Mark Milestone in Sylvia Danto's Life of Service Berezin-Zuroff Troth Announced (More Clubs Page 19) PHI SIGMA SIGMA MOTHERS' CLUB will hold its anniversary and last meeting of the season Wednesday at the home of Mrs. David H. Yaffe, 18244 Northlawn. For informa- tion, call UN 1-7856. Miriam Goldman, vice presidents; Chilly Revich, treasurer; Edith Butrimovitz, Rose Blitz, Esther Broad, Eva Wiesner, secretaries; Sarah Gutman, Elsie Katz, Freda Klein, Jean Weiss, Lea Zwick, Anne Weinstein, Belle Bassin, Geri Greenfield, Gussie Anstan- dig and Fanny Katz, board mem- bers. * * * UNITED ORDER OF TRUE SISTERS will install new officers following a meeting and luncheon beginning 11 a.m. Tuesday at Northland Center Auditorium, announces President Mrs. George Rosenberg. The new slate in- cludes Mesdames Simon Traurig, president; Herman Schonberg, vice-president; Stanley Baar, Har- old Jackson, Leonard Pinter, sec- retaries; Saul Kaplan, treasurer; Ben Stein, mentor; Seymour Grossfield, warden; Raymond Kahrnoff, guardian. The cere- mony will be conducted by Mrs. Harris Crane. The program will feature Mrs. Betty Stultz, soloist, and Mrs. Marian Bergstrom, ac- companist. Guests are invited. U. of M. Hine' Fetes Leaders A number of Detroit students were cited for special service and leadership this week at the annual honors program and in- stallation of officers of the Bnai Brith Hillel Foundation at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, announced Dr. Herman Jacobs, director. Those who received certifi- cates of honor for their efforts in various Hillel departments were Harriet G. Averbuch, Lawrence E. Melamed, Patricia A. Reiter, Douglas D. Ross, James M. Wechsler, Ira G. Harris and Linda S. Milan. Other students from the state who received awards are Ber- MISS JOANNE BEREZIN nice D. Benjamin of Ann Arbor, Mr. and Mrs. Max Berezin Mimi C. Berman of Grand of Tiffin, 0., announce_ the en- Rapids, Rochelle Elaine Cutler gagement of their daughter, of Southfield and Marlene Joanne, to Arnold Zuroff, son of Jacobs of Birmingham. Those installed in office in- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zuroff, 25169 clude Barry M. Sherman of Southwood, Southfield. Toledo, president; Robert M. The bride-elect, a f o r m e r Berger of ChicagO, ,Debra R. student at Ohio State Univer- Horowitz of Cleveland and Linda sity, now attends Wayne State S. Lurie of New York, executive University. Her fiance is - a vice presidents; Harriet Aver- student at the University of buch, secretary; and John IL Detroit Dental School and is Jacobowitz of Buffalo, treasurer. affiliated with Alpha Omega and Phi Sigma Delta frater- nities. • A November wedding is planned. It seldom happens that a woman lets her age be known. But in the instance of Sylvia Danto, it would be virtually impossible to crowd so much activity and work for communal good in the * * proverbial 21 INFANTS SERVICE GROUP years. will elect new officers Monday Mrs. Danto, evening at the Workmen's as a matter Cir c I e, announces President of fact, is Mrs. Al Sklar. The installation quite pleased luncheon will be held noon at approach- June 13 at Tam O'Shanter ing the mile- Country Club. stone of 60 * * * years, which HOME RELIEF SOCIETY she celebrates will hold its annual membership May 16. Mrs. Danto luncheon noon May 29 at the The wife of Dr. Samuel B. home of Mrs. Philip Dubrinsky, Danto, a dentist, Mrs. Danto 19430 Lucerne, with-Mrs. Tubie currently occupies her time as Resnick as co - hostess. Mrs. recording secretary of the social Morris Adler will review the affairs committee of the Wom- book "Who Killed Society?" en's City Club; is a member of * * the board of trustees of Temple OAKLAND HILLS CHAP- Israel and chairman of its house committee and was recently .ap- TER, Women's American ORT, pointed general chairman of will hold its- second installation * * * the Fine Arts Exhibit of the of officers and mother-daughter MUSIC STUDY CLUB will pre- Michigan State Democratic banquet 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Women, slated for Sept. 22-24 at Sammy's Avalon Room. Mrs. sent a musical program under the Harold Kukes, regional vice direction of its philanthropic com- at the Light Guard Armory. president of honor roll, will be mittee 2 p.m. Thursday for the A few years back, she was installing officer. Mrs. Max Home for Aged. Participating will one of 150 "Women of Achieve- Beal, regional vice president of be Shirley Munson and Ruth ment" from Detroit so selected organization, will also be in at- Terebelo, contraltos; Irene Rack- by the Soroptimist Club, and, in tendance. Those to be installed lin, soprano; a novelty trio con- 1950, she was honorary mother to the board intlude Mesdames sisting of Doris Gantz, Lois Ack Lou B ociated of Michigan, an honor she William Wolk, president; Frank and Mamie Lawson; Esther Ros- ark Motor Sales shared with the late Mrs. Henry Nager, Sherman Becker, Burton enfeld, violinist; and Rose Bassin on Brown has extended a Ford. Burnstein and Donald . Ketai, Stein, accompanist. Mrs. Rubin President of the Temple Is- vice presidents; Bernard Sivin, Boyarsky will read a humoro ersonal invit 'on to al his rael Sisterhood for three years treasurer; Harry Tauber, Lester Yiddish dialogue written for former custo , he and now honorary president for Becher and Abe Rozanoff, sec- by her husband Cantor n to acquaint t Our Large and fine life, Mrs. Danto also served retaries; Stanley Millman, par- Boyarsky. Mistress of cere • 410 ents ies sales and lection of Pins, Charms, of . the League is as president of om- at Park M r liamentarian. A skit, written by will be Mrs. Norman Alla Bracelets, Laveliers, Rings, Jewish Women's Organizations Chapter members, will be per- mittee chairman. he is no ssociated. etc. Now is the Time to for four years; was three times formed by the drama committee awson, • * * * Formerly with Pick Your Gift for Con- president of the Michigan under the direction of Mrs. ury dealer on Inc., Li DAVID HORODOKER Federation of Temple Sister- Ketai, chairinan. For informa- firmation, Consecration is, Brown said Park hoods, and served for six years tion, call Mrs. Sivin, LI 7-3380. WOMEN'S ORGANIZATION and Graduation, from Sales located at 18100 Wood- nounces plans for a luncheon to on the national board of the * * * ward, between W. Six and Seven Our Choice Selection! June 7 at the Federal be held- National Federation of Temple JEWISH WOMEN'S EURO- Department Store at Grand Mile Rds., will continue the Visit With the Lattin's Sisterhoods. same quality care as his cus- PEAN WELFARE ORGANIZA- AT And while she has accom- TION will meet noon Tuesday River Rd. and Oakman Blvd. tomers have received in the plished many goals in the Jew- at Jericho Temple, 18495 Wy- Hostesses for the event will be past. He will sell Lincolns, Mer- A E L T I t W ish community, one of -her oming, for election of officers. Mesdames L. Cohen, L. Figlen, curys and Comets. EWE L ER S M. Goldberg, J. Guterman, A: greatest triumphs was as Jew- * * * e reached at TO He Levine, I. Lawton and J. Zem- ish co-chairman of the Detroit 129-131 W. NINE MILE ROAD 9- AVODAH CHAPTER, Pioneer FERNDALE 20; MICHIGAN Round Table, a post she held Women, will hold its installa- mol. Proceeds will be used for LI 2 2110 for five years, during which tion of officers and Mother's the benefit, of needy families h If things don't come your Open: Thurs., Fri., Sat. to 9 time the program of "friendship Day dinner 6 p.m. Tuesday at - and in Israel. For infor way, you're probab using the and ticke teas" was developed. wrong kind of bait the Kenwood Restaurant. For From 1955- to 1960, Mrs. reservations, call Mrs. Lillian TY * * Danto was on the steering com- Gemza, BR 3-3140. ALONAH CHAPTER, Pioneer mittee for the Age of Opportu- • * * Give Women, will hold its installation K i nity, a Conference for the S I TEMPLE BETH AM and mothers and daughters ban- Mature WoMan, sponsored by HOOD has elected its fir ate quet, featuring a children's fa- SPORTING EQUIPMENT the .University of Michigan Ex- of officers. Included Mes- shion shot 7 p.m. esday at tension Service together with , presi- dames Bertha David Holiday major community organizations d Reva throughout the city and dent; Arlene Walt office Zeme, vice preside ; Rosalie kind, siden Ida'Dims, FOR ANY OCCASION suburbs. vian Hen- Melman, treasurer; ice F man, Rita Seidman She holds a ten-year pin from nes and Franceen rt, secre- nts; the March of Dimes, and Anne hapiro, vice OLYMPIC SPORTING GOODS CO. r, Phyllis served as a judge for the Ruth taries; Audrey Sh aine Dvor- Shirley Schoenbe Hochberg, JoAnne enn and Sid Fishman — Lou Fishman — Dan Katkin Alden Goodfellow Dress con- aber, secretar- kin and Miriam. King, boar embers. DI 1-8489 test for 13 years and of the ean Schmidt, treasurer. 19129 LIVERNOIS at 7 Mile For advance tickets a Kresge Dolls for five years. They will be installed by Mrs. 9 P.M. Open Thursday and Friday to In addition to her work in mation about a games party to Ethyl Wasser. the community, Mrs. Danto has be held next month, call Reva raised two sons, Dr. Arthur C. Zeme, GR - 4-7333, or Vivian Danto, professor of philosophy Hennes, GR 6-1029. Michigan's Oldest Jewish Camp * * * at Columbia University and a CITY OF HOPE CANCER For Boys and Girls 5-15 prominent New York artist, and Bruce L. Danto, who will grad- FIGHTERS has issued a uate this June from the Wayne volunteers to ring,..clo• e is on State University college of June 1 for the,saicitation which will climax -the current drive for medicine. The Dantos reside - at 26725 the CiW'' of Hope, according to Hendrie, Huntington Woods. Mrs,lEmanuel Schwartz, commit- teftchairman. Proceeds will help Long Lake in the Beautiful Waterloo Recreation Area gvirther the City of Hope progra Neil Cohen to Chair f natient care, research and ed - ation aimed at the W AN EXCLUSIVE CHILDREN'S CAMP U-M Homecoming eradication * Experienced Leadership, Expert & Mature Staff Neil G. Cohen, a junior at t eases. Fina e une 8 in University of Michigan, was na will be a Ta • Every Sport — From. Canoeing to Horseback Riding Volunteer the downtow ed general chairman of the a workers are ed to call Mr nual Homecoming, to be held * Jewish Content, Israeli Musk & Dancing Tathan Cohen, Tag Day October, it was announced by th Mrs. an, UN 2-4647, Michigan Union. * Modern Health Center . . . Food with a "Yiddisher Tam" Contribu- artz, UN 3-6 Last year, Cohen, as .chairman of the international affairs com- tio made by mail 8 WEEK — 4 WEEK — 2 WEEK SESSIONS mittee of the Michigan Union, to the campaign headquarters, ran the International Fair, which 18423 Wyoming. * * REGISTER NOW attracted wide attention. He is NORTHWEST YOUNG IS- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Zeldon Sophie • Sislin, Registrar Emanuel (Muni) Mark, Director RAEL SISTERHOOD has elected S. Cohen of Warrington Dr. 19508 Griggs a new slate of officers,, in- 1 91 61 Schaefer Time proves that only the cluding Mesdames Nettie Su- DI 1-9646 UN 4-0730 DI 1-0669 worker succeeds in this life— kenic, president; Marian Du- not the fellow who is worked. chan, Ada Lew, Lillian Feldstein, ANTIQUE WELRY boon, J i - GIFT CERTIFICATES BAND CAMP