Eichmann Case Draws World Attention; Germans Renew Discussions of Nazism (Continued from Page 1) under international law is per- sonally responsible for the crime; he is not relieved from responsi- bility, either because the act is not punishable under the law of any particular country, or be- cause he acted as Head of State or responsible Government offi- cial, or because he acted under superior orders, provided a moral choice was open to him.") Israel, it is understood, will argue that, under international law, the manner in which a prisoner is brought under the jurisdiction of a court is irrele- vant. Announcement of the comple- tion of all preparations for the opening of the trial stated that accredited correspondents will receive at the trial special tran- sistor radios over which they will be able to listen • to in- stantaneous. interpretation of the trial's proceedings in languages of their choice—Hebrew, Yid- dish, English, French or Ger- man. Yiddish was added to the roster of languages in an order issued by the Israeli authorities today. The protocol of the trial proceedings will be published in all of the languages. Ben-Gurion Emphasizes Significance of Eichmann Trial to Entire World .• TEL AVIV (JTA)—The forth- coming trial • in Israel of Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi leader who directed the annihilation of 6,- 000,000 European Jews, will be significant not only for Jews, but also to the world at large, Prime Minister David Ben- Gurion declared in an interview in the evening newspaper Yediot Achronot. Ben-Gurion stated that "the heavy. burden of the Nazi holo- caust, which the ial will revea Nazi G Engla State avei thos war Isra ut were not permitte land •re." "Th • or e faced with the entials of anti- Semitism," Ben-Gurion conti- nued. "The world should be reminded, Eichmann's personal fate is unimportant. It is the unveiling of the entire extermi- nation proam against the Jews that matters." The Premier pointed up the fact that the Eich- mann trial should remind the world that "the six million who perished included the best of the Jewish people, the very people from whom giants like Chaim Nachman Bialik and Albert Ein- stein came." Asked whether he feared de- terioration of Israeli-West Ger- • man relations, due to the Eich- mann trial, Ben-Gurion said he sees no basis for such fears. "There was another Germany before the Nazis came to power," he stated, "and there is now a different Germany. We are in- terested in having friendly re- lations with today's Germany. But We want the German youth to know who the Nazis were." He said that Israel gave no guarantees to West Germany in connection with the Eichmann trial and that, in fact, "Germany requested no such guarantees." Jews in Canada Urged Not to Hold Public Discussions on Trial all foreign correspondents that they, like all other persons at- tending the trial, will have to undergo personal searches when- ever they enter the court com- pound. The only -exceptions will be judges and diplomats. With almost all courtroom seats reserved for correspond- ents, foreign observers and legal experts, only 20 seats will be available to the general public and these on a first-come, first- seryed basis. However, 600 seats will be available to the public at Ratisbon Hall where the trial pro- ceedings will be televised simul- taneously on a wide screen. Eichmann Trial Is Not MONTREAL (JTA) — Jewish Directed Against West groups in Canada were urged to Germany, Says Ben-Gurion refrain from "any public dis- cussion" of the issues in the trial of Nazi Adolf Eichmann "at least until the trial is over." The call was issued by a subcommittee set up jointly by the United Zionist Council, the Canadian Jewish Congress and Bnai Brith "for the guidance of Jewish community leaders in Canada" on the trial. "It is a great disservice for Jewish organizations or leaders publicly to debate the trial and to build dramatic programs of any kind around it," the state- ment of the special subcommitte said. "Indeed, recently cert newspapers have extracted of context remarks in su presentation to create a healthy climate of opinion 1 community." "While the facts surro Eichmann's capture and coming trial are a stirrin dramatic background for kinds of programs, a m higher duty in the interests of the community, and the people of Israel as well, demands re- straint and self-discipline," the nt stressed. "The com- e, therefore, advises all s, clubs and organizations opt a ver1.60111111111111111tati- e and to refrain from panel discussions, lecture s, legal opinions, mock trials and any public discussion, at least until the trial is over." BONN, (JTA) — The German Press Agency distributed an in- terview given to its correspond- ent by Israel's Prime Minister David Ben - Gurion describing Nazi Germany as the principal defendant in the Eichmann trial which starts next Tuesday. Declaring that the Eichmann trial must not spoil relations be- tween Israel an ny, Ben-Gurio ware ra eories. We responsib e for our actions we must not visit the crimes the fathers upon the children." He added that Chance rad Adenaue Mayor W. ing in com of the The rime Minister sized that "we want pr day German youth to k hat hap- pened and thi • hy the trial is takin " He added that ened in Nazi Germany might have happened in any country "and this is why it is necessary" to .tell the world of the dangers of anti-Semitism. The approach of the opening Dan Frohman Chorus JERUSALEM, (JTA) — Attor- ney General Gideon Hausner, chief prosecutor at the trial of Adolf Eichmann, will deliver a seven-hour statement to the three-judge court when the hear- ings start Tuesday. An indication of the strict pre- cautions organized for the trial was given in the formal notice to The Munich Revue completed this week a series on the German version of Eichmann's "Memoirs," originally published in Life. Other publications discussing the trial included the weekly Die Zeit, and the Frankfurtur Alegemaine Zei- tung. Two books on the role ich- mann in the Nazi "fina ution" were published: Albe ucher's "There Were Many chmanns" and Robert Kempn 's "Eich- mann and Accomplice West German press co tary indicated increasing anxiety over the possible impact of the trial revelations in "reopening the wounds" of the Nazi past. Most of the comments agreed that the trial would be held "fairly and objectively," but Die Zeit wrote the proceedings would be "a world trial for all of us." The weekly questioned the argument of Eichmann's projected defense that he acted "under orders," as- serting that if this argument was accepted, "all Germans were to blame." The Alegemaine Zeitung, like most other newspapers, predicted German regime ould try to us for its propaga•aign Federal Republic. The ne ap added at " y as a w is Ei GEORGE OHRENSTEIN JEWELERS Authorized Hamilton Watch Sales & Service 18963 Livernois UN 1-8184 Strictly Kosher Meats — Poultry Originators of The Hollywood Roast FEATURING A COMPLETE SELECTION OF OVEN READY POULTRY AS WELL AS KOSHER AND PARVE FRESH AND FROZEN FOODS, and KOSHER DELICATESSEN (PerfectFor Parties or Gift Trays) r) $2 Hot Bar-B-Q'd Chicken Under Supervision of the Vaad Harabonim ea. We Deliver — UN 1-4770 Member Detroit Kosher Meat Dealers Association This Shield Is Your Protection Mumford High, Apr. 30 GET FULL Prosecutor to Speak for 7 Hours at Start of Eichmann's Trial (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) of the trial of Nazi Adolf Eich- mann in Jerusalem has spurred West German publication of additional articles on the Na _ zi extermination of the Jews. E EARNI ery dollar saved Algerian Jews Terrorized; French Deny Torture-Death of Teacher (Direct JTA Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) fortunately j a m m e d. Bitt fought off the gunman who aged to escape. At the same time, a bomb wa thrown into a store owned by another Jew, Maurice Atlani. It was the second time that this store has been damaged by bomb- ing. In the small town of Rivet, south of Algiers, two Jewish workmen were among several persons injured when a hand grenade was lobbed into a res- taurant. The denial concerning the al- IF YOU TURN THE leged death of the Jewish school T•Ci• rib teacher was announced in all newspapers and on the radio. The 17.9 11 UPSIDE DOWN YOU WON'T man is M. Ghnassia, who, accord- FIND A FINER WINE THAN ing to the widely circulated rum- ors, had allegedly been "tor- tured to death while in prison." The official announcement stated that Ghnassia and others ar- Milan Wineries, Detroit, Mich. I rested with him "are all in nor- mal health." ALGIERS — acts of anti-Jew wer orted from io arts of Al a. the same time, ench an oriti denied bfficiall MTh 0 that a Jewi cher, der arr of a astic tortured dea At Ora policeman, ger as attacked by armed rorist whose gun •I I CURRENT RAU on any amount - Full earning power means your money 'performs' at top efficiency—earning a FULL 3M% return. Savings are insured to $10,000 by a U. S. government agency. More protection is assured by the large total assets of American Savings, constantly growing because more people are enjoying American Savings services. You, too, can have Faster Growing Savings. SAVE ',THE AMERICAN WAY" AMERICAN SAVINGS LIVERNOIS AT W. 7 MILE W. 9 MILE NEAR COOLIDGE DEXTER AT CORTLAND MAIN OFFICE: Woodward at Congress Telegraph at Schoolcraft Van Dyke at E. 7 Mile Fort Street at Military 14 Mile near Crooks . Rd. in Clawson Telegraph at Maple in Bloomfield