THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 American Association of English—Jewish Newspaper, Michigan Press Association, National Edi- torial Member Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Pub lishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Post Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Advertising Manager Business Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the thirteenth day of Iyar„ 5721, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Ahare-Kedoshim, Lev. 16:1-20:27. Prophetical portion, Amos 9:7-15. Licht Benshen, Friday, April 28, 7:09 p.m. VOL. XXXIX. No. 9 Page Four April 28,1961 The WSU 3-Day Near East Conference Nationwide attention has been focused in recent years on the conferences on Middle and Near Eastern affairs spon sored here by the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures of Wayne State University. The sessions that were conducted in the last two years drew the interest of scholars in many universities, and the prominence of the participants gave the local conferences wider than mere localized interest. The third conference, to be held May 7 - 9, again will have as partici- pants some of the nation's most - eminent scholars. With Prof. Ephraim A. Speiser, of the University of Pennsylvania, as chairman, this conference has enlisted the cooperatio-n of leaders of all faiths. Having as its theme "The Literary _Heritage of the Near East," the confer- ence sessions will be studded with many items of great interest. The Bible, the Prophets, the literary geniuses of ancient times and their creative efforts, will be reviewed by men who speak with author- ity on the subjects they have chosen for the Wayne State University sessions. Inauguration and supervision of these conferences have been the tasks of Dr. Abram Spiro, chairman of the Wayne State University's -Department of Near Eastern Languages and Literatures. They have drawn attention not only to the themes is cussed at the conference itself, but also to the year-round Borman Near Eastern Lecture Series and to the work of the department supervising it. Dr. Spiro has provided Detroit with a new medium for scholarly activities— through his courses at the university and by means of the lectures he has organ- ized. His contributions in the field in which • he specializes have earned for him the community's gratitude. Flight of Jews from 'Orient' to Israel, Their Integration Told in Dr. Schechtman's Book There have been many population movements, but none compares with the exodus of Oriental Jewish communities, the plight that accompanied their abandonment of their native homes and their homecoming to Israel. Joseph B. Schechtman, one of the world leaders in Zionist Lord Moyne, hearing that through the belated Revisionist ranks, one-time member of the Ukrainian National transaction one million might be saved, had ex- Assembly who left Russia in 1920 to become a Zionist envoy in. claimed, 'What shall we do with them?' and later European countries, and who has lived in the United States since Cordell Hull wrote, 'The State Department did 1941, gives a thorough account of the flight of Jews from not have the large amounts of money and person- Oriental countries in "On Wings of Eagles," published by nel nel needed to carry out a plan of reaching and Thomas Yoseloff (11 E. 36th, N.Y. 16). bribing the German officials in charge of the Organizer of the Research Bureau on Population Move- extermination program.' ments, who has served with the Office of Strategic Services as "The fact that Israel took it upon itself to find a specialist on population problems, Dr. Schechtman is excep- Eichmann and bring him to judgment in Israel tionally well qualified to deal with these questions. Pointing to "Orient" as having "invariably carried the points to the measure of distrust that Israel feels towards all nations when it comes to do justice to connotation 'static'," and to the 900,000 Jews there as having Jews. And who, knowing history, can blame been included in "this standard image of immovability," Dr. Schechtman shows how this label has been "dramatically Israel? Indeed, though many were the individuals in Europe who, at the risk of their own lives, disproved" in the last decade. He presents these figures: 123,000 of Iraq's 230,000 Jews saved Jewish people, no nation, no government, were transferred to Israel in the unprecedented "Operation Ali lifted a finger. "Finally, let us not forget that, escaped from Baba" in 1950-51. The Jews of Yemen were reduced to 600 as American custody after the war, Eichmann trav- a result of the 1948-49 "Magic Carpet" airlift which took 48,000 eled with an Italian Red Cross document obtained Yemenite Jews to Israel. Egyptian Jewry, which numbered through the Vatican's displaced persons bureau. 47,000 in 1947, has been reduced to the present number of It is very hard to explain how, even under the 4,000 to 5,000. Of the post-war Libyan Jewish community of assumed name of his well known assistant Krtuney, 40,000, 88 per cent now live in Israel. Aden now has only 700 Eichmann could have been able to secure a travel- of its 7,200 Jews of a decade ago. Syria's 29,000 Jewish popula- ing paper. Shall we then continue to say that tion of 1943 has been reduced to 3,000. A UN study shows that of the 291,000 Jews who lived in Israel should trust other nations in Eichmann's Arab countries in 1949, only 44,000 to 51,000 remain. Of the trial? "The truth is that at this point the fate of 77,000 Jews in Turkey, 37,000 have come to Israel, and 39,000 Eichmann is irrelevant. However, what is of the of Iran's 80,000 Jews also are in Israel. The Jewish populations of Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria have been reduced by a third, utmost importance is that everything hidden be 160,000 having gone to Israel. disclosed, including the past criminal apathy of all Detailed accounts of these movements are given in Dr. the so-called Christian nations. And perhaps only Schechtman's revealing book. The eminent student of popula- in Israel can this be accomplished." tion movements describes the plight of Moslem countries, Any comment on this would be super- not only of the JewiSh populations but also of Christians. fluous. Claire Hughet Bishop stated in The description of the liquidation of Jewish communities is blunt terms what needs to be said in accompanied by factual data about the horrors that were im- offering the most cogent reason for trying posed on Jews who have lived among their Moslem neighbors for many centuries. The Yemenite Jews are referred to as Eichmann. in Israel. "Ezra's stepchildren." Ezra the Scribe was scorned when he asked the Jews there, nearly 2,000 years ago, to return to Judea and because of it they were, according to tradition, cursed, and they, in turn, excommunicated him and refrained from calling regime are rounded up. their children Ezra. Islamic persecutions healed the old wounds, : The Eichmann trial has inspired edi- and the Yemenites are part of the homecoming to Israel. Dr. Schechtman reviews in great detail the story of Jews torial declarations, in newspapers in many lands, admonishing a halt to any in non-Arab Moslem countries (Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan— manifestations of Nazism and Fascism. the latter also having joined the "Magic Carpet"; in the Moghreb (Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria), and he devotes considerable Yet, in several countries there were re- space to review the problems of the integration of these peoples newed incidents of swastika smearings. from the "Orient" into Israel and the great effort that is being The latter demonstrations indicate exerted to integrate them. anew that the campaign of bringing in- Dr. Schechtman quotes figures to show that some progress formation to peoples everywhere, to teach has been made in the process of integration. But he admits them to be on guard against the rever- that "the amount of 'unfinished business' is still overwhelming." berations of Hitlerism, must never be Calling this element the "Second Israel," he states: "Appreciable and encouraging strides have been made in relaxed. the last decade on the way to a full and harmonious integration The Eichmann trial has inspired the of the 'Second Israel.' . . . The three major forces, which are extension of such efforts to enlighten involved Mizug galuyot—the school, the army, the Histadrut ,- people not to fall prey to propaganda of are all, in in different ways and to a different extent, cooperating bigots. The aim of the public demonstra- in the great effort to mold Israel's heterogeneous elements into tion against bigotry and genocide, as it one nation. What is apparently lacking in the effort of all these, are reportedly retaining high positions in predominantly Ashkenazi, bodies, and what is largely frustrating government in Germany. their effectiveness, is the precious—and in this field, decisive— is being carried on at the expose of quality of genuine consideration and warmth toward those tyranny at the Eichmann trial, is to put non-Ashkenazi elements whom they are striving to integrate." He shows how Histadrut, together with the schools and the an end, for all time, to the Nazi terror. are striving towards that end, and he concludes with the All humanitarian elements must con- army, hope that "the brotherly hand" will be extended to make proper tribute to the success of this effort. integration possible. Why Eichmann Is Tried in Israel The Eichmann trial, as has been indi- cated again and again since the capture of the criminal, serves to indict not only the criminal himself, and the people at whose behest he acted, but also the entire civilized world, which had failed to come to the rescue of the innocent millions who were condemned to death by the degen- erate perpetrators of the Nazi crimes. There were many who chided Israel for resorting to "kidnaping" when Eich- mann was brought to justice. Common- weal, the Liberal Catholic weekly, was among Israel's critics. Its editorial opin- ion was challenged by a Christian Lady (Claire Hughet Bishop), who wrote: "Following your editorial on the Eichmann case, may I suggest that the least we can do is to keep silent about 'what the nations of the world cannot accept,' considering all they did accept in the recent past, namely that none of them found any voice to protest while the six mil- lion Jews were being systematically slaughtered. "At the last minute, in 1945, after the British had jailed Joel Brand who tried desperately to save the last million of his people in Hungary by negotiating Eichmann's odious offer-10,000 trucks against one million Jews—at that time only some protests came , from Roosevelt, Sweden, Switzerland and the Vatican. Even then the pro: tests were weak because no government felt com- mitted to exercise pressure to save one million Jews, because not one nation was sufficiently interested in the fate of Jews; five millions had already gone to their extermination without any nation protesting against the Reich's 'transcendent right to ignore international law.' On the contrary, All Vestiges of Nazis m Must Be Uprooted The Eichmann trial in Jerusalem in- evitably calls attention to the hordes of Nazi criminals who still are at large. Karl Chmieliewski, who, as a Nazi camp commander, was responsible for the death of many victims, has been given a life term in Ansbach, Germany, but Josef Mengele remains at large, Italy has refused to extradite Ludwig Zind, and major criminals are enjoying freedom. Eichmann's capture has created some sort of panic among the participants in the horrible holocaust. One former Hitler Elite Guard officer, Heinrich Heimann, hanged himself in his cell in Landsberg, while awaiting trial for the death of thousands of Jews and civilian personnel. He is said to be the fourth Nazi to com- mit suicide since Eichmann's capture. Meanwhile, leaders in the Nazi cam- paign of extermination of innocent people continue to enjoy their liberties, and some The roots of Nazism must be destroyed, and that can only be accomplished when all of the responsible leaders of the Hitler ,