to pay The David Kabaker Forest, proved that Eichmann worked for their own transport through out the procedures to strip sums deposited in theory with planted in the Hilla of Menasse the doomed Jews of all their the "Reichsevereinigung," an in memory of David Kabaker, possessions and even to make association created by the Nazis was dedicated in the presence the stealing legal under Nazi to replace all the Jewish com- of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ko- Strictly Kosher Meats — Poultry German law. The documents munal organizations they sup- baker, brother and sister-in-law Originators of The Hollywood Roast included letters from Eich- pressed. The funds actually of the deceased, Mrs. Philip FEATURING A COMPLETE SELECTION OF mann to Gestapo offices in went to an "Account A" which Slomovitz, C den of Nuremberg, Wuerzburg, Kiel, was entirely under Eichmann's the Je OVEN READY POULTRY AS WELL AS yemeth re Bremen, Prague, Vienna and control. r guests. SHER AND PARVE FRESH AND FROZEN FOODS, other major centers which In the documents, Eichman The JNF is p inning to plant described the stripping pro- and KOSHER DELICATESSEN Department 4-B-IV in the 8,000,000 trees, on 28,000 dun- cedures. as tapo turned up repeate ams of st land, vici- Some letters revealed Eich- the nity of BECAUSE OF SHAVUOT — WE WILL BE CLOSED st. mann was complaining that the Department decidi into e in Mr SUNDAY, MONDAY, MAY 21 AND 22., Jews disposed of personal pos fate of the Jews fall' docu- the Nazi grasp. In o r ugh , oan Isr sessions when they lea ed th ment, • Eichmann instr ed the to with their other da ship of Perfect for Parties of Gift Trays. were to occu- ter, Sheila, who has be military commander ho BAR-B-Q'd CHICKENS pied France to preven he mi- ing and studying OUR FAMOUS HOT 1.1 V butz in • e e try- Ein Hasho • was estab- ednes-_ gration of Jews "who ell The - of the late U. S. one. Afternoon ing every means to avoid e o day port to the east." me Court Justice Louis D. re canceled to pr gs Eichmann was demon- Brandeis. They attended the attendance at . the fu- pe started as finding time to deal Passover Seder at Ein Hasho- We Deliver — UN 1-4770 with the fate of individual phet and were joined at that Jews. Replying to the Nazi observance by Mr. and Mrs. - Member Detroit Kosher Foreign Ministry ooncerning John Lurie of Detroit. Meat Dealers Association a Dr. Alfred Philipson, he re- , fused to agree that Philipson He who has imagination with- This Shield Is Your Protection be allowed to remain in Bonn. out learning, has wings and no In a letter dealing with a re- feet.—Joseph Joubert quest by Mrs. Flora Bucher to be allowed to join her mother in Southern France, Eichmann wrote "her migra- tion to unoccupied France should be. avoided." Another document was a re- port of a meeting between Eich- mann and some of his deputies which showed that Eichmann opened the meeting with a dis- cussion of the evacuation of an additional 50,000 Jews from the old Reich and from Austria. Another directive from Eich- mann's office listed detailed pro- ‘01,—;. te cedures for the handling of I each transport requiring that each arrival and departure be reported to the Eichmann Bu- reau by cable "as per attached model." Show Eichmann Directed Looting of $3 000 000 000 from Jews GEORGE OHRENSTEIN LEASE BUY /CHEVROLET/ JOHNNY LEBOW at KAPLAN BROS. 18229 WYOMING different delicious I continental I confections by learn to save the :BARTON'S AMERICAN way.:. American Savin5s 1/2% I I For example: CHOCOLATE I I PETITS FOURS — Luscious lay- ers of real French pastry with I butter-cream fillings in 5 out- of-this-world flavors. All choc- olate covered. Parley on Jewish Education Supports Federal School Aid NEW YORK, (JTA)—The American Association for Jew-, ish Education adopted a reso- lution at the closing session of its two-day annual conference Box of 24 ;1.79 1 unanimously supporting Federal Government proposals to ex- tend government aid to public education but opposing the ex- I tension of such, aid to private and religious schools. The conference also adopted long-term plans to meet the na- tion-wide shortage of Hebrew school teachers and a program to intensify adult education in this country. Philip W. Lown, At 10 Mile Rd. I of Boston, president - of the As- Across from Dexter Davison Mkt. sociation, reported that despite I the organization's efforts to im- I 18309 Wyoming nr. Curtis prove employment conditions Barton's Confections and and encourage teacher recruit- III Baked Delicacies Are Also ment and training, American at Crowley's Available Jewry faces a critical shortage • Street Floor. of teachers for the 600,000 chil- I Open Sundays and Eves. dren attending Jewish day and part-time schools. 111111111111.11111111111=11 11111 I 1 :BAITONS Current Rate • Additional Servi •• : • Free Save By Ma : • Money Orders Av • • U.S. Government Sold or Redeeme • • • • Utility Bill Payment Accepted • • American Express • Traveler Checks • Sold or Cashed • • • a '11 heir , more fun, S ege education. Money at an avings is not only safe because it is insured up to $10,000 by an agency of the U. S. government, but it grows at a high earning rate. Start an account in any amount today. IP Ss • • 14711 Coolidge • Hwy. . , 1 DEXTER AT CORTLAND LIVERNOIS AT W. 7 MILE MAIN OFFICE: Woodward at Congress MILE near COOLIDGE Fort Street at Military \\Ns.........W. 9 Van Dyke at E. 7 Mile Telegraph at Schoolcraft Telegraph at Maple in Bloomfield 14 Mile near Crooks Rd. in Clawson 3 -- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Frid ay, May 19, 1961 Knew Victims Would Die