Imo CS3 Alusmanno s itehmann Kommandos' Condemns Nazi Who Killed for Thrills; Disputes Criminal Merely Took Orders Dr. Spiro's Brother Among Saintliest Rabbis in Germany , Colleagues Testify (Special to Jewish News) Gutszechter of Warsaw, who was FUERTH, Germany .— There indeed the Dean of the Rabbinate Justice Michael- A. Musmanno appealed to Heinrich Himmler are not many rabbis in Germany. not only of Warsaw but also of Justice Musmanno asserts In fact, it is being deplored that Poland. of Pitsburgh- is the author of and to Hitler himself, Justice -that the Nazis knew what they not enough spiritual leaders are one of the best written books Musmanno states. Eichmann "When the Ghetto was being about the Eichmann case, if not wanted Jews disposed of in the were doing, that Eichmann guiding German Jewry's desti- destroyed, the Cardinal of Po- and his ilk can not claim that nies. the very best. nearest woods, as speedily as land, Hlond, sent secret word -to they were merely taking or- -Among the most revered rabbis As one of the judges during possible. Rabbi Spira that he was willing ders, that they were killing the Nuremberg trial, he is well It is as bloodthirsty butchers out of the sadistic desire for in Germany is a very Orthodox to hide him, his wife and four informed about the German that Justice Musmanno de- thrills, that they were heart- leader, a man of great learning children and two other rabbis and 'criminals and the conditions scribes the Kommandos. Eich- less and did not hesitate to and such extreme modesty that their families. The two rabbis under which Adolf Eichmann mann received daily reports kill children and the aged as only the best informed people favorably considered accepting operated in his -program for about the activities of his under- well as younger men and know of his work in this Bavarian the offer of the Cardinal of Po- z community, situated near Nurem- Jewry's extermination. lings. - The "Einsetzgrupen" were women. land. Rabbi Spira argued with his I:4 "The Eichmann Kommandos" trained by Reinhard Heydrich, Justice Musmanno's book berg. • He is Rabbi David Spira, of colleagues that it would be im- by Justice Musmanno, published the SS chief whom Eichmann serves a great purpose. It ad- • 2 Juoienstrasse in Fuerth. He is proper to save their lives while by Macrae Smith Co., Phila. ti delphia, is a deeply moving ac- now blames for issuing orders monishes the search for only the brother of Dr. Abram Spiro, their brothers were being destroy. to him in Hiders name. one fuehrer — Truth — and his chairman of the Department of ed. The result was that they all t4. count of the crimes. When Musmanno details the revelations inspire an urge for Near Eastern Languages and Lit- were taken to - concentration t•.;) The criminals who made up mass the deaths in truth, whether at the Jerusalem eratures at Wayne State Univer- camps. Rabbi Spira lost his wife • the Nazi forces and their beast- many murders, and four children. Yet, he, him- Jewish communities, the trial of Eichmann as whenever sity. • ly attitudes emerge in their shooting self, some-how survived 11 con- of 1,013 in Bobruisk, and wherever Nazis are being • Rabbi Spira (unlike his broth- starkest forms. Justice Musman- of 835 in Rudnia, and other hunted for punishment. Justice er-, he.spells his name with an a) cen s. w no declares: horrifying incidents, he creates Musmanno's book should serve is referred to by a leader of 1:0 pira- found in Da- "That so much man-made shortly after liberation. misery should have happened a state of revulsion and horror a great purpose in exposing Eich- man Jewry as "one of the in the minds of 'his readers mann's claim that he followed e was brought to e town of remarkable men of our ag in the 20th century, which Fuerth near Nurn g. He has could well have been the frui- who learn from his book the orders. It reveals the beast who leader said of him: extent of brutality that dom- is now on trial as one of the "Rabbi Spira certai ever si . He is now is \ one be t tion of all the aspirations and of the leading Rabbi parati schol to settle in hopes of the centuries which mated the Nazi minds. cruelest persons of all time. in the world and a muc of sain s he does not went before, made this spec- disposition. He spe ce rabbinic post in nearly tacle almost insupportable in hours a day in stud g and pray ncture in his life, its unutterable tragedy and ing and occasiona asting. tly negotiating with sadness." sleeps little and draws n authorities to receive Justice Musmanno's description strength from his in lectual a ensation and a pension." of Nazi madness results from BONN, (JTA) — German Foreign Ministry. His interro- spiritual life. Befor he war, he his personal knowledge of the court interrogations of eight ex- gation took place before a Ger- was the youngest, lest, a Eichmann Kommandos, the Nazis testifying in connection man judge at Neuss. . MANOR HAVEN most effective rabbi i beastly groups that had no hu- with the Jerusalem trial of Today Otto Winkelmann, a and was the youngest member of NURSING HOME man compassion. Musmanno, Adolf Eichmann, began Thurs- 1607 South Lafayette former SS group leader, will the Warsaw Beth-Din. His father- who handed verdicts against 23 day. Royal Oak be questioned at Kiel. Edmund in-law was the renowned Rabbi leaders of "Einsatzgrupen," a Across from Detroit Zoo All of the men have been Vessenmayer, Hitler Govern- 24 Hour Nursing Care 24th having committed suicide, unable to go to Jerusalem to Take All Medical Cases The University of Michigan tells of the maniacal' efficiency testify, since the Israeli Gov- ment liaison officer in Hungary, LI 8-6644 with which the Nazi beasts ernment had refused to grant will face a court at Darmstadt Law Department opened in 1859. Tuesday. The following day, labored. them immunity from arrest and As in the instance of Eich- possible trial for their • crimes Dr. Franz Six, *former SS of- ficer, w i 11 b e questioned at mann in the present trial in against Jews. Kettelschwang, Vavaria. Jerusalem, all of them pleaded that they "were only carrying - Under the rules, i t' was Former General von dem announced here, only repre-. out orders.'! Bach Zelewski, who led Hitler The relentnessness and ruth- s • A - es of the Eichmann commando units during the war, roseeu and defense would will appear at a court at Nu- lessness of Adolf Eic . • • mit in the courtrooms who escaped justice Nazis are being remberg Thursday. Max berg, but whose a iti ere wher the questioned ore German Merten, former Nazi war ad- told in the te on f wit- judges. The ess and the pub- ministrator at Salonika, Greece, nesses, are • ng revela- will face interrogation in Ber- lic have be • tions in barred. ssm o's book. lin May 26. Finally, bef Eichmann he ' ice states, th sid agreed they would magistrate at Frankf , ay was dist isclo ed t the exte • the nature of the 29 there will be in ro ions nation Jew as o estimon ere, unless that for Hermann me Eich- He wa • d to conser testimo ene is revealed by the mann's deputy i ti ry; and costs, eans of tr s court Jerusalem. former Ausch by k g Jews ut F • s t to be interrogated Richard Baer tz c i mandant quit and as i sively sday was Dr. Eberhard von as p ible. Two days efore e question- adden, former exper t on Eic nn's bloodthirsty pla ewish affairs for the Nazi ing began y a te of 41 29 the Kn set, Israel's Pa ment, rej ed two moti by Herut de ties to disc s granting immunit y th Governme to two fo er N . SS officer to enable to .appear as witnesses fo the defense of dolf Eichm . Attorney her al Gideo Hausner last eek told court trying Eic ann tha Government had the granting of immunity to Wil- helm Hoettl and Walter Hup- penkothen, both former Gestapo officers, after defense attorney ODOM Robert Servatius. had requested that they be permitted to ap- pear at the trial. The Herut A motion proposed to discuss the GALLON Cabinet action in granting im- munity. ON LAYTEX Socialists, Communists, one : representative of the National MIRACLE PLASTIC Religious Party and the depu- ties representing Agudat Israel, As Advertised in voted in favor of full debate of HOUSE the issue and, on a second mo- BEAUTIFUL tion, in favor of referring the issue to a committee - of the Famous American Jewish Humorist Knesset. Almost 40 members of the 120-member Parliament ab- Wednesday evening, May 24 at eight o'clock stained in the voting. READY-MIXED - ›.; German Courts Question 8 Ex-Nazis; Knesset Vetoes Immunity Hearing Guest Star MAC•0•LAC PAINT SALE! 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