Special to The Jewish News JERUSALEM, Israel — There were many Detroiters in Jeru- salem during the past month. A number of them had the oppor- tunity to visit sessions of the court trying Adolf Eichmann. All of them were horrified by. the calmness and indiffer- Prof. Rosenthal Prof. Goetze Prof. McKenzie Rabbi Adler ence of the accused Nazi. "I have tried many criminal Ancient literature of the Near part of the Borman Near East- cases, including murder cases, East will be brought to life by ern Lecture Series will feature but never have I seen an ac- an impressive group of noted talks on "The Wisdom of the cursed, whose guilt is defin- scholars at the third annual East—Connections a n d Con- itely established, act as calm- Wayne State University Con- trasts" and "Elusive Aspects ly as Eichmann," Attorney Al ference on the Near East, Sun- of Biblical Literature." May said. "Only a most brutal day through Tuesday. Under At 10 a.m. Monday in the mind can react as does Eich- chairman Ephraim A. Speiser, McGregor erence mann's." chairman of the Semitics De- Cen ofs. Kram an partment at the University of Mrs. Philip Slomovitz, who will discuss Sumerian watched the trial's proceedings, Pennsylvania, the conference garitic •"Epics." At the lunc attended sessions, watched the. will center on the theme, "T eon session presided over b C. Allen n,--Si..- drama over the closed circuit Literary Heritage of the N. •t o TV and heard the testimony East." the Hari ctr scu Inter-denominational p ici- sion Wi over Kol Israel, saw in Eich- pation will be shown at oth Easter mann a criminal -mind that can gr. not be swerved from guilt. She evening Borman lecture• , and Univer y. Carroll F. Deady of t holic felt he is • being treated too afternoon sessions. Besides talks by Semiti • au- Archdiocese of , will de- cordially, that in his mind, in liver th . mil . his hidden countenance, he thorities from univers throughout the country, one sneers at judges, lawyers, the luncheon session on "Intertes- 0 owing luncheon, at 2:30, vast audience. "Mightier Than the Pyramids," tamental Echoes" will feature Others, too, believed that talks by such clergymen as Rabbi a lecture on Egyptian literature, Eichmann is being given too Morris Adler of Cong. Shaarey will be delivered by Prof. Wilson. cordial a • setting, as dek iticism" in the "Elusive Aspects of Biblical were some dou Talmu , ery Rev. guilt. Dr. Robe Whittake director Literature" will be discussed But the appreciation by of the Sc 1 of heology at the public lecture in the all of t anner in which the (Episcopal) on "Demy ologiz- Community. A r t s Auditorium court d prosecution are con- ing of Scripture nd s Prob- 8:30 p.m. Monday. prof. John due - the case. "Le lens";; and Rev. Dr. ter Mar- L. McKenzie, S.J., of Loyola b nown per. .s z, professor, S ed Heart University, will speak on "The tually put a Se (R.C.) on "Early Poetry of the Old Testament" mes of genoc stian Monas- and Profs. Ginsberg and Speiser will discuss "Wisdom Themes" tong human b ssions Sunday and and "J" respectively. The opening Tuesday ses- ssified ads bring fast results! open to the public as sion 10 a.m. in the McGregor k ST PROFITABLE DAYS OF THE MONTH... If Does Make A Difference Where You Save You have extra earn- ing days at Guardian Savings every month. You can save as late as the 10th and earn the same 3 1 /2 % current rate as if you had put it in your account on the 1st. CURRENT RATE COME IN Or SAVE BY MAIL Downtowni Northwest: Din SAMS CADILLAC SQUARE Corner RANDOLPH 13646 WEST 7 MILE Corner TRACEY Both offices open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Northwest office open Thursday Night till 9 Downtown Friday till 6 Ask Prison Terms for 2 Ex-SS Men (Direct Jew - News) GEN, Germany — Serv- es of six and four years were emanded by the against t the tils in z Richard ha Gestapo etary, Schulz, 58, a former er. They wer with the eral hundred Jews an. Communists in Lithuania in 1941 during the Nazi occupation. UN.1-5600 18039 Wyoming SPECIAL! Full Size 1961 CHRYSLER 5 2964 VALIAIRITS 4 AS LOW AS 5 11895 Barney Teal Gen. Mgr. Big Allowance On Your Car LEO ADLER Authorized Imperial, Chrysler, Plymouth & Valiant OUR NEW LOCATION-18500 LIVERNOIS Below 7 Mile DI 1-7000 11111111=1111111111 Center will center on "From the Land of Nimrod—Aspects of Akkadian Literatur • " general appraisal e ren- dered by Prof brecht Goetze of e University and a to on the " c of Gilga me by Pr The on lunche ture discussion o testa ntal Echoes," over Dr. G. Mer 1 ox, Dire r of the troit and Michi n Council of Churches. Fr. F. 'cksford Meyers, R of St. p al Church, will diver the invo- cation. The final session, beginning at 2:30 p.m., will be "Neighbors and Heirs," a discussion of Hit- tite and Arabic literature by Profs. Goetze and Rosenthal. Closing remarks will be deliv- ered by Dr. Randall M. Whaley, vice-president for graduate stud- ies and research at WSU. Israelis Down UAR Jet Fighter in Sinai Clash TEL AVIV, (JTA)—An Israel military spokesman reported that a United Arab Republic MIG-17 jet - fighter was shot down near the Sinai border in the first air clash in five months. The spokesman said that four MIG jets were seen approaching the border into Israel air space in central Sinai and turned back in the direction of Egypt when Israeli fighters approached. The next morning two more MIGs crossed over and were inter- cepted. After a brief battle, one of the MIGs was shot down, and the pilot was seen parachuting; and landing on the border, pre- sumably escaping to safety. Israeli fighters, on their return to the base, said parts of the wrecked MIG were seen a few hundred feet from the border inside Egyptian territory. The last prior air clash oc- curred Oct. 19 when Israel re- ported a UAR MIG was damaged over the central Negev. TH E PRICE 15 R1GH 1 THE QU4LITY PERCE E & B Brewing Co., Inc., Detroit 7 5 — TH E DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Fri day, May 5, 1961 Noted Scholars Revitalize Ancient Detroiters Horrified by Near East Literature at Conference Eichmama