THE DETR OIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, April 2 1, 1961 Leaders Map Progress of Allied Campaign for Member Agencies Israel Tries 'Hate of Ages' in Person of Nazi, But Citizens Are Pessimistic By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ From left, Max M. Fisher, president of the Jewish Welfare Federation, studies Allied Jewish Campaign progress with chairman Paul Zuckerman, Max M. Shaye, president of the Jewish Family and Children's Service, and Edward I. Fleisch- man, president of the Jewish Home for Aged. The Family and Children's Service and the Home are two of the Federation's 14 local member agencies that will receive 38 per cent of funds raised. About 57 per cent of the money will be allo- cated to the relief; rescue and rehabilitation of Jews overseas with particular emphasis on 130,000 farm settlers in Israel. French VIP's Approve Israel's Right to Try Nazi; Bomb Scare Fizzles PARIS, (JTA) — Israel's right to try Nazi Adolf Eichmann was vigorously affirmed this week at a meeting which was delayed for an emergency search by 50 police- men of the premises after receipt of letters warning that two time bombs had been placed in the building. The meeting proceeded after a thorough search of the 'building failed to produce any bombs and after police were stationed in the area. Speakers included Alfred Coste-Floret, former French pro- secutor at the Nuremberg trials, and Raymond Schmittlein, presi- Communist Germany Uses Trial as Excuse to Slam Bonn Govt. BONN, .(JTA) — Utilizing the current Adolf Eichmann trial in Jerusalem as a pretext, Com- munist East Germany renewed long-standing charges against West • Germany, accusing the Bonn Government of harboring, ex-Nazis and allegedly "re- employing in high office Nazis who were responsible for the •murder of Jews." The charges, often voiced by East Germany, were repeated in •-,a 93-page • brochure issued in East Berlin, entitled "Eichmann, -Henchmen, Accomplices, Men Be- hind the Scenes." The pamphlet, claiming that East Germany has barred from responsible positions "any person connected directly or indirectly with the Nazi crimes," stated that the Bonn Foreign Office has •chosen as ambassadors to Arab countries men who "were co- responsible" for the deportation of French and Belgian Jews to death camps. Those named were ;Dr. Werner von Bergen, West German Ambassador to Iraq, and 15r. Hans Schwarzmann, Bonn's Ambassador to Lebanon. Two members of the West Ger- man Bundestag, the lower house of .Parliament, were also named. Both are members of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's Christian Democratic party. The two are Hermann Gonring, said to have had a part in the deportation of the Dutch Jews; and Duke Otto von Bismarck, asserted to have aided the deportation of 4,000 Jews from Rome. According to the Communist charges, two former close ac- complices of Eichmann are living peacefully in West Germany. They were named as Walter Hup- penkothen, said to have been one of Eichmann's superior offic- ers in the Gestapo; and Konrad Gemmecker, former commander of the Westerbork concentration camp in Holland. , dent of the Union for the New Republic Parliamentary group. The speakers praised Israel for having brought the former Ges- tapo colonel to trial. Schmittlein said it was not Eichmann but "the horrors of anti-Semitism wherever it may exist" which were on trial in Jerusalem. He lauded Israel for having "dealt a mortal blow to racism throughout the world." He charged that Nasserism and the Arab League were the "fol- lowers and successors" of the Hitler doctrines. Coste-Floret discussed the con- tention of Dr. Servatius, Eich- mann's chief defense counsel, that an Israeli court was not com- petent to judge Nazi criminals. The former prosecutor, who has made a thorough study of the Eichmann case from the legal point of view, said Israel was not only entitled to try Eichmann but also had a moral right to do so. - Jacques Soustelle, former Cabi- net member and organizer of the meeting, said the Eichmann trial was the prosecution of a particu- lar ideology of racism and asserted Egypt was the "last refuge" of the racists and anti- Semites. He called on the western democracies to do their utmost to support Israel which he called an island of democracy and fair play in a troubled Middle East. Jerusalem's Grand Mufti Admired Eichmann's Methods (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM—Israel Attorney General Gideon Hausner brought out in trial proceedings that Eichmann's devotion to the goal of annihilation of the entire Jewish people was such that it even evoked the admiration of the notorious Nazi collaborator, the former Grand .Mufti of Jeru- salem. "Eichmann took special pains to frustrate emigration of . any Jews to Palestine," Hausner de- clared. "He had obligations on , this matter to the Mufti, Haj Amin El Husseini, whom he met and with whom he established contact." The impression these two men made on each other was so strong that the Mufti asked Gestapo Chief Heinrich Himmler to pro- vide him, after the war when he planned to enter Jerusalem at the head of the Axis Troops, with a "special adviser" from Eich- mann's department to help him solve the Jewish question in the same way as it had been done in the Axis countries. Eichmann. offered the job to his assistant Dieter Wisliceny." Germany again is smarting under and other lands. There are 10 accusing eyes of world public from Canada. JERUSALEM, Israel — Young the Sentiments among Israelis are men are trying the hatred of the opinion. There is one Jew among the overwhelmingly on the pessimis- ages in the Beth Ha-Am court- house here. Only one person is eight radio broadcasters from tic side. Most of the people wish on trial, and his name is Karl Germany, and the 51-member cor- the trial had not been prolonged, Adolf Eichmann. But in that per- respondents' -- delegation includes that Eichmann were given a quick son, in reference to whom the Ernest Landau, who represents verdict and that the tension were term "man" has been eliminated, the Munich Revue. Landau may ended speedily. Some resentment was caused because world opinion in advance have offered the major explana- has branded him "beast," is in- tion for the deep interest shown here by the publication of one carnated the hatred of the ages, by the Adenauer administration of the latest photos of Eichmann, the venom of bigots and mon- in the Eichmann case. Himself a showing him with what is being sters, the inhumanity of man to survivor from the Nazi camps, detected as a smirk. Whereupon man that reached its lowest where he suffered for three years the comment was that the beast —"I am myself a survivor from has learned nothing, that he re depths in Nazism. the Eichmann terror," he told mains a degenerate, and that too On trial is the age-worn hatred this correspondent—Landau re- much attention is being given that has found its expression in turned to Munich and is making him. anti-Semitism, and the hatred of his permanent home there. Then there is added resent- the ages is being exposed by "There is no doubt," Landau ment over the report that Eich- youth. declared, that the present Ger- mann is on the fourth floor of It is a youth that was educated, man government is sincere in the court house, overlooking trained, elevated to leadership in its friendship for the Jewish Jerusalem, instead of being in- Israel. people, that it is burdened with carcerated in a basement dun- Israel's Attorney General Gid- a sense of guilt for what has hap- geon. eon Hausner, who opened the pened to us. Why so much in- Thus is reflected the attitude proceedings with the lengthy terest in Germany in the trial of of bitterness that so much time reading of the indictment, was Eichmann? Because official feel- should be given the most cor- born in Poland 46 years ago. But ings there are that not enough rupted mind in the history of he was brought to Palestine at has been done to punish the criminology. the age of 12, received his edu- guilty." But there are many who feel cation in Jewish schools and at that the Israelis know what they Soviet Russia does not have the Hebrew University and as are doing, that one must rely president of the Military Court special correspondents at the on their judgement, and that has acquired the training he trial. The Israel Press Bureau much good will come out of this needs to expose the crime in the explains that the USSR considers trial — in exposing the crimes its Tass correspondents, who are against humanity and the sins of present historic trial. regular assignments in Israel, anti-Semitism. The Deputy State Attorneys— on * * * Gabriel Bach and Ya'acov Baror are fully qualified to cover the —both born in Germany, both trial. But from behind the Iron Correspondents will have many have come many special things to tell, in reporting the having been educated in Israel, Curtain are, respectively, 34 and 45- correspondents — two each from trial, and in recalling their ex- Poland, Czechoslovakia and Bul- peridnces in the years to come. years-old. garia, one each from Hungary This correspondent now has The three judges were born in and Romania • and nine from gone back to a "police and court Germany. The president of the Yugoslavia. beat" after an absence from theth court, Supreme Court Justice There are 39 from France, 25 Moshe Landau, is 49. Judge from Italy, 35 from Latin Am- for 40 years. It became a new Benjamin Halevi is 51. Judge erican countries, 19 from Switzer- experience in a 43-year profes- Yitzhak Raveh is 55. Only the land, 10 from Sweden, correspon- sional journalistic history. But advisor to the prosecution, Dr. dents in varying numbers from this is more than a court case: Jacob Robinson, is an older man. Japan, Persia, India, Nigeria, Tur- this is a review of history, and He was born in 1589, but he is key, the Scandinavian countries for historians and sociologists this emerges as one of the great one of the brilliant legal minds lessons in humanism—after the of our time. review of anti-humanism of the It is too early to judge whether Hausner 'Deliberately' accused. the trial will last a month or two, Going back to a court and or six—or as long as the Nurem- Avoiding Some Facts, police beat, however, represents berg trial—whether or not it will a return. There also was a extend, as some believe, from six German Paper Claims in this correspondent's life first his- months to a year. Many of the HAMBURG, (JTA) Israel's tory. For the first time in his _ foreign correspondents already Attorney General Gideon Haus- life, your correspondent was are planning to remain here only ner, chief prosecutor in the Adolf searched as he entered the court from two to three weeks, some Eichmann trial in Jerusalem, is house. Every time he returns to having in mind to return towards "deliberately" avoiding mention it, he is searched. That's the the end to be present at the hand- of various facts in presenting his major security measure. Oppo- ing down of the court's verdict. case to the special Eichmann site me, as I write this, sits But the interest in the trial is court in Jerusalem, it was charged member of the Yugoslavian corps a reflected in the presence of the here by the mass circulation of correspondents. I just asked most distinguished members- of magazine, Der Spiegel. him: were you ever searched the world's press. Only the Arab Among the facts which, - al- before. And he informed me that countries are unrepresented here. legedly, Hausner is "to touch at he was—by the Germans, in In addition to the 150 foreign most only on the periphery," Der Yugoslavia—during the last war! correspondents who are per- Spiegel alleges, are: Attempts by How much more fortunate we manently assigned to their posts :3-'erman friends of Jews "to save were! And how well we know it in Jerusalem, there are nearly at least a limited number of now, during the recapitulation of 400 more guest correspondents Jews" from annihilation; the the Nazi tragedies at this trial who have been accredited to claim that Eichmann was "only a of Eichmann and of the horrors cover the trial. The largest dele- bureaucrat of murder" and "not of the Nazi regime! gation is from the United States. the inventor of the final solution It numbers 130 and includes of the Jewish problem which was representatives of a number of invented by others"; the claim Report .Scant USSR Jewish newspapers and periodi- that Eichmann's murder schemes Coverage of Trial cals. In the U.S. news corps are had "Jewish collaboration"; and NEW 'YORK, (JTA) — Radio some of the best known names in the contention that "European aid reported this week that journalism, TV and radio. was given to Eichmann's Murder Liberty Soviet news media thus far de- Incorporated." But of major importance is voted relatively little , attention the presence of the large jour- All these matters, Der Spiegel to the trial of Adolf Eichmann in nalistic delegation from Germany. asserts, are being ignored by Israel. It is the second largest here— Hausner or touched upon only Tuesday's issue of Pravda did numbering 51 — with an addi- lightly because Hausner has al- not mention the trial at all. Mon- tional corps of eight radio broad- legedly been instructed to avoid day's Pravda merely published casters. "blurring German guilt by nam- a Tass dispatch from Tel Aviv, It is to the German delegation ing accomplices." reporting the conference of the that one must direct prior atten- The Frankfurter • Allgemeine Fighters Against Nazism, which tion. More attention seems to be Zeitung and the Rundschau of had demanded that the "Eich- given by the German press to Frankfurt, discuss the implica- mann trial must become a trial the Eichmann trial than was tions of the Eichmann case in of Nazism." • given to the Nuremberg proceed- regard to contemporary Germany, Radio Liberty also noted that ings. Many Nazis were tried at and approve of Israel's action in Soviet reports and broadcasts are Nuremberg, but while only one trying Eichmann. The feeling of avoiding—wherever possible—the is on trial here, it is recognized victims of Nazis in Israel, states words "Jews" and "anti-Semit- that in him is symbolized the the Allgemeine Zeitung, is "simi- ism." These terms did not appear tragedy of the age that is lar to that experienced in a city in the above-cited Pravda re- attributable to German guilt — when the police have captured a ports. Neither did they appear the guilt of one Nazi who master- murderer of children." The Rund- in the Izvestia account of the minded a scheme of genocide, of schau declares: "We cannot trial April 11. As had earlier a deranged innovator, of a de- simply draw a line between our- Radio Moscow commentaries, the moniacal schemer who labored selves and Eichmann, because his recent published reports refer to freely to exterminate an entire crimes were committed in con- the millions of "people" from people without being stopped by nection with a political ideology "various European countries" his fellow-Germans! Now the which has become part • of our who were murdered on the orders world is reviewing the crime, and German historical being." of Eichmann.