26 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS — Friday, Ma rch 3 1, 19 61 — Campaign Leaders Pleased with I Sen. Blondy Asks Marblestone-Lewis Action Against Engagement Told Progress; Report Meeting Today Boycott by Arabs W.; - Aesculapian Pharmacists Fra- ternity and Society invite their friends to a "Night of Games" 8:30 p.m. April 12 at the Rain- bo e - event are hairmen Mrs. Mrry atzman and Meyer Goldstein. For information and tickets, cal Mrs man, -U 2-9428, o Proceed si dren's Senator Charles S. Blondy this week introduced a 'resolu- tion in the Michigan State Sen- ate petitioning the State Depart- ment and the Senate of the United States "firmly to oppose Arab interference in the con- duct of American citizens' busi- ness affairs" and not to condone the Arab League boycott of Israel. The resolution reads: Showing pleasure at the progress of the 1961 Allied Jewish Campaign are (seated) treasurer, Abraham Borman; cam- paign chairman, Paul Zuckerman; Irwin Green, chairman of the campa'ign's million dollar plus food division and (standing) pre-campaign co-chairman Sol Eisenberg and George M. Stutz, treasurer of the Jewish Welfare Federation. The . second report meeting of the campaign. is being held in the Fred M. Butzel Memorial Building today. Campaign workers and leaders will see sound movies taken at the campaign opening dinner. Kabatsky Heads Federal Bar Assn. Julius Kabatsky, a practicing attorney here for 28 years, on Tuesday was elected president of the Federal Bar Association of Detroit. The annual meet- ing of the association was held at the Henrose Hotel. The Federal Bar . Association' is composed of attorneys in gov- ernment service and those now in private practice who for- merly were in government service. Kabatsky was an attor- ney with the Department of Justice for 12 years, and is now in private practice. A 1928 graduate of Harvard College, Kabatsky earned his • JULIUS KABATSKY 'Searchers of the Sea: Oceanography' There is great romance in sea stories, and the new book by Charles Michael Daugherty, "Searchers of the Sea," which deals with pioneers in oceano- graphy, will provide a real thrill for young readers, and their parents as well. Published by Viking Press (625 Madison, N.Y. 22), this volume contains many tales about heroes of the sea, includ- ing Fridtjof Nansen, Columbus Iselin, Joseph Banks, Columbus, Magellan, James Cook, Matthew Maury, Edward Forbes and many others. The frontispiece in the book contains this Biblical quotation from Genesis 1:9-10: "And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering of the waters he called the Seas: and God saw that it was good." There are many fine illustra- tions in the book by Don Miller. The one regrettable thing about it is that the author did not utilize the wealth of mate- rials on oceanography in ancient Jewish literature. law degree from Harvard Uni- versity Law School in 1933. He has been active in Jewish af- fairs here from childhood, was a captain in several Allied Jewish Campaigns and is asso- ciated with a number of Jewish communal movements. Prior to his election as presi- dent of the Federal Bar Asso- ciation, Kabatsky served the association as treasurer and first vice-president. U.S., British, Israel Publishers Cooperate in $1 Million Project NEW YORK, (JTA) — Five publishing firms in the United States, Israel and Britain will cooperate on an international project to publish a five-volume set of books on biblical culture and history representing an in- vestment of about $1,000,000. The books will be published in the fall. The publishers who signed the contract for publication of the books, which were written by an editorial board of Hebrew University . scholars over an eight-year period, are McGraw- Hill of N.Y., Biblical Heritage, Ltd., of New York, Interna- tional Publishing Co., Ltd. of Israel, Oldbourne Press Ltd., of London and Jerrold & Sons Ltd., of Norwich, England. The 1,500 - page five - volume set will be printed in Israel and Britain. Benjamin Eliav, Consul General of Israel in New York, and Yeshayahu Stopper, Consul and Trade Commis- sioner of Israel, were present for the contract signing by the presidents of the five houses at the McGraw-Hill office here. Another project of the five- publisher group is a forthcom- ing study of "The Art of War- fare in 'the Biblical Lands" by Prof. Yigal Yadin of Hebrew University. Travel-Camping Tour Applications Taken by Fresh Air Society Applications and personal in- terviews are still being accepted by the Fresh Air Society for the "Teen Travel Tour," an educa- tional travel-camping trip of the country and parts of Canada. Jewish experience and Sabbath celebrations will be integrated into the total program, according to a Fresh Air Society spokes- man. The staff will include a director and two counselors. The group is limited to 15 boys and girls, ages 14 and 15. For applica- tion and personal interview, con- tact the Fresh Air Society, 18100 Meyers (DI 1-5666). "A resolution requesting the United States Department of State to adopt certain policies regarding the Arab coalition. "Whereas. Arab nations, including the United Arab Republic, Iraq, Jor- dan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia and Morocco, functioning as the Arab League, have been conducting a boycott of certain American citizens, business and industry, which has included blacklisting American ships that touched at Israeli ports, curtailment of trade with Arab countries of American companies even partially controlled or managed by Amer- icans of Jewish faith, and, further, exclusion from the Saudi Arabian Dhahran airbase of American mili- tary members. and employees of Jewish faith; and "Whereas, The United States Navy reserves the option to cancel the charter of any vessel carrying Navy cargo, if any Arab country refuses to allow cargo loading or unloading because that ship's charterers or owners have previously traded with Israeli ports; and "Whereas, The De platform of 1960 • a ged • ection of American zens' ghts to wful travel, pdrsue e, and to engage in er 1 1 • activities abroad wi t d' ction as to race or rel' on; a pledged opposi- tion of an intern tional agree n or treaty which, by its practi . s, diffe ti America citize race or ligion; "Wher , The blic. P platform 1960 p d d to .eek end to t sit or tr restriction blockade and bla sts and, ther, to cure free om of n . A tion on i rnational water cessation discriminat' • ainst Americans ground religious beliefs; now e it "Resolved by nate, That the United States D ; rtment of State is respectfully itioned to firmly appose Arab i ference 'n the o n citiz s' bu duct of Am affairs, to stain fr an operation ith the a , to utilize boycott a a m resource to redress rcu stances d conditio d to prevent em in the re; and b it furth "Resol d, That copleg of resolutio be transmitted the President the Unite tes, to the Secre of , to the President o enate and the Speaker of-the House of Representa- tives in the Congress of th States, and to each m Michigan delegatio States Congress ' osenow And His CONTINENTAL ORCHESTRA UN 3-7626 SHERRIL Mr. Mrs. Nath stone St. Louis roit), a of gag e ent of their rill ois, to r. son o Le wis of Prai Phi groom attends The fu the University of Detroit School of Dentistry. A Dec. 24 wedding •• anned. IRA HIRSCHMANN, New York businessman and civic leader, who has been described as a "do- it-yourself. diplomat," will be an interested observer at the trial of Adolph Eichmann in Jerusalem. As Special Envoy of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, he was on the receiving end of Eichmann's blackmail scheme In which a million Jewish lives were offer- ed in exchange for 10,000 trucks. In a signed article, soon to ap- pear in Look magazine, Hirsch- mann has described his dealing with Joel Brand, Hungarian Jew- ish leader whom Eichmann had flown from Vienna to Istanbul to deliver his proposal. IC FURNITURE COVERS ADE TO ORDER. or READY MADE LL ANNA KARBAL LI 2-0874 `A ■ 74:::447;M•IX:154WK ,X.4.X5-3eFAWA. Din ON asure Resv. UN. 2-6742 and Orchestra UN 4-9485 SEVEN MILE at WYOMING Dr. ALBERT DUNN Chiropodist — Foot Specialist - Now Located at 10300 W. 7 MILE RD. col. GRIGGS Hours by Appointment, UN 4-9323 We Make Our Own Glasses HEADQUARTERS FOR • LATEST DOMESTIC AND IM- PORTED FRAME FASHIONS • PRESCRIPTIONS FOR GLASSES ACCURATELY FILLED Harvey . Tennen Is Cand' to for Justice of t Peace in Har y F. Tenn attor , is a mid' ate tice the peace or ton W ds. Tenn is • wi the Josephso Tennen active membe etroit Bar Association, Michigan State Bar Association and the Ameri- can Bar Association. He has earned a degree from the Uni- versity of Michigan and from Wayne State University School of Law where he was an editor of the Wayne State University Law Review. Tennen is a past chancellor of the Tau Epsilon Rho legal fraternity, a charter member of Centennial Lodge, Bnai Brith and is currently serving on the board of directors of the Hunt- ington Woods Resident's Asso- ciation. He has been a resident of Huntington Woods for three years, is married and the father of two children. AescuIapians Slate `Night of Games' • Reasonably Priced epair ABOUT OUR CONTACT LENS OPTICAL SERVICE 3720 W. 9 MILE nr. COOLIDGE LI 7-5068 AK PARK, MICH. How's: Daily & Sot. 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. — Thursdays to 9 p.m. 22 GLORIOUS FUN-PACKED DAYS and NIGHTS VIA SWISS AIR DC-8 JET COMPLETE ALL EXPENSE PRICE vOl it4G • poTcr oGAL • sPtot • • ITA." ▪ swv riER fRAsctio • stiGi- 23, 1961 RETURN JULY 13 MORE • YOU SAVE MOR ND YOU HAV UN Plans en We Help Y. o rs ELEN CAROL twit_ 2-2400 RAND LAR RANK_ GRETC BAC H VEL SERVICE 9459 JameS Couzens • c s North of Seven Mile Rd. TRAVEL TODAY TO ENJOY TOMORROW