--, 1111111111•111111111111111141POMPOINIIIINIIMPF- Congress Women Slate Installation omen's Cluhs ZEDAKAH CLUB has elected a new slate of officers with Mrs. Maurice Knapper as presi- dent. Those to take office are Mesdames Leonard Shapiro, Norman Adelman, Joseph Staub, vice presidents; Julius Hersh, treasurer; Rubin Klein, Morris Aaron and A. J. Friedman, sec- retaries. The installation will .take place at the annual mother and daughter luncheon noon May 31 at Tam O'Shanter Coun- try Club. For reservations, call Mrs. Leonard Shapiro, UN 3-8806. The next meeting will be held noon Monday at the home of Mrs. Morris Aaron, 17564 Ohio. Israeli folk singer, will be the featured entertainer Thursday, according to Mrs. Nathan Glen- ner, program chairman. All To- rah contributors of $6.11 and more are invited to attend. The numerical value of the Hebrew letters spelling Torah is 6-1-1. TOWN AND COUNTRY CHAPTER, Women's American ORT, will meet Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Sidney Lieberman, 20494 Rutherford. Guest speaker Boris Gaynes will discuss "Jewels and Gems." * * CONG. SODIA RHOOD wi er and daughter supper p.m. Tuesday at the syna- gogue. Guests are invited. For reservations, call UN 4-6821, UN 4-7040 TU 3-0 LOUISE WISE CHAPTER, American Jewish Congress, will present Joe Schore, executive secretary of the Jewish La Federation, as guest speak "Changing Patterns of bor and Management in Mo n So- ciety" 12-:30 p.m. Wed day at ALPHA TivIECI the home of Mrs. Fr a Mil- ILIARY 11 hold ins Park. of officer at a combin grom, 24240 Moritz, 0 * * * A dessert luncheon 1 be er's Day party • . Tues- Mrs. George Victor, newly- served. New officers will a me of Mrs. Jack elected president of TEMPLE stalled. g o inson. Mrs. Nate Moiseev * * * ISRAEL SISTERHOOD, will be will be sworn in as president. PHI SIGMA SIGMA sorority Installing officer will be Mrs. installed in office at a luncheon- meeting 12:30 at Wayne State University was Edward Rothenberg. Mrs. Sam- p. m. Monday presented a scholarship trophy uel Kabrin is in charge of pro- in the Leon for having the highest overall gram. Aaron Rosenberg will be Fram Hall. honor point average of the the featured entertainer. Mrs. M. Rob- sororities on campus during, the * * ert Syme will past year. The presentation was JEWISH HOME FOR AGED be installing made at the Panhellenic Ball WOMEN'S AUX officer. M r s last week. _ hold its y u * * tt: Victor has eon ay at the Holiday served as BRANDEIS CHAPTER, Pio- r. The neW slate of of- chairman of neer Women, will hold installa- cers to be installed includes Sisterhood tion of officers 7 p.m. Thurs Mesdames Jack Fishman, presi- Mrs. Victor committees at Northwood Inn. A smo and has been active in other bard dinner will be serve ith dent; Harry Meer, George Bass, civic organizations. Featured on dancing to follow th cere- vice presidents; Harr Berli Philip Cameron Jar the program will be Shimon monies. Those to be tailed Willia and Lana Gewirtz, instrumental- include Mesdames B Ross, man ists and folk singers, who will preSident; Dorothy odman, Fishm present "Songs of Our People Fanny Yagoda, Mil d Buch der .las, ecre ies; and of Many Lands." The Sis- and Fay Bloom, vice sidents; treasu • r; I. E. d- terhood will honor the oldest Rae Schwartzenfeld, enrietta , parliamentari ommit- and youngest mother present. Wolok, Rose Galinsk3 orothy tee chairmen Mesdames Others to be installed include Robbins, Bea Newm Bess Hernian „man, Morris Su- Mesdames Ernest Golumbia, Yaffe, Sandy Stoller, •cre- ra ernard Sukenic, Jonas Hal Gordon, Frank Dickman and taries; and Helen Pas orgow, Dan LeVine, Lou Rob- William Brown, vice presidents; treasurer. bins; Samuel Barr, William Be- * * * Simon Traurig, treasurer; Na- linsky, Jack Freeman, Sam than Apsel, Norman Robbins, TROOP 23. MOTHER'S CLUB Katz, Albert Teman, Maurice Moe Traurig and Joseph Levy, will meet at the home of Char- secretaries. Elected to two-year lotte Zorn, 14430 W. Lincoln, Victor, Sidney Freed, Albert board terms were Mesdames Oak Park Wednesday evening. Waxman, Hymen Friedman, J. Morris Arkin, Samuel Barr, A. Election of officers will be held. Wasserman, Max Ostrow and L. Cohen, Louis Dizik, Henry All members are urged to at- David Lichtman. For reserva- Fenster, Charles Goldstein, Hy- tend. Plans for the annual Boy tions, call DI 1-1893,• Or UN 4-6447. man Jackson, Nathan King, Scout picnic will be discussed. (More Clubs, Page 19) *. * * Jack Kutnick, • Sam Lappin, Norman Noble, Louis Rosen- Dr. Richard C. Hertz installed zweig, Lew Rose, Morris Stein, Mrs. Marshall M. Miller as Sis- Sol Stein, Sidney Solomon, Mor- terhood president at the 60th ton L. Snyder and Gerald Weil. annual luncheon meeting of the One-year terms will be served SISTERHOOD OF TEMPLE by Mesdames Jack Drapkin, BETH EL Monday. Mrs. Miller Harold Gilbert, Harry Pliskow is a third gen- and Ted Rosen. Guests are in- eration m e tu- vited, according to President ber of Temple Mrs. Arthur J. Hass. For reser- Beth El and vations, call the was confirmed or Mrs. Morris rom its reli- i o u s school ADA LOM SISTER- d graduated 1100 r 1 celebrate the cul- m its high mi iore of its Torah Fund ool depart- D e with a tea 1 p. hurs- ent. She has at the 3rlome of s. liu een active in Mrs. Miller ainer, 2 9 a' . T the National Council of Jewish y Women, Brandeis Women, ORT, er, Hadassah, and the men's Ji m and vision of the ed a Barley, Campaign. Othe stalled were NI D. Ettlinger, Sa uel N. shenson, Merwin K. Gro and Samuel J. Rands, vie Leave Everything to Us idents; Edwin B. Grauer Carpenter, Peter Altman Bleier, and Saul J. Rubi taries, and Nate Horwitz, treas- urer. Installed as members of the Board of Diredtor Mesdames I. I. D. Blat Leo I. lin, JUliu . Gil- bert, J. Leon Git , Samuel Hartman, Irvin irschman, Donald J. Lan artin Lenho Edward Lic , Jac baum, J. Mar Miller, y Morse, M w- man, ard D. Qui Ratne Ralph D. Sc WYN and HAROLD LANDIS Sam illis and Sam Mrs. Alexander Sanders will install new officers of the De- troit -Women's Division, Ameri- can Jewish Congress, 12:30 p.m. May 24 at the home of Mrs. Saul Schmidt, 18851 Hilton, South- field, announces President Mrs. Dan Shapiro. Dr. Shlomo Tadmor, midwest regional director of AJC, 'will speak on "Congress in the Six- ties—Action Lies Ahead." Chairman of the event is Mrs. I. D. Dworman. Mrs. -Dellis Har- with is hospitality chairman. Refreshments will be served. Want ads bring fast results! PORTING GOODS GIFTS ! Gift Certificates R ALL SPORTING EQUIPMENT For Any Occasion LYMPIC SPORTING GOODS CO. Sid, Fishman — Lou Fishman — Don Katkin 19129 LIVERNOIS at 7 Mile DI 1-8489 Open Thursday and Friday to 9 P.M. product of the future, available today! LIFETIME TRAVERSING DRAPERY ry slops heat, glare and fading rays while admitting light and ventilation For windows large and small, to fit any decor—adds dramatic beauty to your home. Eliminates fabric drapes, shades, blinds, and even awnings, Custom Molded from Dow Veralite, the Miracle Thermo-Plastic. CALL or WRITE: JAYLIS 1 0 3 12 DEXTER BLVD. Detroit 6, Mich. TUIsa 3-4090 Help Mother Enjoy MOTHER'S DAY at WORRY I CIAL 7 COURSE Day Dinner $200,„ WE CATER TO CHILDREN HOME CATERING Phone EL 6-8411 • STYLE • ELEGANCE • BEAUTY WYN-HAROLD CATERING CI OF ER FIGHTS • meet 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Holiday Manor for a games party, announces Mrs. Max Levy, program vice- president. Prizes will be fea- tured. Members are invited to bring their mothers and moth- ers-in-law. THE BEEF "O OM 15325 WEST 8 MILE RD. 1 BLOCK EAST OF GREENFIELD r.