Blaustein, who went to Is- rael at the invitation of Ben- Gurion, reported that he gained a "strong official reaffirmation" from the Prime Minister of their 1950 understanding. He said that he spent hours in frank and full conversation with the Prime Minister. on all aspects of the problem as he had in 1950. A salient_ point of the Prime Minister's 1950 statement stressed that "Israel represents and speaks only in behalf of its own citizens and in no way presumes to represent or speak in the name of Jews in any other country. We the people of Israel have no desire and no intention to interfere in any way in the internal affairs of Jewish communities abroad." An equally important point of the 1950 understanding was that "nothing should be said or done which could in the slightest degree undermine the sense of security and stability of Amer' Jewry. The decision eth they (Jews) wi • co e ( Is- rael) p ently or to o- rarily r s with the disc for of the Amer Je himself." . or- austein r his ersatio ith B -Gurion t ad- m ed th under- st ing • hav arisen." Th rther unders ding now reac is th "everything on both sides in order to obviate misunderstand- IF YOU TURN THE r3 I UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T FIND A FINER WINE THAN Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. new, unclear phrases as . a reply to obscure phrases," the Premier declared, adding that his reply is: change the Zion- ist Organization and hoist the Jewish flag, which has i great past and deeper roots than Zionism, the. latter having been created only 70 years ago. A change of name would not only release members of the Zionist Organization" from the burden of "living with a lie," Ben-Gurion wrote, but would raise the value of the old name which binds all our generations and sections—the word "Jew." Sharett, in his capacity as new chairman of the Jewish Agency, took issue with Ben-Gurion con- cerning the latter's renewed at- tack against the world Zionist movement. Delivering his first address to the closing session of the Zion-, ist Actions Committee, which had just formally-elected him to the Agency chairmanship, Shar- ett said he was surprised that Ben-Gurion, "a man of such creative powers, is wasting his time and strength on such a barren word-battle." "I am sorry to see the Pre- mier renewing his attempts to deprive the Zionist Organization of the right to be called Zion- ist," said Sharett. He recalled that, under a 1952 Israeli law on the status of the World Zion- ist Organization — as well as under an agreement made in 1954 between the WZO and the Israeli Government — close, mu- tual, Zionist - Government rela- tions were established. "As far as I know," con- tinued Sharett, "the 1954 reso- lution _by the Government, approving the covenant with the World Zionist Organiza-• tion, was adopted with the Premier's approval. But, at any rate, it is binding on the Government. The activities of the Zionist Organization, in collaboration with the -Israel Government, will continue on the basis of the joint stand expressed in the 1952 and 1954 documents. If the Pre- mier's article on the question is intended to reyeal to the 4.5 • . .11 reso utions 'adopted at meeting last M and added that ' e that the Israe ment showed rn - that the principal of the government's collective responsibility should also be applied to the Prime Minis- ter." He said that the" Prime Min- ister violated the spirit of the charter recognizing the Jewish Agency as the organ linking the Jewish state with other Jewish communities. He did so, Gold- mann said, by not seeing fit to consult with either the Ameri- can Zionist leaders then in Jerusalem, nor with the Jewish Agency concerning the useful- ness of the declaration. prior to departure • plus free air transportation both ways on Haciendo's deluxe four engine Constellation champagne in Hacienda flight bag upon departure • two rounds of golf daily on hotel course, clubs furnished FOR RESERVATIONS WRITE OR PHONE: CLOSED SATURDAY— OPEN SUNDAY 11 - 3 IN DI. 1-7111 VOMPAOSt TRAVEL AGENCY 18246 WYOMING AVE. • DETROIT. MICH. You'll Want to See "BELMONT" A MASLAND EXCLUSIVE' During Our Introductory SALE ! Give your home the quiet ele- t all-wool Carpeting. A New Yor Company exclusive, this s o densely wov n, 3-ply carpeting ha been s eat by. Masland to h.. o n or traditio e the ppearance of ran- dom-sheared cut pile emphasized by robust loop texture. Sale priced at: AStatifiiiLkt, $895 YOU'LL FIND "BELMONT" ONLY AT N e Vo• 7324 W. 7 MILE ROAD Since we have been dealing in carpeting for over 30 years, we've established buying practices at the leading carpeting mills which en- able us to offer you quality car- peting for less. Open Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mon. Sq. Yard Comparable to other carpeting Priced from $12.95 a sq. yd. Available in gold, blue, beige, green, cham- pagne, brown, white and almond. COMPANY UN 1-7980 You'll find we carry the finest woolens, nylons, rayons, acrylic fibers and the newest miracle blends in a r a inboW array of colors, patterns and weaves. 'til 9; Other Days 'til 6 Call our showrooM and ask to have carpeting samples brought to your home. Free estimates and decorator advice, upon request, with no obligation. • . "in particular, Prime Minister Ben-Gurion undertook to do everything within his power to see to it that the under- standing in the future is kept in spirit and in letter." The Prime Minister also undertook to advise the members of his cabinet and other responsible members of the Government, of his desire "that the spirit - and content of the under- standing be fully respected." ings in the future so that it will be entirely clear to every- body concerned that the 1950 agreement had lost none of its force and validity." * * * TEL AVIV, (JTA) — Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion this weekend resumed his attacks on the Zionist Organization, Dr. Nahum" Goldmann and former Premier Moshe Sharett. In an article published in Davar, the' Histadfut daily, un- der the headline "Be Jews," Ben-Gurion said that the Zion- ist organization should be called the "Jewish Organization," so as to eliminate the difference between Zionists and non-Zion- ists in the Diaspora since such difference actually does not exist. Explaining this, Ben-Gurion wrote that since the fulfillment of the Zionist goal-settling in Israel—is not binding, there is no need to use the word Zion- ism, which became devoid o meaning. Referring to Goldma , Ben- Gurion declared that t "Presi- dent" left the conclu v e session of the last World e dnist -Con- gress before it ende : Referring to former Premier S ett, Ben- Gurion stressed that e open- 5 , ing session, Sharett s Israel should be interested t the Zionist consciousness should deepen among Diaspora Jews, but he, Sharett, did not attempt to explain what the "Zionist consciousness" was, that dif- fered from the Jewish conscious- ness which. also regards Israel as a precious Jewish value. "It is impossible • to give BONN, (JTA)—The Federal correspondents to Israel, who Youth Ring, the overall West are reporting the Adolf Eich- German organization of youth mann trial for the various pub- organizations, announced it will lications issued by the Ring's intensify its educational pro- constituent youth groups. The outside world disunity within gram aimed at instructing the announcement stated that two the Government, that is a youth of present-day Germany more youth representatives will matter for the Government to about the Nazi program for the be sent soon to Israel to help deal with, and not for the annihilation of Jews. obtain further material in the World Zionist Organization." With the help of the Gov- drive to appraise modern Ger- Meanwhile, Goldmann told a ernment's Federal Press Bu- man youth of the facts of the press conference that the - Prime reau, the Ring has sent four Nazi holocaust. Minister was undermining re- spect for him by personal at- tacks and belittling polemic. THE IDEAL VACATION PACKAGE Goldman said Ben-Gurion had FOR FAMILY CLUBS, BRIDGE PARTIES, affronted him by putting quota- GOLFERS AND FUN-LOVERS tion marks around Goldmann': title as president of the World I ALL EXPENSE Zionist Organization in the Da- PACKAGE TO var article. "I refuse and will continue to refuse to follow suit or to reply to such attacks," Goldmann said. Referring to the Prime Minis- LEAVE EVERY SUNDAY A.M. from DETROIT, MICH. ter's renewed assaults on the On Hacienda Hotel's luxurious pressurized four engine Constellation Zionist Movement, Goldmann 6 DAYS 5 NIGHTS VACATION PACKAGE - said that these were in direct cOntradictioa.4P be- ALL-EXPENSE TOUR TOUR INCLUDES tween the Israel Governm • four shots daily at the • deluxe hotel room for and thtAlorletromsr famous $5,000 hole-in-one five nights ■ ground transportation to • two spectacular midnight tiowitila to the joint resolutio hotel from airport and return floor shows at famous opted, at a "summit meeting" strip hotels at Las Vegas betwee the governmen • complimentary champagne luncheon and champagne the Age cocktail hour every aftentoor served on flight the Wo in the hotel Casino ■ two Hacienda buffett breakfasts ■ lifetime membership in the Gold Hacienda Hotel Golf Club, • two Gourmet buffet dinners Gurio • a signatory credentials presented ■ two bottles vintage THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS -- Friday, May 5, 1961 NEW YORK, (JTA) — The relationship between Israel and Jews in other free democracies, which provoked strong contro- versy earlier this year, has been clarified by a firm understand- ing in the form of the joint statement by Israel Prime Min- ister David Ben-Gurion a n d Jacob Blaustein, honorary presi- • dent of the American Jewish Committee. The announcement of the un- derstanding was made simul- taneously in Jerusalem and New York. An important point in the un- derstanding, as stated by Ben- Gurion, is that "we, the people of Israel, have no desire and no intention to interfere in any way in the internal affairs of Jewish communities abroad." Underscored in the understand- ing is the fact that the emigra- tion of Jews to Israel is at their own "free discretion" and that nothing should be done by the Israel Government which would "undermine the sense of secur- ity and stability of American Jewry." Blaustein returned to this country after extensive discus- sions on this issue in Israel with Ben-Gurion and members of his eabinet. He reported on his un- derstanding with the Prime Minister at a plenary session of the American Jewish Commit- tee's 54th annual meeting here. Blaustein asserted here that German Youth to Hear More of Nazi Crimes -- Jacob Blaustein, American Jewish Committee Head, and Israel's Prime Minister Clarify Position on Diaspora; Ben-Gurion Raps World Zionist Movement