Mazal-Tov, Bar Mitzvah Boy ! THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating the Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English—Jewish Newspaper, Michigan Press Association, National Edi- torial Association. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit 35, Mich., VE 8-9364. Subscription $5 a year. Foreign $6. Entered as second class matter Aug. 6, 1942 at Po st Office, Detroit, Mich. under act of Congress of March 8, 1879. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher SIDNEY SHMARAK CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ HARVEY ZUCKERBERG Advertising Manager Business Manager City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the sixth day of Iyar, the following Scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Tazria-Metzora, Lev. 12:1-15:55. Prophetical portion, II Kings 7:5-20. Licht Benshen, Friday, April 21, 7:02 p.m. VOL. X1OCIX. No. 8 Page Four April 21, 1961 Israel at 13: Its Historic Role Bar Mitzvah means more than mere confirmation, in the religious sense of a youth of 13 being consecrated to service to his people. It also means approach to adulthood, a step forward to maturity. In the case of an entire people—in the present instance of the State of Israel —that nation's Bar Mitzvah Year, now being inaugurated with the Yam Ha- Atzmaut, the Independence Day of the new natio n, it really represents the celebration of maturity. Israel began diplomatically from scratch. Today it is a nation with high standards, with highly trained statesmen, with established government agencies that match those of the most experienced on earth. Israel's great pride is that it is a democracy in every sense of the word, that it is governed by a duly elected Parliament—its Knesset—and that all its citizens, from the age of 18, regard- less of sex or creed, or country of origin, have voting rights. Crises in government in no sense shake the foundation of the new State, as the frequent resignations of David Ben-Gurion from the Premiership have proven. There is a sense of confidence that if Ben-Gurion should retire there will be some one to take his place, and the government of Israel will continue to function. Possessing a court system that already is rooted in the highest traditions of jurisprudence, Israel takes pride in its efforts to assure justice for all its cit- izens, and judicially as well as diplomatic- ally the Jewish State has emerged as a proud adherent to the highest ideals of modern civilized society. Israel is a small country. It is sur- rounded by antagonistic neighbors — by Lebanon and Syria in the north, the United Arab Republic, as represented by Syria, and Jordan on the East, and the UAR in the monstrous role of Nasser's Egypt, on the south. In spite of its small size and in defiance of dangers from its neighbors, the 13-year-old government has prospered. Having tripled its population, from 790,000 in 1948 to 2,128,000 in 1960, Israel has shown rapid growth in many areas. Its agriculture has doubled from 412,000 acres in 1948 to a cultivated area of 1,100,000 in 1960. Its irrigation has increased from 62,000 acres in 1948 to 340,000 acres in 1960, and • its water usage from 250,000,000 cubic meters in 1948 to 1,400,000,000 in 1960. The State's industrial production was negligible in 1948. It was estimated to be $1,070,000,000 in 1960. Down the line, in every field of en- deavor, Israel has shown growth and continues to make progress. Educationally and culturally, Israel is on a high level. Its elementary school attendance numbered 108,844 in 1948. It was 600,000 in 1960. The number of teachers increased from 5,964 in 1948 to 22,400 last year. The educational opportunities are not limited to Jews, but are being provided to all of the country's residents. In 1948 Arab children's school attendance num- bered 6,780. It rose to 42,700 last year. It is no wonder, therefore, that there is rejoicing in Israel on the occasion of the State's 13th anniversary; and it is equally not to be wondered at that Israel's kinsmen share in this rejoicing. Americ4n Jewry joins in this impor- tant celebration. In our own community the large community-wide observance in honor of Israel'S Independence Day will be marked by a public gathering at the Jewish Center tomorrow night. It is an event not to be overlooked. It is an occa- sion for all of us to join again in extend- ing our hands of friendship to a progres- sive state that is lending glory to the democratic ideals. While joining in the celebrations of this -historic Bar Mitzvah year, world Jewry must keep in view the great role Israel plays in efforts to rescue our kinsmen whenever their freedoms are threatened. In its May 14, 1948, Decla- ration of Independence, Israel avowed: "The State of Israel will be open to the immigration of Jews from all countries of their dispersion, will pro- mote the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; will be based on the principles of lib- erty, justice and peace as conceived by the Prophets of Israel; and uphold the full social and political equality of all its citizens, without distinction of religion, race or sex; will guarantee freedom of I religion, conscience, education and culture, will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and will loyally uphold the principles of the United Nations Charter." Having lived up to the ideas promul- gated on the day of its founding, Israel has earned from us the continued sup- port it needs, in order to be able to serve as rescuer of the oppressed. While celebrating an anniversary we must, therefore, also pledge renewed sup- port to the State we salute on its Bar Mitzvah. We must re-dedicate ourselves to help this State in its striving for eco- nomic security, by providing it with in- vestment dollars, through Israel .-Bonds and in whatever other ways we can come to the State's aid; and by assuring the assistance it needs -in welcoming new immigrants—with the funds we provide through the Allied Jewish Campaign. The celebration of Israel's 13th anni- versary calls for the strengthening of the Israel-American p a r t n e r s h i p, for an increase' in friendship and understanding between the two Jewries. Having attained that, the anniversary of Israel's Independence will continue to retain great significance on our calendar. Portrait of a Faith and a People Prof. Leon Roth's 'Judaism' Prof. Leon Roth was on the faculty of the Hebrew Univer- sity in Jerusalem for 30 years. He also taught at the University of Chicago and Brown University. He is the author of important monographs, an authoritative work on the Old Testament and a book on Spinoza. His latest work, "Judaism—a Por- trait," published by Viking Press (625 Madison, N. Y. 22) adds to his stature as a great Jewish scholar. He has chosen his sub-title appro- priately. Judaism is, indeed, presented as a portrait. He seeks and succeeds in promoting "fresh thinking on the na- ture of Judaism." His approach to his subject is en- tirely different from any other on the same subject. Commencing his theme by painting "the traditional Dr. Roth picture," he proceeds to give "an early systematic account" of Judaism's background and he introduces "the first witnesses"—the early heroes of our story—so that through them we learn that "a new type of human being is envisaged to meet a new conception of human ends." Then the author deals with "The Composition." In this section of the book the reader learns about the Hebrew Scrip- tures, the Halacha and Aggada, the codification of Jewish law and the literary works of great writers in the Middle Ages. Dr. Roth proceeds to discuss "harmonies and discords," the dogmas and enquiry into reasons, "disaffection and revolt" as represented in Talmudic discussions. The principles enunciated by Maimonides, the ethical teach- ings in Judaism, metaphysical and historical studies are evalu- ated. Comparing Jewish with Greek teachings, Prof. Roth points to "an unbalance of terms: the Bible is a book, the Greeks a people," and he states that a consideration of crucial importance is suggested by the unbalance: "Whereas the Greeks made philosophy, it is the Bible (or rather the 'Torah,' that is, the Bible as selected and inter- preted in the tradition) which made the Jews. The Torah is not the product of the Jews as philosophy is of the Greeks. It is the Jews which are a product of the Torah . . • For the - Jews are the bearers of a message about the nature of God - and his requirements from man, and it is the message which matters. A letter should not be confused with the postman." "The Outcome" of Dr. Roth's study—the concluding section of his book—describes the prayer book, Judaism and the Jews and the Jews in relation to Judaism. In the final chapter he is critical of Mendelssohnian conceptions and pays tribute to Ahad HaAm whose "greatness lay in his attempt to recall Jewry to its ancient moral ideal which he identified with the morality of the prophets." The adaptation of Judaism to modern living is emphasized, and Dr. Roth declares that "as God is found everywhere, so man can live anywhere." His "Judaism" is convincing evidence of the of Judaism to fit into modern life and to retain its strength through Torah and its faith. Books by Philip Goldstein, Vatican Organ Perpetuates a Libel George Gamow in Paperbacks What a sad state of affairs, that Titus themselves." should now be exonerated for his crimes against ancient Israel! The article in Osservatore Romano, citing the 'historian Tacitus who said that "the Jewish people were so obviously struck by divine punishment that it would indeed have been an impious action to spare them from destruction." And Titus is further credited by the Vatican organ with having been an expiator of the "hor- rible crime" of crucifying Jesus with which the Jewish people "had stained By resorting to such dialetics, the Vatican organ perpetuates an old libel and resorts to hate-mongering that is unworthy of the new attitude of liberality that has been in evidence of late at the Vatican. This is, in a sense, a resort to pinning "collective guilt" upon the Jewish people for a crime that was committed by the Romans who pursued a Roman practice of crucifixion. Is it fair to ask the Vatican organ "why renew the spread of hate?" Two important books have been issued in paperbacks by Viking press (625 Madison, N.Y. 22). "Genetics Is Easy," by Philip Goldstein, deals with basic principles of heredity. Diagrams and charts, and the author's sketches, explain Gregor Mendel's experiments, multiple effects of heredity, approachs to race improvement, etc. Included is a thumbnail biography of Gregor Mendel, original enunciator of the basic principles of heredity, in 1865. Facts and speculations of science are incorporated in "One Two Three . . . Infinity" by George Gamow. This paperback is "a stimulating, witty presentation of the basic theories of modern science, illustrated with photographs and the author's own diagrams and drawings."