Abraham S. Levine Elected Mayor of Mt. Clemens; Shifman, Tennen, Shepherd, Shatvne Are Winners Dan Frohman Chorus Mumford High, Apr. 30 many years in all Mt. Clemens Jewish and civic affairs, is a leader in Hadassah, JWB and UJA and other causes. Others voted to office in Mon- day's elections include incum- bent Municipal Judge Burton R. Shifman and David H. Shep- herd (incumbent) and Sidney L. Shayne, council members, in Oak Park, and Harvey F. Ten- nen as justice of the peace in Huntington Woods. Shifman defeated his s o 1 e opponent, Isadore Goldbaum, 4,460 to 1,479 for the Oak Park judgeship. Shepherd received 3,980 votes to be re-elected to his council post and Shayne, a newcomer, filled a second coun- cil vacancy with 2,540 ballots in his favor. Tennen, an attorney, polled 543 votes to emerge victor in an eight-man race for Hunting- ton Woods justice of the peace. Ford Foundation Grants $21,000 to Technion for Research Work HAIFA (JTA) — The • Ford Foundation has granted $21,000 to the Technion-Israel Insti- tute of Technology for a spe- cial research project on the problem of ventilation in hous- ing in warm climates. Baruch G'voni, a research en- gineer in • e Technion's build- ing rese h station, has been appoint to head the project, which expected to last two year A special wind tunnel it e constructed, to produce s and air currents to simu- e actual conditions. The 10 MOST PROFITABLE DAYS OF THE MONTH... If Does Make A The concluding days of Pass- over will be spent in worship at local congregations today and Saturday. Y i z k or memorial prayers will be chanted in syna- gogues Saturday morning. A schedule of services follows: BETH AARON SYNAGOGUE will hold services 6:30 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Benjamin Gorrelick will preach on "To Remember With Love" at Saturday memorial services. Cantor Ihil Gildin will chant the ritual. Rabbi Samuel S. Stollman will speak on "The Last of the Afi- koman" at 8:30 a.m. services Saturday at CONG. SHAAR HASHOMAYIM OF WINDSOR. Services this evening will be held at 6:40. The 10:30 a.m. Saturday Yizkor sermon at ADAS SHALOM SYNAGOGUE will be "Thou Shalt Communicate" by Rabbi Jacob Segal. Cantor Nicholas Fenakel, assisted by the synagogue choir under the direction • of Shimon Gewirtz, will chant the prayers at 6:30 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. Saturday. The Bar Mitzvah of Steven Erwin Goldsmith will be observed. CONG. BNAI IVIOSHE w ill hold concluding services 6:45 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. Sat- urday. Rabbi Moses Lehrman will preach on "Substitutes in Judaism" at Yizkor services, and Cantor. Louis Klein will chant the prayers. TEMPLE BETH EL F evening services will seld 8:30 p.m. today. R Harold D. Hahn will p h on "A Raisin in the S At Sab morning servic 11:15 a. Richard C. H tz will pre on "Bialik—t Poet of People," and e Bar Mitzgah of Robert Fis will be lab- served. Passover conclu will be held at YOUNG ISRAEL CENTER OF OAK-WOODS' 6:50 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday Rabbi Yaakov I. Homnick wil preach. Passover evening services today will be held at 6:45 at CONG. SHAAREY SHOMA- YIM. Dr. Leo Y. Goldman will speak on "Achieving What?" at 9 a.m, services Sat- urday. CONG. BETH SHALOM will hold services 6 p.m. today. Rabbi Mordecai Halpern will speak on "Pesach, Eichmann and 'The Last of the Just' " at 8:45 a.m. - services Saturday. YOUNG ISRAEL OF GREEN- FIELD concluding Passover services will be held 6:45 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Saturday. The Yizkor sermon by Rabbi Joshua Sperka will be "Memory, Limit- ed." Passover Sabbath evening services at TEMPLE ISRAEL will be held 8:30 today. Temple Israel Youth will conduct the services. Rabbi Samuel H. Prero of • YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTH- WEST will speak on "The Last Day of Pesach" on the last day of Pesach 9 a.m. Sat- urday. Yizkor prayers will be chanted 11 a.m. Friday eve- ning services will be held 6:50 today. BETH ABRAHAM SYNA- GOGUE will hold services 6:45 p.m. today and 8:30 a.m. Sat- urday when the Bar Mitzvahs of Bernard Levine and Lee Barris will be observed. Rabbi Israel I. Halpern and Cantor Shabtai Ackerman will officiate with the assistance of the Syna- gogue Choir, directed by Israel Fuchs. Concluding services at CONG. BETH JOSEPH will be held 6:45 p.m. today and 9 a.m. Sat- urday. Yiz be chante . 0 a.m. Sat C . BNAI D A D el ng Passove vic b held 6:30 0 a.m. Sa ayers 10:3 CONG. BETH M VERGRE hold Pa es 6:25 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Saturday. Yizkor prayers will begin at 10:15 a.m. Saturday. Passover services at CONG. TFILO EMANUEL TIKVAH will be held 7 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Saturday. Rabbi Leizer Levin will speak on "Why We Memorialize the Dead Also on Passover." CONG. AHAVAS ACHIM Sab- bath services will be held 6:45 p.m. today and 8:45 a.m. Satur- day. Prior to Yizkor prayers Saturday morning Rabbi Milton Arm will speak on "Yizkor- Anchor . to the 'Past or Bridge to the Future?" Cantor Ber- manis will chant the prayers. Services at the EIGHT MILE SYNAGOGUE will be held 6:50 p.m. today. Yizkor will be re- cited 10:30 a.m. Saturday. 18039 Wyoming UN. 1-5600 - - Difference Where You Save You have extra earn- ing days at Guardian Savings every month. You can save as late as the 10th and earn the same 3 1 /2 % current rate as if you had put it in your account on the 1st. Israel Bond Group Holds Leaders Parley CURRENT RATE COME I or SAVE BY MA Downtown: CADILLAC UARE Corner R o LPH Northwest: 13646 WES MILE Co TRACEY Both offices open 10 a.m. to 5 .ay through Friday Northwest office open Thursday Night till 9 Downtown Friday till 6 NEW YORK (JTA) — Com- munity leaders from the United States and Canada will confer with President Ben-Zvi and Prime Minister Ben-Gurion during the National Leaders onference of the Israel Bond rganization, which will be held in Israel from July 25 through Aug. 3, according to an an- nouncement by Dr. • Joseph J. Schwartz, vice-president of the organization. Dr. Schwartz also stated that Finance Minister Levi Eshkol, Foreign Minister Golda Meir and other outstanding govern- ment officials will participate in the Leadership Conference in Israel which will mark the tenth anniversary of the found- ing of the Israel Bond Or- ganization. RICE .15 RIGI41 (141.1 TY PER FE.Ct E & B Brewing Co., Inc., Detroit 1r DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, April 7, 1961 Abraham S. Levine, prom- inent Jewish community leader. Monday was elected Mayor of Mt. Clemens, outpolling chal- lenger Richard H. Miller 1,990 votes to 1,520. Formerly city commissioner, Levine fills the vacancy of Harry T. Diehl who has become manager of the city's chamber of commerce. Levine is active in the Jewish Welfare Board, United Jewish Appeal and other major activ- ities. He is a member of De- troit's Cong. Shaarey Zedek. . Born in Ponevez, a small town in Lithuania, Levine was brought to this country by his parents when he was a year old. He settled in Mt. Clemens 54 years ago and has been active there in busi- ness and in civic affairs, uninterruptedly since then. He was in the metal, coal and concrete business until his recent retirement. In 1957, a delegation of responsible and leading citizens approached him to be a candi- date for public office, in the city's best interests. He then decided to run for commis- sioner and he headed the ticket. He made an equally good run for Mayor. In addition to his member- ship in Detroit's Cong. Shaarey Zedek, he also is affiliated with Mt. Clemens' Cong. Beth Tefilas Moses. Mrs. Levine, like her hus- band, has been active for Yizkor Prayers Mark Close of Pesach Holiday Saturday