Dr. Neumann Foresees Possibility U.N. Establishes Bure au to Speed Restitution to Victims of Nazism to Merge All General Zionist Groups UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA) — A special bureau to process applications for indemni- fication by certain persons who were victims of Nazism during World War II- has been estab- lished by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, it was announced officially here. The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Felix Schnyder, has appointed a Swiss citizen, Ernest Schlatter, to head the new in- demnification section. Schlatter will administer a spe- cial fund of 45,000,000 deutsche- marks (about $11,000,000) "to provide assistance to national persecutees, other than those who already have a claim under ,the German Indemnification Law," Schnyder's announcement stated. "In order to qualify f ments," sai sioner," erson mu have been a ref e on October 1, 1953, re- gar ess of his present d ce. "In order ments," sai is- sioner, "a r a en refugee ober 1, 1 , re- dless his present resid if, in the mean • has lo •y returning to his ome country or by ac- quiring a new nationality. Sur- viving dependents of persons who have died a result of (Nazi) persecution may also qualify under certain conditions." Applications for indemnifica- tion under this program must be ed at the office of the High The possibility of forming a result of the unity achieved in single, worldwide union embrac- Israel, moves are already on ing all groups of General Zion- foot in various countries, to heal ists everywhere, will be consid- long-standing rifts on the local ered at a plenary session of the level which had been caused by executive • of the World Confed- the original split between Pro- eration of General Zionists, to be gressives and General Zionists, held in Israel next month, it wag thirteen years ago. announced by Dr. Emanuel Neu- mann, president of the Confed- -eration. The proposed world union would replace or include the two rival confederations now in exis- By MILTON FRIEDMAN is aimed at discrediting and di- lence, as well as organizations of 1961, Jewish Telegraphic viding NATO. General Zionists not hitherto al- , (Copyright, Agency, Inc.) A devoted associate of Gem filiated with either. WASHINGTON — A German Dr. Neumann stated that the general who sought freedom for Alfred Jodl, hanged at Nurem subject of global unification will Nazi war criminals will arrive berg for war crimes, Heusinger be given top priority on the here soon as chairman of the termed Jodl "a thoroughly de- agenda. "Nothing,” he declared•, permanent military committee of cent man." In 1952, according to the "is more urgent or important the North Atlantic Treaty Or- than re-establishing unity and ganization (NATO), bringing an files of the New York Times harmonious cooperation among impending storm of controversy. and other authoritative re- ports, Heusinger adhered to General Zionists throughout the He is General Adolf Heus- a- view that "it will be im- world" — adding that their frag mentation and mutual rivalries inger, who, as chief of opera- possible to recruit desirable left their mark on the last Zion- tions of the German high com- officers for. West German ist Congress and are harmful to mand, personally planned mili- military contingents Unless a the Zionist movement as a whole. tary agressi and facilitated the substantial number Of war spr terror across criminals are released from Dr. Neumann has announced, urope. He injured, along Allied jails." As a, result of that if the unity program is -ap- with Adolf Hit r, in the July such pleklIng for convicte Dan Frohman Chorus proved by- his Confederation, he 20, 19 4, bo plot by anti- Nazi criminals, a nes will initiate negotiations with the Nazi o icers. e plotters were followed, and Nazi• ent Mumford High, Apr. 30 Goldstein - Halprin group during , whi Heusinger con- free far before comp oai of the forthcoming session of th aithf to serve Hitler. sentences. Zionist. AAions Coittee ent ennedy has re-, Charles W. Thayer, a U. S. Jerusalepi, scheduled or from individuals military government official in 26. Germany, in a book, "The Un- It reliably re is eagerly exploiting quiet Gernians," exposed the -.Nah Goldmanri ors that a leading Hitlerite role of Heusinger and others. sue global unifi will will be—according to Heusinger brought secret take n active par se nego- New York Times—"at the pressure on John J. McCloy, tiati s. eart of Atlantic Pact plan- then U. S. High Commissioner, It also "reported that a ning." Communist propaganda -to commute sentences of such notorious Nazis as S.S. General Otto Ohlendorf, -whose extermi- nation squad murdered 90,000 Jews in Eastern Europe, per- sonally issuing the orders. McCloy, referring to Ohlen- dorf and his cohorts, said: "The enormity of the crimes for The Most Exciting Tour Program Ever Of- which these men were directly responsible was such as to place fered ... The Most Complete Tour Coverage clemency- out of reason." of Israel Ever Conceived. - Thayer . revealed that . on Protest Mounts Against German General as Head of NATO Military - DONESON PRESENTS the eve of McCloi's final judgment, Heusinger w a s among those warning Ameri- can authorities that "if the Trisoners at Landsberg were hanged, Germany as an armed ally_ against the East was an illusion." THE E. X 1 US TOUR VIA EL AL ISRAEL AIRLINES The "Exodus Tour" plunges you into the Bible .. . Takes you to Cyprus, the storied island of detention camps and "illegal" immigrants . . . then back into •the historic battleground of Israel: FIFTEEN (15) DEPARTURE DATES OFFERED: June 11 and 25; July 2, 9, 23 and 30; August 6, 13 and 20; September 3, and 17; October 1, 8, 15, and 22. - ALL-INCLUSIVE TOUR RATE . . $1,275.00 NOTE: Effective October 1, you save $136 for off- season travel. .1: cc: l. si • Ti e vik:.MEMbEllt 'kV:14e" A VE CLOSED SATURDAYS OPEN SUNDAYS 11 to 3 TRAVEL AGENCY 18246 WYOMING ME. • DETROIT, MICH. Heusinger's own . book, "Be- fehl im Widerstreit," .defends the "honor" and "dignity" of the_ German• army that served under Hitler. The Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. has noted a tendency to sweep the era of- Nazism "under the carpet of history." JWV is continuing to fight for action against Martin Unrein, another German general, who is now employed by the U.S. government as a supervisor of civilian labor in Germany. Un- rein's employment is continued despite his recent remarks - slurring the Jewish victims of the Hitler regime. Beigin Says, "No" to Arab-Israel Mediation TEL AVIV, (JTA) — The an- nual convention of the Herut party opened here with a speech by Menahem Beigin, leader of the party, who emphasized that he would oppose any proposal for mediation by a foreign power of the Arab-Israel dispute: indi- cating that he. is for direct Arab- Israel peace talks. More than 600 delegates and 2,000' guests, in- cluding • members of the diplo- matic corps attended the opening session of the convention. Turning to domestic affairs, Beigin said that his party would welcome a decision admitting Herut's trade union affiliate into Histadrut, Israel's labor federa- tion, as a "national workers sec- tion." Herut, he said, would then dissolve its own trade union. • Classified- ads bring fast results! Commissioner in Geneva not later than Dec. 1961. So far, Schnyder said, about 1,100 appli- cations have been filed, primar- ily from persons of Russian, Polish or Ukrainian origin. rt ur Large and Fine ection of Antique Jewelry. Now is the. Time to Pick Your Confirmation, Gradua- tion and Mother's Day Gift from our Choke Selection! See Visit With the Lattin's $• ■ , co of 0■ 1 AT QUALITY JEWiLERS 129-131 W. NINE MILE ROAD FERNDALE 20, MICHIGAN LI 2-2110 • • Open: Thurs., Fri., Sat. to 9